Account wide Dungeon Story completion

Account wide Dungeon Story completion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alaya.8765


Well I am pretty sure this has already been mentioned more than once in the forums but well.

Why isn’t the Dungeon story completion account bound and not character bound?Dungeons themselves are already not that popular but if you want to open exploration mode with a character you have to complete the story with him before.

I have lost count of the specific dungeon stories each of my characters has done and it is pretty annoying. So is there any reason not to change it?
I mean fractal reward level is also account bound and not character bound any more.

Account wide Dungeon Story completion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fancypants.9705


Probably the same reason the regular story mode is not account wide.