2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


My biggest fear is 90% of the people, and instances they run will now be swamp. Pathetic to be honest. Grawl, winter fractal, even dredge to some degree: they are fun to beat with a clever/good team. Now? lfg ‘swamp only, speedclea’, ‘only swamp’ ‘Nothing but swamp, got it? or pkick’.

This is the misconception people need to get over, Fractal 51 will ALWAYS be one particular Fractal, same with 52 etc. You will no longer be able to abuse the randomiser to get Swamp because they are removing the randomiser.

Each level will be a SPECIFIC Fractal (Grawl, Swamp w/e) and a SPECIFIC Instability tailored to that Fractal.

Eg. Fractal 51 is ALWAYS Harpy Fractal ALWAYS with the Instability : Harpies lay freezing traps and have increased range. (this is just an example of how the instability can be tailored to the fractal level to give a different experience)

The randomiser is gone and the Instabilities can now be SPECIFIC to the fractal – they used to be general to apply to anything (because of the randomiser). people always took Swamp for the first (because of the randomiser). The randomiser is gone now.

You might get a shorter fractal every now and then OR you get to Fractal 57 and it is ALWAYS this super challengiing Fractal + Instability combination. They are giving the feeling of progression to Fractals – this isn’t going to help casuals, it will test them.

Also say they include a Meta Achievement that you require for the Legendary Backpiece, they can include Fractal 57 in that Achievement. So even if Fractal 58 is easier than 57 and people can “skip it” to get to higher levels the Meta REQUIRES you to go back and complete it. This lets casuals do a high level Fractal in their lunch break 58 (something anet wants) BUT they need to (if they want the Legendary) go back and do 57 to get it.

These changes give more control to devs and that is the important thing we can take away from this. Its a good new system.

(edited by Coulter.2315)

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rednik.3809


I wrote a whole post on how I hated the concept of having my favourite game mode stripped of its beauty.
It was at the character limit, but then I decided that it wouldn’t actually get read. So I’ll give a quick TL;DR version.

Fractals was a challenge, it was long and challenging group content that made people need some coordination to complete.
While it has been over simplified with cheesy tactics and gimmicky builds, don’t let that distract you from the fact that currently it is the best pve content in the game.

Instances like Cliffside, running a hammer to break seals and getting sent to the cage during the boss fights. The legendary shaman in the volcanic fractal, destroying the bubble while getting constantly immobilized by millions of little lava elementals.

These instances show the real potential of Gw2. These instances being in a random order made no 2 Fractals the same. They each had their own rules and their own challenge.

I know a lot of people dislike Fractals. It is a time consuming instance, it is a tough instance, especially for new people.

Did the reward structure need a revamp? Certainly. It’s not surprising it was changed. But now, being rewarded for completing 3×15 minute maps is going to be the same kitten 40+minute runs is just breaking my heart.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Feel free to gather “3 Cliffside+Trin only” parties, no one is going to stop you.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Therodin.2970


To the people saying wait and try it before passing judgement: If we wait until this patch goes live before complaining, do you honestly think our chances to get this changed aren’t astronomically smaller after they put it in the game and start patching it?
To the people saying that fractals took too long: There is already quick easy content if you want that, and there has already been great suggestions as to ways to make fractals fast for people who want that and still take a long time for people who want that. ie: 1-20 is one static fractal(perfect for the practice they were talking about) 20-50 is between 2-3 fractals with the first being static and the following ones being random and 50-100 using the old system of four random fractals from the different tiers. You have your cof p1’s and you have your arah p4’s, there is no reason that we can’t keep some of the longness of fractals and just make the early stuff faster.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Therodin.2970


My biggest fear is 90% of the people, and instances they run will now be swamp. Pathetic to be honest. Grawl, winter fractal, even dredge to some degree: they are fun to beat with a clever/good team. Now? lfg ‘swamp only, speedclea’, ‘only swamp’ ‘Nothing but swamp, got it? or pkick’.

This is the misconception people need to get over, Fractal 51 will ALWAYS be one particular Fractal, same with 52 etc. You will no longer be able to abuse the randomiser to get Swamp because they are removing the randomiser.

