1-2 Mins CoF run
Seems like CoF is the favourite for bugged dungeons, lol.
1-2min really? So your telling me it takes 1-2 mins to kill the bosses, do the events and kill all the mobs every run? Thats not an exploit, thats gotta be a hack.
who said anything about killing stuff…
The best way to get an exploit fixed is to bring it into the open so everyone can understand its magnitude. People will then slam the forums with complaints and it becomes a serious issue almost instantly. I suggest you edit your OP to reflect the information necessary to accomplish your claim. Otherwise, this post comes off as trollish. No offense.
Community Coordinator
Hi everyone.
Riaky, I would ask you, if you have not done this yet, to write a report about this issue and send it to exploits@arena.net. This is the best way you can help us.
Thanks for posting.
I will proceed now to close this thread.