forced crafting
yes but they are gonna release armors on december 10th, which will be crafting too.
I don’t see the relevance … if you can do content in Exotic gear, how does a statement like ‘forcing you to craft for Ascended’ make any sense?
I don’t see the relevance … if you can do content in Exotic gear, how does a statement like ‘forcing you to craft for Ascended’ make any sense?
Eh it makes a difference because of the community, people can say “speed run, ping ascended gear only” and also in WvW. Just crafting an ascended weapon gives a ~+13% (going from memory there) increase in damage for someone in zerker armor (less for soldiers or knights and only a +5% increase in direct direct damage for a condi user). It is also necessary for the agony resistance in higher level fractals (unless you spend a lot of gold to get better agony resistance infusions).
Even if you don’t do dungeons/fractals/WvW you still will kill things a bit slower, which does affect everything in game.
Why are we being almost forced to craft in this game? Yeah u might one lucky ascended drop but it might still have the wrong stat combo in it. And now that ascended armors are coming (which require crafting too.), it starts to actually affect the gameplay with increased stats. I think none should be forced to craft to get the best items and there are ALOT of people who hate crafting from the bottoms of their hearts. Especially as a dedicated WvW player its really hard to acquire this gear (as i stated above no drop is not guaranteed way to get it.).
!!! im not heavy PvE player !!!
To be fair (and thankfully), the armor provides much less of a stat increase than the weapon did. If I recall the data mined stats from a couple months back, all 6 ascended armor pieces gives maybe ~23-27 to the main stat compared to exotics. Now if you can put normal infusions into that then you can get above 50 or so on the main stat, if you can just put agony resistance infusions that would be better. As for the DR, again going from memory, I think it was only ~1-2% DR over exotic armor for someone wearing knights gear. So it’ll be a bigger bonus to a zerker, and not really noticed by most people.
Don’t get me wrong, I do agree that ascended armor (and weapons) are just too big of a time and money sink. I crafted my first about 1 month after they came out because I was using daily refinement as much as I could to go from 450 to 475. And in my daily playing (usually the daily, world bosses, and maybe some WvW/fractal/dungeon) I’ve only had one Cleric Ascended Weapon Box drop for me. And it was on the first day of the ascended weapon patch from Teq before his patch. And I think I’ve only really seen boxes pinged less than half a dozen times since they’ve been introduced.
True… But there needs to be other way then crafting for these items or increased drop rate in fractals of the mist. I can tell my experience in my 3k+ played hours i havent had a single item that was worth more than 15gold. And now i need to hope that i get 7+ items with random possibilities on stats as drops with really low chance.
Even if you don’t do dungeons/fractals/WvW you still will kill things a bit slower, which does affect everything in game.
Slower is just relative. Everything will be slower if your baseline is the fastest. My point is if ‘the fastest’ baseline is actually a valid one … there is nothing that can’t be done in game right now with full exotics so yes, while having ascended gear will affect things you do, it’s not necessary and no one will be forced to have it. Therefore, the concern of the OP isn’t real. Your performance and what you are capable of doing ingame will not be diminished by the existence of higher tier armor and weapons.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Its not what u can do, u can probably do all of the content naked no doubts. We are talking about disadvantages here.
I think your view isn’t realistic, even if you are correct about being ‘disadvantaged’. Anet doesn’t force anyone to do things they don’t want but if you impose some arbitrary level of performance on yourself that leads you to the conclusion that only BiS gear will be good enough for you, that’s not Anet forcing you, that’s you subjecting yourself to it.
Unless your talking about 1 vs. 1 in a WvW environment, there isn’t much of an argument for being disadvantaged by your gear in any game content.
Why are we being almost forced to craft in this game? Yeah u might one lucky ascended drop but it might still have the wrong stat combo in it. And now that ascended armors are coming (which require crafting too.), it starts to actually affect the gameplay with increased stats. I think none should be forced to craft to get the best items and there are ALOT of people who hate crafting from the bottoms of their hearts. Especially as a dedicated WvW player its really hard to acquire this gear (as i stated above no drop is not guaranteed way to get it.).
E: By forced crafting i mean its the only reliable way of getting it.
!!! im not heavy PvE player !!!
I could also say “As a PvE player, I don’t like being forced to WvW to get WXP and WvW Rank Chests”.
It’s the same argument as yours, just different context.
Everything in WvW from WXP and rank chests don’t really benefit you in PvE though. You’d be better off using the world exploration example.
Everything in WvW from WXP and rank chests don’t really benefit you in PvE though. You’d be better off using the world exploration example.
You get money + items, with a chance that you get an Ascended weapon box or gear. I’m sure PvE players would benefit greatly.
