….. And Elementalist.
A good time for TA
….. And Elementalist.
You could like post you own LFG.
A bit off topic but you could always do pvp reward tracks for TA token/armor.
You interested in buying paths?
As for fractals, whenever there’s a daily fractal, you can find groups that do level 1 (or make your own, they fill really fast on those days).
Just post an LFG ad for TA. Problem solved.
You can do a fractal 9 or under if you don’t have ar in case you have been looking specifically for lvl 1 groups. Also most pugs do their dungeons right at reset so it’s the best time to find groups.
As an OCX player, I have never had any issues filling a TA or any other dungeon.
Used to run TA every day for a while, but since I finished my collection I haven’t been back. I usually started my own groups though.
You won’t see level 1s in fractals much since there isn’t a reason to run below a 9, because the difficulty is the same, but the rewards are arguably better on a 9.
Thanks for the answers everyone!
(have tried my own group but I got kicked because I didn’t have story unlocked)
But will for sure try after reset from now on when it’s not a work day lol
….. And Elementalist.
Also regarding Fractals, 1-10 are easily soloable if you seriously have no one to join (except for certain parts of it like the dredge fractal). Otherwise it might be pretty good to start your own LFG, or wait for the level 1-10 fractal dailies.
Thanks for the answers everyone!
(have tried my own group but I got kicked because I didn’t have story unlocked)
But will for sure try after reset from now on when it’s not a work day lol
About the kick part you just let someone else go into the dungeon first then join in.
If you advertise for explore and then go and open story ofcourse people are going to kick you.
Thanks for the answers everyone!
(have tried my own group but I got kicked because I didn’t have story unlocked)
But will for sure try after reset from now on when it’s not a work day lol
About the kick part you just let someone else go into the dungeon first then join in.
If you advertise for explore and then go and open story ofcourse people are going to kick you.
It wasn’t like that, no one in the party could open it and I was kicked lol but since then I’ve decided against dungeons now…
I was running phallanx war and was kicked for refusing to use double banner in TA cause I wanted “shake it off” instead…. Then I Finally joined a fractal and said “just letting you know im lvl 1 if anyone can show me what to do”… Kicked….
The only group I managed to complete a dungeon run with was an elitist group, luckily everyone was yelling at the thief for “not doing his job poperly” and also the ele was getting roughed up a bit for not dropping Ice bows, they argued that much after the spider chick up/up path that I was able to sit and wait for them at the next boss and have a smoke before they even bothered to try and get there.
Thanks again though to everyone, but PvE is not the most fun place to be.
….. And Elementalist.
I’ve been doing TA Up path for about a week straight farming blooms, you can always add me and I will run it with you. Don’t really like the forward path.
I have been lucky enough to have some really nice people show me the ropes, to where at least on a few different dungeon paths, I know what I am doing, or at least still learning…TA just happens to be the easiest for me.
(edited by GussJr.1643)
right after reset is the best time.
get explorable unlocked. you can do this by yourself in story mode. it’s easy.