ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Knudge.5048


I know its been said countless times before but I think the US the customer/community ask and talk about it the better chance there will be for change. GW2 is a great game I have a great time playing it and have reccomemded it to 3 RL friends who have also started playing but the one thing it is lacking is the ability the que for a dungeon group I know Personally I play very off hours and I don’t mind questing and doing events by myself but when it comes time to get in a dungeon group it sucks having to port around looking for groups when we could easily have an in game feature that coud mactch us automatically please please ANET consider this change your cross realm feature that u currently have is great I use it often to transfer to EU servers when I’m playing early morning just so Ican find people to group with.. it would be so much easier just to be able to jump in a que. And wait 10-15 mins ..thanks in advance

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fatalmind.3651


I would have to voice my opinion against that feature. Take WoW into account. it died with the addition of the dungeon finder due to the fact that you had to put even more effort into getting a solid group together to run some of the harder instances.

(yes i know many things killed WoW, not trying to open up a flame war about non sense)

but the biggest impact towards “hardcore” players leaving the game was the dungeon finder. My suggestion to you is to just be sociable for a while at the times that you play and add friends to your list. soon you’ll have plenty of people to gather up and go raid dungeons.

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: StevieMJH.9105


It’s not our job to worry about the game dying. A dungeon finder would vastly improve this game because Anet already insists on making it so that you get a bonus every day for running each path.

It’s stupid NOT to offer a dungeon finder because what you’re doing is making it so that the people that want to run one dungeon might not even be able to run it with the others that want to run the SAME one.

If you have four people that want to run Path 1, three that want Path 2, and another four that want Path 3, you still don’t have a full group. In an environment like that it’s ridiculous not to be able to at least have a feature where it can auto-place you into a group.

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

I agree. We need a better dungeon finding system because it is quite difficult to find a dungeon outside guilds.

Maybe something inspire by the GW1 party finder? That system worked VERY well! (Except have a global one for your server?)

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nightmare.2815


^ this
The guild wars 1 system was great and would work great for dungeons in this game.

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eve.1029


while i DISAGREE with automatic dungeon finding. It would be wonderful if we can have a cross-map, cross-server dungeon viewer that’s an expansion on the existing Looking for group function. Just give us some additional options to what is already in our friend list!
1. Separate this into group looking for members, and members looking for group
2. Content: Be able to select Specific dungeon, wvw map, spvp
3. Comment: Give a short space for special info such as the path, the class types needed, vent required, etc etc

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Knudge.5048


@stevie I’m gonna have to agree and disagree there countless things that killed wow but the dungeon finder was not one of them. I’m getting a little older now and when I was younger I would sit and play mmo’s for 12-14 hours a day and loved every minute of it but I cant do that anymore work family etc so an in game function that helps me find a grouo faster ti get that days t days tokens points etc is a no brainer.even if the elitist/hardcore don’t like the idea csnt they just continue to run there runs with guildmates our other friends who are opposed just cause its there doesn’t mean it has to be used by ll

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Knudge.5048


Sorry typing on my kitten tablet lol ???

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: caveslug.5934


I wish they would add some kind of dungeon finder to the game, which doesn’t have to = the WoW one.

No idea why people always assume that’s the only model for a finder,
or that they are some how forced to use it.

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: shmallow.2078


I have only managed to ever do three dungeons, and I have 210 hours played time. I mean honestly, you have to devote countless hours JUST TO FIND A GROUP. It’s ridiculous how difficult it is to do dungeons. Anet needs to either fix the LFG tool that is currently implemented, or implement a dungeon finder.

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Knudge.5048


I have only managed to ever do three dungeons, and I have 210 hours played time. I mean honestly, you have to devote countless hours JUST TO FIND A GROUP. It’s ridiculous how difficult it is to do dungeons. Anet needs to either fix the LFG tool that is currently implemented, or implement a dungeon finder.

amd im afraid ill be in the same boat missing out on content which kinda puts a damper on the game for me. i wanna see everything it has to offer

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Honest question: do you all stay in the zone X dungeon is in and spam LFG in chat or do you go to LA or other cities and ask there?

