A meter to measure workrate?

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: phooka.4295


If you are DPSing just as well with any class with your condition damage via auto-attack than there should be no problem to measure the amount of damage each person has done in the entire run since you are DPSing still.

And to help make it more balance since you state that most of your skills are situational, than make a couple catagories:

- Overall Damage Dealt
- Overall Condition Damage Dealt
- Overall Damage Taken
- Overall Condition Damage Taken
- Overall Heal Amount Dealt
- Overall Heal Amount Received
- Number of Knockbacks Dealt
- Number of Knockdowns Dealt
- Number of Dodgerolls
- Number of Deaths
- Number of Revives Dealt
- Number of Revives Received

That should pretty much accurately describe who did what and how much that said person contributed throughout the dungeon run.

And by introducing all this, you achieve two things:

(1) You just created a comprehensive to-do list for players in dungeons. Doing stuff not on the list will have you risk being talked down or thrown out by PUGs.

(2) You have just handed bad players a tool to berate others. Be it because those others are doing things not on the list or doing things that are on the list but that are deemed “less important” by the bad player berating them.


Meters are a horrible idea.

Stuff not on the list:

- Kiting.
- Stopping to DPS to run over to another player a long way and revive there.
- Stopping to DPS and run over to a ranged player to help them kill a mob standing in their face (so the fellow player doesn’t go down).
- Going down or being killed but for a reason, for example to bind some mobs long enough so the others can DPS freely.
- Stopping a high-damage channelled ability to help out another player.
- Sacrificing DPS to kill stuff that others have problems with. For example rangers switching to axe for TA 1st boss so melee classes don’t have to worry about blossoms.

All these things are just examples of good group-play that would be punished by the type of meter you propose. It would be punished because a meter won’t show players helping their group at the expense of better numbers in the statistics.

I repeat: Meters are a horrible idea that would kill group-play (in PUGs) as it has done in other games. But in GW2, group play is more important so the damage would be greater.

Edit 2:
More stuff punished by the existance of meters:

- Having a build that helps others. Major traits like “grants 70 power to nearby players” are a wasted trait. What’s worse, they make you look worse by making the others look better while not using that major trait slot for something that makes you look good.
- Having utilities slotted that help others rather than pushing your DPS.

In this way, the introduction of meters might not only degrade group-play but even affect the way people build their character, maybe even to the point where their ability for good group play suffers from it.

Don’t introduce meters unless you want to kill group-play just so that some players can stoke their egos!

Edit 3:
This time not adding points why meters are bad idea in general but why the list you’ve given won’t achieve what you said it should.

You said that in order to capture situational abilities and their contribution to the success of the group, you’d introduce the categories you listed. let’s see…
- Number of Knockbacks Dealt
- Number of Knockdowns Dealt
That means in order to look good, I’ll use all my situational skills on cooldown and not save them to interrupt dangerous abilities that might hit groupmembers of mine. Great idea. Not.

Not everything we do can be assessed by simply looking at numbers – but looking at numbers is all a meter can do. A meter will therefore tempt players to also just look at numbers, at aggregated numbers even, and to judge others based on such flawed statistics.

I guess you think that more good will come from it than bad. I think you underestimate the immaturity of significant parts of the playerbase. Just look at what DPS-meters and gearscore and other numbers-based tools did to other MMOs.

(edited by phooka.4295)

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iehova.9518


Meters are a horrible idea.

No they’re not.

Meters in the hands of bad players are a horrible idea.

Fixed that for ya.

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: phooka.4295


Meters are a horrible idea.

No they’re not.

Meters in the hands of bad players are a horrible idea.

Fixed that for ya.

Meters are a horrible idea because meters in the hands of bad players are a horrible idea and there’s lots of bad players in every game, everyone will encounter them and suffer for it.

Fix that.

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


You are right that it gives players a set of numbers to strive for. “Oh, last time I dealt a total of 32k damage, let’s strive for 40k!” That said obvious DPS built player will now strive to work harder.

