I made this same post to reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/5e2vxo/a_plea_for_a_raid_story_mode/. This is intended as a response to Crystal Reid’s recent post.
Let me preface this by saying I don’t think that raiding has killed GW2. I don’t think that if ArenaNet releases more raids it will kill GW2. Raiding is a side activity; you can choose to ignore it. As long as there is content other than raids for players to look forward to, I expect the game’s population will remain healthy.
So why haven’t they implemented a story mode yet? Let’s try to understand Crystal Reid’s recent post. So, I agree with as Crystal Reid put it in her post raids ought to be the “most difficult content in the game.” Ultimately, Raids were designed to be one difficulty mode and I really like that they are one difficulty mode. Guild Wars 2’s raids are dissimilar to raids in gear oriented games like World of Warcraft where you progress on an easier difficulty level and then progress on the same bosses on a harder difficulty level. That moment where you have to progress through the same bosses again is a total drag and I’m glad Guild Wars 2’s raiding doesn’t feature that tiered difficulty system.
But just because you don’t have a tiered difficulty system doesn’t mean you can’t have a story mode.
In her post Crystal Reid references Fractals multiple times. However, this makes me think they don’t understand what I think a lot of players are asking for with regard to a story mode. I would never want there to be four tiers of Spirit Vale like there are for the recent Chaos Isles fractal. I just want a way for me to hop in and experience the story of the raid.
In this potential story mode all loot would be turned off. You would receive no achievements for defeating the bosses. I suggest that the developers release the story mode 6-8 weeks after the initial wing is released. Thus, that feeling of progression through the wing that so many raiders thrive on isn’t diminished. And ArenaNet would design the encounters so that a pick up group could easily clear the wing in an hour. The fights would be simpler and easier but still flavorful.
The players moving through this story mode could experience all the great Voice-Over, see all the cool models, and witness the important and dramatic lore moments. The very lorey Matthias fight, the cool ice storm moment in Wing 2, the epic model of Gorseval, Xera’s dramatic speech.
You know ArenaNet put a lot of effort into the story of the first Raid Wing. But I think it was a waste. While some raiders are there to enjoy the story others just play for the encounters. Why not open up the content so all the fans of the story can experience it?
As I see it there are two arguments against a story mode. One, that an easy mode diminishes the feeling of progression for players on the harder difficulty. Two, that developing an easy mode would take up valuable developer time. Ultimately, I think developing this story mode would be worth both these costs because so many players would get to experience the great content.
I was browsing YouTube the other day and randomly watched this bit from Mo our current Game Director: https://youtu.be/9GwKGbNKQHE?t=2m44s
The part that struck me was the bit where he says “we want to be our own audience.”
Are the writers on the Raid Team raiders? How did they catch up on the lore? Look, no player who had no idea what was going on the raid is going to be able to go into a cleared instance of the raid to pick up all the scraps and suddenly be all filled in. The writers on the Raid Team understood the lore of the raid because they wrote it.
I follow Bobby Stein on twitter. He’s a cool guy. He did the great writing on the raids. And let me be clear: it’s really great writing.
And recently he tweeted about how he needed someone to help him clear the raid content as he hadn’t yet. Look, Bobby Stein, you aren’t your own audience if you haven’t played the content you made.
Now, sure the raid content is kind of a side story. It does contain some important lore connections to Season 3 but I genuinely think Season 3 makes total sense without having played through the raid. But ultimately I’m really excited about the lore and story. I don’t care of it’s merely relevant story: you told a great story, Bobby, and I want to play it.