First of all let me say that i LOVE it. Huge CUDOS to raid-design team
Now i’m known to curse a lot, simply because the things that i say come without any defensive speech, however, since i can’t curse here due to (“kittens”), i’ll try to adjust and keep this post as civil as i can.
That being said, i’ve played GW2 between 2012-2013, the only end content there were Fractals (for PVE-rs, dungeons were too easy, as they’re now), and WvW
Tho’ to be fair, the end content of pre-HOT gw2, was ALWAYS WvW, tons of people being on ts, or vent, or wherever VOIP was hosted, and just zerging/planning around.
Which’s kinda “cool” but gets boring as well.
Now since i’m “speaking” from personal point of view, i really HATE – Legendaries – with passion, I firmly do believe that they’re nothing more than over-glorified pieces of pixels that EVERYONE can have with given a little bit time and effort (Gold making in this game ‘s pretty much easy)
The way i see it tho’ however, we have a problem.
I firmly do believe that the people who’re constantly moaning and giving negative feedback about raids, are the people who’ve never truly tried to adjust to that particular content, those people are usually full of themselves (more than i am with this post), are at age of around 30-40, and generally perform bad when it comes to their class, and have a belief that raids should be tailored around them, and that they shouldn’t have to tailor their class-play-style accordingly.
Now that’s just “kittens”, pure and utter “kittens”
I’ve guild-lead & raid lead, in couple of MMO’s most notable one being WoW.
WoW Raids, and these raids, are VASTLY different, there’s no more “casual” raids that you can get than what we have in gw2, which’s FINE, there’s more than ENOUGH challenge for progression, and not having a “stale” content.
If any of the Anet staff is reading this, you guys again are doing AWESOME, the expansion itself is GREAT, HoT feels “ALIVE” more than original gw2 ever did, SURE it is a bit short when it comes to story-line and it COULD have been improved, but what we got is perfectly decent.
I IMPLORE you, DO NOT STOP, making raid content, its good, it’s awesome, and it actually “socializes” a bit more people as well.
Now i’d like to get a little bit of your own feedback as well.
In general my opinions, thoughts and views, and when i discuss it with people, i tend to “attack” a lot, simply because i don’t like “kittens”
But either way, i’m really trying here, and would like to hear your input on
Why is it that some of you are unsatisfied with raids, have you tried adjusting to the content? Have you tried searching for a guild, or anyone else to help you out with regarding that?
~ I guild//raidlead and have both wings on 1night farm, which really isn’t much of achievement but, if do know that EVERY single time, if someone needs any help regarding raids, YOU yourself right now that’re reading this, feel free to contact me and we’ll see what we can do.
Either way, yeah.
Why don’t “you” like raids, and please guys, explain this to me since i’ve never truly been able to grasp the idea of pixels (Legendaries) which even you could argue obtaining is for some sort of prestige, but i’ve NEVER been fascinated with people who have them, and neither are players that i know.
I would never spend huge amount of time, just to once its done have it posted in map chat/guild chat for the sake of someone saying “gratz”
On a side note, this’s just coming from personal experience, most of folks that i’ve had chance to encounter be it in pugs, or wherenot, who have legendaries, are usually folks who perform really really really bad in terms of game-play-style
So yeah, hopefully ya guys wont bash much on this post, but if ya decide to do that’s fine, there’s huge of tl;dr content here
Anyhow, give me your opinions on your view on raids, why do you like it, why ya don’t
PS: Again, HUGE HUGE MEGA GIGA huge gratz on the raid-team for constructing well designed content.