If you’re running to revive a player than that statistic is shown via the meter. It will also show the statistic of said downed player on the meter. Which would look bad? More down states or more revives. Think about it. More revives on the meter but less dps = still a good player.

Also, you state running over to help another player kill a mob = that still qualifies for overall DPS dealt. No big deal about that. You act like that 5 second walk to another play will add up to a huge 20k DPS drop on the meter. No. And if you want, we can even add another statistic which would be called Overall Assists.

And for the whole trait lines improving the DPS of others? Make another meter or two such a Number of Boons Given to Teammates or Extra Damage Given To Teammates, or Extra Damage Negated To Teammates. These can be calculated by keeping a talley behind the scenes that adds up all the damage while said boon is on them (or damage taken) and work the equation backwards to find what their damage would be during said time minus what the damage they id. In order to keep performance up, do said calculations at the end of the run too. The extra damage or extra damage negated is shown on the scoreboard who gave said X stacks of boon.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iehova.9518


Meters are a horrible idea because meters in the hands of bad players are a horrible idea and there’s lots of bad players in every game, everyone will encounter them and suffer for it.

Fix that.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with performance measure. It’s how you interpret the data.

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Booler.6598


Despite all good intentions “recount” style meters have they are very destructive for any game setting players apart and further stopping casual gamers getting groups for various things. Its the same as making public everyone’s payrate in a workplace , can you imagine the fights. I’m glad arenanet farts on these ideas. By actually paying attention to player performance in dungeons etc you get a far Beter idea of what is going wrong than mearly saying your DPS is kitten.

Always in all ways

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dead.7385


- Overall Damage
- Overall Condition
- Overall Heal
- Number of Knockbacks Dealt
- Number of Dodgerolls
- Number of Deaths
- Number of Revives

Trimmed it down a bit to make post shorter, but what you listed is still true to the post (Dmg/Condition/Heal/knockback/dodge/death/revive).

Still missed some: Where is my axe warriors stacks of venerability listed in there? Or how about roots/chill/snare? How about cures? Combo fields?

Edit: Still I would like some way to see how much DPS I can put out, mainly for curiosity/min-max sake. But even if you made it so only you could see those stats…well we all know what that turned out to be: Gearscore.

(edited by Dead.7385)

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vanecrox.5094


I would like to see something in place that allows me to see my OWN statistics. Something that says the number of crits, average damage per second while in combat, number of deaths in a dungeon, successful dodges, total healing to self, total healing while reviving…etc.

It gives me a better perspective of how effective my different sets of equipment are, and which abilities work best for me. It’s very hard to judge this in dungeons and in wvwvw, because you rarely get time to pause and review the combat log (unless you just abandon your team or die and don’t get revived).

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


- Overall Damage
- Overall Condition
- Overall Heal
- Number of Knockbacks Dealt
- Number of Dodgerolls
- Number of Deaths
- Number of Revives

Trimmed it down a bit to make post shorter, but what you listed is still true to the post (Dmg/Condition/Heal/knockback/dodge/death/revive).

Still missed some: Where is my axe warriors stacks of venerability listed in there? Or how about roots/chill/snare? How about cures? Combo fields?

Edit: Still I would like some way to see how much DPS I can put out, mainly for curiosity/min-max sake. But even if you made it so only you could see those stats…well we all know what that turned out to be: Gearscore.

You are right that it gives players a set of numbers to strive for. “Oh, last time I dealt a total of 32k damage, let’s strive for 40k!” That said obvious DPS built player will now strive to work harder.

If you’re running to revive a player than that statistic is shown via the meter. It will also show the statistic of said downed player on the meter. Which would look bad? More down states or more revives. Think about it. More revives on the meter but less dps = still a good player.

Also, you state running over to help another player kill a mob = that still qualifies for overall DPS dealt. No big deal about that. You act like that 5 second walk to another play will add up to a huge 20k DPS drop on the meter. No. And if you want, we can even add another statistic which would be called Overall Assists.

