AC Explorer Path #2

AC Explorer Path #2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: walsd.4968


I have a level 76 ranger and am working on a level 37 warrior at the moment and I’ve pretty much only done dungeons for exp (past level 30) on both characters. I mentioned my characters first to show that I have a fair amount of experience with explorer modes; my ranger has more dungeon currency than most 80s in my guild.

On to the actual topic…

I’m sick of the most obnoxious mechanic happening too often on path #2, just before the final boss (when your group is protecting the turrets). Your group must kill a few enemies while keeping the NPC alive, generally not a difficult task. Unfortunately, the NPC will occasionally die (for numerous reasons: someone goes AFK, or internet connection failures, etc…) and then ghosts stick around once everyone dies. There is just about ALWAYS one person who revives the NPC before the group kills off the remaining enemies, causing 3+ more to spawn and start attacking. This is where most PUGS disband as they cannot kill 6+ ranger/eles/necros at once or are unwilling to spend the time and money just to complete the dungeon. This happens WAY too often. The path itself (ignoring this problem) is relatively simple, one that PUGS often choose. It this a bug, a poor mechanic, or do I just need to be more selective with my groups?


TL;DR: Is AC EXP Path #2 bugged or a poor mechanic? What do you do when a member of your party decides (foolishly) to revive the NPC spawning more enemies (with some enemies already out)?

AC Explorer Path #2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: iMav.7869


You can always communicate to people to not rez the NPC.

But it seems that you need to get better groups.

AC Explorer Path #2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: walsd.4968


You can always communicate to people to not rez the NPC.

But it seems that you need to get better groups.

Yeah I figured that someone would say that. I do my best to communicate it, but sadly many people revive the NPC on purely on reflex. I’ll probably continue to join PUGS as the number of successful EXP runs far outweigh the number of failed runs (still obnoxious though heh).

AC Explorer Path #2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: akamon.2769


for dungeons that are mainly based on coop and teamwork, even if just as simple as not rezzing a certain NPC, we can all agree communication is key.

that being said, i feel there is more to than just simply if people are willing to listen or not. for all we know, they could have their chat window minimized (i feel like there’s an option like this, or you can have the interface to be transparent or sth and it’s easasy to miss the text), so don’t see anything you type. so it might not even be they don’t listen, but rather, they didn’t even know you said anything. can’t be sure if this is the case here, but it could be a possibility.

maybe if there’s a way to communicate and make sure everyone’s around? when things get tough or there are certain bits where some structure is needed, we’ll chat and make sure everyone’s around. we even had to do roll calls (lighting the torches in CoF comes to mind). it was most difficult when there was one party member who just wouldn’t respond. so we had no idea if they were on the same page as us or not.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

AC Explorer Path #2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nialiss.6459


If you pull the mob back far enough they just stop and stand there and you can focus fire on one at a time if this happens again. Ranged will still attack you though.

AC Explorer Path #2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Derk.3189


I run this path every day and not once has what you described occured.

AC Explorer Path #2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sina.9208


This happens sometimes, but with smart pulling you can kill very large groups, it just takes quite a bit of time.

AC Explorer Path #2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drkn.3429


Understanding the encounter is vital here.

Detha will never fight as long as she’s setting up a cannon.
Ghosts will stop spawning once she has set up a cannon.
There are always 4 ghosts present unless a cannon is already set up – then you only need to finish the remaining ghosts.
Once a cannon is set up, Detha will join the fight.
Once the final cannon is set up, the remaining ghosts will despawn.
Ghosts aggro on Detha, but will reaggro on anyone that’s hitting them since Detha is passive as long as she’s setting up a cannon.

This means that:

  • one person can guard Detha and reaggro the occassional ghost that attacks her with relative ease;
  • you don’t really have to kill ghosts until a cannon is set up – just control and kite them if you’re lucky with the ghost types spawned;
  • you really only need to kill necros and eles, as they deal most damage and inflict deadly conditions – wars’ dmg is neglible and they’re only melee, rangers just set traps and pushback (annoying, but far from deadly), mesmers are generally harmless, monks are annoying when you actually want to fight – and they’re mostly melee as well – so if you have 2 wars, a mes and a ranger to fight, it’s fastest to just run around with them after getting them all to ~1/2hp and finish them off once Detha has set up the cannon.

If you manage to screw up, however, if Detha dies and you wipe, you can always aggro the whole group of ghosts and drag them back to the ooze room, what often causes some ghosts to break back into the cannon room. With careful pulling, you will be fighting 1-2 ghosts at once, until there are only 4 remaining which marks the moment to rush in, have one person res Detha while others keep the ghosts busy.


AC Explorer Path #2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: walsd.4968


I’ve never heard of pulling them into the ooze room, thanks for the advice. Again, it’s uncommon to encounter this problem but next time I’ll try that.

AC Explorer Path #2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lionaeron.5724


At least your able to do it, 50% of the time the npc won’t talk to the ghost to start the last chain event which really aggravates me to no end, how about instead of pumping out crappy new content, you actually debug the friggin game first -_-. The End.
