An incredible experience in raid today

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

So I look through the Raid LFG and I see a trio lfm. I greet myself and say I can bring my ps as stated in the lfm. So everything is fine and I’m just chilling thinking well get this in a try or 2 and it’ll be fun. But the squad leader whispers me to ping my gear. Now I’m thinking, “hmm I haven’t had anyone tell me to ping my gear since the first week of VG.” So I ping it and the squad leader is now worked up about my PS running pack runes. He proceeds to tell me that he will only let me in if I switch to scholar runes. And at this point I am shocked and amused at the same time. I tell him that we are doing trio the easiest encounter in the entire raid. I then tell him that PS has the one of the lowest dps anyway. (And this is where I completely lose it and bust out laughing. As a veteran raider who has raided since the first week of raids, I know what I’m doing.) So now this squad leader, who probably has MAYBE 3-4 kills (prob all trio) under his belt and maybe started raiding a month ago begins to give me advice, yes, me a veteran raider, advice that made no sense. He acted as if he was a wise raider, he said “scholar runes are better because of higher dps, it’s useful in all bosses you will encounter.” Now I’m laughing my kitten off and I tell the guy I’ve completed the entire raid and killed every boss. I then proceed to ping my 80+ LI, envoy armor and all the other trophies I’ve earned. And then he kicks me and blocks me. Ahhh gotta love GW2 raid community.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hazell.2065


Considering it’s a pug raid and I never raided with you before. If I was the raid leader, I will kick you too if I see you’re bringing PS with a kitten pack runes.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sabetha.4910


I would have kicked you as well, if I were the raid leader, Envoy Armor and 80 LI or not, for two reasons:

1. Pack runes don’t grant bonuses as useful. It’s not even about damage – I’d take someone with Strength runes. Sure, there’s always food and utility, but why should I bring someone who clearly can’t be bothered to optimize their gear? It’s a sign of laziness. You may have cleared everything, but a good raider is defined by more than just skill, which brings me to my second point.

2. Attitude. Your flaming and ‘showing off’ (if it can even be called that) tells me you’re not a raider worth anyone’s time. Nobody, from the newcomer to raids to the most experienced players in guilds that clear raid bosses on the first try while everyone’s hungover from the previous night should be given a free pass to be belligerent and obnoxious. You’re free to not change your runes. What you are not free to do is turn into a scum-spewing person because someone decided you weren’t what they were looking for, due to your own laziness.

Well done for that raid leader, I would not want to deal with your condescending attitude either.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Considering it’s a pug raid and I never raided with you before. If I was the raid leader, I will kick you too if I see you’re bringing PS with a kitten pack runes.

No you wouldn’t. Me personally, and a lot of raiders I know, don’t give a rats a** what runes ur running as long as it’s reasonable. Nothing wrong with Pack or scholar runes for PS. PS is not even a dmg dealer. I can understand if I was an ele or DD not using scholar but a PS? Come on. I just care if your exp and know your class.

And if your truly would kick me, YOU are the reason Raids are not as friendly to new players trying to get into raids. I know a bunch of people and guildies that would love to raid but don’t want to because of people like YOU creating drama and making a big fuss out of nothing.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FrostDraco.8306


Considering it’s a pug raid and I never raided with you before. If I was the raid leader, I will kick you too if I see you’re bringing PS with a kitten pack runes.

If your team is any good, not every member of your squad should need scholar runes. Sounds like the leader wasn’t confident in their DPS.

If your hp drops below 90% you lose a huge chunk of dmg.

But i do have to agree pack runes are almost useless for raiding. Scholar runes are even similar in price now.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

I would have kicked you as well, if I were the raid leader, Envoy Armor and 80 LI or not, for two reasons:

1. Pack runes don’t grant bonuses as useful. It’s not even about damage – I’d take someone with Strength runes. Sure, there’s always food and utility, but why should I bring someone who clearly can’t be bothered to optimize their gear? It’s a sign of laziness. You may have cleared everything, but a good raider is defined by more than just skill, which brings me to my second point.

