Aetherblades path is my favourite dungeon..

Aetherblades path is my favourite dungeon..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bretfrag.5607


Except for the oozes + gears part. Ugh. It’s just awful design. Every time I do it, it feels like a clumsy fluke. Anyone know of a good strategy?

Aetherblades path is my favourite dungeon..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Enaretos.8079


Look up for rT’s speedclear IMO.

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Aetherblades path is my favourite dungeon..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OMNIBUS.2913


Same here, i would run aetherpath a lot more if the ooze part was more pug friendly. Just make the oozes u hav to get across allies that u can heal! But in the past wen i tried(sometimes it went well) our pug was usually stuck at the first door. Trying forever until everyone just givs up lol. Everythign else in the dungoen is kool tho!

Aetherblades path is my favourite dungeon..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


You obviously never had bugged generators.

Aetherblades path is my favourite dungeon..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bretfrag.5607


You obviously never had bugged generators.

I did for the first time yesterday, funnily enough. Very bloody annoying. I don’t think that detracts from the design of the dungeon though, which overall is really fun.

I watched the video recommended above and it seemed helpful, but I haven’t tried it yet.

Aetherblades path is my favourite dungeon..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thorwyn.8469


My Guild and I are doing aetherpath quite every day, for a very long time.
It takes us something less than 20min, so I’d say we’re not bad doing this.

At the ooze part, when you enter the room, the guard and another player (mostly a war or since we are running it with 2 ele’s, an ele) go to the right. The other three people go to the left.

On the right side, kill all elementals. On the left side the same plus kill the ooze.

Right side: If a war is running, just run through. The guard first uses his Wall of Reflection, then using Shield #5 and at the end jump behind the ooze to catch up the projectiles.

Left side: normaly you should have something which can absorp projectiles e.g. ele, thief. First use your projectile absorptions and then let the 2 guys jump behind the ooze to block the projectiles.

Sometimes the spawn can kitten you up and then it can be inconvenient. Just dont give up.

Side note: (when entering the room) the left side is faster than the right one.

Another thing for my own: I stream quite every day doing dungeons and as I said, we are doing aetherpath quite every day. At the moment I’ve got exams till next week, so I might not be streaming that much, but after that I should be online every day.

So if you’d like some different tactis or other tactis, feel free to watch it.

Aetherblades path is my favourite dungeon..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elrey.5472


Oozes part is done in first try and 30 seconds if you do the “Not defending oozes” strategy. This strat is based in NOT using specific proffesions, since you don’t need guards or warriors or mesmers or anything specific to achieve this fast.

How to? With 4 players.
1: Two players join room (one for each side) and 2 other players stay outside.
2: The first two players aggro all elementals in their side AND also ooze, but then they attack nothing and let ooze dies.
3: As soon as ooze dies, they RUN to the end of their path, to the wall exactly. The 3 elementals will follow them and they can now just tank them away from ooze (you got a small 10 seconds window before a new ooze respawn to do this)
4: The other 2 players now join the room, they move an ooze each one safely ^^.
5: The first players kill elementals before the oozes reachs them, sometimes you will want to keep elementals alive until ooze is half-way done, otherwise they would respawn too soon. Nevertheless, if they respawn, ozzes are more than 50% way done so it’s almost impossible to mess it up.

Result? oozes get 0 damage, oozes don’t need defense, oozes are never hit… and you do it in 30 seconds.

ES Wiki Sysop. Vanquiser of the Marionette, Lover of the Aetherpath.
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(edited by Elrey.5472)

Aetherblades path is my favourite dungeon..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: No Pulse.2967

No Pulse.2967

Oozes part is done in first try and 30 seconds if you do the “Not defending oozes” strategy. This strat is based in NOT using specific proffesions, since you don’t need guards or warriors or mesmers or anything specific to achieve this fast.

How to? With 4 players.
1: Two players join room (one for each side) and 2 other players stay outside.
2: The first two players aggro all elementals in their side AND also ooze, but then they attack nothing and let ooze dies.
3: As soon as ooze dies, they RUN to the end of their path, to the wall exactly. The 3 elementals will follow them and they can now just tank them away from ooze (you got a small 10 seconds window before a new ooze respawn to do this)
4: The other 2 players now join the room, they move an ooze each one safely ^^.
5: The first players kill elementals before the oozes reachs them, sometimes you will want to keep elementals alive until ooze is half-way done, otherwise they would respawn too soon. Nevertheless, if they respawn, ozzes are more than 50% way done so it’s almost impossible to mess it up.

Result? oozes get 0 damage, oozes don’t need defense, oozes are never hit… and you do it in 30 seconds.

That strategy sounds very familiar I can confirm that it works really well (probably the most reliable method).

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(edited by No Pulse.2967)

Aetherblades path is my favourite dungeon..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736

I like it, though I think there’s a couple QoL things they could do.

Like, a countdown to show much longer you have to get the second ooze in before the first one’s effect expires. Or, hard resetting if you’re not engaged, so that if you need to retreat to reconsider your approach you’re not coming back in to spare mobs, accidentally fading ooze bait, and off-kilter respawns.

Strategy-wise I haven’t had much problem tackling it head-on with a Pug, just don’t forget to outline the simple seeming things. Like, the fact the mobs use projectiles that can be reflected. Incomplete information has accounted for more of my failures than anything else.

(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)

Aetherblades path is my favourite dungeon..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


I always wanted to know, but never bothered to find out… Can you scorpion wire the oozes?

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Aetherblades path is my favourite dungeon..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


I always wanted to know, but never bothered to find out… Can you scorpion wire the oozes?

Oozes are immune to CC.

Aetherblades path is my favourite dungeon..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


Oozes part is done in first try and 30 seconds if you do the “Not defending oozes” strategy. This strat is based in NOT using specific proffesions, since you don’t need guards or warriors or mesmers or anything specific to achieve this fast.

How to? With 4 players.
1: Two players join room (one for each side) and 2 other players stay outside.
2: The first two players aggro all elementals in their side AND also ooze, but then they attack nothing and let ooze dies.
3: As soon as ooze dies, they RUN to the end of their path, to the wall exactly. The 3 elementals will follow them and they can now just tank them away from ooze (you got a small 10 seconds window before a new ooze respawn to do this)
4: The other 2 players now join the room, they move an ooze each one safely ^^.
5: The first players kill elementals before the oozes reachs them, sometimes you will want to keep elementals alive until ooze is half-way done, otherwise they would respawn too soon. Nevertheless, if they respawn, ozzes are more than 50% way done so it’s almost impossible to mess it up.

Result? oozes get 0 damage, oozes don’t need defense, oozes are never hit… and you do it in 30 seconds.

This is the most reliable method. Everyone should know this in pug, but nobody does

Yes ooze is immune to CC except for fear