I don’t see it. The ONLY BiS gear you can craft is the weapon (so far). No one is being forced.
it would probably be helpful if you were more aware of what major things are being implemented and going on with the game.
sure you can niggle about the ops wording, but the bigger picture is that crafting is the only reliable way to get said “character progression” gear. basically having 1 path (no, not counting .0002% random drop rate) is the current issue. also, it would be foolish to think that the devs won’t eventually design harder content around improved gear, increased character performance, higher profession levels, stronger abilities… so there needs to be multiple methods to achieve this gear much sooner than later. not to mention the gear disparities that will occur in wvw over time when some players are decked out in full ascended and whipping the floor with newbies and those who sat around in exotics telling others that ascended was not needed.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Everything in WvW from WXP and rank chests don’t really benefit you in PvE though. You’d be better off using the world exploration example.
You get money + items, with a chance that you get an Ascended weapon box or gear. I’m sure PvE players would benefit greatly.
Yes you do get that from the WvW chest. The thing is that you’re not forced to go that route as a PvE players since there are so many other chances in PvE that don’t require you to get 5k WXP.
I see what you’re saying OP, but I have to disagree.
1) introducing a new tier of armor that has MINIMAL stat advantages doesnt appreciably affect gameplay. The ANET model has always been skill trumps gear. Even if they did create new, more challenging content, you’ll still be able to do it with exotics (unless its super high fractals + ascended armor offers infusions or slots).
2) you aren’t at much of a disadvantage in WvW, unless you are a small ops roamer. Again, are those few extra stats going to make the difference in a zerg vs zerg, where half the players may not even have full exotics? I think not.
3) I will concede that crafting (currently) will be the most reliable way to obtain said gear. I would like to possibly see other methods of obtaining ascended armor (like ascended trinkets or rings or necklaces).
tldr; ascended armor is not currently and most likely will never be compulsory for high end gameplay, except in select settings. and even then, the stat differences between exotics and ascended armors are completely negligible when compared to differences in the skill/ ability of the player.
When you dont wanna do the things needed to aquire an item than you dont need this item. Simple.
Crafting is not hard. And its cheap to lvl. There is no other reason to avoid crafting than to be lazy.
And its cheap to lvl.
Ummm, no it’s not.
I don’t see the relevance … if you can do content in Exotic gear, how does a statement like ‘forcing you to craft for Ascended’ make any sense?
Eh it makes a difference because of the community, people can say “speed run, ping ascended gear only” and also in WvW.
This would be the biggest concern imo. There’s already a lot of PvE’ers that will exclude you from a group if you don’t have the right gear. This used to be just an Arah dungeon problem, but lately, it’s spreading all over content to those that are using the LFG function. Ascended armor will now become the requirement and not just Exotic ’Zerker gear.
@Covis, that shouldn’t be a reason for deleting this thread. There are mixed views here.
(edited by Lonewolf Kai.3682)
I’m buying trans crystals now the as ascended armors look like skritt…
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast
Why are we being almost forced to craft in this game? Yeah u might one lucky ascended drop but it might still have the wrong stat combo in it. And now that ascended armors are coming (which require crafting too.), it starts to actually affect the gameplay with increased stats. I think none should be forced to craft to get the best items and there are ALOT of people who hate crafting from the bottoms of their hearts. Especially as a dedicated WvW player its really hard to acquire this gear (as i stated above no drop is not guaranteed way to get it.).
E: By forced crafting i mean its the only reliable way of getting it.
!!! im not heavy PvE player !!!
- original first post here, deleted it by mistake because i dont know how to forums.*
I’m buying trans crystals now the as ascended armors look like skritt…
Indeed. For me it seems like they havent spent too much time on this armor / weapons considering how much work u need to do for it. Everyone has their own taste so i guess this is something that we cannot argue. Worst thing i think is that so many people aim for this items that there soon wont be anything else but this armor set unless u transmute it with gems. (off-topic tho.)
(edited by Covis.6037)
I don’t see it. The ONLY BiS gear you can craft is the weapon (so far). No one is being forced.
it would probably be helpful if you were more aware of what major things are being implemented and going on with the game.
sure you can niggle about the ops wording, but the bigger picture is that crafting is the only reliable way to get said “character progression” gear. basically having 1 path (no, not counting .0002% random drop rate) is the current issue. also, it would be foolish to think that the devs won’t eventually design harder content around improved gear, increased character performance, higher profession levels, stronger abilities… so there needs to be multiple methods to achieve this gear much sooner than later. not to mention the gear disparities that will occur in wvw over time when some players are decked out in full ascended and whipping the floor with newbies and those who sat around in exotics telling others that ascended was not needed.
