An idea for a raid encounter.

An idea for a raid encounter.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


So, in the video talking about The Keep Construct, you guys were talking about how you had to make the boss more player size… what if we went the opposite way?

Remember the Behemoth in the Cliffside fractal? What if we had a boss that was like double his size?

So, instead of fighting a boss and just having it fall over dead, what if you have to like climb onto / teleport onto the boss and cripple it piece by piece (maybe it’s some kind of construct like the marionette thing from Season 1, and you have to take out power nodes or something), or maybe it’s some kind of leviathan (think marine mythology), and you get swallowed whole — surviving that, you fight it from the inside out, crippling important organs or internal magic sources and fighting its immune system (could be monsters and things) before fighting the boss itself and escaping.

I’ve never seen an MMO do something like that, and I think it could be really interesting.

Also, you could try things that don’t involve literally attacking something until it dies, and dodging it’s basic attacks. Like, say some huge monster is throwing rubble at you, and you have to avoid its throws (instant kill, maybe) while baiting it into attacking a support column or something, which would then make something fall on it, stunning it for a while so you can attack it without being crushed.

I think you should go big! Monsters that you can’t just fight with standard MMO combat, but with mechanics unique to GW2. ^^

An idea for a raid encounter.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sillytune.1580


Eh, youtube C’Thun, youtube Yogg-saron, youtube, pretty much any WoW fight that has “portal” related combat stuff. Garrosh as well. Archimonde as well

What you’re referring to is “different plane instance” within boss fight. Which i’m not sure if gw2 has technology to implement

What you mention sounds cool on paper, but i believe that huge colossal tower-statue thing would be very hard to implement as actual raid fight, and that it wouldn’t even be that much “cool”