Alphard and his new skills.
I’ll take things that aren’t bugs for 500 Alex.
I soloed alphard yesterday. His adds dont despawn anymore if you reset the fight, and if you run to the bridge to make the barricades respawn alphard will reset his hp instantly.
But you can still run to the bone wall to make the barricades respawn without reseting alphard. Appearently ANet will keep patching alphard until it gets broken like the TA f/u tree.
(edited by Casmurro.9046)
But you can still run to the bone wall to make the barricades respawn without reseting alphard. Appearently ANet will keep patching alphard until it gets broken like the TA f/u tree.
Seems like one my jokes might turn into reality someday. Ever since alphard got patched into doing the new pull/instant explosion when a member doesn’t dodge, I felt like this path might end up someday like TA F/U in that it will get replaced by a living story instance for being too unpopular in pugs. After all, anet acted like it was too hard to revert the tree boss into the previous state, I don’t doubt their ability to say “we didn’t feel like fixing arah path 2 so here you get a new Aetherblade Mai Trin arah instance!”.
They act on metrics, and metrics will probably turn this path into something very unpopular among the pugs (but still run a lot in dungeon guilds) if it goes on like this.
Also the living story is now about dragons, it wouldn’t be surprising to see an arah living story path since arah isn’t necessarily about zhaitan (Path 3 is all about learning the method to free a minion from a dragon control for eg). And if they had to chose a path to cull among the four paths, path 2 would be the most obvious one. It’s also the most exploited for path selling.
I also bet a lot of the regulars will get cancer from reading my post. My condolences.
(edited by Nikaido.3457)
It’s either p2 or p1, since they can’t seem to fix the WP issues.
Alphard is a woman.
Alphard is a woman.
It’s an it, jackas.
(edited by Cries Of Sorrow.5864)
Out of all the things in Arah to prioritize for fixing, they chose to step in and make sure the clones survive at Alphard.
The clones won’t instantly disappear anymore, but everyone will still be able to safespot her! … and skip bosses + unlock waypoints.
Whatever, at least they fixed something which is a rarity in itself. Forcing her to reset to full HP is stupid though. Why not increase the attack range and get rid of the safespots instead?
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Out of all the things in Arah to prioritize for fixing, they chose to step in and make sure the clones survive at Alphard.
The clones won’t instantly disappear anymore, but everyone will still be able to safespot her! … and skip bosses + unlock waypoints.
Whatever, at least they fixed something which is a rarity in itself. Forcing her to reset to full HP is stupid though. Why not increase the attack range and get rid of the safespots instead?
You hit the nail on the head, Purps.
I know I’m a moron for thinking this, but I’m still hoping they’ll fix the instawipe pull mechanic. If that’s not a bug, I dunno what is. It reminds me of DRM (does that make me old?). DRM didn’t stop pirates, it just kittened with people who wanted to legitimately use their purchased music. Alphard’s “fixes” don’t hurt exploiters, it just kittens with those of us who fought her legitimately.
Seriously, just fix the dagger-storm-doesn’t-work-when-everyone-melees issue and put her back the way she was. There’s no reason for her to wipe the team with a move that’s only tell is a 0.5s spin that’s always obscured by particle effects in a full group. Why even bother rendering the kittening godkitten piece of kitten kitten kitten kittening Ao-kitten-E? By the time it’s up, you’re dead.
(edited by dlonie.6547)
I actually really like the idea of it being so dangerous, so I’m not complaining about the pull EXCEPT for the fact that it kills everyone around you. It should only insta-down YOU if you were pulled, imo. The way it currently is just makes it so that it’s not practical do do Arah p2 with groups anymore, or at least this boss.
The way it currently is just makes it so that it’s not practical do do Arah p2 with groups anymore, or at least this boss.
Soloing this boss in pugs is usually the optimal approach, as koky as it sounds.
(edited by Cries Of Sorrow.5864)
Gonna leave this here…
I know the clones are not fun to deal with while alone if they don’t los fast enough and running away to reset the boxes might either make the boss reset or get you hit by a stray ball.
But why people keep complaining about that pull? It has a very clear tell you can usually see in most scenarios anyways. How do you deal with mage crusher in p3 with that poison attack that has both a minimal tell and hits you almost instantly? Oh you spam reflects. Well guess what you can use for alphard.
I know the clones are not fun to deal with while alone if they don’t los fast enough and running away to reset the boxes might either make the boss reset or get you hit by a stray ball.
But why people keep complaining about that pull? It has a very clear tell you can usually see in most scenarios anyways. How do you deal with mage crusher in p3 with that poison attack that has both a minimal tell and hits you almost instantly? Oh you spam reflects. Well guess what you can use for alphard.
Well for one, reflects aren’t even necessary for either but we both know that.
There’s a profound difference.
If one person misses a dodge and gets hit by the mage crusher, they get hit for ~25% of their hp if they’re in full zerk heavy armor. If one person misses a dodge by the pull at Alphard, they not only are insta-downed but so is EVERYONE ELSE.
The regular attacks from mage crusher in P3 aren’t telegraphed I’ll give you that but the comparison you’re drawing here is as if the punishment for failing is equal, which it isn’t…
Making the boss twice as big would be an alright bandaid if theyre into aoes that make no sense visually. Bonus points if they make reflects work reliably (or never) and fix the guardian virtue burn.
I know the clones are not fun to deal with while alone if they don’t los fast enough and running away to reset the boxes might either make the boss reset or get you hit by a stray ball.
But why people keep complaining about that pull? It has a very clear tell you can usually see in most scenarios anyways. How do you deal with mage crusher in p3 with that poison attack that has both a minimal tell and hits you almost instantly? Oh you spam reflects. Well guess what you can use for alphard.
