Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


well, id like to find out about the scaling on fractals agony dmg. wiki is clearly wrong and i’ve tried to work out a formula myself but haven’t found any.

-criteria that the formula must do:
12.5% dmg / tick in lvl 10 without any AR
6.25% dmg / tick in lvl 10 with 5 AR
-25% dmg / tick in lvl 20 without any AR
12.5% dmg / tick in lvl 20 with 5 AR
-less than 100% dmg / tick in lvl 50with 30AR
-more than 100% dmg / tick in lvl 60 with 30AR

the current formula at the wiki is ;

100(2^[(Difficulty/10) – (Resistance/5) – 4]) = %-damage taken per hit.

if the wiki formula were correct we would only take 6,25% dmg / tick in lvl 60 with 30 AR, witch obviously isn’t the case.

my theory is something in the line of this:

100(2^[(2^[Difficulty/10]-1) – (Resistance/5) -4])% dmg / tick

this formula gets the same answer as the wiki’s on the first 2 difficulties. but would quickly escalate after that. we get the folowing results:

0 AR = 12.5%
5 AR = 6,25%
10 AR = 3,125% etc…
0 AR = 25%
5 AR = 12.5%
10 AR = 6,25% etc…
10 AR = 25%
15 AR = 12.5%
20 AR = 6,25%
20 AR = 100%
25 AR = 50%
30 AR = 25%
30 AR = 6400% yes, 6400% of your max hp per tick.

so we clearly see the scaling is escalating way to quickly. as seen in this video (Dredge last boss scale 55)
the guardian in the video survive a agony tick in a lvl50 frac with around 40%hp at 4:55 min into the video.

so the formula is better. but not accurate.
id like to have some date from folks actually playing these higher fractals. at what level are starting to get 1 shoted from 1 tick of agony and how much dmg does agony do on the different difficulty levels. ty for all the information and ill keep working on the formula :P
everything for the wiki!

(edited by Waraxx.4286)

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Grey.7319


I’m in the process of writing some guidelines for minimum AR at various Fractal levels for my guild.

So far, the formula above seems to be the closest match to my experience up to fractal 34. I wondered if you had made any more progress in regards to the formula, or if you still needed specific data from certain levels.

IGN: Grey | Mesmer | Gandara
GW2 wiki profile | DeviantArt | GW2Guru Art Thread

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Turns out simple maths is geeky now. Ok.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


i still need data as i am only in lvl 29 fractal as of now. and i try to make progression with the formula but i need data to be able to check with stats. apparently at lvl 40 every tic insta downs. so i have data that contradict each other. i really want people to confirm the actuall values.

and the "minimum amount needed for each level is commonly known as
0-9 = 0Ar,
10-19=5Ar (10 helps alot)
20-29= 15AR (20 is recommended)
30+ = 25 AR
at lvl 40 you get instagibbed nomatter what so it doesen’t matter (if sorces are correct)

it’s simple math, yes, but thats not the reason why it’s geeky.
the reason why it’s geeky is because this is quite irrelevant since everybody knows the recommended values at each levels anyway. so a formula is actually quite usless for now. but i did because i like math and i’d like to do something for the communty and if more AR is to be added in the future they will know what levels of AR they will need at certain levels in advance. but meh, it’s still not really useful. it’s mostly for fun.

there is a few things i need to verify.
1. does the agony dmg increase with each fractal or is it only every 10th fractal witch it increases it’s dmg and if the case is the first id like to see some values. ( i will most likely do this my self when im at a lvl 10-20 fractal and remove all my gear and see on the fighting chat and see how much dmg the agony deals.
2. at witch point does the agony become 1tic=downed and one more tic = death. as this is a very important breaking point.

(edited by Waraxx.4286)

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arvid.3829


Just to add some information:
I did/do 20-28 with 10 AR and it’s very much doable, although you can’t go about it brainlessly anymore.

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Just to add some information:
I did/do 20-28 with 10 AR and it’s very much doable, although you can’t go about it brainlessly anymore.

i did fractal 20 with 5AR. the first time. i faired pretty well because i’m good at dodging. however the jade maw made me wait untill i got 15 ar gor another run :/ but i didn’t die ( god ele’s have some nice heals. but it was reealy close though. one more tic and i would have been a goner)

the limits i put up was the general opinion on what one should have by this time and how much each 5 points help.

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arvid.3829


Haha yeah, I did 20 the first time with 5 as well. We ended up doing the dredge fractal with the dredge powersuit, I ended up as lava guy but because of that I couldn’t see his agony attack (on top of that, I had no clue yet how his attack works). I got downed every time he did it… Good times

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


yeah. i think my run was easier. think we got swamp, snowblind and the asura. nice times. now i got 25ar and frankly dosent realy care about agony attacks wich takes away some of the feeling actually :/.

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Grey.7319


i still need data as i am only in lvl 29 fractal as of now. and i try to make progression with the formula but i need data to be able to check with stats. apparently at lvl 40 every tic insta downs. so i have data that contradict each other. i really want people to confirm the actuall values.

and the "minimum amount needed for each level is commonly known as
0-9 = 0Ar,
10-19=5Ar (10 helps alot)
20-29= 15AR (20 is recommended)
30+ = 25 AR
at lvl 40 you get instagibbed nomatter what so it doesen’t matter (if sorces are correct)

it’s simple math, yes, but thats not the reason why it’s geeky.
the reason why it’s geeky is because this is quite irrelevant since everybody knows the recommended values at each levels anyway. so a formula is actually quite usless for now. but i did because i like math and i’d like to do something for the communty and if more AR is to be added in the future they will know what levels of AR they will need at certain levels in advance. but meh, it’s still not really useful. it’s mostly for fun.

there is a few things i need to verify.
1. does the agony dmg increase with each fractal or is it only every 10th fractal witch it increases it’s dmg and if the case is the first id like to see some values. ( i will most likely do this my self when im at a lvl 10-20 fractal and remove all my gear and see on the fighting chat and see how much dmg the agony deals.
2. at witch point does the agony become 1tic=downed and one more tic = death. as this is a very important breaking point.

Excellent, thanks for your input. Just from personal experience, I think that the damage scales per level, not just per “tier” or level range. I will try and confirm with some hard numbers later today, and will post the data I have available

IGN: Grey | Mesmer | Gandara
GW2 wiki profile | DeviantArt | GW2Guru Art Thread

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Excellent, thanks for your input. Just from personal experience, I think that the damage scales per level, not just per “tier” or level range. I will try and confirm with some hard numbers later today, and will post the data I have available

awsome! would be nice to come to the bottom of this formula.

i will be rather busy the weeks to come ( i’m studying to become a engineer hopefully one day) but ill try and make a few testing in the weekend if i can

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kastayeule.6148


some have reach level 80, i personally know players that are 60+

i can’t stand people asking about nerf on fotm or dungeon. I understand 100% that devs did’nt expect players to pass 30-40~ because of the agony.

More and more people solo dungeon now, i have seen mesmer,warrior,ele and guardian so far. I don’t know if your post is about the formula of agony or fotm getting harder. You could do all levels of fotm 1-80 witouth agony resist if you know how to play them.

here is a group completing the shaman on fotm 80. imo this is the hardest of the fractals.

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


some have reach level 80, i personally know players that are 60+

i can’t stand people asking about nerf on fotm or dungeon. I understand 100% that devs did’nt expect players to pass 30-40~ because of the agony.

More and more people solo dungeon now, i have seen mesmer,warrior,ele and guardian so far. I don’t know if your post is about the formula of agony or fotm getting harder. You could do all levels of fotm 1-80 witouth agony resist if you know how to play them.

here is a group completing the shaman on fotm 80. imo this is the hardest of the fractals.

the difficulty of the fotm in this topic is completely irrelevant and i am well aware of that you can make most of the fractals without any BIS-gear and even without any AR ( apart from the jade maw where you will have to start using res orbs at some point) i know people using rare mf gear in fractal 38 and 40. i also ran with a dude in fractal 24 who had 0 AR for the kicks and that was one of the smoothest run i’ve ever had might i add. ( he put the AR on once we started the maw however)

this topic is purely mechanical and how the numbers are generated for how much dmg the agony deals in the different levels and have I have no interest in building a argument here “proving” the agony in fotm is op. my opinion on this matter is that the balance is perfect. yes, they did a perfect dungeon imo. ( part from buggs and glitches) the frost elemental in dredge fractal seem to have bugged agony for example ( it is a ice spike falling to the ground like dragon tooth). but instead of dealing the dmg when the ice falls it deals the agony and the knockdown once the aoe is put down. making it almost impossible to dodge ( assumptions because the actual ice chunk in said attack doesn’t seem to do anything once the animation is executed)

this topic is just to make the all mighty wiki somewhat more accurate kitten the current formula is very wrong in any fractals higher than 20.

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


how many ticks does the jade maws agony do?
At level 20/22 the jade maw leaves me with 200 hp if I burn 2 heals on my ele, despite me having 15AR.

From your formula I should have only been taking 3,125% per tick, which would be 30+ ticks to kill me, clearly this isnt true. o.o

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pinch.4273


Jade Maw is 9 ticks.

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


how many ticks does the jade maws agony do?
At level 20/22 the jade maw leaves me with 200 hp if I burn 2 heals on my ele, despite me having 15AR.

From your formula I should have only been taking 3,125% per tick, which would be 30+ ticks to kill me, clearly this isnt true. o.o

ty, for your input. i never though of that >.<
apparently the numbers from the wiki is made out from the formula they use instead of from what people have counted.
this leaves me with 0 data to work with… i realy need to get out there and start taking some numbers. ill prob do it on cliff side.

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sostronk.8167


You can do 10-15 without AR and not die. But you need to be good or you will slow your team down. 5 AR for most people.