2. Attitude. Your flaming and ‘showing off’ (if it can even be called that) tells me you’re not a raider worth anyone’s time. Nobody, from the newcomer to raids to the most experienced players in guilds that clear raid bosses on the first try while everyone’s hungover from the previous night should be given a free pass to be belligerent and obnoxious. You’re free to not change your runes. What you are not free to do is turn into a scum-spewing person because someone decided you weren’t what they were looking for, due to your own laziness.

Well done for that raid leader, I would not want to deal with your condescending attitude either.

Lol who are you? Don’t tell me what pack runes do lmao. First of all, if we’re gonna talk attitude, then let me be the first to tell you this raid leader wasn’t the angel from heaven either, because I am sure as hell you weren’t in that squad, in that s**tshow.

I host many PUG for raids and when ppl who arnt exp come in, despite me putting exp on the lfm, I take my time to teach them and help them. So don’t talk to me about “attitude” because you seem like one of those ppl who ask for “120 LI, full asc, multi class” just for a VG kill.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Considering it’s a pug raid and I never raided with you before. If I was the raid leader, I will kick you too if I see you’re bringing PS with a kitten pack runes.

If your team is any good, not every member of your squad should need scholar runes. Sounds like the leader wasn’t confident in their DPS.

If your hp drops below 90% you lose a huge chunk of dmg.

But i do have to agree pack runes are almost useless for raiding. Scholar runes are even similar in price now.

It’s not that I don’t want to have scholar runes, I have them for my thief, I just intended to use that asc armor for fracts. Plus I didn’t want to have two asc armor both with scholar runes cuz I wanted something different lol.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sabetha.4910


I would have kicked you as well, if I were the raid leader, Envoy Armor and 80 LI or not, for two reasons:

1. Pack runes don’t grant bonuses as useful. It’s not even about damage – I’d take someone with Strength runes. Sure, there’s always food and utility, but why should I bring someone who clearly can’t be bothered to optimize their gear? It’s a sign of laziness. You may have cleared everything, but a good raider is defined by more than just skill, which brings me to my second point.

2. Attitude. Your flaming and ‘showing off’ (if it can even be called that) tells me you’re not a raider worth anyone’s time. Nobody, from the newcomer to raids to the most experienced players in guilds that clear raid bosses on the first try while everyone’s hungover from the previous night should be given a free pass to be belligerent and obnoxious. You’re free to not change your runes. What you are not free to do is turn into a scum-spewing person because someone decided you weren’t what they were looking for, due to your own laziness.

Well done for that raid leader, I would not want to deal with your condescending attitude either.

Lol who are you? Don’t tell me what pack runes do lmao. First of all, if we’re gonna talk attitude, then let me be the first to tell you this raid leader wasn’t the angel from heaven either, because I am sure as hell you weren’t in that squad, in that s**tshow.

I host many PUG for raids and when ppl who arnt exp come in, despite me putting exp on the lfm, I take my time to teach them and help them. So don’t talk to me about “attitude” because you seem like one of those ppl who ask for “120 LI, full asc, multi class” just for a VG kill.

The reverse applies: Who are you? Who are you to bring unoptimized gear into a PUG raid and demand they accept you because “I host many PUG for raids and when ppl who arnt exp come in, despite me putting exp on the lfm, I take my time to teach them and help them”?

Perhaps the raid leader wasn’t a saint, but I don’t see said raid leader stinking up the place complaining about a warrior with pack runes. Said warrior however, is, and bragging about their skill and supposed benevolence.

You haven’t really shown a good reason as to why anyone should side with you on this.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tornupto.2304


It’s not that I don’t want to have scholar runes, I have them for my thief, I just intended to use that asc armor for fracts. Plus I didn’t want to have two asc armor both with scholar runes cuz I wanted something different lol.

