100CM 2nd boss guide?
i can normaly jump over some of them and use ofc your special action keys. Alernatively ur heal skill and f3/f2 can do wonders keeping you alive. Best thing you can do is not wonder off the group so a healer can easily heal you.
use WSAD to move out of the aoe circles.
use WSAD to move out of the aoe circles.
This. Also for the love of god A,D keys shouldbe used for strafing, not turning.
i prefer to strafe with RMB+A/D but you can change it in options if you need to
What helped me was not to panic and stay calm. look at your feet for the ground aoes, they usually move in a pattern, somehow akin to nightmare siax ground aoes.
You don’t need to move around much either if u see an aoe under you. just dodge to the side that is safe. If you can’t dodge in time, sometimes its just better to stay in place and get hit by 1 aoe. You will take damage from that spot, but this is better than running around and then get hit by 3-4 aoes.