After a 4 Month Break

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Minigrump.4961


Should I bother going back to dungeons? or is it still the same easy kitten that it always has been, that is buggy and easy to glitch/cheat your way through if you do not have the skill to run it in a group or solo it yourself, with people kicking pugs from groups at ends of runs, white knights kicking arah sellers for no good reason and casuals still insisting that PVT is the way to go, and that anyone in zerk gear are scummy l337ists? Thanks in advance. (and sorry for all those people that can not handle these words i speak of that are true, or were true 4 months ago when i last logged on to the game)

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


Yep, something like that.

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NoTrigger.8396


nothing has changed except that devs started to listen to the PVT casuals.

[qT] Quantify

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


You’d think after many months people would know PTV suck in dungeons but I guess people like to roll on their keyboard

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Casmurro.9046


It will change a little bit after april 15th, when crit damage will get nerfed. They devs said that a berserker build will get a 10% dps decrease with the changes, but i’ve seen some people claiming that the reduction may get to something like 30% in some cases (like eles with lightning hammer and spotter and banner of discipline and so on…).

But i think the nerf is fair, because with ascended weapons a berserker build could get +12% dps because how crit damage scales so well with the extra stats, so this brings the ascended gear down to the same dps as exotic in the past.

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gyler.8150


It’s scary how accurate your description is.

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Agony.3542


It will change a little bit after april 15th, when crit damage will get nerfed. They devs said that a berserker build will get a 10% dps decrease with the changes, but i’ve seen some people claiming that the reduction may get to something like 30% in some cases (like eles with lightning hammer and spotter and banner of discipline and so on…).

But i think the nerf is fair, because with ascended weapons a berserker build could get +12% dps because how crit damage scales so well with the extra stats, so this brings the ascended gear down to the same dps as exotic in the past.

The “10% reduced damage” refers to lazy zerker builds with no damage support.
The nerf itself is very lazy too, instead of bothering with improving AI and mechanics, brainafk soldier builds are getting favoured. Every direct damage spec, that includes those who wear soldiers/sentinels got a decent damage increase with the introduction of ascended items. It’s not like only ascended zerker would yield extra stats and especially increased weapon damage, which is a big factor in the increment of damage. The nerf to zerker is by no means “fair”, it is just lazy.
Ele damage will suffer even more. There may be some improvements towards ele survival in the future, but that barely matters for a decent dungeon player; if you were not able to run zerker on ele before the change, you wont be able to roll zerk after the change either.

So really answering the OPs question, no nothing has changed, things will even get worse with the april 15 patch. Exploits and even hacks as it seems with hotw are beeing tackled with bandaid fixes, adding in some walls or changing/breaking some bosses, instead of proper fixing.

RIP game 2012-2014

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Yes. Things have changed: HoTW troll now drops AC tokens after a botched cut-and-paste job.

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Minigrump.4961


huh. so looks like i am not coming back then. well thank you guys for all the helpful information

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rag.3258


It will change a little bit after april 15th, when crit damage will get nerfed. They devs said that a berserker build will get a 10% dps decrease with the changes, but i’ve seen some people claiming that the reduction may get to something like 30% in some cases (like eles with lightning hammer and spotter and banner of discipline and so on…).

But i think the nerf is fair, because with ascended weapons a berserker build could get +12% dps because how crit damage scales so well with the extra stats, so this brings the ascended gear down to the same dps as exotic in the past.

The “10% reduced damage” refers to lazy zerker builds with no damage support.
The nerf itself is very lazy too, instead of bothering with improving AI and mechanics, brainafk soldier builds are getting favoured. Every direct damage spec, that includes those who wear soldiers/sentinels got a decent damage increase with the introduction of ascended items. It’s not like only ascended zerker would yield extra stats and especially increased weapon damage, which is a big factor in the increment of damage. The nerf to zerker is by no means “fair”, it is just lazy.
Ele damage will suffer even more. There may be some improvements towards ele survival in the future, but that barely matters for a decent dungeon player; if you were not able to run zerker on ele before the change, you wont be able to roll zerk after the change either.

