I find myself straying to older MMO’s like World of Warcraft, when I would much rather be playing GW2. I sat down and got to the core of why this was happening. Of all the MMO “needs” GW2 does fulfill, a true sense of progression as far as character development is lacking, there, but lacking. As of right now, you have the Fractals, and Crafting as your method of attainment for “top” gear, and now with HoT there will be legendary gear available to Raiders. Gold is hard to come by, and the Dungeons are full of “Zerker Only” groups and the utilization of exploits. And Mat Farming can be an eye gouging, boring experience. Fractals are fun and challenging, but it can get boring doing the same limited scenarios – so: Make more fractals? or Improve a currently lacking part of pre-existing play mode?
I propose the following changes to Dungeons to make them worth playing, and not just speed run/farm them.
1. Cut the Leash. You can’t skip mobs if they’ll follow you to the end – you have to deal with them (or use an “anti aggro” mechanic like Stealth, via Bird Feathers or class mechanic). So either learn some LoS pulls, or find a run and stack point, cause – they aren’t going to turn around. This will increase Strategy within different group comps.
2. Increase the damage of all dungeon mobs by 5-10%. Make us work for it! Make us watch tells and CD’s, get out of the way, pull smaller groups, utilize builds and utilities in certain pulls – instead of just stack and kill while the mob lightly slaps us like Roger on American Dad. This will also cause 2 things to happen – People who like to “Pug” will be more inclined create well rounded builds with equal parts damage, control, support. 2. People in guilds who do planned “structured” runs can utilize the “Pure” builds and group make-ups – 1 Support, 1 Control and 3 DPS (or any group of well combined Hybrids of varying degrees) configurations and the such. You keep the integrity of NOT having a Trinity, while giving teams the option of virtually creating one. And, if I may, can some encounters have an “Anti stacking” mechanic, like maybe a boss fight with an effect that doesn’t harm the player, but does harm those within a certain range of the player, or a pulsing blind – something to make people move around instead of just stack.
3. You gotta give us a heads up! On the Enemy bar where you tell us what they do – Tell us their Aggro Preference, this way we can plan and say “Okay, well This aggros by Range, We’ll have the Ranger or Ele kite it around while we all rotate Chill and kill it.”
4. MONEY! The primary the reason “Speed Running” and “Zerkers” came about is because – Times are tough all over man, that Gold is hard to come by for the casual player. If the dungeons get harder, more exciting, less exploitable through the first 3 changes then they are going to take longer – so you’re gonna have to up the anty! I don’t want the daily grind of farming Silverwastes to be the most profitable way to make gold. Please don’t keep making me run Silverwastes… I want to tear my eyes out.
5. Show your Dungeon Mastery through Dungeon Ascendeds! They’d require the Exotic piece + more currency, so people can’t “skip”. We can always change the stats in the Forge if we want. AWESOME new Dungeon themed Skins!! A 3rd way to get “Raid Ready” and promote upgrading to the expansion AND help people feel like their hard work is paying off.
6. A few new Runes, and a new Sigil or two. For those of us who are in guilds and ARE going to have structured groups, we’re going to need some control in order to have order. I propose Taunt Runes. Here’s an Example:
Rune of the Lunatic
(2)10% Increased Protection Duration
(4)25% Chance when hit to gain Protection
(6)Your Shouts taunt enemies within 600yd
Of course we would need a few to cater to the different Control focused utility categories.
Don’t want to have a full rune – but want to have a “kiting” weapon?
Sigil of Attraction: 66% chance on Hit to Taunt target.
Maybe a second Sigil that has a chance to convert Damage to Taunt for an AoE effect.
BAM!!, now those who want control they can regulate have what they need.
7. These two are for later down the road – Two New Modes. A “Champion Explorable” mode for level 80’s who want an ultimate 5 man challenge! Like Emril took the Explorable mode and “kicked it up a notch”. And “Run-Solo” Mode where the dungeon contains encounters meant to be soloed and really test the players skills and self reliability. This would double as a GREAT way to test out your build.
And Finally, how ArenaNet can benefit from these changes – Change the Dungeon Potions to Dungeon Boosters. Gem Store purchased/Black Lion Chest “+20% Damage in Dungeons”, “Increase Ally Healing Effectiveness by 20% in Dungeons” or “Take 20% Less Damage in Dungeons” Boosters. Maybe even a “10% increased Gold from Monsters in Dungeons” :-)
I know some people are going to react harshly to this post, and that’s just fine. I have merely gone through and examined why I am straying away from this product (when I LOVE this game), and what me and other GW2 players I know have been really starving for. This was how I could see is fixed with minimal change to the current model and mechanics, and the addition of a couple items.