Agony and MF similarities
I am completely against Ascended gear, but I did end up running FotM eventually. The problem though, is that now it’s all I do. I run FotM a few times then I check out WvW for a little bit. That’s about it.
Im completely against Magic Find gear….
If ascended gear would have identical stats to exotics (+jewel) and the only difference would be the infusion slot then I’d be all in favor of it. As it stands now, I think it’s a horrible idea.
Magic find has it’s place but all dungeon drops should be unaffected by it (and instead the dungeon loot drop chances should be increased)
Im completely against Magic Find gear….
I’m also against MF gear as it is currently implemented, since you can only increase it by reducing other stats, and your party members would care about your other stats.
But if MF was implemented like Agony resistance, where you can increase it without reducing other stats, it would cease to be a problem. Which is why I made this suggestion thread to:
– Remove the prisoners dilemma aspect of MF gear
– Remove grind on stats that other people in your party care about
– Keep some form of vertical progression in for people that care about it
– Allow us to have agony resistance and the variety of options that runes and sigils allow.
So please go into that thread and tell me what you think about the suggestion.
They should not implement gear that has MF without any reduction on other stats.
Like you previously mentionned, AR only matters in 1 area. MF affects everywhere.
What will be the point to have MF in the first place if the stat exist in every single piece of gear?
If they were to implement Mf without any stat reduction, wouldn’t it be easier for them to just boost the drop rate and remove MF completely (which is basically what you are asking).
I think MF is fine as it is, they just need to nullify the MF effect in dungeons.
I am completely against Ascended gear, but I did end up running FotM eventually. The problem though, is that now it’s all I do. I run FotM a few times then I check out WvW for a little bit. That’s about it.
Why? Try doing other dungeons, leveling alts, working on achievments, or playing sPvP. There’s SO MUCH to do in this game.
I don’t get why people do NOTHING besides FoTM then come on the forums and complain that they’re not having any fun. Well duh, it’s because you’re only playing ONE tiny part of the game, of COURSE you’re going to get bored of it real quick.
I am completely against Ascended gear, but I did end up running FotM eventually. The problem though, is that now it’s all I do. I run FotM a few times then I check out WvW for a little bit. That’s about it.
Why? Try doing other dungeons, leveling alts, working on achievments, or playing sPvP. There’s SO MUCH to do in this game.
I don’t get why people do NOTHING besides FoTM then come on the forums and complain that they’re not having any fun. Well duh, it’s because you’re only playing ONE tiny part of the game, of COURSE you’re going to get bored of it real quick.
I am having fun. I’m pointing out the problem of the world being a little more empty because of it.
Higher levels of FOTM give better drops. To access them, you need more agony resistance.
Better drops huh? I guess you’re talking about rings and fractal weapons, because everything else is exactly the same drops at lv8 and lv 38, or 48. My last named 80 exotic (sold for 5.85g) was from a lv10 daily, so i guess too many are pretty illuded of this theory.
No doubt everyone loves lv30 agony res more than someone with an improper full MF set and lower AR res, you discovered the hot water i guess Clearly MF gear should not exists at all on this game, allowing it just with food, every problem would have been fixed, and none would complain about those leechers with underpowered performance. But those amazing (lol) Anet designers didn’t tought about it, clearly.
(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)
Honestly, when clearing trash mobs, I don’t have an issue with folks using magic find so long as I’m not spending time reviving them (typically don’t). Trash mobs are easy enough and I am well aware of the pain of having to wade through them for no reward. At least magic find helps in sometimes making it worthwhile.
Bosses, however, they need to use real stats. You always know when you’re about to fight a boss, so swap it then.
They should not implement gear that has MF without any reduction on other stats.
Like you previously mentionned, AR only matters in 1 area. MF affects everywhere.
What will be the point to have MF in the first place if the stat exist in every single piece of gear?
If they were to implement Mf without any stat reduction, wouldn’t it be easier for them to just boost the drop rate and remove MF completely (which is basically what you are asking).
I think MF is fine as it is, they just need to nullify the MF effect in dungeons.
The idea with my proposal is that this MF without reducing other stats will be vertical progression that lots of players want. In other words, increasing your MF will be expensive, it will provide a reward to the players who grind it out, but other players will not care unless they think that earning large amounts of gold shouldn’t require grind.
I also like the idea that, if you have a goal that requires a specific amount of gold, then the highest available MF will not be optimal to get because the time spent acquiring it means that getting it then your goal will be longer than stopping at a lower MF and then going for your goal.
Higher levels of FOTM give better drops. To access them, you need more agony resistance.
Better drops huh? I guess you’re talking about rings and fractal weapons, because everything else is exactly the same drops at lv8 and lv 38, or 48.
Here I thought that ANET had followed through on their promise of better drops at higher levels of fractals. I’ve got one character up to Fractals 10, and I have no intention of doing anything more in them than the level 10 daily or helping guildies increase their fractal level.
MF gear should not exists at all on this game, allowing it just with food, every problem would have been fixed,
Only if consuming the MF food doesn’t stop you from consuming non-MF food. If it does then you still have the tradeoff between MF and stats your party care about. It’s just that food is currently optional.