Each level will be a SPECIFIC Fractal (Grawl, Swamp w/e) and a SPECIFIC Instability tailored to that Fractal.

Eg. Fractal 51 is ALWAYS Harpy Fractal ALWAYS with the Instability : Harpies lay freezing traps and have increased range. (this is just an example of how the instability can be tailored to the fractal level to give a different experience)

The randomiser is gone and the Instabilities can now be SPECIFIC to the fractal – they used to be general to apply to anything (because of the randomiser). people always took Swamp for the first (because of the randomiser). The randomiser is gone now.

You might get a shorter fractal every now and then OR you get to Fractal 57 and it is ALWAYS this super challengiing Fractal + Instability combination. They are giving the feeling of progression to Fractals – this isn’t going to help casuals, it will test them.

Also say they include a Meta Achievement that you require for the Legendary Backpiece, they can include Fractal 57 in that Achievement. So even if Fractal 58 is easier than 57 and people can “skip it” to get to higher levels the Meta REQUIRES you to go back and complete it. This lets casuals do a high level Fractal in their lunch break 58 (something anet wants) BUT they need to (if they want the Legendary) go back and do 57 to get it.

These changes give more control to devs and that is the important thing we can take away from this. Its a good new system.

But your only talking about progressing up through the fractal tiers, which anyone who has done fractals often knows is like 2% of your fractal experience. If you enjoy fractals and continue to do them you will probably do many many more after you hit the max difficulty than you will do while progressing through the tiers. And after you hit max difficulty level you will just need to do a swamp in the ranges of 1-20, 20-50, and 50-100 with only one other random daily achievement. So every single day your fractal rotation went from 4-5 45 minute fractal runs a day to 2 swamps and one random fractal.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


My biggest fear is 90% of the people, and instances they run will now be swamp. Pathetic to be honest. Grawl, winter fractal, even dredge to some degree: they are fun to beat with a clever/good team. Now? lfg ‘swamp only, speedclea’, ‘only swamp’ ‘Nothing but swamp, got it? or pkick’.

This is the misconception people need to get over, Fractal 51 will ALWAYS be one particular Fractal, same with 52 etc. You will no longer be able to abuse the randomiser to get Swamp because they are removing the randomiser.

Each level will be a SPECIFIC Fractal (Grawl, Swamp w/e) and a SPECIFIC Instability tailored to that Fractal.

Eg. Fractal 51 is ALWAYS Harpy Fractal ALWAYS with the Instability : Harpies lay freezing traps and have increased range. (this is just an example of how the instability can be tailored to the fractal level to give a different experience)

The randomiser is gone and the Instabilities can now be SPECIFIC to the fractal – they used to be general to apply to anything (because of the randomiser). people always took Swamp for the first (because of the randomiser). The randomiser is gone now.

You might get a shorter fractal every now and then OR you get to Fractal 57 and it is ALWAYS this super challengiing Fractal + Instability combination. They are giving the feeling of progression to Fractals – this isn’t going to help casuals, it will test them.

Also say they include a Meta Achievement that you require for the Legendary Backpiece, they can include Fractal 57 in that Achievement. So even if Fractal 58 is easier than 57 and people can “skip it” to get to higher levels the Meta REQUIRES you to go back and complete it. This lets casuals do a high level Fractal in their lunch break 58 (something anet wants) BUT they need to (if they want the Legendary) go back and do 57 to get it.

These changes give more control to devs and that is the important thing we can take away from this. Its a good new system.

But your only talking about progressing up through the fractal tiers, which anyone who has done fractals often knows is like 2% of your fractal experience. If you enjoy fractals and continue to do them you will probably do many many more after you hit the max difficulty than you will do while progressing through the tiers. And after you hit max difficulty level you will just need to do a swamp in the ranges of 1-20, 20-50, and 50-100 with only one other random daily achievement. So every single day your fractal rotation went from 4-5 45 minute fractal runs a day to 2 swamps and one random fractal.

Oh my Fractal rotation each day is lvl 50 and done, I’m not a masochist xD I suppose people who liked doing lost of Fractals might lose out BUT specific rewards can be linked to specific Fractals to combat this “just do Swamp” issue. You’re looking at it as just a continuation of the current system – we already know the reward structure is being updated and I see no reason to doubt that anet will try to deal with Swamp (they aren’t stupid they know atm everyone rerolls the first to land on it).

