AI Stacking Issues

AI Stacking Issues

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


There are 2 things about “Stack here” that sometimes go wrong that can cause a fight to be way harder than it has to be. Does anyone know what causes these to happen?

1. The boss gets “Melee Pushed” out of the corner. This is when you fight a boss and it slowly gets moved through the AI by walking or edging slowly out of the corner until its out of FGS range and a few inches off the corner. What causes things to be melee pushed out?

2. The boss stays on the edge of the corner rather than fully run into the V shape of the corner. This makes it harder to use skills on the wall and eventually the party will just move out of the stack to keep hitting. I think this is caused if someone hits the boss early, as its pulling to us, before it can properly be in place but im not sure.

For subject alpha pulling I usually hit him, wait 1/2 a second, and run in the stack and he pulls good but occassionally Ill see that if I cast a delayed spell like Ele earth staff #2(Churning earth), and run in the stack before it hits, he will aggro onto spire before pulling. So it seems like he needs that split second to see you before you hide in order to pull properly. Although I remember it working once or twice and it seems to work in SE P1 for golem pulling. So is this RNG or ?

AI Stacking Issues

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Errant Venture.9371

Errant Venture.9371

Melee Push occurs always when attacking inside of “max-melee” range. When you’re at the range where there red “out-of-range” bar appears underneath your skills, but you can still hit the boss you’re in the “max-melee” range. At that point you can still hit the NPC with melee weapons but they will not be pushed by your attacks.

The Battle Bakery [vPie]

AI Stacking Issues

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You answered yourself for #2, and Errant’s answer is correct for #1. To avoid melee pushing while still being either inside of the mob’s circle/right by it, you need to be attacking in the opposite direction against a wall/object with the mob against it.