Im currently on an AC kick so ill spawn in to Ashford and post LFG in chat. If noone answers or i dont see anyone else then I hit up LA and ask there and I ALWAYS find a group.

And if you dont wanna do that then post in the forums that you wanna run X dungeon X amount of times on X path. Dungeons are cross server so if you get replies than there you go.

Complaining you cant ever find a group is hardly an argument for a dungeon finder.

That being said, i do agree than a system of some sort would be nice for in-game approaches to making a group.

But again, there are alternatives.

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: runeblade.7514


If there was a automated dungeon finder:

-I would leave the group after the first wipe. I will not bother with changing tactics. The group is bad.

-I would kick anyone that is not wearing full exotic and is under level 80. They do not contribute as much as a level 80 player can.

-I would kick anyone that needs to afk because of real life reasons, they’re wasting my time.

-I will kick anyone that dies. If they require me to go resurrect them, I will kick them because they are awful players.

Why would I do that? Because it is easier to get someone more competent.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dmt.3490


100% agree with this. I have a total of maybe 2-3 hours a week to play, and I don’t want to spend 30 minutes of that time just finding a group. This is especially true for story mode dungeons. Plus, the whole idea of spamming “LFG” in map chat is just inelegant. At the very least, you could create a separate chat channel dedicated to people looking for dungeons, so the map chats don’t get bogged down with LFG requests.

I still don’t quite understand exactly how a dungeon finder would hurt hardcore players. I mean, if you play “hardcore”, couldn’t you just join a “hardcore” guild and run with them? How exactly would a dungeon finder hurt you in any way?

(edited by dmt.3490)

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: afflaq.3947


I see the point you guys are trying to make as far as dungeon finders in regards to finding groups for things if you don’t have much time to play, but I am also in the group of people who don’t agree that dungeon finders are the direction that I hope the “lfg” system heads. I would like the LFG system to be a little more robust – but not to the extent of “your dungeon is ready, click here to enter!” from anywhere in the world then just porting you back to where you left off afterwards.

I saw the transition from actually finding people to do things with (ie: community) to the LFG system in another not to be mentioned game, and I also saw it literally destroy the community. People would leave after specific bosses, leave if they didn’t like someone, be a kitty-kitty-kitten-cat in general because there was no consequence. Worst case they just requeued again.

Back in the day, and currently the way that gw2 works, you’d find someone looking for more for a group – join – and then from there if things went great it’d be a “hey let me add you guys to my friends list and if you need a(n) <insert your class here> let me know, this was a good group” and you’d start to build a list of people you’d do things with, and eventually you wouldn’t even need mapchat anymore – at least not for your full group. It allows you to build a reputation as a good player (if you are one) or at least a nice person (again, if you are one) and then when people see that you’ve started a group and are looking for people, then they say “hey I ran with that guy (or girl) before, he’s good!” and they whisper you and join. That’s the social aspect of an MMO kicking in, and it’s one of the things that makes it great.

I’m on Crystal Desert and have pugged since launch, and continue to do so, even though I do have regular friends I group with, because it lets me meet more people and be social; this seems to be a sorely overlooked portion of the game that people these days just aren’t interested in – maybe it’s the mentality of developer provided content being the only focus, but there’s a whole metagame of making a name for yourself as well that shouldn’t be overlooked..and dungeon finder systems (at least in the sense that most people are referring to them) have the potential to destroy that dynamic.

I’ve said before and I’ll say again – if you guys are having trouble finding groups, send me a whisper in game and I’ll add you to my list and when I need people I’ll ask you, and I’m sure that there are plenty of people out there who feel the same way. My only rule is that I don’t cheese boss encounters. You start talking about how you can jump over a wall and skip the entire encounter and I’m either leaving or kicking you.

Darkwing [hug], Charr Thief | Charred [hug] – Charr Elementalist | Crystal Desert

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skaldir.5319


I am also against a dungeon finder, even if it take longer to form a group to run a dungeon, at least the majority of players try to stick to their initial party till the end. All the automation would just make things worse as groups would immediatly disband, or abuse kick for a single wipe.