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arietta The Broken.1875

Arietta The Broken.1875

I think a lot of people missed the point of this entirely. Perhaps it was due to my tiredness upon writing this post initially, however I’ll try to clarify some points.

While it might be true, that we are getting challenging group content. We are aware this will be tailored so that everyone and their mother can complete it. The arguments for this have been outlined by the responses given.

Anet is tailoring their game for the casual gamer. In some ways I feel it’s becoming the Nintendo of the MMO world.

Anet has stated, that their Fractals/commitment time should be between 30-60 minutes (this will be a single ‘island’, as opposed to 60-90 minutes. I’m pretty sure most people run 50s regularly (which is 4 fractals) take less than 60 minutes. Some pug runs I’ve done recently are even under 40 minutes and I’m not ashamed to admit I’m not one of the best players out there.

So unless they are intending to dramatically increase the difficulty of each Fractal through instabilities (I doubt this is going to be the case) they aren’t going to take a fairly competent pug group longer than 20 minutes per run.

It’s entirely possible that the CGC is going to be able to replace Fractals in terms of re playability and daily content, however that would imply there are multiple rewards for doing the CGC per day, it would also imply that the content is going to be ‘challenging’.
Now while we will have to wait a few hours and indeed a couple of months to see if this is actually true or not, given the arguments in this thread already (being that Anet is catering its content to the casual gamer) the chances of the CGC actually being a challenge is questionable.

While I understand that Anet wants more players to delve into Fractals and enjoy the content, I am unsure why people such as myself wont be rewarded for playing the game modes we enjoy as much as we want.

This again, is a similar topic to the very old Dungeon topic when they began to introduce DR and eventually it was replaced by a daily chest.

What truly stumps me is that if you log into GW1 now, 10 years after the launch of the game you can find, if you really look hard enough, the die hard instance runners that log in day in- day out and do the elite areas for the end chest.
Is this because they are rewarded? What is there to buy in a 10 year old game when those players have stacks of Armbraces (high end currency) and there is few people playing any more?
The reason they do these instances is for the enjoyment of running them. The incentive to run them is while they enjoy them, they also get some small reward with a ‘chance’ of something special at the end.
No matter how fun something is, for no reward or no achievement at the end, it’s difficult to see why anyone would do anything.

If you suddenly removed all the rewards from PvP. I mean completely removed PvP rewards the amount of people that would quit PvP would drop dramatically. While I am not saying the PvP rewards are the reasons why people PvP, it is certainly an incentive. You aren’t doing something for nothing.
If you suddenly removed the 1 gold reward from dungeons, the vast majority of people would stop running dungeons. (This is a poor excuse since the majority of people only run dungeons for the 1g at the end these days) however the point is, if there is no reward for completing something in a game, why do it at all even if you enjoy it.

At whoever told me to run multiple instances to get my 20 Fractals in a day.. what would be the point? While I do enjoy Fractals every day, I enjoy all the instances, I enjoy all the different group comps, random pugs, it does to me feel like no 2 Fractals are the same. But at the same time, there is a small chance of getting something special at the end. If I don’t get it.. so what? I enjoyed the time spent and don’t feel like it was time wasted.

However I’m not going to run the instance again and again for absolutely no reason. There has to be some goal at the end of the tunnel.

As much as I enjoy running Arah, or enjoy doing Jump Puzzles, I’m not going to repeat the same JP or dungeon paths in a day simply because it’s not going to reward me for doing so.

People eventually will run Swamp in the 1-20 21-50 and 51-100 scale and that will be that. That is what is most likely going to happen when the majority of Fractal runners have reached 100.

So what would my solutions be to this? While I am positive people disagree and have obviously voiced their opinions on the matter, I’d like to share my ideas and perhaps it’s picked up and considered by someone with the power to do something. Even if no action is taken, at least I have voiced my opinion and I can honestly say I put forward my ideas in the best possible way I could and I can live with that.

