1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: More Menthol.7843

More Menthol.7843

We done everything we could at the last boss of 1st path of COF, and we tried to destroy the crystals as best as we could, but the boss’s hp was stuck at 25% forever, no matter how many crystals lying around.

Maybe we’re doing it wrong, but is there any way to kill him? Pure dps him without caring about the crystals? Concentrate on the crystals while one is trying to damage him? Please help.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Consequence.2690


Ya – this is totally ridiculous. The final boss is dumb. The crystals spawn so quickly that my group decided that Anet didn’t even intend for us to kill them, because it seems impossible to make progress. So, we burned him to 30% (fairly easily), but with max crystals up it was impossible for us to finish it. I don’t know who/what groups they intend to be able to finish the content, but it is not for pugs or groups made up of available professions. It is not at all what they said the game would be. The first 79 levels of this game were great – a lot of fun, a lot of nice changes and improvements from previous games, but the dungeons are painful and unfun with very little reward for the risk (unless you have great gear and great groups – sorry, that is not most people). I will not be playing much longer and will not be encouraging people to support Anet.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuperPringles.4321


Got him to 25%, same walrusing thing. Seriously, otter Anet. If you want us to run all paths, don’t make them so whaleing hard. Penguin this.

Of course, it may be that there is a mechanic that we are missing, but we also tried every-sealing-thing like LoSing, burning crystals at the last phase, et cetera. That is bullkitten.

The only possible way I can see is to permanently put poison on the boss, but Anet has also stated that you don’t need a particular class makeup to complete a dungeon. So what the dolphin is this bullshrimp then?!

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

Got him to 25%, same walrusing thing. Seriously, otter Anet. If you want us to run all paths, don’t make them so whaleing hard. Penguin this.

Of course, it may be that there is a mechanic that we are missing, but we also tried every-sealing-thing like LoSing, burning crystals at the last phase, et cetera. That is bullkitten.

The only possible way I can see is to permanently put poison on the boss, but Anet has also stated that you don’t need a particular class makeup to complete a dungeon. So what the dolphin is this bullshrimp then?!

5/5 would read again.

When people started posting about him, I looked into his skills and found he does need a few updates to certain things that weren’t working properly or displaying properly. Those will be in next week.
Our QA group, Alphas, and even groups on Live are able to defeat this boss, and I’ve seen those groups have vastly different class makeup.

He’s hard, but not impossible. Explorable dungeons were billed as being hard. Some things are unfairly difficult though, and we are actively trying to balance these things. Bringing them to our attention always helps with speeding that up

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blackowl.6245


He is impossible for a random party and the way to kill him is not fun at all:Burst damage is only way :|

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SinDantes.3417


He is impossible for a random party and the way to kill him is not fun at all:Burst damage is only way :|

I was under the impression, since pre-launch, that Explorable Mode paths were not meant for “random parties” or “pugs”, but more for a well organized team of individuals who theorycraft strategies and what-not.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ccastiel.6931


He is impossible for a random party and the way to kill him is not fun at all:Burst damage is only way :|

I was under the impression, since pre-launch, that Explorable Mode paths were not meant for “random parties” or “pugs”, but more for a well organized team of individuals who theorycraft strategies and what-not.

Well our organised team, in voice chat, changing everything for this path, from skills to sigils to food to have more flame legion damage, failed hard. The only way to do this path is with huge burst damage, and players with -% healing effect. Thus, asking for a certain group format, mostly affecting elementalists & engineers.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Touche Amore.2083

Touche Amore.2083

5/5 would read again.

When people started posting about him, I looked into his skills and found he does need a few updates to certain things that weren’t working properly or displaying properly. Those will be in next week.
Our QA group, Alphas, and even groups on Live are able to defeat this boss, and I’ve seen those groups have vastly different class makeup.

He’s hard, but not impossible. Explorable dungeons were billed as being hard. Some things are unfairly difficult though, and we are actively trying to balance these things. Bringing them to our attention always helps with speeding that up

Sorry dude, but it’s the testers job to bring that to your attention…..it makes many doubt that these instances were even tested in the first place, and if so, what kind of god mode/staff characters/gear they had.
The updated failed to address the most pressing issues:

-Dungeon balance/strategy
-Cost/time vs reward
-Grind fest
-Approachability to more casual gamers (aim your game towards a small group of hardcore players and thats ALL you will end up having in a few months)
-Crap drops

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Horatiu.5391


we managed to kill the last boss from 1st path ONCE… and that was the last time. We killed him without destroying any crystal. In all other tries we had same team setup, even better gear from first time… I think there is a luck factor involved, otherwise i cant explain the way those crystals spawn, completely random, no a pattern.