Thats not a good reason. Using sth else just because its different is not the right way. IF you can explain why you use them, then you may be accepted. Arguing like “we don’t need much DPS” is not what you should do in those situations. I used Strengthrune+Strength Sigill and sometimes even the bufffood on my PS because i was used to be the only PS in the raid sometimes. Never had a group compaining about this combination. Switched to Scholar runes a week or two ago due to optimization and the fact that most pugs seem to want 2 PS now in general.
PS: Packrunes are really not good not even in fractals. Why do you even bother using them?

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hypairion.9210


Same as other, i would have kicked you out of my pug run if i was the com. Because raid, for me, require to bring optimal food / gear (i’m a min / max player…). So if i see someone like you, even if it’s a good player, i will kick him.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fishball.7204


If you knew what you were doing you wouldn’t be running pack runes lmao

You’re running a bad build and trying to justify it using bad excuses and then blaming the raid leader for kicking you when you’re being a special little snowflake? LOL


An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Ultimately, what matters most for experienced people is that you know the fights. As long as your own gear backs up your own game, it won’t matter what experienced people are running.

However, regardless of what you know, when you PUG, you’re joining someone else’s group. If you’re not willing to support their play, it doesn’t matter how good or experienced you are.

In this case, I think both the squad leader and the OP made the mistake of trying to work things out. The relationship was doomed from the start: the leader was looking for people to fill certain roles in a certain way; the OP wasn’t willing to do so.

The leader could have said, “thanks, but no thanks” and the OP could have said, “thanks for the invite; I’m looking for a more experienced PUG”. Instead, both decided that it would be a good use of their time to argue about how to run the other person’s raid. As Trahearne never said, “that can’t possibly end well.”

tl;dr the great thing about PUGs is that anything can happen. The horrid thing about PUGs is that anything can happen. Enjoy the first and let it go when you get the second.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: gin.7158


Cut him some slack guys. He doesn’t know how to play PS war.

I would DEFINITELY kick u also. Thx for crying here though. I like this kind of thread.
You just wanna make fun of people when they are trying to make a smooth run. I think they will appreciate it.

(edited by gin.7158)

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LegACy.1296


Cut him some slack guys. He doesn’t know how to play PS war.

I would DEFINITELY kick u also. Thx for crying here though. I like this kind of thread.
You just wanna make fun of people when they are trying to make a smooth run. I think they will appreciate it.

A quote from the original post in this thread:
“And this is where I completely lose it and bust out laughing. As a veteran raider who has raided since the first week of raids, I know what I’m doing.”
Yet he asked for Warrior’s rotation in another thread.

There sure has been a few entertaining threads lately

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: The Zealous Templar.3861

The Zealous Templar.3861

Thanks for the laugh, probably would have kicked you too, not for the pack runes but for your condescending attitude.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Urosh Uchiha.9732

Urosh Uchiha.9732

Lol this guy again. First I lol’d so hard at the thief post in raids and now this. You sure made my day again. Keep up the good work.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


…and that’s exactly why many people do not want to even attempt raiding.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hypairion.9210


…and that’s exactly why many people do not want to even attempt raiding.

totally agree, if the risk is to play with people like OP :p

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sabetha.4910


…and that’s exactly why many people do not want to even attempt raiding.

If you can’t even put in a bit of effort to have reasonable runes slotted into your gear (which can be exotic for all I care) then yeah, I’m glad they don’t attempt raiding. It’s a team effort, not a solo effort. You’re wasting 9 other people’s time by trying to keep your special snowflake build when it’s not even that special.

Most raiders are reasonable otherwise. My raid guild recruited a guy who pugged with us the other day – he lacked the LI we LFGed for (he had like 5 before he started raiding with us), but he was competent and proved it.

Does that sound like elitist behavior to you?

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Haha nice to know y’all be keeping tabs on me. And just so we’re all clear here, I had ascended everything, all zerk gear and weapons had sigil of force and air. Only thing was the pack runes lol. Way to make a big deal about runes. Lawl. Like I said, love this GW2 raid community.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sabetha.4910


Haha nice to know y’all be keeping tabs on me. And just so we’re all clear here, I had ascended everything, all zerk gear and weapons had sigil of force and air. Only thing was the pack runes lol. Way to make a big deal about runes. Lawl. Like I said, love this GW2 raid community.