I like the changes to Fractals in some regards. Having 5 scales to complete was too many and while it encouraged some people to complete them all, very few people actually did.
The various scales were quite confusing for people. Given that how agony increases and how reward levels increased at different levels (Agony from 1-9 10-19 20-29 etc and reward levels being 1-10, 11-20 etc, one can see how some people would get confused and possibly put off.
I am also in favour of having a daily fractal being a specific scale (ie. Scale 63 to be run by everyone for that specific daily)
All of those changes are welcome to me completely.

However, I do also feel that the longevity of Fractals came from the fact they took some time. While 60 minutes is too much for some people, it’s certainly not for others.
If 60 minutes is too much for people now, how is the CGC going to be tailored for those same people? Are we going to continually get content cut/shortened to appease the people that have no time?
Some paths in Arah can take pug groups up to 120 minutes to complete. They get stuck on Lupi and it takes them a very very long time, sometimes they even quit completely. If this is the case, why hasn’t Arah similarly been shortened to cater to those players that just don’t have the time to play for over 60 minutes per day and get their 10 AP from a daily and be able to do some Jumping Puzzles and do 101 other things.

Just because Fractals is time consuming for some, that shouldn’t mean that those who do have the time to invest into it should have that same content / time investment be cut.

So what I would like to see one of two things happen.

Solution 1)

Keep the current system, however change the reward tiers to 1-21 21-50 51-100.

The 1-21 Fractals have the boss stages removed.
1-10 have 2 Fractals only. 11-21 have 3 Fractals
The first Fractal is always either Swamp or Underwater
The second Fractal is always either Urban Battleground or Uncatagorized
The third Fractal is always either Volcanic or Cliffside

The 10th and 20th Fractal do include a boss stage (this is in addition to the number of Fractals already there)

While I understand this removes the random element of the Fractal a bit, it severely reduces the amount of Fractals that new players encounter, it shortens them slightly (removal of the boss stage)
This would give new players to Fractals the ability to learn the Fractals, it would also give them chance to experience Fractals without them being ‘too difficult’ or ‘too long’

From 20+ we keep 3 Fractals, with 30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 having a Boss stage (similarly to how the old Fractals had a boss stage of Maw)

The boss stage has a chance of dropping X (maybe the tonic, new weapon skins, special super loot of extraordinary potential) these would only be available from 60+ and an increased chance as the scale goes up.

Solution 2)

Keep the proposed system anet is already giving.
However, instead of the new ‘1 island system’, make that an option. You can either do a single Fractal (63 Swamp) or complete a Full Fractal (63 Swamp/Cliffside/Grawl/Mai Trin).

The single Fractal would reward the same daily chest as the Full Fractal.
The End chest of the FULL Fractal, would give a chance of dropping special loot like weapon skins/tonic/super special loot
The End chest of the SINGLE Fractal, would give a token. This token (would take 10+) could buy a single weapon skin etc 250 for a tonic..

The chances of the Full fractal dropping the special loot would naturally have to be fairly decent to give incentive to run it, however if you don’t have time.. which is fair, you can still get the same loot.

While I am aware this is a massive wall of text, I hope that it wont just be shot down by people telling me my ideas are stupid. It’s my opinion and I would like to voice them since it is the game I play and I’d like to at least try to have some influence in the direction it goes in (as much influence as anyone else has) and while it will most likely get disregarded at least I can say I made my opinion known.

You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Therodin.2970


I like most of your ideas and really hope that something other than the static fractal schedule is done. I of course don’t know what all HOT will bring but throughout everything new gw2 has brought in the past two years i have consistently enjoyed fractals and i would be sad if my favorite thing about gw2 was changed to an unrecognizable thing.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


^ Erm choosing PvP as your example for people leaving a game type if rewards were removed wasn’t the best choice. PvP rewards are very poor and very few people who play that game mode do it for the rewards. They do it because they enjoy PvPing – its the most “do it because you like it” mode in the game.

I also disagree that you can know that CGC will be completable “by everyone and their mother.”

Solution 1 isn’t going to happen they already told us their new system, I have explained why it is a good system above.

Solution 2 will probably be incorporated in some way to the new system.
Eg. Fractals 60, 70 , 80, 90, 100 will be tuned harder with instabilities and will have chances to drop better items.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arietta The Broken.1875

Arietta The Broken.1875

Neither choice was particularly good, but I’d argue if there was no rewards in PvP at all, no ranking up (which includes new finishers, loot drops, small amounts of gold, chance at ascended chests) no leaderboards in ranked, no ESL.. then there would be very few people that would be in PvP.

WvW would be an even worse example, people don’t really do it for the rewards. But remove what rewards they do have completely and I can guarantee a lot less people would be doing in than they are now.
If you suddenly removed the loot bags, champ bags, rank up rewards and karma from WvW (and EoTM I guess) it’d be a lot more desolate than it already is.

I am not saying the new system is terrible. I like the aspect that it opens up for more people to explore and enjoy Fractals.
In a way, they are downsizing Fractals, and I understand that they are changing it from doing 4 Fractals for 1 Chest, you’re now doing 1 Fractal for 1 Chest.
Sounds great. But suddenly 4 hours of the time I choose to log in and play is being cut down to a single hour.

I would just like to see an option for those that would like to continue the current format (and be rewarded justly) and not just be swept under the rug to get more people to play the game mode I enjoy.

You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Therodin.2970


I can’t think of many things that separate fractals from dungeons. There is the “random” factor, instabilities, and i can’t think of any other big differences. The instabilities are usually negligible or broken and impossible(The one that comes to mind is the one where enemies do more damage if they are not directly in front of you) so i don’t know how much that difference really counts. I know with the static system they can rework the instabilities so they are fractal specific and they might become a bigger deal, but they could do that without making the fractals static and each specific fractal could have it’s own list of possible instabilities so each run you had four different ones. So the instability argument is not a very good one. If someone wanted content that they could do quickly that was worth the rewards, they should just do a dungeon, if they are tired of all the dungeons then they should ask anet to make more dungeons, not ask for a different type of pve content to be gutted and fitted into dungeon molds.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451


I also disagree that you can know that CGC will be completable “by everyone and their mother.”

Looks like that is exactly what they are aiming for with Raids. So that any party comp can do it.

Speaking from a PVE-only point of view…

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I also disagree that you can know that CGC will be completable “by everyone and their mother.”

Looks like that is exactly what they are aiming for with Raids. So that any party comp can do it.

Any party comp completing it isn’t a bad thing, challenging the player using the class to use it to its utmost potential is what you want, or having classes that are balanced, but I think the first one is easier for the devs.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I also disagree that you can know that CGC will be completable “by everyone and their mother.”

Looks like that is exactly what they are aiming for with Raids. So that any party comp can do it.

Any party comp completing it isn’t a bad thing, challenging the player using the class to use it to its utmost potential is what you want, or having classes that are balanced, but I think the first one is easier for the devs.

Lots are stuck thinking that professions like necros have nothing of value. Which is simply false, it’s just that current content doesn’t play to their strengths. Come with a boss that has a lot of boons(that aren’t pulsing every couple seconds) and well, we’ll see necros playing a part. Damage that can’t be avoided and they’ll also be nice. They certainly have strengths. Well timed transfusions to pull any downed people out of the secondary shock that would kill them. Chill uptime. Lifesteal abuse. There are things.

Question is of course whether they’ll design content that plays to those strengths, which without much thought into specifically making necros strong likely isn’t going to happen. They’re just kind of a different breed. I’d like to think that from all the feedback that they’ll have some idea on how to do it though and at least lean in that direction.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranos.5913


I’m just left to wonder if fractals are really going to be more challenging at lvl 100. They were quite vague in the blog post. They talk about nerfing it and buffing it at the same time. And this consumable makes me wonder whether the challenge will be completely optional in the first place.

All in all it looks like they wanna replace the old dungeons entirely with fractals. If that’s the case I certainly hope the rewards will be decent enough to actually run them after you already did the daily achievement/rotation/whatever it is.

I’ll certainly miss the longevity and randomness of fractals. And then only having 1 tier that’s worth completing… meh.