So, i think, if you’re lucky to get fewer crystals, you can kill him, otherwise… try again and again

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SinDantes.3417


Well our organised team, in voice chat, changing everything for this path, from skills to sigils to food to have more flame legion damage, failed hard. The only way to do this path is with huge burst damage, and players with -% healing effect. Thus, asking for a certain group format, mostly affecting elementalists & engineers.

Yes I understand that dilemma, I was more addressing the issue of people attempting to pug dungeons, not succeeding, and then lambasting the devs for making it too difficult (in general).

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lodgeinator.1845


The first boss for CoF was doable without attacking the crystals at all.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Steven.8027


Sorry dude, but it’s the testers job to bring that to your attention…..it makes many doubt that these instances were even tested in the first place, and if so, what kind of god mode/staff characters/gear they had.
The updated failed to address the most pressing issues:

-Dungeon balance/strategy
-Cost/time vs reward
-Grind fest
-Approachability to more casual gamers (aim your game towards a small group of hardcore players and thats ALL you will end up having in a few months)
-Crap drops

Stop assuming that the way you feel is the way everybody feels. It’s incredibly narcissistic and aggressive behaviour.

1.) Alpha testers can’t possibly test for everything. They can’t just have one character spam each skill, from a different position every time, all throughout the encounter.
2.) Time/reward ratio is spot on for me, unless you just count tokens as rewards, and I feel comfortable saying with 100% certainty that you don’t have all dungeons on farm (or even a full explorable path set).
3.) Run each explorable path once, then move on to the next dungeon. You can’t complain that killing 200 Skale in a row is a grindfest, because in both cases you choose to make it a grindfest.
4.) Explorable modes are not aimed at casual gamers, they were always envisioned and made for people who can coordinate with their team mates extremely well. Casuals have everything else the game has to offer at their disposal.
5.) 1g from a 30 minute (Story mode!) run is not “crap”
6.) I had fun in every single dungeon run I’ve done, except when my guild insisted we speed clear TA/Up. That got less fun after the third repetition but, again, it was my choice. I could’ve said no and gone and done something else.

X Of Arnor

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Inci.7560


Did all three paths just now, no problems anywhere.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: seventhson.6932


Did all three paths just now, no problems anywhere.

care to enlighten us how you kill this path 1 boss at the end? Cause I call BS on this.

I got into a group that decided to do path 1, we did fine until we got to the last boss and we couldn’t even get his HP down to 80%, I guess we were doing it wrong but i don’t know, we were dps’ing the crap out of him too. People just got fed up and left so we got 0 but a big repair bill for this. I really want to run other paths in dungeons but this is just ridiculous, and not fun at all.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fortytwo.3485


@Inci.7560 It would be awesome if you can fraps your run. Us noobs will be grateful.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Inci.7560


Did all three paths just now, no problems anywhere.

care to enlighten us how you kill this path 1 boss at the end? Cause I call BS on this.

I got into a group that decided to do path 1, we did fine until we got to the last boss and we couldn’t even get his HP down to 80%, I guess we were doing it wrong but i don’t know, we were dps’ing the crap out of him too. People just got fed up and left so we got 0 but a big repair bill for this. I really want to run other paths in dungeons but this is just ridiculous, and not fun at all.

Have probably the best necro in the game atm with another massive dps ranger, me on warrior tanking/kiting most things.. Idk, our party is just made up of individually good players and we do really fast clears everywhere. Nothing in CoF was particularly challenging really. I found Arah to be harder still, but only in comparison and not in actuality.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tristanian.6084


Got him to 25%, same walrusing thing. Seriously, otter Anet. If you want us to run all paths, don’t make them so whaleing hard. Penguin this.

Of course, it may be that there is a mechanic that we are missing, but we also tried every-sealing-thing like LoSing, burning crystals at the last phase, et cetera. That is bullkitten.

The only possible way I can see is to permanently put poison on the boss, but Anet has also stated that you don’t need a particular class makeup to complete a dungeon. So what the dolphin is this bullshrimp then?!