>Says he’s experienced in all things raiding
>Asks for warrior rotation
>Doesn’t have reasonably-meta runes slotted

Top kek my friend, top kek. Please, don’t embarrass yourself any further.

Edit: I like how you’re going for Trio despite supposedly being this experienced raider who’s cleared everything. Why would you need to do Trio again? Haven’t you cleared everything already this week?

I call baloney on your claims.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Thanks for the laugh, probably would have kicked you too, not for the pack runes but for your condescending attitude.

No you wouldn’t. You would have had a smooth run with me. I’m a chill guy, I’m willing to help new players get into raiding because it would be nice for the raid scene to grow. And as I said, I wasn’t even mad at the raid leader, just amused. I understand he’s the leader but I was simply telling him my case. Hell I even told him if we didn’t 1 shot trio I would have just left.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Haha nice to know y’all be keeping tabs on me. And just so we’re all clear here, I had ascended everything, all zerk gear and weapons had sigil of force and air. Only thing was the pack runes lol. Way to make a big deal about runes. Lawl. Like I said, love this GW2 raid community.

>Says he’s experienced in all things raiding
>Asks for warrior rotation
>Doesn’t have reasonably-meta runes slotted

Top kek my friend, top kek. Please, don’t embarrass yourself any further.

Edit: I like how you’re going for Trio despite supposedly being this experienced raider who’s cleared everything. Why would you need to do Trio again? Haven’t you cleared everything already this week?

I call baloney on your claims.

Lol maybe because you need 150 LI to craft the legendary armor? Idk man

About the ps warr thing, I only ever raided with DD and DH. Decided I would try PS since a guildie told me it was faceroll easy to use in raids and everyone is always looking for them.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sabetha.4910


Haha nice to know y’all be keeping tabs on me. And just so we’re all clear here, I had ascended everything, all zerk gear and weapons had sigil of force and air. Only thing was the pack runes lol. Way to make a big deal about runes. Lawl. Like I said, love this GW2 raid community.

>Says he’s experienced in all things raiding
>Asks for warrior rotation
>Doesn’t have reasonably-meta runes slotted

Top kek my friend, top kek. Please, don’t embarrass yourself any further.

Edit: I like how you’re going for Trio despite supposedly being this experienced raider who’s cleared everything. Why would you need to do Trio again? Haven’t you cleared everything already this week?

I call baloney on your claims.

Lol maybe because you need 150 LI to craft the legendary armor? Idk man

About the ps warr thing, I only ever raided with DD and DH. Decided I would try PS since a guildie told me it was faceroll easy to use in raids and everyone is always looking for them.

Shouldn’t someone as ‘experienced’ as you are be clearing it on reset? How amusing.

DD and DH – so you’re not experienced at all with PS warrior, simply gear one, walk into a LFG and demand a spot, get kicked anyway, and then come here and whine about it? Wow.

There goes your claims about being an experienced raider out the window, then. I wonder what else will too.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

…and that’s exactly why many people do not want to even attempt raiding.

If you can’t even put in a bit of effort to have reasonable runes slotted into your gear (which can be exotic for all I care) then yeah, I’m glad they don’t attempt raiding. It’s a team effort, not a solo effort. You’re wasting 9 other people’s time by trying to keep your special snowflake build when it’s not even that special.

Most raiders are reasonable otherwise. My raid guild recruited a guy who pugged with us the other day – he lacked the LI we LFGed for (he had like 5 before he started raiding with us), but he was competent and proved it.

Does that sound like elitist behavior to you?