And for the whole trait lines improving the DPS of others? Make another meter or two such a Number of Boons Given to Teammates or Extra Damage Given To Teammates, or Extra Damage Negated To Teammates. These can be calculated by keeping a talley behind the scenes that adds up all the damage while said boon is on them (or damage taken) and work the equation backwards to find what their damage would be during said time minus what the damage they id. In order to keep performance up, do said calculations at the end of the run too. The extra damage or extra damage negated is shown on the scoreboard who gave said X stacks of boon.

My list isn’t a finite one. It can be changed. I was merely just throwing some ideas out there. I am not a designer for this game, just a player. It is not my job to cover all the holes the meter I present has.

Not yelling at you in any way Dead. Just clarifying for future posts regarding my list.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dead.7385


Not yelling at you in any way Dead. Just clarifying for future posts regarding my list.

All good, don’t take it as if I am jumping on ya I just wanted to point out that there is a ton of stuff to “gauge” (some useful and some….not so). Trust me I am on the edge on this, I would REALLY like to know what I can do, but would rather not the game have: “What’s your gearscore?”. Dangerous ground there. =(

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


All good, don’t take it as if I am jumping on ya I just wanted to point out that there is a ton of stuff to “gauge” (some useful and some….not so). Trust me I am on the edge on this, I would REALLY like to know what I can do, but would rather not the game have: “What’s your gearscore?”. Dangerous ground there. =(

I understand. It just feels like people are quoting me stating, “you are missing X and Y so it’s completely flawed it thus sucks”. Rather than providing solutions they are just providing problems.

Be the solution, not the problem!

It would be awesome if the responses were more like “and if we took into account X by doing such and such that would help with Y”. Just seems like it’s more “you are missing X! Bet you didn’t think about that huh!?” Lol.

But no, I definitely hear you about dangerous grounds. As much as I am for this idea, I can definitely see the other side of the fence. And I am not stating the other side of the fence is stupid by this next comment btw.

I get the whole “stupid people tend to ignore certain states and favor others thus giving a bias opinion, and sadly there are a lot of stupid people”. I understand that. But think about it this way, if they seriously believe that just because I didn’t provide a whole lot of DPS but I provided a lot of support boons to my teammates and they still think you’re useless, do you REALLY want to party with those people anyway? I mean really.

Good players aren’t stupid. A good player will know by looking at the stats on the meter what that said player was really contributing and will make a judgement call based on that. Those are the players you really want to be playing with anyhow.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bregah.7365


Ever been to a dungeon where u play hard as ever to finish a dungeon efficiently just to see a random player who joined your party and simply press autoattack the rest of the fight? How I wish this game would make a meter to see dps, heals, etc. to measure workrate of players.

Since there’s quite a few different important things to do in a group – quantifying that would be hard.

I just look to every MMO who’s tried to include a scoreboard in any PVP instance (WoW Battlegrounds, for example) and they never accurately account for doing IMPORTANT THINGS.

I say this as a PvP healer, and objective completer. Those kitten that fought mindlessly on the roads all battle in every Arathi Basin fight ever fought always seem to outscore anyone who captured objectives, defended objectives, or healed the crap out of those who fought over actual objectives.

In short – until a developer can design a “scoreboard” that can pretty accurately track what was useful (and so far none has – except in the instances where the only thing that was useful was “damage”) across a variety of activities any such scoreboard will be very inaccurate, but WILL direct people in how to play – because they will aim to top the scoreboard instead of aiming to be successful in the dungeon/encounter/pvp battle.

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: moiraine.2753


No thanks i don’t want such a meter.
It may work good in some MMOs but i don’t think it will be useful here.
And i absolutely support Robert.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ainianu.5693


Meters would be counter productive, there is no way they could accurately measure contribution, and if one was attempted to measure one thing (say dps?) then we would just see loads of glass cannons in dungeons built to optimise what the meter measured rather than trying to win the dungeons.