5/5 would read again.

When people started posting about him, I looked into his skills and found he does need a few updates to certain things that weren’t working properly or displaying properly. Those will be in next week.
Our QA group, Alphas, and even groups on Live are able to defeat this boss, and I’ve seen those groups have vastly different class makeup.

He’s hard, but not impossible. Explorable dungeons were billed as being hard. Some things are unfairly difficult though, and we are actively trying to balance these things. Bringing them to our attention always helps with speeding that up

Please explain to us with a straight face how easy (or even possible) he is without poison and possibly without time warp, in comparison to the opposite. I’m dead serious here. On top of that, could you please explain the purpose of the crystals ? Did you intend people to DPS them down, because if that is the case I can tell you with absolute certainty that most if not all groups able to defeat this boss, ignore the crystals entirely (which implies ignoring a crucial mechanic of the fight, by brute forcing) and simply stack an enormous amount of DPS, preferably with perma poison and/or time warp.

Tristanian, Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Legacy of Raiders [LoR] Officer
Desolation EU

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fay.2735


We have just managed to complete path 1 from CoF and I still agree that the fight is too much about luck and needs a little balancing out. We first attempted the nuke down tactic but we didn’t have enough DPS for it.

So we then did it by starting off nuking the first bit down so he doesn’t regen then keeping one person on the boss (a warrior) and the rest nuking down the crystals while we wait for the right moment to all rush in.

We had two warriors, two mesmers and a thief. It didn’t work for quite a while because we were unlucky with AOE/regen stacks but eventually we did it. It’s important you keep your cooldowns for that moment and make sure his regen stacks are really low, timing is also vital.

Two timewarps made all the difference. We all traited/build towards dps as well (Though I don’t feel like you should have too). We’ve been trying this fight for days… for hours, Probably spend more time on this one fight then on all the dungeons we had done so far up to that point. So I feel everyone’s pain. So I wish you the best of luck trying to defeat him.

The only major problem is that only I received achievement for the fight (and the cutscene) the others didn’t receive their achievement and aren’t very happy about it.

Edit: We we’re in there for 2 and a half hours continuously fighting, stuck on the 30% bit waiting for our luck. It was very exhausting to say the least :P

Edit 2: Also we didn’t use any Voice Com. I just quickly typed GO.


•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

(edited by Fay.2735)

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Andalamar.4201


Hmm… a guild group, coordinated over voice chat, couldn’t complete this boss today. It’s regeneration purely outweighed our damage and the crystals appeared quicker than we could destroy them. The group composition was 3 Elementalists, 1 Mesmer and 1 Guardian and since Ele’s DPS is somewhat subpar at the moment, that didn’t help either. Also, given the group composition, Poison wasn’t available in a constant fashion.

I understand the challenge and the purpose of Explorable modes, but this one feels just a bit over the top as even having two of us permanently on Crystals didn’t avail to much.

Remember that there is a difference between the majority of players and the loudest players.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tristanian.6084


2 mesmers and a thief is a recipe for success for this guy, especially if backed up by exotic berserker gear/dps oriented specs. My original question still stands. Mr Hrouda you mentioned that QA groups were able to defeat this boss with different class makeups. Care to englighten us on the success of non-mesmer, non-thief groups and their specs and tactics ?

Tristanian, Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Legacy of Raiders [LoR] Officer
Desolation EU

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xaia.2304


2x thief, 2x elementalist 1xmesmer – all full exotic gears, all on team speak and we didn’t make it. We’ve tried 20 times. We had heal, we had dps, but 5x KD in a row is ridiculous.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fay.2735


2x thief, 2x elementalist 1xmesmer – all full exotic gears, all on team speak and we didn’t make it. We’ve tried 20 times. We had heal, we had dps, but 5x KD in a row is ridiculous.

Not sure if you used the nuke high DPS method most people use but try the method I mentioned in my above post it might work better for your group Granted there’s a lot of luck involved and you might be stuck on 30% left for a while waiting for the right moment like me and my party were doing for 2 and a half hours :P but with luck and good timing it’s possible…. Eventually x.x

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: masanbol.5623


If a group of players that doesn’t have the perfect class makeup or incredible dps has to wait two hours for the stars to align in order to kill this boss, it’s poorly tuned.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus Delirium.4892

Erebus Delirium.4892

Awful, unfair boss. Wasted two hours in a PUG and breezed through everything leading up to that point.

I’m not certain which class load-outs your QA team was working with, but we were a Guardian, Thief, Ranger, Mesmer, and I believe an Elementalist.

Edit: I should add the encounter was a complete stalemate. No matter what we did the boss would not die, but we also were coordinated enough not to die. Eventually frustration set in and we gave up after numerous tries.

-Tarnished Coast since the beginning

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Touche Amore.2083

Touche Amore.2083

Stop assuming that the way you feel is the way everybody feels. It’s incredibly narcissistic and aggressive behaviour.

If you got off your pedestal and took the time to actually read the dungeon threads, you would know IT IS how everyone feels

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nataroth.7863


Got it on our third try, just need to make sure its done the right way We did’nt use the burn strat. We actually killed pillars and had poison on him the whole time going from pillars killing to him when the stacks were low enought. Pretty fun fight.

Nataroth 80 Guardian
Coen Finn 80 Thief

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


Got him to 25%, same walrusing thing. Seriously, otter Anet. If you want us to run all paths, don’t make them so whaleing hard. Penguin this.

Of course, it may be that there is a mechanic that we are missing, but we also tried every-sealing-thing like LoSing, burning crystals at the last phase, et cetera. That is bullkitten.

The only possible way I can see is to permanently put poison on the boss, but Anet has also stated that you don’t need a particular class makeup to complete a dungeon. So what the dolphin is this bullshrimp then?!

5/5 would read again.

When people started posting about him, I looked into his skills and found he does need a few updates to certain things that weren’t working properly or displaying properly. Those will be in next week.
Our QA group, Alphas, and even groups on Live are able to defeat this boss, and I’ve seen those groups have vastly different class makeup.

He’s hard, but not impossible. Explorable dungeons were billed as being hard. Some things are unfairly difficult though, and we are actively trying to balance these things. Bringing them to our attention always helps with speeding that up

If you’re tuning these things for level 80 characters with maxed out gear then why are we being downranked?

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Levelord.5746


I’ll post a previous text I’ve written for a larger review I’m currently making:

“CoF is a special case I’d like to bring up. Ignoring the exploits that have been recently patched, I still think CoF is a badly designed dungeon. Namely, the first path which involved fighting the Legendary Flame Effigy. I’ve found out that the only way to defeat it (and confirmed by Anet on their forums) that you have to stack poison on the boss and DPS it down.

It sounds like a valid tactic at first, but once you realize that certain classes like the mesmer, guardian, warrior, ranger and elementalist are not very efficient at applying poisons (some can’t apply poisons at all) compared to thieves and necros, you’ve essentially created a situation where a party absolutely requires thieves and necros in order to defeat the boss.

This completely goes against the concept of removing the trinity, in which it’s underlying concept was that you weren’t forced to take a certain class in order to complete a dungeon. Every class composition within a group was meant to be viable, be it 5 guardians, 2 warriors and 3 eles, or a mix and match that happens to lack thieves or necros. A success/failure of a boss fight should not hinge on the presence of a single class in the group being only ones able to apply a constant poison, because that defeats the purpose of removing the trinity in the first place. Asking in chat for necros and thieves specifically becomes no different than asking for tank/healers now."

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strongback.6420


The Legendary Flame effigy needs one thing fixed.
The crystals fall at such speed that by the time you spot the circle, you’re flying faster than you can possibly dodge.
There is no reaction time on those knockback AoE attacks.

It’s not impossible as it is, but it’s using somekittenunfair abilities.
We managed to kill him although our party wasn’t in full exotics by purely nuking him down to 60% with syncronized (he stops healing at this point) and then we dps:ed him down to 31% (you normally can’t get him below this without nuking) and waited till all of us were at full health and our elites ready and did the synchronized elite drop again.

This does NOT work every time, because the boss sometimes decides to be really unfair and chain knockback you guys while you try to sync your nuking.

The boss is almost IMPOSSIBLE without poison on him.
Chill and Vulnerability is very good too.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fay.2735


The Legendary Flame effigy needs one thing fixed.
The crystals fall at such speed that by the time you spot the circle, you’re flying faster than you can possibly dodge.
There is no reaction time on those knockback AoE attacks.