So yeah, still hoping it’s gonna be decent but not rly excited about the fractal changes.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Length is artificial difficulty; it doesn’t add anything meaningful besides time investment. If you enjoyed the challenge of specific fractals before HoT, you’ll like them even more at higher levels after HoT. Don’t be so quick to write it off before you’ve even seen all of what we’ll get.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranos.5913


Length is artificial difficulty

That doesn’t take away that having only 1 tier worth doing will reduce total daily gaming times for ppl that like it. =/ I would’ve preferred a 50-80 + 80-100 much more tbh.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zania.8461


If ANet is moving into the direction that length =/= difficulty (with which I agree), I hope they are planning to do the same for their upcoming raids. Or is being able to sit in a raid instance for 3 hours somehow adds to difficulty whereas in group content it does not?

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kurr.4179


Fractal/Dungeons is my favorite content in the game. I’ve finished dungeoneer and lost the appeal of dungeons (my dungeon goal was to unlock every skin even before they introduced the collections either way) so fractals is what I’ve got left.

Unfortunately, I’ve been busy for the past year working a full-time job that leaves me too drained to run fractals during the week so at most I’ve been running 1-2 fractals a week and only during the weekend. It’s sad because I WANT to run them every day but it’s too much of a commitment for me. The result is I’ve barely been playing GW2… just getting my daily chest, sometimes doing my dailies and daily crafting for free gold.

This change is the best possible option for me. I get to do fractals relatively quickly now. There are probably going to be some scales that are soloable in relatively quick time (I play at like 5am eastern time and no one is on at that time, so I can still get my daily fractal in by myself now, hopefully).

I also like watching record runs and we will now undoubtly have record tables for every scale since it will all be pre-determined. This is awesome IMO and I’m sure we will be in for some great speedruns in the future.

Finally, we are getting a raid and that will take over for the more serious, long content similar to elite areas in GW1… I assume anyway.

Everything about these changes are awesome for me. I used to play a ton of hours every day and I know where you’re coming from but at the end of the day we will also have a lot of new options for content with HoT besides just fractals.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: phys.7689


Length is artificial difficulty; it doesn’t add anything meaningful besides time investment. If you enjoyed the challenge of specific fractals before HoT, you’ll like them even more at higher levels after HoT. Don’t be so quick to write it off before you’ve even seen all of what we’ll get.

length isnt artificial difficulty. Its actually real difficulty.
But i will admit its not a type of difficulty i enjoy on its own.

However, unpredictable encounters is actually real difficulty, which i do prefer, and thats main thing thats getting lost.

fractals was not designed to be separated, a lot of the content was designed to be balanced by the variation in objectives/fractal. Swamp can be short, because cliffside is long, etc. fractals in parts is a much poorer design.

note that you will be able to probably get like rank 90 or so just by doing 1 fractal over and over again. Before fractals was about your general skill level across every fractal available, now its a bout your ability to do 1-3 places well. there will be A LOT of players who have never done cliffside at all. a lot of level 90+ players who have done underground facility less than 4 times.

yes fractals will be more accessible, no, fractals will never represent the type of challenge they once did.

there is a huge difference between some one who does multiple reps out of every excercise available in a gym randomly, and works out for 2 hours 5 days a week, and some one who only uses the bench and does curls. and works out 15 minutes a day 3 times a week.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arietta The Broken.1875

Arietta The Broken.1875

I agree with this, a lot of people will end up doing Swamp at 91 or whatever and boosting their personal level up. Those same people will probably do their daily Fractal on the easiest scale of Swamp they can for each tier.

Not a lot will change except that all your Fractals can be completed in an hour and then you’re forced to find other things in game that are rewarding.

I’m interested to learn how they are planning to scale the rewards. There was something to say that Swamp would be less rewarding then Cliffside for example.. but honestly I don’t see it being the case. I honestly see it more likely the Fractal scale being the rewarding factor and going from that.

It would be nice given that we now have a release date to have some feedback on what the reward structure will be like depending on the specific tiers and the specific stages.

For example, will a scale 91 Swamp give better or worse reward than a 90 Cliffside?
While the Swamp is a higher level, the Cliffside map is longer and therefore should be more rewarding.

Is there simply going to be a daily chest for that tier or will doing multiple Fractals in the same tier actually be rewarding.