If you can do current content with Masterwork Gear, your speculation about how anyone will NEED ascended to do future content doesn’t hold much merit. The ‘falling behind’ argument is only valid for low population WvW encounters. It’s nonsense for PVE, WvW zerg or sPvP.
Frankly, I laugh a bit when I see this ‘only one way to get gear’ argument. That’s just not an objective assessment. In fact, there is multiple ways to get ALL the ascended gear that’s currently in the game, if you consider that Legendary is an ascended weapon equivalent in terms of stats. The whole complaint by the OP is unfound and based on unsound premise.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
I don’t see it. The ONLY BiS gear you can craft is the weapon (so far). No one is being forced.
it would probably be helpful if you were more aware of what major things are being implemented and going on with the game.
sure you can niggle about the ops wording, but the bigger picture is that crafting is the only reliable way to get said “character progression” gear. basically having 1 path (no, not counting .0002% random drop rate) is the current issue. also, it would be foolish to think that the devs won’t eventually design harder content around improved gear, increased character performance, higher profession levels, stronger abilities… so there needs to be multiple methods to achieve this gear much sooner than later. not to mention the gear disparities that will occur in wvw over time when some players are decked out in full ascended and whipping the floor with newbies and those who sat around in exotics telling others that ascended was not needed.
If you can do current content with Masterwork Gear, your speculation about how anyone will NEED ascended to do future content doesn’t hold much merit. The ‘falling behind’ argument is only valid for low population WvW encounters. It’s nonsense for PVE, WvW zerg or sPvP.
Frankly, I laugh a bit when I see this ‘only one way to get gear’ argument. That’s just not an objective assessment. In fact, there is multiple ways to get ALL the ascended gear that’s currently in the game, if you consider that Legendary is an ascended weapon equivalent in terms of stats. The whole complaint by the OP is unfound and based on unsound premise.
Just remember it is not only about what u can do with this gear. Its similar like the moan for precursor and not having more reliable ways to obtain it. Only reliable way to get a precursor at the moment is trading post (for ascended its crafting.). And now that they are sooner or later adding multiple ways to get precursor, why cannot they do the same for ascended?
(edited by Covis.6037)
Why are we being almost forced to craft in this game? Yeah u might one lucky ascended drop but it might still have the wrong stat combo in it. And now that ascended armors are coming (which require crafting too.), it starts to actually affect the gameplay with increased stats. I think none should be forced to craft to get the best items and there are ALOT of people who hate crafting from the bottoms of their hearts. Especially as a dedicated WvW player its really hard to acquire this gear (as i stated above no drop is not guaranteed way to get it.).
E: By forced crafting i mean its the only reliable way of getting it.
!!! im not heavy PvE player !!!
- original first post here, deleted it by mistake because i dont know how to forums.*
I’ve had this discussion with many WvW dedicated people. I’ll admit im a bit of a PVE primary so i do have some differing opinions but i think you need to see some points that you may not realize since you are a primary WvW player. First of all crafting is fast. yes i get it that you dont like crafting. i dislike it as well. However in wvw you obtain more high end t6 mats (the higher costing mats that we have to grind for) than any place i have found in pve after 4000 hours of play. 3000 of which are in pve. This is relevant because you have a higher amount of materials to get your crafting up. Just use them. also for getting from level 400-500 some of the ascended materials such as dragonite ore are more difficult to obtain in pve than in wvw. I have found myself wvw’ing more to obtain dragonite instead of waiting for boss events. I will acknowledge that the chance to get ascended gear as a drop has less opportunities in wvw as of now from rank-up chests compared to Fractals or Boss events like Tequattle. I will also acknowledge that crafting is one of the more menial and boring parts of this game-play. however i have only ever spent 1 hour at most geting a character from lvl 0-400 in any crafting. Using easily obtained guides cuts this time down. Statements like “i hate crafting, ill never craft they cant make me” is all i hear from players making this argument. To these players i state 1 hour and maybe some time after, isn’t a high tarriff for you to obtain the highest stat weaponry/soon-to-be-armor in the game.
On another note i would like you (or others with the same opinion) to make a counter SOLUTION or request on how to obtain this ascended weaponry/armor instead of by crafting. I dont believe making it a buy-able item is a good solution because then it doesn’t drive characters to have to work as divisively to obtain them as it does currently. Im interested to see your solutions.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
Just remember it is not only about what u can do with this gear. Its similar like the moan for precursor and not having more reliable ways to obtain it. Only reliable way to get a precursor at the moment is trading post (for ascended its crafting.). And now that they are sooner or later adding multiple ways to get precursor, why cannot they do the same for ascended?
When they add the Precursor crafting this argument will have merit (maybe…depends on how the Precursor crafting actually works). As stated many time above, NOBODY must have Ascended gear to play any aspect of this game, so your claim of being FORCED to craft is not valid.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances