Aetherpath "Stay Cool" still bugged
Has been discussed multiple times, no word from Anet sadly. The way around it is simply do it over and over, maybe after 10-20 repeats you get lucky and get the achiev. As far as I know, it just gives it to people randomly, there doesn’t seem to be a pattern or a way to guarrantee it. I was posting it in the other thread, so I may as well wanna post it here:
If there are 4 other people out there who want to dedicate a few hours to just repeating this starting section of AE, I’m up for this, just let me know and I’ll join you (EU), trying my luck with this achiev as well.
Just do it properly and you’ll have no issues with it. I did bring 10 guildies over the last month that got all aetherpath achievements in 1 run.
And by properly I meant:
- Don’t f**** move both oozes on the same path.
I really hate that way of cheating, but besides my own opinion, some people think that if oozes get into fire, you lose the achievement, and it might be true or false, I don’t really care. Just get 2 tanks, move eles away. Then get 2 players to move oozes (of them being the guy that needs achievement) and faceroll it.
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
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