3 fractals in a row and no level up..

3 fractals in a row and no level up..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: khadorian.6417


It happends to me numerous times, I have no idea how to level up.
And thus I havnt bothered to do them since, tried today again and nothing.

I can do lvl 7 fractal with team and mostly carrying the team and yet im not allowed to be more than lvl 2 personal?

yes i have leveled up once but then i did 6 in a row..

I get coins but Im stil same level..

<a href="http://tinyurl.com/bmj3ann">My WvW Necro power build</a>

(edited by khadorian.6417)

3 fractals in a row and no level up..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

Never have I not leveled up by doing 3 fractals (or 4 on even levels) as long as the fractal level I was attempting was higher than my current level.

It may be obvious, but someone running a level 10 fractal who is currently at level 11 will not advance a level. He will however be rewarded.

3 fractals in a row and no level up..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: khadorian.6417


I have 120 fractal coins and stil level 2, and im not doing lvl 1 fractals.

I demand i get the level is deserve, they change the game to include new gear and im not allowed to be on same gear level no matter what I do.

I dont even like doing more than 1-2 dungeons a week, im a wvw:er.

<a href="http://tinyurl.com/bmj3ann">My WvW Necro power build</a>

(edited by khadorian.6417)

3 fractals in a row and no level up..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


Every character carries its own fractal level. Have you been doing them on the same character? Can any of your characters progress? When you are in the dungeon is the Fractal level higher than your reward level? After you complete the run and go back to the observatory has the fractal level increased and your personal level stayed the same?

Sounds odd to have one or more characters in Fractal limbo.

The Kismet

3 fractals in a row and no level up..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: viespeadivina.7961


This happens to me also and to other people to my guild. There is a bug somewhere.

3 fractals in a row and no level up..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Prezzy.2783


No bug – just make sure you are doing a fractal scale higher than your personal reward level. Tells you everything you need to know in the top right hand corner.

Basically if your personal reward level is 7 and the party fractal scale is 3 then you will not go up a lvl because 3 is obviously easier than scale 7.

In short, to progress from 7 you need to make sure that either you are the instance owner / party leader – meaning you enter the portal first and you choose the scale you want to do ( make sure this is higher than 7 otherwise you won’t progress).

Or you need to make sure that if you join another group that the Fractal scale in the top right is higher than your personal reward lvl.

Unless you do a lvl higher than your highest completed fractal, you wont go anywhere.

So, just look for it to say -
‘Personal reward scale 7’
‘Fractal sclae 8/9/10 + etc’

EDIT : Basically, as long as you do a lvl higher than your previous highest ( being 7) you will go up to lvl 8 – if you do a fractal lower than your own level you will recieve Karma instead of going up to the next level.

Nothing wrong with thiis, not broken – Just dont expect to progress in fractals unless you do a scale higher than your own.

(edited by Prezzy.2783)

3 fractals in a row and no level up..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Razzy.2741


Wait, have you actually completed FULL LEVEL? Or you just go inside, completed one fractal and got back to the lobby?

It never happaned to me, nor anyone I know that someone wouldn’t level up.

To level up in fractal, you need to do 3 fractals in a row if it’s an odd level number (1,3,5,7,9,11 etc) and there are 4 fractals to do for even numbers (2,4,6,8,10 etc). Each even Fractal number has an additonal boss stage with hentai boss.

Or in other words, once you start doing fractals from the lobby, you keep doing them until you get back to lobby again – this is what it means to complete a full fractal level.

If you do Fractals of higher level than your own, there is no way you wouldn’t progress.

BEER Guild - Dungeon Riders

3 fractals in a row and no level up..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Prezzy.2783


^ This.

To constitute a full fractal run means completing either 3 (if odd scale) or 4 (if even scale) fractals.

For example, lets say you are doing lvl 7 :

- First fractal, Once completed you will go onto fractal 2 out of 3.
- Complete the 2nd fractal and you will progress to the 3rd and final one
-Complete the 3rd fractal and you will return to the lab

As the poster above me said clearly – a full fractals run is from Lab to Lab, you start is Desa’s lab and once you have completed all the fractals required for that lvl ( 3 or 4 depending on scale) you will return to the lab. If at any time you or anyone else chooses to ‘Return to Desa’s lab’ then you have not completed the fractal run and would start at number 1 again.

3 fractals in a row and no level up..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nikked.7365


From my experience, there is a bug. I held off on leveling fractals until the last patch because finding a group was so difficult. Now, much easier. When I started, I ran it one night and didn’t realize I didn’t progress. (I was lvl 3, fractal lvl was 6.) The next day I went to run it again and thought maybe I had just incorrectly remembered my fractal level. But at the end of the run (Again, I was lvl 3, fractal lvl 7), I clearly noted that my level did not progress, and the same happened to one other party member. Both times we ran the full fractal all the way back to the lab. So, I submitted a bug ticket.

I’ve been running them since then and am now at lvl 12, so it seems to be working for me. Dunno if submitting the bug ticket did anything. They didn’t increase my level but may have fixed whatever was blocking my character from progressing.

Jacked Jackal :: Norn Mesmer :: Giant and Fabulous

3 fractals in a row and no level up..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


I am not in position to argue there is not a bug but I am in a position to say when i got my 1 character from 0-33 I never had a bug, nor when I leveled my other alt from 0-10 did I have a bug. No party members in all of my groups for tons of dailies, nor progression have ever complained of a bug.