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kashien.6278


Exactly ainianu. I personally think this thread should be closed and completely unreadable before people start tainting the masses with delusions of grandeur.
There are already LFM’s that require people to post thier stats before they join a party. Its pretty rediculous. I mean, I personally have no issues because Im not a bad player, but creating meters, will create bad player names, and then these people will be ostrasized and no one will want to team with them because they have a bad reputation.

How is this at all fair to the person in question? So what If he is dragging down performance. What if he has a really positive attitude? Or if he’s a great guy to be teamed with, he’s funny, charismatic, but he completely sucks at video games?

Greatest player in the world isnt kitten when it comes to having a bad attitude.

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kashien.6278


I personally prefer people I can have fun with. Regardless of how fast you complete the dungeon, or how efficient you are.

Stop trying to min/max this game.

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


I personally prefer people I can have fun with. Regardless of how fast you complete the dungeon, or how efficient you are.

And a meter wouldn’t stop you from doing this.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kashien.6278


Nope, But it wouldnt be fair to the other players. I prefer to be nice to everyone, regardless of what they are doing/build they are running.

Meters would just screw things up. My guardian, has mediocre dps, would that make me a terrible player in your eyes because I do not have MAX dps?, despite the fact that i throw massive ammounts of boons out to allies that help keep them alive and running /doing more dps.

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kashien.6278


Meters are just another way for people to judge other players. And I for one, do not like that ability at all. We humans take one look at someone and make all these automatic assumptions. We do it all the time, in our day to day lives. We see a fat person, and automatically assume lazy. Despite the fact that s/he may have a thyroid condition.

We judge enough in our day to day lives, we do not need to be doing it in video games either.

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quam.7218


Meters in the hands of bad players are a horrible idea.

Indeed… as a “Tank” (WoW) i HATED them… peaple just focused SO HARD on being 1st they just didn’t care about anything else, they stood in fire (cannot move cuz I lose dps) didn’t observe the field, fell in every trap /facepalm – meters destoyed the fun of dungeons, rather than think what we do wrong we blame each other for low dps… and that’s just stupid.

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sabin.4590


I dont care about what others do, i want my feedback, i want to know what kind of attacks killed me, i want to know my interrupts , i want to know how much damage i took and ofc i want to know how much damage i did, so i can compare different builds to see what is more effective for my party.
I dont care about other people numbers, just give mine.

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


I dont care about what others do, i want my feedback, i want to know what kind of attacks killed me, i want to know my interrupts , i want to know how much damage i took and ofc i want to know how much damage i did, so i can compare different builds to see what is more effective for my party.
I dont care about other people numbers, just give mine.

The thing is if they were to give it to someone like your self who “says” they wont abuse it theres a million that would abuse it. Thats where the real issue lies. Most that would use this would abuse it.

I used says like that because frankly i hear stuff like this a lot but very rarely is it not used by the players saying the same thing you are to discriminate against other players. I dont know you and i dont know if you really would just use it for your self or to discriminate or not.

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


I dont care about what others do, i want my feedback, i want to know what kind of attacks killed me, i want to know my interrupts , i want to know how much damage i took and ofc i want to know how much damage i did, so i can compare different builds to see what is more effective for my party.
I dont care about other people numbers, just give mine.

Ladies and gentleman, here is our happy medium.

Great idea Sabin! I honestly didn’t even think about that xD. I was too busy constantly pointing people to my posts that they fail to read and you can tell because they always state “err, but kitten I don’t dps, I give boons, your meter wouldn’t provide that kitten #8221;, when I clearly stated it did in two (maybe three) posts now.

But I am fully on board when this idea of only providing your stats!

Oh my gosh :/. How can people abuse a meter that ONLY provides your stats (not everyone elses)

The only valid argument against Sabin’s idea would be players might potentially still do stupid things in order to gain more DPS on their scoreboard at the end. Even that argument is now shaky considering what is said person really fighting for? Nothing. Why? Because at the end of the run, nobody will see if he scored 100k dps or 10k dps. So fact is, most players won’t even care.


Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

(edited by DivineBeing.2086)

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


I dont care about what others do, i want my feedback, i want to know what kind of attacks killed me, i want to know my interrupts , i want to know how much damage i took and ofc i want to know how much damage i did, so i can compare different builds to see what is more effective for my party.
I dont care about other people numbers, just give mine.

Ladies and gentleman, here is our happy medium.

Great idea Sabin! I honestly didn’t even think about that xD. I was too busy constantly pointing people to my posts that they fail to read and you can tell because they always state "err, but kitten I don’t dps, I give boons, your meter wouldn’t provide that kitten , when I clearly stated it did in two (maybe three) posts now.

But I am fully on board when this idea of only providing your stats!

Oh my gosh :/. How can people abuse a meter that ONLY provides your stats (not everyone elses)

The only valid argument against Sabin’s idea would be players might potentially still do stupid things in order to gain more DPS on their scoreboard at the end. Even that argument is now shaky considering what is said person really fighting for? Nothing. Why? Because at the end of the run, nobody will see if he scored 100k dps or 10k dps. So fact is, most players won’t even care.


If theres a log file being put out from the server its possible to make a program that not only grabs your’s but anyone elses around you. So even if its ment to only be for you simple fact of the matter is any log file can be parsed and abused.

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


If theres a log file being put out from the server its possible to make a program that not only grabs your’s but anyone elses around you. So even if its ment to only be for you simple fact of the matter is any log file can be parsed and abused.

Anet is nortoriously known for their extensive logging, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this information isn’t already readily available. They log everything! So even if it wasn’t explicitly listed out, it could easily be parsed just the same through keywords.

Sorry, but that argument is very invalid. Especially considering your average player will not have the knowledge to gain access to the folder structure on the hosting server.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


No, no meters, not now, not ever. If there are meters, they can and will be abused by elitist jerks. If there are meters, nobody else but me should be able to see them.

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


If theres a log file being put out from the server its possible to make a program that not only grabs your’s but anyone elses around you. So even if its ment to only be for you simple fact of the matter is any log file can be parsed and abused.

Anet is nortoriously known for their extensive logging, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this information isn’t already readily available. They log everything! So even if it wasn’t explicitly listed out, it could easily be parsed just the same through keywords.

Sorry, but that argument is very invalid. Especially considering your average player will not have the knowledge to gain access to the folder structure on the hosting server.

They have flat admitted there is logs. Thats not what i was pointing out. The fact is those logs are not being sent out to clients as such you would have to hack the servers to gain access to it. Could that be done. Possibly. Thing is they would have to release the logs to client side before you could parse them. Also you wouldent have to have the knowledge of how to access the files needed. One person writes the program then releases it to the public. It happens in every game that has client logging, and it is abused in every game i’ve seen it in. So infact your argument is very invalid.

(edited by SiNoS.2147)

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


If theres a log file being put out from the server its possible to make a program that not only grabs your’s but anyone elses around you. So even if its ment to only be for you simple fact of the matter is any log file can be parsed and abused.

Anet is nortoriously known for their extensive logging, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this information isn’t already readily available. They log everything! So even if it wasn’t explicitly listed out, it could easily be parsed just the same through keywords.

Sorry, but that argument is very invalid. Especially considering your average player will not have the knowledge to gain access to the folder structure on the hosting server.

They have flat admitted there is logs. Thats not what i was pointing out. The fact is those logs are not being sent out to clients as such you would have to hack the servers to gain access to it. Could that be done. Possibly. Thing is they would have to release the logs to client side before you could parse them. Also you wouldent have to have the knowledge of how to access the files needed. One person writes the program then releases it to the public. It happens in every game that has client logging, and it is abused in every game i’ve seen it in. So infact your argument is very invalid.

