AC Hodgins bug
This happened the first time my group tried it. A few weeks later we tried again and it worked. So this isn’t a 100% of the time thing, we just assumed it was fixed :/
You’re not alone. This happened to my group as well, and by the time you get to this point, you’ve already invested enough time in the run that no one wants to reset.
Just another reason why putting the token rewards at the end was a poor design choice. At least the group could have walked out of there with a few tokens for their trouble, rather than absolutely nothing.
Nethalia Frostmane [Ranger], Lyzanxia Unsu [Engineer]
Torg Darkmaw [Thief], Zekka The Architect [Elementalist]
I think he is bugged completely. We defeated the Howling King and no cut scene has started
Same here, he just follows random players of the group without doing anything, happened more than 5 times.
Just happened to my group as well, first arah now this. Two bugged dungeons in one day, wasted 3 hours on this crap. These dungeons are so broken.
Happened today again 2 times in a row, this is getting annoying.
Happened to me as well, then we did path 2 and detha got stuck at the final room.
Happened to me last night…Hodgins didn’t move. We all tried exiting the dungeon and re-enter, but he was still not triggering the event. This is the third bug in AC since this game has released that has forced me to restart.
More info for ac path 1. If you are at the howling king MAKE SURE hodgins is alive when he dies. If hodgins is dead you won’t get the quest completion and no rewards. Him not starting the second scepter has happened to me twice now in less then 24 hours. Very annoying.