It’s not impossible as it is, but it’s using somekittenunfair abilities.
We managed to kill him although our party wasn’t in full exotics by purely nuking him down to 60% with syncronized (he stops healing at this point) and then we dps:ed him down to 31% (you normally can’t get him below this without nuking) and waited till all of us were at full health and our elites ready and did the synchronized elite drop again.

This does NOT work every time, because the boss sometimes decides to be really unfair and chain knockback you guys while you try to sync your nuking.

The boss is almost IMPOSSIBLE without poison on him.
Chill and Vulnerability is very good too.

Here’s some more detailed information from my perspective as to how we beat the fight.

As a Mesmer I had a lot of use for Mantra of Concentration for when he knocked me down (Though I tended to keep it at the ready for when we’d rush in to nuke the boss down so I could get up quickly to continue dps).

I also used Mantra of Resolve to remove the burning effect the boss does since there’s no visual effect as such that indicates a way to dodge it. I believe most professions have something similar to assist them.

I had the entire trait line for Domination so I used the ‘3 mantras’ trait which really helped. Also as an Asura I used Radiation field to apply poison so you don’t necessarily need a thief or necro al though it definitely helps.

We initially tried doing it by having both our mesmers go heavily in condition damage but that didn’t really seem to work well enough for this boss as we were always short on DPS so we both went heavy power damage out put. I was using Sword/Pistol and Greatsword. I was using the Greatsword on crystals and then as we all ran to the boss to nuke him I was able to pop the different phantasms and do ranged damage as I ran to the boss before swapping to Sword/Pistol

That said, our party could NOT get the boss down without the two timewarps from us Mesmers. We tried this once when we saw the perfect opportunity (no crystals up and enough time till the next bunch of crystals) but had timewarps on cooldown. Even with all of us on heavy DPS builds we could not get the boss down fast enough even though none of us got downed before he started to throw down crystals and regen again (Bad luck?).

The pure power DPS requirement is very very high even with 2/5 regen stacks. The luck factor in the fight is too important as I stated my party had to wait for the perfect moment when enough crystals were down and we had time before the next set of crystals would spawn and luckily also not on top of us (or at least we’re able to recover) and when we had all our cooldowns at the ready.

So every time we failed an attempt to do this we had to wait quite a while for all our cooldowns while keeping the fight going.

If you can’t nuke it down put all people on crystals except for one on boss (someone who knows what to watch out for and is able to easily recover from knock downs etc.) and try to get all or most crystals down till his regen stacks are at about 0 to 3.

Try to wait for the right moment where you know you still have plenty of time till the next set of crystals. So you have time to nuke it down as low as possible before he spawns crystals (At which point you have to be careful not to stand in the AOE).

I agree though that the fight shouldn’t rely so heavily on the perfect moment where you are lucky.

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

(edited by Fay.2735)

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stigma.7869


I just formed a PUG tonight and did CoF path 1. We wiped once, but managed to beat the final boss. The crystals do regen him, but it’s not absolutely necessary to destroy them. If anything better to use discretion because the time spent on destroying the crystals you lose a lot of DPS on the boss. The key to beating him is as said before…generate enough DPS to be greater than his healing and make sure all 5 are always attacking and pick up any downed team mates immediately.

I would say this is relatively easy compared to other dungeons.

If anything I would say the Devs need to tweak this boss some like reduce the number of regen crystals, but increase their regen power so players have more incentive to destroy the crystals instead of mindlessly DPSing him away like all other MMOs bosses.

When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.

(edited by Stigma.7869)

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Orissa.1872


Tried to do this path with group of 3 randoms and my boyfriend, everyone was communicating via TeamSpeak. We had asuran engineer (for perma poison), ranger (full exotic), necro, mesmer (full exotic) and warrior. We’ve tried many different setups and strategies, but everything was fail, we couldn’t bring boss below 80% hp. We’ve tried:

  1. Everyone focusing the boss (2 light fields for constant condition removal + Time Warp + perma poison)
  2. Only warrior destroying crystals (14-16 regen stacks, all bonuses as #1)
  3. Warrior and ranger with piercing shots destroying crystals (8-12 regen stacks, all bonuses as #1)
  4. Warrior and engineer with piercing/exploding shots destroying crystals and poisoning boss (7-10 regen stacks, most of bonuses from #1)

