AC Exploit or Fair Game?

AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skeener.2506


I’m not sure if this has been raised in the past as an issue or previous solved, but this is the first time I’ve come across this ever happening while on my daily AC run and I would appreciate some clarification.

I just finished my AC run, all 3 paths but it only took me 2 runs.
Our group, it was a PuG group I used LFG, ran P1 normally (Hodgin’s path).
Afterward we left the instance and rejoined to run P3 (Tzark’s path), we killed the spider and moved onto Lieutenant Kholar without first choosing our path. So after killing him the doors to move onto the Lovers Crypt were closed. I’m not completely sure what happened next to allow this happen but after choosing a path Deetha, the NPC who tags along for P2 was in the Lovers Crypt with us.
We finished P3 killing the final boss, and instead of leaving the instance 2 party members port to a WP in that big hall where you fight Ghost Eater, they tell the other party members, me included to join them. When i arrived Deetha had set up her traps and was fighting off the ghosts. I was completely surprised but i decided to roll with it because it would save me the 10 minutes to run P2 afterwards. We kill Ghost Eater rewarding me 40 tokens and 1.5 gold.

Long story short, we ran P1 followed by P3 which somehow also included the Ghost Eater. My question or concern is, is this allowed, and if so how the heck was this accomplished?

My apologies if this mess makes no sense.

(edited by Skeener.2506)

AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RemiRome.8495


I’m crying with laughter.

AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Detha is a fickle woman. Sometimes she won’t follow when you choose her, sometimes she will when you don’t…

Really it’s a trick to get her to follow you, when she does you can take her to that room and it triggers the last encounter of path 2.

Someone just recently posted a picture witht he p1/3 bosses out together… that’s the one I want to know how to do.

AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skeener.2506


I found it funny at the time but now its hurting my brain because I want to know how to replicate it to do it again but I don’t want to be busted on cheating or exploiting a game bug.

AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


So you want to exploit but not get caught for exploiting, so you decide to post on the official forums? Okay.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


So you want to exploit but not get caught for exploiting, so you decide to post on the official forums? Okay.

He’s asking if it’s something that will get him in trouble before he pursues it :p

@OP, I wouldn’t try if I were you, but I’m paranoid.

AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: One Note Chord.5031

One Note Chord.5031

Definitely an exploit, but I mean, I don’t think they ever banned anyone for doing all three CoE paths at once way back when. Seems like they only really ban you for exploiting if you also sell the path(s). But of course they’ll never come out and say they’re not going to ban you for an exploit like this, so it’s definitely something you do at your own risk.

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AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

They will ban you if you post an LFG “Hey, I’m gonna exploit AC. Come join me.” Or after doing AC, come here and create a topic “Hey, it’s evident that I have exploited. Do you ban me now, Anet?” and ask others “did you guys exploit like me as well? Do you usually do it again without risk?”


“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


They will ban you if you post an LFG “Hey, I’m gonna exploit AC. Come join me.” Or after doing AC, come here and create a topic “Hey, it’s evident that I have exploited. Do you ban me now, Anet?” and ask others “did you guys exploit like me as well? Do you usually do it again without risk?”


Well that’s a pretty off characterization. It’s more

Hey this cool very advantageous thing accidentally happened for me. I have 2 questions:

1) How is this done? It’s a pretty nice advantage
2) If I were to do this intentionally (as compared to when I did it on accident) is it a bannable offense?

We might look askance at the order of the questions but they’re both reasonable.

AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

No no, I’m just talking about the scenarios where Anet may or may not take an action. So if he can cleverly dodge the subject like you have described then no, Anet won’t ban him. But people won’t tell him the trick either.

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skeener.2506


It happened once as a fluke, at the hands of 2 of the party members who had clearly planned on doing it. I was simply along for the ride.
I think I’ll go with my gut and with what most replies have said that it is an exploit and I’ll just spend the extra 10 minutes doing all the paths.
Thanks for the speedy response.

AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vert.5041


What a load of horsekitten. Obviously you know how the exploit works or you wouldn’t have felt the need to say “no idea if that’s important” when the party member died on the way back.

Learn to be a better liar.

Also, if you want to replicate it…why give it more attention. All that does is increase chance of it getting fixed or you getting banned.

(edited by Vert.5041)

AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skeener.2506


I didn’t know if it was important i just found it odd and since something weird happened maybe mentioning details would have proved useful?
My assumption was that the party member died, so Detha would revive them which inspired Detha to come along for the ride. I don’t know how it happened, but omiting details of the story would have been silly.

I did want to replicate it because it would have been handy, I gave it more attention because it is clearly some kind of bug and I wanted clarification if it was allowed or not, I want them to fix it if it’s an exploit but if not i’ll use it.

As it stands I won’t attempt to repeat it.
No need for personal attacks Vert Was just a call for clarification on an issue.

AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


What a load of horsekitten. Obviously you know how the exploit works or you wouldn’t have felt the need to say “no idea if that’s important” when the party member died on the way back.

Learn to be a better liar.

Also, if you want to replicate it…why give it more attention. All that does is increase chance of it getting fixed or you getting banned.

Because he wants to replicate it… if it’s not disallowed.

Now it might seem to some of us (no offense to the OP) to be a silly/obvious answer, but he wanted to be sure so he asked.

I almost feel like some folks in here are mad at him for publicizing the bug since it’s (theoretically) more likely to be policed and/or fixed (although not TOO likely) if more people know about it.

Edit: @OP, remove any specific details though, they WILL punish you for posting how to do the bug

AC Exploit or Fair Game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

Ye let’s talk about it in a public forum.

Snow Crows [SC]