HAHA! You’re expecting the entire community, or even majority of the community to use a third party program that could very well get them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law due to unauthorized access to a production system where said user could get more information than just DPS stastitics? You’re a joke man.

And you also are stating the a company like Anet would write a log out to the clients computer for some oddly random reason (which means there is NO reason) in order to display DPS statistics to the client computer?

Are you seriously even reading what you post or just trying to sound smart? Have you ever worked in IT? My gosh lol….

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


If theres a log file being put out from the server its possible to make a program that not only grabs your’s but anyone elses around you. So even if its ment to only be for you simple fact of the matter is any log file can be parsed and abused.

Anet is nortoriously known for their extensive logging, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this information isn’t already readily available. They log everything! So even if it wasn’t explicitly listed out, it could easily be parsed just the same through keywords.

Sorry, but that argument is very invalid. Especially considering your average player will not have the knowledge to gain access to the folder structure on the hosting server.

They have flat admitted there is logs. Thats not what i was pointing out. The fact is those logs are not being sent out to clients as such you would have to hack the servers to gain access to it. Could that be done. Possibly. Thing is they would have to release the logs to client side before you could parse them. Also you wouldent have to have the knowledge of how to access the files needed. One person writes the program then releases it to the public. It happens in every game that has client logging, and it is abused in every game i’ve seen it in. So infact your argument is very invalid.

HAHA! You’re expecting the entire community, or even majority of the community to use a third party program that could very well get them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law due to unauthorized access to a production system where said user could get more information than just DPS stastitics? You’re a joke man.

And you also are stating the a company like Anet would write a log out to the clients computer for some oddly random reason (which means there is NO reason) in order to display DPS statistics to the client computer?

Are you seriously even reading what you post or just trying to sound smart? Have you ever worked in IT? My gosh lol….

You clearly cant read. People use 3rd party programs to parse client side log files that are enabled by the company. Thats where your dps meters come from. You obviously have no idea how these programs work and are talking out your kitten

Edit: An example of such 3rd party programs would be recount which so many wow vets would be familar with. Another would be a program called Advanced Combat Tracker, ACT for short. Both of these 3rd party programs are used by millions of people. So yes a large majority of the gaming community does use such programs.

(edited by SiNoS.2147)

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Well, yes if they send you data about all players then you can read it. But what if they just send your data?

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


Well, yes if they send you data about all players then you can read it. But what if they just send your data?

If thats possible to only send just that data it would be fine. Only issue here is most of these parsing programs search out a line of code that would be identical to all players around you to grab the log info from all of the players around you. The difference between the different log files would be destination markers. So they would have to code it in a way that it has some kind of encription to it that reads some identification marker linked to your client/account then decripts your data once your client receives the data client side. Doing this might work but it would eat a ton of resources server and client side due to the encription.

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


That may be true for WoW, and I could see why they would want to write a log file to a clients computer.

But here is what you don’t understand, Anet doesn’t HAVE to write a log PERIOD! The statistics can be stored in memory and displayed to the user, once the user closes that dialog box, it will get disposed from memory.

Now, since Anet likes to log everything. They could also log the file on there server with the rest of the log files, not on the client, and again read the statistics via memory.

You’re acting like the only option to display such statistics is writing a log file that contains everyones statistics. And that isn’t true at all.

Now, could they write a log file containing only said users statistics, absolutely. I could see why a player would want to keep a log of his statistics.

I work in IT, I develop software for banks around the United States. By law, we have to log EVERYTHING for auditors. So yes, I know a little bit about logging, mmk.

Also, if they are reading statistics such as this from a log file than they really need to research some potential performance enhancements. Parsing through a log file is slow as hell compared to reaching for it through memory. It would be a very, VERY inefficient way of writing data to the screen.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


That may be true for WoW, and I could see why they would want to write a log file to a clients computer.