Also as engineer I’m using rampager armor/weapons and accesories either rampager or cleric (+traits giving power based on toughness/healing), both setups have very similar dmg output, cleric improves healing a little, but still half of party was getting wiped by those huge aoe attacks

Almost every single factor needs a slight nerf:

  1. Regen provided by crystals – lowered by around 10%
  2. Crystal respawn rate – not more often than every 30 seconds
  3. Crystals health – lowered by 20-25% if respawn rate will remain that high
  4. AoE attack radius – lowered to 180 (I’m sure it’s like 240 now, very similar to Super Elixir) OR decrease amount of circles spammed in the same place (make it single, max double shot, not triple/quadra). Dmg is fine, leave it as it is
  5. AoE delay – increased to at least 0.6 sec to give us chance to dodge
  6. AoE cooldown – increased to 10 sec, but sure 10 sec, with no chance for chain spam. It’s just impossible to successfully dodge chain knockdowns

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


Tried to do this path with group of 3 randoms and my boyfriend, everyone was communicating via TeamSpeak. We had asuran engineer (for perma poison), ranger (full exotic), necro, mesmer (full exotic) and warrior. We’ve tried many different setups and strategies, but everything was fail, we couldn’t bring boss below 80% hp. We’ve tried:

  1. Everyone focusing the boss (2 light fields for constant condition removal + Time Warp + perma poison)
  2. Only warrior destroying crystals (14-16 regen stacks, all bonuses as #1)
  3. Warrior and ranger with piercing shots destroying crystals (8-12 regen stacks, all bonuses as #1)
  4. Warrior and engineer with piercing/exploding shots destroying crystals and poisoning boss (7-10 regen stacks, most of bonuses from #1)

Also as engineer I’m using rampager armor/weapons and accesories either rampager or cleric (+traits giving power based on toughness/healing), both setups have very similar dmg output, cleric improves healing a little, but still half of party was getting wiped by those huge aoe attacks

Almost every single factor needs a slight nerf:

  1. Regen provided by crystals – lowered by around 10%
  2. Crystal respawn rate – not more often than every 30 seconds
  3. Crystals health – lowered by 20-25% if respawn rate will remain that high
  4. AoE attack radius – lowered to 180 (I’m sure it’s like 240 now, very similar to Super Elixir) OR decrease amount of circles spammed in the same place (make it single, max double shot, not triple/quadra). Dmg is fine, leave it as it is
  5. AoE delay – increased to at least 0.6 sec to give us chance to dodge
  6. AoE cooldown – increased to 10 sec, but sure 10 sec, with no chance for chain spam. It’s just impossible to successfully dodge chain knockdowns

Would be nice if they had a test server where changes like this could be tried by the player base instead of devs that have no real conception of how their code plays out for everyone else.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rinbox.2570


im throwing in my 2 cents for this fight as i just attempted this boss last night. I had a group of 5 people on vent that i completed path 3, path 2 and then we went for the last path since the group was doing so well. We had no problems with any of the other paths and breezed through for the most part. All was well until we got to the Legendary Searing Effigy

so we get to the fight and watched the scene before hand. the NPC’s tell you that this guy is going to spawn some crystals and that he packs a punch. ok thats a good hint. spawns crystals which we assumed had to be killed. well good luck doing that. we had 5 people all attacking crystals and they spawned quicker than we could possibly take them down. we reset the fight. next strategy was to do as much DPS as possible and try to burn him through the healing. we used some poison and had SOME success doing this. we were able to get him down to 30% about 50% of our attempts but could not burn him any lower due to the crystal healing. we tried burning him to 30% and then focusing on crystals and ran into the same problem as before. they spawn so quickly that you cant kill them to make that a viable strategy. so we tried over and over to burn him down and just couldnt do it. it was very frustrating and obvious to everyone in our group that this boss needs some tweaking. he has a very high damage output, the crystals spawn WAY too quickly and they also fall way too fast. by the time you notice the red circle below you your already taking a crystal to the head and if your super lucky you might consecutively get hit by 3-4 of them and instantly die. The final boss on the third path was balanced really well and was a super fun fight. The final boss on path one was a huge disappointment as its just way too unbalanced and not fun at all

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jaha.2840


Path 1 CoF – wow. He’s the toughest boss I’ve encountered in this game. I’m 262hrs played.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeadlyStormZ.2370


I just did two times in a random group.