Dungeon finder is one of the worst thing that has been introduced in Wow, and who helped to broke apart its community and made its really poor reputation.

A lot of GW2 gamemechanics (like the downed state/revive or DE’s) have been made so that players want to help each others. The community is actually decent, so please don’t ruin this by adding some “community tools” that are just good at breaking that community.

Instead, i agree on the Party Finder point, something like listing your party with which dungeon or whatever you intend to do with said party would be helpful. Didn’t played Gw1, but something like Planetside 1 Squad listing for example.

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Honest question: do you all stay in the zone X dungeon is in and spam LFG in chat or do you go to LA or other cities and ask there?

Im currently on an AC kick so ill spawn in to Ashford and post LFG in chat. If noone answers or i dont see anyone else then I hit up LA and ask there and I ALWAYS find a group.

And if you dont wanna do that then post in the forums that you wanna run X dungeon X amount of times on X path. Dungeons are cross server so if you get replies than there you go.

Complaining you cant ever find a group is hardly an argument for a dungeon finder.

That being said, i do agree than a system of some sort would be nice for in-game approaches to making a group.

But again, there are alternatives.

Yeah because finding a group for the easiest and most frequently run dungeon with the highest rewards and the lowest level requirement is totally comparable to finding a group for the higher level dungeons with equal or lesser rewards, harder content, less known mechanics and less frequent runs. If you’re going to discredit people’s desire for a feature which is proven to work in other games and at the very least is admitted by the devs themselves to be in an area the game has a weakness in, at least try to use a reasonable example, because finding a group for Ascalonian Catacombs isn’t in the same league as finding a group for Sorrow’s Embrace, Crucible of Eternity or even Arah.

Compound this problem with finding a group for specific path, an encounter is considered excessively difficult, or when a dungeon skin becomes unpopular and has bad statistical choices and you further marginalise the player base accessing certain content compared with other content. Add to that waypoint costs which severely punish players for travelling around maps to find other players to party with, becoming very expensive after the third or fourth map, further hampered by the inconvenient placement of dungeons on maps that level appropriate players will not be found (Twilight Arbor, a level 55 dungeon, is located on a level 1-15 map). Combine that with players who overfarm a dungeon using exploits and poorly tuned mechanics and encounters and don’t need to return once those are fixed, making it further difficult to access for the future population and you have a problem which is only going to grow.

People were having trouble finding groups for dungeons from the first week of this game. As the population matured and more players reached this content, people still have problems accessing content. Not completing it, accessing it because they can’t find a group. That’s a huge problem. It’s only going to get worse.

No-one should be forced out of the game to find a group for a dungeon, that is something that has simple in-game solutions that haven’t been implemented yet. Before exploits and speed clear, before overtuned encounters and buggy crashes (and I say this as someone who regularly runs a bugged path – Vevina in TA) I would say that finding a group for a dungeon and the bizarre reality that makes it seem like the developers didn’t even consider how players would form groups in the game, the lack of a dungeon finder or anything remotely reasonable to make this content more accessible is the biggest problem with the set up of dungeons in this game.

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LOCO.1785


Yes we definitely need something to make quickly finding a group to run any given dungeon with much easier.

Spamming LFG in Lions Arch just isn’t cutting it.

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LOCO.1785


If there was a automated dungeon finder:

-I would leave the group after the first wipe. I will not bother with changing tactics. The group is bad.

-I would kick anyone that is not wearing full exotic and is under level 80. They do not contribute as much as a level 80 player can.

-I would kick anyone that needs to afk because of real life reasons, they’re wasting my time.

-I will kick anyone that dies. If they require me to go resurrect them, I will kick them because they are awful players.

Why would I do that? Because it is easier to get someone more competent.

No no no.

The correct answer is because you’re a kitten.

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: omgwtflolbbl.7142


Honest question: do you all stay in the zone X dungeon is in and spam LFG in chat or do you go to LA or other cities and ask there?
Im currently on an AC kick so ill spawn in to Ashford and post LFG in chat. If noone answers or i dont see anyone else then I hit up LA and ask there and I ALWAYS find a group.
And if you dont wanna do that then post in the forums that you wanna run X dungeon X amount of times on X path. Dungeons are cross server so if you get replies than there you go.
Complaining you cant ever find a group is hardly an argument for a dungeon finder.
That being said, i do agree than a system of some sort would be nice for in-game approaches to making a group.
But again, there are alternatives.