But here is what you don’t understand, Anet doesn’t HAVE to write a log PERIOD! The statistics can be stored in memory and displayed to the user, once the user closes that dialog box, it will get disposed from memory.

Now, since Anet likes to log everything. They could also log the file on there server with the rest of the log files, not on the client, and again read the statistics via memory.

You’re acting like the only option to display such statistics is writing a log file that contains everyones statistics. And that isn’t true at all.

Now, could they write a log file containing only said users statistics, absolutely. I could see why a player would want to keep a log of his statistics.

I work in IT, I develop software for banks around the United States. By law, we have to log EVERYTHING for auditors. So yes, I know a little bit about logging, mmk.

Also, if they are reading statistics such as this from a log file than they really need to research some potential performance enhancements. Parsing through a log file is slow as hell compared to reaching for it through memory. It would be a very, VERY inefficient way of writing data to the screen.

Then what your talking about is a feature that would be fully controlled internally by ANet and not the players. My appologizes. I thought you were talking about parsers that worked outside your game so that you could log and analyze the info it collected.

In that case yes it would work. Everything would have to be done on there end and sent to ours as part of the UI.

Now that being said if they added such a feature it would only be a matter of time till people would whine and complain till it was opened up to area parsing. Which is something i dont agree with. In all honesty it takes the fun out of the game. An example is when i played Rift i was playing my thief i ran a parser full time. Once i had another thief tell me to step it up because i was the reason they failed as my dps wasent high enough. I linked the zone wide and the fight parse where i was 1k dps above any one else on the fight and asked him to try again as besides the healer he was the lowest damage in the group. At this point the group kicked him which was not the intention of my posting the parse as i was just showing that infact i was already by far doing the most. I got nasty tell’s from the guy who was kicked. While yes in this case i was the one running the parser and it was my mistake for linking a dps only parse to the party the members used it to justify kicking the person in question. What they dident see was that this person was playing a Bard support build and was outhealing the healer and not by just a little. But it was to late by the time i let them know what was going on. For this reason i personally do not want to see any form of parser in the game. It leads to oh your doing x wrong do this instead which honestly is no fun at all. If i wanted to play a cookie cutter character i would play a different game that did not give me different ways to build my character. As long as im not something like say a monk rolling all fire elementalist skill’s in GW1 and do my part to help the group who cares if im not your perfect support build.

I know bit of a rant there but those are my feelings on this subject.

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


No problem. I am glad we are on the same page now.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


No problem. I am glad we are on the same page now.

Ya i dident realize you wanted ANet to actually add a feature into there game that would handle this. I thought you wanted them to enable there logs client side so that we could use 3rd party programs to parse them.

Thing what had me on the other thought is i was reading somewhere about people wanting a program simular to recount. Although that might have been in the thread where a dev explained how there logging works and about the different teams they have working to go threw all the different logs. Hard to keep that stuff straight when i see the same threads over and over again.

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


I would like to see something in place that allows me to see my OWN statistics. Something that says the number of crits, average damage per second while in combat, number of deaths in a dungeon, successful dodges, total healing to self, total healing while reviving…etc.

It gives me a better perspective of how effective my different sets of equipment are, and which abilities work best for me. It’s very hard to judge this in dungeons and in wvwvw, because you rarely get time to pause and review the combat log (unless you just abandon your team or die and don’t get revived).

This I can get behind, meters for your own personal use are good. I’d love to see my highest crit, my average dps and so forth.

I would even go as far as to say at the end of a dungeon players can share their meter results with each other (to lend to a more competitive atmosphere) but not while in the dungeon.

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


Just let us check other players’ gear.

so you can judge other players by their gear?

do you think you actually can tell if the player knows how to play his char only by looking at his gear?

actually, yes.
A player’s choice of gear can tell you what kind of build they are running and what their strengths are going to be and what to look out for in terms of their weaknesses. i.e Berserkers=glass cannon squishy Rampagers=DPS burster Carrion=Condition stacker Cleric=Support and CC/Tank etc.