Adding some value back to dungeons

Adding some value back to dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: That Guy.5704

That Guy.5704

Not talking about liquid gold. I feel like I remember seeing a while back that new methods of getting low level crafting materials would be added (other than having low level alts to open stuff on being the best way). I havent really found this other than map rewards.

Since ascended crafting is so important now far various reason, maybe add some salvaging items to the drops from mobs and chests (mostly chests I guess for the sake of them still being a daily reward?) in the different dungeons that specifically give salvaged items tuned to the level of that dungeon, and in higher quantities compared to open world salvage items.

Adding some value back to dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Klaugh.7415


I would love for token rewards to be increased.

“I’d like to earn dungeon rewards!” should not be met with, “Do the PvP track.”

I have no problems with the PvP tracks; they’re great to have around. Post-HoT, though, LFG dungeon runs are few and far between, with most people content to use the tracks as their sole method of obtaining dungeon tokens.

I still enjoy dungeons. It’s still good content. It would be nice to have more of an incentive to go there, though, and increased dungeon tokens is a perfect start.

Adding some value back to dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

The reason for nerfing dungeons was to discourage players from playing them. So why would they now add rewards back?