How are you wasting 9 other people’s time with “special snowflake build” (whatever the hell that is) when me, running my pack runes, can kill VG, Gors, Etc., etc, with a huge amount of time to spare? Like I said before everything I have on my ps is the exact same thing on meta battle except for the runes. In my honest, honest opinion, only toxic elitist would kick someone because they didn’t run a specific rune. Now, I COMPLETELY understand if ur a tempest running pack runes. Yeah, I have absolutely no issue with kicking that Ele.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Haha nice to know y’all be keeping tabs on me. And just so we’re all clear here, I had ascended everything, all zerk gear and weapons had sigil of force and air. Only thing was the pack runes lol. Way to make a big deal about runes. Lawl. Like I said, love this GW2 raid community.

>Says he’s experienced in all things raiding
>Asks for warrior rotation
>Doesn’t have reasonably-meta runes slotted

Top kek my friend, top kek. Please, don’t embarrass yourself any further.

Edit: I like how you’re going for Trio despite supposedly being this experienced raider who’s cleared everything. Why would you need to do Trio again? Haven’t you cleared everything already this week?

I call baloney on your claims.

Lol maybe because you need 150 LI to craft the legendary armor? Idk man

About the ps warr thing, I only ever raided with DD and DH. Decided I would try PS since a guildie told me it was faceroll easy to use in raids and everyone is always looking for them.

Shouldn’t someone as ‘experienced’ as you are be clearing it on reset? How amusing.

DD and DH – so you’re not experienced at all with PS warrior, simply gear one, walk into a LFG and demand a spot, get kicked anyway, and then come here and whine about it? Wow.

There goes your claims about being an experienced raider out the window, then. I wonder what else will too.

Lmao K.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sabetha.4910


…and that’s exactly why many people do not want to even attempt raiding.

If you can’t even put in a bit of effort to have reasonable runes slotted into your gear (which can be exotic for all I care) then yeah, I’m glad they don’t attempt raiding. It’s a team effort, not a solo effort. You’re wasting 9 other people’s time by trying to keep your special snowflake build when it’s not even that special.

Most raiders are reasonable otherwise. My raid guild recruited a guy who pugged with us the other day – he lacked the LI we LFGed for (he had like 5 before he started raiding with us), but he was competent and proved it.

Does that sound like elitist behavior to you?

How are you wasting 9 other people’s time with “special snowflake build” (whatever the hell that is) when me, running my pack runes, can kill VG, Gors, Etc., etc, with a huge amount of time to spare? Like I said before everything I have on my ps is the exact same thing on meta battle except for the runes. In my honest, honest opinion, only toxic elitist would kick someone because they didn’t run a specific rune. Now, I COMPLETELY understand if ur a tempest running pack runes. Yeah, I have absolutely no issue with kicking that Ele.

You’re losing out on bonus ferocity + 10% bonus damage. That’s perhaps minor, but it is still damage you opted to lose out on because you were lazy – and that is why you deserved the kick. Like I alluded to earlier, attitude is important in raids. You fall short of it by choosing to let others pick up your slack.

And be consistent with your lies, won’t you? First you say you haven’t raided with your warrior. Now you say you’ve killed bosses with it. Honestly, your trolling isn’t even halfway decent. Get good.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fishball.7204


In my honest, honest opinion, only toxic elitist would kick someone because they didn’t run a specific rune.

Now, I COMPLETELY understand if ur a tempest running pack runes. Yeah, I have absolutely no issue with kicking that Ele.

Just when I thought you couldn’t dig yourself a deeper hole you go and prove me wrong.

This thread is comedy gold.


An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tornupto.2304


Like I said before everything I have on my ps is the exact same thing on meta battle except for the runes. In my honest, honest opinion, only toxic elitist would kick someone because they didn’t run a specific rune.

Yeah “just” the runes, which are one of the important things within a build. More important than bufffood and mostly even sigils.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

If you knew what you were doing you wouldn’t be running pack runes lmao

You’re running a bad build and trying to justify it using bad excuses and then blaming the raid leader for kicking you when you’re being a special little snowflake? LOL

Bad build, what?!?!?! It’s the exact same build on meta battle minus the scholar runes lmao. It’s ascended everything. I picked up warr almost 2 weeks ago and would say I’m more than competent at it. I’ve cleared every boss with my ps no problem with tons of time to spare. I’m a really chill dude man, I even told the raid leader if we couldn’t 1 shot trio is leave

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

…and that’s exactly why many people do not want to even attempt raiding.

If you can’t even put in a bit of effort to have reasonable runes slotted into your gear (which can be exotic for all I care) then yeah, I’m glad they don’t attempt raiding. It’s a team effort, not a solo effort. You’re wasting 9 other people’s time by trying to keep your special snowflake build when it’s not even that special.

Most raiders are reasonable otherwise. My raid guild recruited a guy who pugged with us the other day – he lacked the LI we LFGed for (he had like 5 before he started raiding with us), but he was competent and proved it.

Does that sound like elitist behavior to you?

How are you wasting 9 other people’s time with “special snowflake build” (whatever the hell that is) when me, running my pack runes, can kill VG, Gors, Etc., etc, with a huge amount of time to spare? Like I said before everything I have on my ps is the exact same thing on meta battle except for the runes. In my honest, honest opinion, only toxic elitist would kick someone because they didn’t run a specific rune. Now, I COMPLETELY understand if ur a tempest running pack runes. Yeah, I have absolutely no issue with kicking that Ele.

You’re losing out on bonus ferocity + 10% bonus damage. That’s perhaps minor, but it is still damage you opted to lose out on because you were lazy – and that is why you deserved the kick. Like I alluded to earlier, attitude is important in raids. You fall short of it by choosing to let others pick up your slack.

And be consistent with your lies, won’t you? First you say you haven’t raided with your warrior. Now you say you’ve killed bosses with it. Honestly, your trolling isn’t even halfway decent. Get good.

And yet we still get the job done. Again, you are making a big deal out of nothing.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hypairion.9210


…and that’s exactly why many people do not want to even attempt raiding.

If you can’t even put in a bit of effort to have reasonable runes slotted into your gear (which can be exotic for all I care) then yeah, I’m glad they don’t attempt raiding. It’s a team effort, not a solo effort. You’re wasting 9 other people’s time by trying to keep your special snowflake build when it’s not even that special.

Most raiders are reasonable otherwise. My raid guild recruited a guy who pugged with us the other day – he lacked the LI we LFGed for (he had like 5 before he started raiding with us), but he was competent and proved it.

Does that sound like elitist behavior to you?

How are you wasting 9 other people’s time with “special snowflake build” (whatever the hell that is) when me, running my pack runes, can kill VG, Gors, Etc., etc, with a huge amount of time to spare? Like I said before everything I have on my ps is the exact same thing on meta battle except for the runes. In my honest, honest opinion, only toxic elitist would kick someone because they didn’t run a specific rune. Now, I COMPLETELY understand if ur a tempest running pack runes. Yeah, I have absolutely no issue with kicking that Ele.

You’re losing out on bonus ferocity + 10% bonus damage. That’s perhaps minor, but it is still damage you opted to lose out on because you were lazy – and that is why you deserved the kick. Like I alluded to earlier, attitude is important in raids. You fall short of it by choosing to let others pick up your slack.

And be consistent with your lies, won’t you? First you say you haven’t raided with your warrior. Now you say you’ve killed bosses with it. Honestly, your trolling isn’t even halfway decent. Get good.

And yet we still get the job done. Again, you are making a big deal out of nothing.

and what would happen if all other 9 players were like you? do you still think the job would be done in a pug settings?

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fishball.7204


People have cleared raids in masterwork gear. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should, especially in pugs where there is heavy dependency on pulling your weight since there isn’t as much cohesion as static/guild groups.

Showing up with wrong runes and saying you’ll leave after 1 wipe is exactly the opposite of what is expected of pugs.


An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sabetha.4910


…and that’s exactly why many people do not want to even attempt raiding.

If you can’t even put in a bit of effort to have reasonable runes slotted into your gear (which can be exotic for all I care) then yeah, I’m glad they don’t attempt raiding. It’s a team effort, not a solo effort. You’re wasting 9 other people’s time by trying to keep your special snowflake build when it’s not even that special.

Most raiders are reasonable otherwise. My raid guild recruited a guy who pugged with us the other day – he lacked the LI we LFGed for (he had like 5 before he started raiding with us), but he was competent and proved it.

Does that sound like elitist behavior to you?

How are you wasting 9 other people’s time with “special snowflake build” (whatever the hell that is) when me, running my pack runes, can kill VG, Gors, Etc., etc, with a huge amount of time to spare? Like I said before everything I have on my ps is the exact same thing on meta battle except for the runes. In my honest, honest opinion, only toxic elitist would kick someone because they didn’t run a specific rune. Now, I COMPLETELY understand if ur a tempest running pack runes. Yeah, I have absolutely no issue with kicking that Ele.

You’re losing out on bonus ferocity + 10% bonus damage. That’s perhaps minor, but it is still damage you opted to lose out on because you were lazy – and that is why you deserved the kick. Like I alluded to earlier, attitude is important in raids. You fall short of it by choosing to let others pick up your slack.

And be consistent with your lies, won’t you? First you say you haven’t raided with your warrior. Now you say you’ve killed bosses with it. Honestly, your trolling isn’t even halfway decent. Get good.

And yet we still get the job done. Again, you are making a big deal out of nothing.

Oh, I’m not the one making a big deal. You’re the one doing it by starting this thread.

And please stop lying about having killed bosses with your warrior. I’m more than certain by now you haven’t, given the inconsistencies in your statements.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

In my honest, honest opinion, only toxic elitist would kick someone because they didn’t run a specific rune.

Now, I COMPLETELY understand if ur a tempest running pack runes. Yeah, I have absolutely no issue with kicking that Ele.

Just when I thought you couldn’t dig yourself a deeper hole you go and prove me wrong.

This thread is comedy gold.

Holy crap I thought u were atleast somewhat intelligent. Pack runes on warr is not bad. Sure it’s not good but it’s not bad. Pack runes on ele are bad. See the difference?

and before you say pack runes are bad on PS

PS arnt your main dmg dealers. They buff the dps of the squad.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

…and that’s exactly why many people do not want to even attempt raiding.

If you can’t even put in a bit of effort to have reasonable runes slotted into your gear (which can be exotic for all I care) then yeah, I’m glad they don’t attempt raiding. It’s a team effort, not a solo effort. You’re wasting 9 other people’s time by trying to keep your special snowflake build when it’s not even that special.

Most raiders are reasonable otherwise. My raid guild recruited a guy who pugged with us the other day – he lacked the LI we LFGed for (he had like 5 before he started raiding with us), but he was competent and proved it.

Does that sound like elitist behavior to you?

How are you wasting 9 other people’s time with “special snowflake build” (whatever the hell that is) when me, running my pack runes, can kill VG, Gors, Etc., etc, with a huge amount of time to spare? Like I said before everything I have on my ps is the exact same thing on meta battle except for the runes. In my honest, honest opinion, only toxic elitist would kick someone because they didn’t run a specific rune. Now, I COMPLETELY understand if ur a tempest running pack runes. Yeah, I have absolutely no issue with kicking that Ele.

You’re losing out on bonus ferocity + 10% bonus damage. That’s perhaps minor, but it is still damage you opted to lose out on because you were lazy – and that is why you deserved the kick. Like I alluded to earlier, attitude is important in raids. You fall short of it by choosing to let others pick up your slack.

And be consistent with your lies, won’t you? First you say you haven’t raided with your warrior. Now you say you’ve killed bosses with it. Honestly, your trolling isn’t even halfway decent. Get good.

And yet we still get the job done. Again, you are making a big deal out of nothing.

Oh, I’m not the one making a big deal. You’re the one doing it by starting this thread.

And please stop lying about having killed bosses with your warrior. I’m more than certain by now you haven’t, given the inconsistencies in your statements.