If I wanted to run AC all day, I could. If I wanted to run CoF all day, I could. That’s because they’re very pug friendly, their weapons/armor are super popular, they’re very pug friendly, and well, they’re very very easy comparatively (not saying that dungeons are that hard, but relative to the other dungeons they’re about as derpmode as you can get and very short). Thus, people are always running those. Even the worst of pugs will succeed in those dungeons, and they’re very safe bets (not to mention AC makes you an actually decent amount of gold, which provides even more incentive for people to run that dungeon).

On the other hand, I want to run CoE. In the time it takes me to get a CoE group going from scratch, I’ll often see at least 2-3 CoF groups form up and go, and that’s assuming I even get my CoE group completed and going. 2 days ago I spent over an hour trying to get a CoE group together before I gave up and just went off to zerg in Orr. An hour wasted of spamming Lion’s Arch and Mount Maelstrom. I rarely ever put together full groups of people who are all experienced with the dungeon; I usually get at least one first timer, if not multiple. CoE also just isn’t enjoyable to a lot of people; many in my guild just don’t want to run it with me, because they hate it. Even when I guide people through pretty much perfect runs, they don’t want to run it again because they just didn’t like it. And god forbid if they DID have trouble with Alpha, or someone was impatient with with Evolved Destroyer making it take an even needlessly longer time than normal, because they’ll often tell me thanks for the run, but I never want to run this dungeon again.

At this point, forming dungeon parties is far more difficult than the actual dungeons themselves for me. I don’t necessarily want a fully automated system, but at least let me search for a party without having to dedicate time to getting message suppressed and warping around between Lion’s Arch and whatever map the dungeon is in.

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Sunday, 8:30 PM Eastern time. Waited about 15-20 minutes to find a group for CoF path 1 or/and 2. Our group needed just one more person. There also were few other groups that needed one or two more players.
P.S. We had a pretty unbalanced party classwise: a guardian, 2 warriors, and a necromancer. I found a guy who wanted to run path 1 or path 2 but he declined my request. When I asked him why he did that he told me that he was a warrior and it would take ages to kill last boss on path 1 with 3 warriors. I don’t know your name but if you are reading this, I want to let you know that we basically roflstomped everything on our way 2 times in a row (both paths) and did Magg defence stage without kiting.

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Just to clarify, I see chat messages in LA for CoE, CoF, TA, AC, CM, HoW, Sorrow’s Embrace and as of last night, there were two or three looking for Arah. I believe that’s all of them. Some more popular than others but their presence in chat was undeniable.

Perhaps it’s just my server that runs dungeons on such an even basis but I was merely using AC as a personal example. I see all others being run daily during my bid to form a dungeon group.

We can moan and complain and argue about whether or not they should have some sort of LFG tool but until they actually introduce something we are left with the methods I have outlined.

*You either check the cities
*Or you create a forum post asking folks if they want to join you.

Both stand to give you the greatest chance of forming a group. Only thing that stands in your way is your own impatience.

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


If there was a automated dungeon finder:

-I would leave the group after the first wipe. I will not bother with changing tactics. The group is bad.

-I would kick anyone that is not wearing full exotic and is under level 80. They do not contribute as much as a level 80 player can.

-I would kick anyone that needs to afk because of real life reasons, they’re wasting my time.

-I will kick anyone that dies. If they require me to go resurrect them, I will kick them because they are awful players.

Why would I do that? Because it is easier to get someone more competent.

I too, fear that these will be the main issues.

We are already seeing “only looking for 80’s” groups and quite frankly they make me sick. If anything is introduced such as a dungeon finder system or automation of it, I would near demand that they update their definitions of griefing to include this kind of behavior and have severe infractions for it, as well as deliberately trolling by playing badly to irritate others. given this is a B2P game, bans for this abuse would be meaningful I feel

Irony…. xD