1. You need someone to apply poison at the most of the time.
2. You need the +8% damage potion.

100%-60%: Burst phase, boss regen start at 0 stack so you have to be quick. If someone is downed and you are most likely to fail. If you fail, reset him and wait all crystals to disappear and retry.

60%-30%: Hit boss down to 30% and wait for skill cooldowns. Now you should try to stay alive and get more hp as you can. Killing crystals is irrelevant.

30%-0%: Burst phase. Since the boss regen will start at 15+ or 25 when the hp hits 29%, it will be harder than phase 1. Again, if anyone is downed, the dps will not be able to keep up nuking down the boss. If it happens and you think you cannot do it, just stop, return to phase two and wait. Retry after your cooldown is ready.

By the way, do we have an ETA on the bugged DR system to be fixed? I cannot be disappointed anymore.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: oxtred.7658


We barely managed to do it today with my premad party. The regen from the boss is insane. We used a poison survival ranger to keep the boss poisoned and our 2 necros used lich form after 50% to burst it down. The 2 mesmers cycling timewarp helped as well.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


Guys at this point you’re not even trying to make it look legit anymore. 4 red posts on top? Yeah no, never.

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Guys at this point you’re not even trying to make it look legit anymore. 4 red posts on top? Yeah no, never.

Not true! It does happen!

…and this is how :-)

Look at it this way: We’re just pretending that there’s support for dungeons from the company that made them. Pretending is fun!! \(^_^)/

Feels good, yeah?

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


Guys at this point you’re not even trying to make it look legit anymore. 4 red posts on top? Yeah no, never.

Not true! It does happen!

…and this is how :-)

Look at it this way: We’re just pretending that there’s support for dungeons from the company that made them. Pretending is fun!! \(^_^)/

Feels good, yeah?

Nope, makes it just worse because we all know it’s just not gonna happen. x:

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talyn.3295


Guys at this point you’re not even trying to make it look legit anymore. 4 red posts on top? Yeah no, never.

Not true! It does happen!

…and this is how :-)

Look at it this way: We’re just pretending that there’s support for dungeons from the company that made them. Pretending is fun!! \(^_^)/

Feels good, yeah?

You also put your master plan in the general discussion thread. So now we are all onto you :P

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Guys at this point you’re not even trying to make it look legit anymore. 4 red posts on top? Yeah no, never.

Not true! It does happen!

…and this is how :-)

Look at it this way: We’re just pretending that there’s support for dungeons from the company that made them. Pretending is fun!! \(^_^)/

Feels good, yeah?

You also put your master plan in the general discussion thread. So now we are all onto you :P

Well, yeah, I was recruiting :P

After reading the first few posts of this thread….I’d rather like to see the dungeons like that again. They intended for them to be so much more difficult than they are today…

Too bad the “dungeon revamp” started and stopped at AC. I wonder what happened internally when they silently abandoned that effort. All I can think of is that the “Living Story” ate all of the dev hours?

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thrag.9740


I honestly didn’t know this boss had any mechanics. I’ve only been playing like 14 months. wtf happened? Did people just start learning about might/fury/vuln/banners/ice bow and then it became faceroll?

1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547




1st Path of CoF boss bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tarasicodissa.7084


I agree with you. It’s pretty difficult to understand. Anet is a huge company with a whole lot of resources. History has proven they are capable of unimaginable feats. Would it be really so hard to hire just one dedicated person with a passion for dungeons and PvE that would take care of the most important stuff? Not just that… I’d imagine there are lots of people out there (just look at this forum), that would be able and willing to do this for free if they’re given the neccessary tools.
I don’t know a lot about him (wasn’t playing gw2 back then), but many speak nicely of Robert Hrouda. I’m absolutely sure there’re someone like him out there, it’s just Anet started to pretend there were no dungeons in this game ever. It’s the most beatiful content we have available, but it needs at least a little bit of care to stay alive and healthy.
I remember a while back they announced forum specialists, who were supposed to facilitate interaction between players and devs, report major findings and forward things that were most called for to those, who are responsible for them. Some of these specialists are active to this day. What happened to all the reports regarding dungeons in this game? Is there anyone still to read them? Is there any point in doing anything?
It’s pretty sad to just watch your favorite gametype turn to ash. I wish they gave us at least a little glimmer of hope. A little sign that they didn’t forget this game used to have PvE. There are still many wanting to play it. Just nobody to maintain it.