So, on a lark today I joined a group running TA explorable. This is my first dungeon in a while, since I typically run with my guild and for the past month+ I’ve been busy with irl things and they’ve been busy with other games.
This is also my first dungeon since I got a new router, and (spoiler alert) not the first time something bad has happened to me running explorable mode on a dungeon. Last time I did, it was AC, and the dungeon refused to end after my group beat the final boss on our path, resulting in us having to unceremoniously leave without a reward or a conclusion after about an hour of waiting around for an event to trigger.
So today, I notice that I get hit by several seconds of lag occasionally in combat, my character running around, failing to execute attacks as friend and foe stand eerily still before a sunburst of numbers and effects explode onto screen to make up for what I assume was a momentary hiccup in my internet connection. But I don’t disconnect, right? No big deal.
Then during a fight with a mob right before the last battle of the dungeon, my internet cuts out and I get dumped back in character select. I go “no big deal”, log back in, jump back in the dungeon, and tell my group that my internet crapped out, can they wait until I catch back up with them. When I try to teleport closer, game says I can’t- they’re in combat, which means I can’t teleport at all. So I hoof it back to where they are, because I think “gee, maybe I can at least help them with whatever enemy is making it impossible for me to get closer”.
Which is fine and dandy until I run into a mob that they didn’t kill on the way to the end of the dungeon and the lag hits again, followed by another disconnect. When I log back in and get back in the dungeon, my character is dead, and they’re still in combat (at the other end of the dungeon!!), so I cannot respawn unless I log out, log back in, decline the prompt to enter the dungeon, and respawn at a waypoint in Caledon Forest before getting back in the dungeon and running to them from the start.
By this point, my party is fighting the dungeon’s boss without me, and not answering any of my messages.
I die again on the way to them (really, guys, thank you for skipping the mobs, that was really thoughtful), have to log out to respawn because they can’t send anybody back to rescue me (or won’t), and by the time I get back into the dungeon, they’ve beaten the boss and completed it without me. I get no event, and no reward while everyone else is patting each other on their backs for a job well done. All I’m left with is a sense of frustration and disappointment, wondering why I even tried to catch up with my party after the first disconnect.
I’m not really looking for advice, since I know half of it will just be “lol get a new router”. I just wanted to vent and share a story of how the new dungeon teleportation rules screwed me over unexpectedly (and how the group I ran with didn’t help, either.)