So really answering the OPs question, no nothing has changed, things will even get worse with the april 15 patch. Exploits and even hacks as it seems with hotw are beeing tackled with bandaid fixes, adding in some walls or changing/breaking some bosses, instead of proper fixing.

The fact that gw2 combat is broken beyond repair aside, crit damage normalization is actually a good step into the right direction. Your post just reads like youre upset anet is stealing your lollipop.

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


If you want to insult the dungeons, that’s cool. Do what you do. But why bother posting the insults in the form of a disingenuous question?

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


It’s not disingenuous, OP has a serious question. I’m leaving GW2 for ESO at the moment. In a few months when I’m looking to change things up and consider returning, I’ll be asking the same question.

To the OP: It’s still the same. They stealth-broke some bosses to make things harder for soloers “exploiters” and put up some invisible walls in Arah (BTW, can still bypass them, required bosses are still optional headdesk). Other than that, business as usual — ignoring dungeon bugs and limiting community involvement to infractions-only.

Oh, and they started these “Dolyak Express” threads to make the community feel valued by letting us ask questions about pressing game issues like voice acting and LGBT NPCs. pats ANet on the back for being so progressive

Stay where you are. It’s not worth returning. There’s not much new, since the vast majority of the new content they’ve added in the past year disappeared one month after it was pushed, and developing these temporary additions consumed all of the resources that should have been allocated for basic maintenance of the game.

(edited by dlonie.6547)

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


It’s not disingenuous, OP has a serious question. I’m leaving GW2 for ESO at the moment. In a few months when I’m looking to change things up and consider returning, I’ll be asking the same question.

To the OP: It’s still the same. They stealth-broke some bosses to make things harder for soloers “exploiters” and put up some invisible walls in Arah (BTW, can still bypass them, required bosses are still optional headdesk). Other than that, business as usual — ignoring dungeon bugs and limiting community involvement to infractions-only.

Oh, and they started these “Dolyak Express” threads to make the community feel valued by letting us ask questions about pressing game issues like voice acting and LGBT NPCs. pats ANet on the back for being so progressive

Stay where you are. It’s not worth returning. There’s not much new, since the vast majority of the new content they’ve added in the past year disappeared one month after it was pushed, and developing these temporary additions consumed all of the resources that should have been allocated for basic maintenance of the game.

ESO is not really different from GW2 so I’m surprised you even chose that compared to other games that are vastly different from GW2 and have what I think you want.

As for the stuff that were introduced like around 80% of it is still in the game in some form. The other 20% are either recurring events (halloween, wintersday, SAB, sanctum, queen’s pavilion). May not the type of content you want is the problem not the fact that it was temporary since 20% of the update was which is reasonable.

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


The fact that gw2 combat is broken beyond repair aside, crit damage normalization is actually a good step into the right direction. Your post just reads like youre upset anet is stealing your lollipop.

GW2 combat isn’t broken it is just that active defenses are extremely strong since it makes passive defense weak by comparison.

Crit damage changes are bad since they affect both WvW and PvE. For WvW this change will make tanky builds and condi builds even better since the damage output will be lower to put a dent in tanky builds. And condo builds are naturally tanky by design so they will receive less damage. For PvE it doesn’t do anything except add time. I am sure Anet didn’t balance dungeons or world bosses based on these changes. In fact it is only the crit damage change. This means dungeons will take longer for all groups. World bosses like wurm take longer or would fail more often because they are balanced around the old dps numbers.

In fact this change makes dps (full zerk) more of a requirement because it will naturally take longer (even with full dps) and on top of that if you have someone with a subpar build the effect of their lack of contribution will be felt by the group more. Hence people will want everyone to run more dps to make up for the loss from this change.

It isn’t about being mad that Anet is doing something. It is more about how 90% of the people that comment on these forums lack a true understand of what dps groups actually have to do and how people that run say PTH/PTV are contributing to a team when they aren’t and they are just in denial. And instead of making dungeon design better they nerd certain things to cater to the 90% of the people responding here (or so it seems which isn’t to say that they truly are).

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


Anet has a huge vision of what the game combat are supposed to be. Great in theory but bad in application.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

(edited by SkyChef.5432)