AC broken
Just tried path 1 AC and we could not get the last boss to spawn, the dungeon quest was stuck on “explore the tunnels”.
This seems to be a trend of the dungeon thinking you are not doing parts that you have done. Same with NPCS not starting events. Very annoying.
i actually agree with this one. the other day a PUG of mine was forced to take the 3rd path because we could not, under any circumstances, get the dungeon to reset.
i’m really glad this wasn’t a difficulty complaint. there are freal bugs in this dungeon.
Yea, hard is not an issue it is the dungeons are not working as intended. There is absoultly no way that the mobs are supposed to spawn like they do at the moment because they were not doing that two weeks ago. Lt. K should die and give us a chest and a way point like he always does but now he does not. I want Anet to address this.
Here to +1 this,
I’ve successfully completed AC about 9 times. About 3 times I have had a glitch that has forced me to restart. Twice Lieut. Kohler failed to trigger (but I’ve found a remedy for that). Just today Hodgins would not trigger the scepter gathering event, had to start over again. Please fix AC…
Used to have issues with AC. Now the only time it bugs is after killing the last boss on Hodgins’ path, which we haven’t had it bug on us recently as long as we kill the boss in the center of the room he patrols.
I run all 3 paths everyday and have had no issue other than the inconvenience of the Breeder not leaving his spawn immediately at the traps in Detha’s path.
Not sure what variable is involved in issues for other people.
I run all 3 paths everyday and have had no issue other than the inconvenience of the Breeder not leaving his spawn immediately at the traps in Detha’s path.
Not sure what variable is involved in issues for other people.
What he said. +1
I run all 3 paths everyday and have had no issue other than the inconvenience of the Breeder not leaving his spawn immediately at the traps in Detha’s path.
Not sure what variable is involved in issues for other people.
I think a big factor is what server you are on. I used to be on Gates of Madness, never had a single glitch for dungeons or anything. Moved to Tarnished Coast and the first day I was there I had 2 glitches happening, the first one being the Kohler glitch, the second one being a waypoint teleporting me nowhere, but charging me for it.