Simple, we kill him with a trident.
Making the boss twice as big would be an alright bandaid if theyre into aoes that make no sense visually. Bonus points if they make reflects work reliably (or never) and fix the guardian virtue burn.
Reflects are reliable, just make sure that no one (or any npcs/pets/etc.) are standing directly inside her circle.
It’s either p2 or p1, since they can’t seem to fix the WP issues.
Boon Dispenser. Lv80 Guardian 15/25/0/20/10 Boom Dispenser – Lv80 Engineer 30/30/0/10/0
Chuck Thunderstruck – Lv 80 Ele 30/10/10/10/10
I know the clones are not fun to deal with while alone if they don’t los fast enough and running away to reset the boxes might either make the boss reset or get you hit by a stray ball.
But why people keep complaining about that pull? It has a very clear tell you can usually see in most scenarios anyways. How do you deal with mage crusher in p3 with that poison attack that has both a minimal tell and hits you almost instantly? Oh you spam reflects. Well guess what you can use for alphard.Simple, we kill him with a trident.
Making the boss twice as big would be an alright bandaid if theyre into aoes that make no sense visually. Bonus points if they make reflects work reliably (or never) and fix the guardian virtue burn.
Reflects are reliable, just make sure that no one (or any npcs/pets/etc.) are standing directly inside her circle.
Are you sure it works that way? My pugs usually push inside of her and i still reflect fine most of the time. Also keeping track on whether pugs put their toes inside a hitbox to check if my reflect will work isnt exactly reliable.
More features!
Game over, yo.
It’s to stop all the BS pulling away so clones don’t trigger or max ranged strafing.
Her leash is a much better place now. What needs fixing is it’s not a group wipe because your PUG doesn’t know how to dodge.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
Gonna leave this here…
Fixed exploit in Arah p2. If Alphard’s pull does not hit any players by the time she reaches 50%, she will reset, as obviously this is not the way the encounter was meant to be fought.
Hey at least TA story is down for maintenance, probably watering the flowers #Yolo
(edited by Cries Of Sorrow.5864)
I actually really like the idea of it being so dangerous, so I’m not complaining about the pull EXCEPT for the fact that it kills everyone around you. It should only insta-down YOU if you were pulled, imo. The way it currently is just makes it so that it’s not practical do do Arah p2 with groups anymore, or at least this boss.
I think the old pull-stun-delay-blast mechanic was perfect. What really irks me about this change is that they never even mentioned whether or not it was intentional. It looks like a bug, makes no sense, wasn’t mentioned in the patch notes, and wasn’t needed for the fight to be interesting. If they would at least confirm that it was intentional, I’d be more or less ok with it.
I love this game, but god I hate the company that makes it. They’re so opaque and unresponsive it’s disgusting. There’s something that really bothers me about a company that will delete my forum posts and give me an infraction for trying to figure out if a change was intended or not.
That’s just an appalling customer experience. I used to stick up for anet when people started hating on them, but after seeing that sort of censorship and unwillingness to engage in a valid discussion about their product….kitten ’em.
I know how you feel lol.
I had such a positive first impression of Arenanet when I first started playing this game last summer. It’s drastically diminished since then to the point where I’m pretty sure that 90% of their employees are working on strictly LS content and the other 10% of them must be trolling the forums and banning everybody.
Yep. I actually need gems at the moment to get some swag for an alt. I used to happily and regularly buy $10-20 of gems per month to support them. Now I’m just gonna grind arah/ac and gold2gem. They’re not getting any more cash from me unless they start at least acting like they give a rat’s kitten about their player base.
Now watch this post get deleted or this thread locked because we’re bringing up reasonable complaints about transparency and communication. #ObliviousToIrony
Lol, I’m not going to be surprised if I get banned for the post I put on this thread:
I haven’t paid for any gems that I’ve acquired. Considering how simple it is to acquire wealth on this game, there’s hardly much of a reason to imo. One can easily acquire enough gold for ~350-400 gems each day if they really want to. 1k+ if they really go all-out but my god I’d get burned out fast.
I know how you feel lol.
I had such a positive first impression of Arenanet when I first started playing this game last summer. It’s drastically diminished since then to the point where I’m pretty sure that 90% of their employees are working on strictly LS content and the other 10% of them must be trolling the forums and banning everybody.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Lol, I’m not going to be surprised if I get banned for the post I put on this thread:
I haven’t paid for any gems that I’ve acquired. Considering how simple it is to acquire wealth on this game, there’s hardly much of a reason to imo. One can easily acquire enough gold for ~350-400 gems each day if they really want to. 1k+ if they really go all-out but my god I’d get burned out fast.
Not only will they ban you, ToS breaking scumbag! they will also forfeit your signature and nail you to the pole of shame!
Miku. You should report them so the issue can be investigated and an appropriate action can be taken. Any appropriate action. Like none. Ever. Even if there are multiple videos that show who the person is and what he/she does. Even if it has PMs included from said person admitting knowledge of the action.
CC Danicia
Community Coordinator
Accusing players of being abusive is not allowed on the forums. If you feel a player is abusive in-game, please report them using the in-game ticketing system so our Customer Support team can properly investigate the issue and take any appropriate action. Thank you."
too bad it’s been kittening months and NOTHING has been done, gj Anet for not giving enough kittens to even ban one person!
tell us, how many gems does he buy from you? or maybe he’s a good friend of one of the employees?
It feels like we’re getting “hatred’ed” from all sides.
Game over, yo.
I’ll take things that aren’t bugs for 500 Alex.
Just wanted to point out that I still get a good chuckle every time I see this post. GJ