champion loot and t6 mats fix - confused

champion loot and t6 mats fix - confused

in Crafting

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

Colin in an interview about champion loot and the chance for t6 mats:

I think the Champion rewards are intended to help fix the ability to earn the Tier 6 crafting materials. Champions will have a chance to drop rare crafting and Tier 6 materials. The hope would be that it’s going to help players get together to hunt down the Champions all across the world or form large groups in Orr or Southsun and work through fights to kill Champions.

survey on drops:

is this working as intended? t6-mats drop rarely, lodestones even less… so I’m a bit confused here? Shouldn’t this be a fix to get t6-mats more frequently? It’s not like I encounter a champion every 5 minutes (except I farm those rare spots which get nerved anyway). – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

champion loot and t6 mats fix - confused

in Crafting

Posted by: Bartas.4908


Depends how you understand what Colin said. I did get few cores and 2 or 3 lodes from champion bags but nothing I couldn’t get running a dungeon or farming regular mobs.
However, it is an additional way of acquiring rare crafting mats. Before, most champions barely gave blue items and junk.

TBH at the moment I am campin Crown Pavillion and farm loot bags (chance for lodestones), champ bags (rare chance for lodestones) and whatever I can (Destroyers FTW) and I got quite a lot of cores/lodes in total. In fact, I got more lodes during last few days than during the rest of my play time in game. Boring yes, profitable yes.

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champion loot and t6 mats fix - confused

in Crafting

Posted by: Gator.5729


I don’t think the intent was to make them more abundant, I think it was to provide another avenue to getting them.

champion loot and t6 mats fix - confused

in Crafting

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

Their logic is flawed imho.

Nerf the original sources for T6 materials, only to introduce new sources for T6 as a ‘fix’ to the problem?

That logic makes no sense to me.

champion loot and t6 mats fix - confused

in Crafting

Posted by: boredinbc.2786


In fact, I got more lodes during last few days than during the rest of my play time

That’s what she said!

High five anyone?!

champion loot and t6 mats fix - confused

in Crafting

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

Their logic is flawed imho.

Nerf the original sources for T6 materials, only to introduce new sources for T6 as a ‘fix’ to the problem?

That logic makes no sense to me.

What were the opponents you were fighting to obtain the original T6 mats? How did they compare to the ones they have “added” in terms of your ability to “farm” them in large quantity over a short period of time?

The reasoning is quite logical in terms of how many T6 mats could you secure in an hour then and now….. Not liking something and disagreeing with the reason or result is not the same as illogical.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

champion loot and t6 mats fix - confused

in Crafting

Posted by: VidGhost.3215


In fact, I got more lodes during last few days than during the rest of my play time

That’s what she said!

High five anyone?!

well spotted sir! well spotted indeed! 0_o

I’ve made 172g in the last 3 days of farming Champ’s ( sold my Crystal Guardian CS skin drops right away!! ) at Frostgorge sound
The Champion Choochoo Zerg….Chugga Chugga Chugaa just counting the days when Anet will nerf these drops!

(edited by VidGhost.3215)

champion loot and t6 mats fix - confused

in Crafting

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Haven’t paid any attention to the t6 but I’ve gotten the same amount of cores I would probably get in a month and that is only if I did the temple events. Now I can do other stuff and probably have about the same chance of getting a core. Never really had much problems with t6 …(except totems but I hate grawls).

champion loot and t6 mats fix - confused

in Crafting

Posted by: Darklimbo.1476


In my book the T6 mats drop rate improved dramatically.
which made me think that the new cap in crafting disciplines (500) will require…so many of them…that i already started storing them

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