You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: phys.7689


my suggestion is they add a bonus fractal mode, or option on completion of a fractal;

  • keep going?
    • throws you into a random higher level fractal difficulty scale, from +1 to +10 levels of the one you beat. (highest teir throws you to any other fractal in that teir)
    • disconnect leaves you in a new fractal lobby
    • no items or repairs available in new lobby
    • no use of revive orbs, canisters, bank tabs
    • party wipe=ejection
    • fractals in this mode sometimes have bonus events that on completion give things like repair anvils/bank access
    • random chance on completion to get daily reward type shaky chest.
    • standard reward boosted by 150%

point is to give people who enjoyed the randomized more endurance/variety based 5 man content a way to play it, ans some benefit with some added difficulty in terms of surviving longer

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arietta The Broken.1875

Arietta The Broken.1875

my suggestion is they add a bonus fractal mode, or option on completion of a fractal;

  • keep going?
    • throws you into a random higher level fractal difficulty scale, from +1 to +10 levels of the one you beat. (highest teir throws you to any other fractal in that teir)
    • disconnect leaves you in a new fractal lobby
    • no items or repairs available in new lobby
    • no use of revive orbs, canisters, bank tabs
    • party wipe=ejection
    • fractals in this mode sometimes have bonus events that on completion give things like repair anvils/bank access
    • random chance on completion to get daily reward type shaky chest.
    • standard reward boosted by 150%

point is to give people who enjoyed the randomized more endurance/variety based 5 man content a way to play it, ans some benefit with some added difficulty in terms of surviving longer

This. This I like.

You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


my suggestion is they add a bonus fractal mode, or option on completion of a fractal;

  • keep going?
    • throws you into a random higher level fractal difficulty scale, from +1 to +10 levels of the one you beat. (highest teir throws you to any other fractal in that teir)
    • disconnect leaves you in a new fractal lobby
    • no items or repairs available in new lobby
    • no use of revive orbs, canisters, bank tabs
    • party wipe=ejection
    • fractals in this mode sometimes have bonus events that on completion give things like repair anvils/bank access
    • random chance on completion to get daily reward type shaky chest.
    • standard reward boosted by 150%

point is to give people who enjoyed the randomized more endurance/variety based 5 man content a way to play it, ans some benefit with some added difficulty in terms of surviving longer

Love it. I am very much for the new system, but I think there should be the addition of a randomized thing, and I think what you layed out would be the best possible thing. It’d become a survival mode, how many can you go in a row before you’re beaten and broken, obviously multiple gear sets you could go further but I could see the community getting behind a “how far can you go with one set” competition.

As for people’s worries about the rewards and how long you can still get the rewards each day, well, we don’t know the details. It could have a layered reward, “Do 5 fractals” “Do 10 fractals” “Do 15 fractals” along with specific ones “Do level 71” “Do cliffside.” We actually already do know they’ll be adding stuff to promote doing different fractals rather than farming the same things each day, they did say that. Length isn’t something they hit on but we can hope right? And also if there are changes to the non daily rewards (sounds like it with the chest/key things) it may be rewarding to just farm for that.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Therodin.2970


Isn’t this setting a bad precedent? I mean now that they have announced raids, do we really want raids that can be completed in 30 minutes or less?

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Isn’t this setting a bad precedent? I mean now that they have announced raids, do we really want raids that can be completed in 30 minutes or less?

Yes I do. Key word being “can” though, I hope they’re challenging enough that the 30 mins is unlikely until fully mastered.

I did 12 hour raids in EQ (sometimes more for corpse runs…), I’m quite happy with the shift to shorter raids that newer games have made. I don’t really want to be locked in for hours at a time.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


For me the best setup would be increasing difficulty. Ideally, not like fractal, but more like what Wooden Potatoes proposed in his video about hard mode.

That way we can do the Raid on easier mode so it doesn’t take use 12 hours. But as we get better at it and we know the raid by heart, we can increase the difficulty so that it doesn’t take us 30min.

Whatever the difficulty level Anet use for the raid, a lot of people won’t be happy about it. Increasing level of difficulty is the only option.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

I just hope we don’t start seeing a bunch of “didn’t get swamp, reset”

Anet make Rev great again.

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Therodin.2970


I just hope we don’t start seeing a bunch of “didn’t get swamp, reset”

That will be impossible. The new system is: example, fractal 21 will always be swamp and nothing else, 54 will always be ascalon and nothing else, 60 will always be molten duo and nothing else.