(edited by ColdSpyder.9082)
Am I Getting Shafted By A Bug?
Yeah. Seriously. That’s it.
I have no desire to play GW2 at this point. I give up. Anet, you have my $60, but not my play time. I’ll go play something actually fun, like SC2.
I have no desire to spend ten hours a day grinding away, hoping to get a good drop. I have no desire to to a dungeon where I will die a hundred times over, and get silver that doesn’t even cover the cost of repairs. I have no desire to play in World vs World, where I will die within seconds of running outside of the base.
I have no desire to play a game, where the end game means sitting around with your armor broken, unable to go anywhere because you can’t afford to travel.
Okay, so they did three things then…
They increased the difficulty of (some) dungeons
They added diminishing returns (I just got 2.6 silver for running a different path of TA, cool)
They reduced the beginning rate of silver rewarded (6.5 silver down from 26 silver… 25% of the original reward that is then further reduced [at least for TA]?)
I don’t mind them making it harder. Most dungeons really were tooooooo easy, such as TA and CoF. We could 4 man those dungeons in a half hour and spam it.
I don’t mind them adding diminishing returns. Now it stops beign a cash crop and the gold prices on items stop inflating because some people have more time to waste on easy dungeons. Makes sense.
I DO mind them giving me 25% of the reward for my first run. Wtf? My repair bill was 9 silver (Already had 5 yellow pieces of armor before going in, but still) and I got 6.5 silver as a reward. What? Luckily doing a second run without dying caused me to make a net profit of 10 copper from these dungeon runs!
Come on now. You can’t make it harder and then fail to reward people for overcoming these challenges.
You know…i think i’m getting shafted by the same bug.
But it is not a bug, i think it is dependent of how many times you die, if you die too many times=bigger reward to cover the expenses.
I just did crucible of Eternity for my first time explo mode and only got 13 silver, the group was relatively good and we did it fast. Did it again later and got 13 silver again but died more often because my PUG sucked really hard and i was duoing Alpha with another guy that could stay alive.
It is God’s decision that i fight.
As knight of honor, as protector of the sin. I sacrifice myself, for the blood of criminals.
I’m still getting 26 silver for completion.
Yeah I’ve run AC now and I only got 2.6 silver in it.
However, my buddy who ran all three dungeons with us (He also ran more before I joined up with my static group) was getting 13 or 26 silver a run.
It’s clearly a bug and I’m not sure what exactly is causing me to get such crap rewards. Guess I’ll have to hold out until a fix comes in.