Lol I just thought this would be a funny story. Guess not. Seems some of you got b*tthurt for no apparent reason. Sigh

(edited by Shovel Face.4512)

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

…and that’s exactly why many people do not want to even attempt raiding.

If you can’t even put in a bit of effort to have reasonable runes slotted into your gear (which can be exotic for all I care) then yeah, I’m glad they don’t attempt raiding. It’s a team effort, not a solo effort. You’re wasting 9 other people’s time by trying to keep your special snowflake build when it’s not even that special.

Most raiders are reasonable otherwise. My raid guild recruited a guy who pugged with us the other day – he lacked the LI we LFGed for (he had like 5 before he started raiding with us), but he was competent and proved it.

Does that sound like elitist behavior to you?

How are you wasting 9 other people’s time with “special snowflake build” (whatever the hell that is) when me, running my pack runes, can kill VG, Gors, Etc., etc, with a huge amount of time to spare? Like I said before everything I have on my ps is the exact same thing on meta battle except for the runes. In my honest, honest opinion, only toxic elitist would kick someone because they didn’t run a specific rune. Now, I COMPLETELY understand if ur a tempest running pack runes. Yeah, I have absolutely no issue with kicking that Ele.

You’re losing out on bonus ferocity + 10% bonus damage. That’s perhaps minor, but it is still damage you opted to lose out on because you were lazy – and that is why you deserved the kick. Like I alluded to earlier, attitude is important in raids. You fall short of it by choosing to let others pick up your slack.

And be consistent with your lies, won’t you? First you say you haven’t raided with your warrior. Now you say you’ve killed bosses with it. Honestly, your trolling isn’t even halfway decent. Get good.

And yet we still get the job done. Again, you are making a big deal out of nothing.

and what would happen if all other 9 players were like you? do you still think the job would be done in a pug settings?

Like me as in how? I didn’t run a bad build if that’s what your getting at.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

People have cleared raids in masterwork gear. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should, especially in pugs where there is heavy dependency on pulling your weight since there isn’t as much cohesion as static/guild groups.

Showing up with wrong runes and saying you’ll leave after 1 wipe is exactly the opposite of what is expected of pugs.

Not pulling my weight would be not dropping banners, refusal to get on ts/discord, bad build, no might stacks etc. I do my part as a PS. Just because I’m not running scholar runes means I’m not pulling my weight? Get out of here

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fishball.7204


Holy crap I thought u were atleast somewhat intelligent. Pack runes on warr is not bad. Sure it’s not good but it’s not bad. Pack runes on ele are bad. See the difference?

and before you say pack runes are bad on PS

PS arnt your main dmg dealers. They buff the dps of the squad.

lol starting with the personal insults now are we? I guess you’re just as bad in raids as you are in PvP on your useless staff thief lmao.

Pack is completely trash tier on warrior, if you were any good at raids you would know this. Pack is completely trash on ANY CLASS in raids because there is no damage modifier, the #4 proc is only up half the time even if you manage to proc it every time (which involves getting hit; which by extension is bad play) and the #6 stat adds precision which if you’re on a warrior with the signet, spotter, banners and fury would already have 100% aka the precision is useless.

Scholar gives you ferocity for more damage AND 10% damage modifier. All damage is multiplicative so it’s not just 10% base damage, it’s 10% on everything.

I’m kinda glad you got kicked and had such a struggle climbing to legendary in PvP because you severely overestimate the usefulness of Pack runes and from my experience of farming pips off you in PvP you severely over estimate your own skill level.


An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tarasicodissa.7084


Lol I just thought this would be a funny story. Guess not. Seems some of you got b*tthurt for no apparent reason. Sigh

No no, this absolutely is a funny story. Hilarious. Just not in the way you thought it would.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sabetha.4910


Lol I just thought this would be a funny story. Guess not. Seems some of you got b*tthurt for no apparent reason. Sigh

No no, this absolutely is a funny story. Hilarious. Just not in the way you thought it would.

Yep, he basically posted to feel good about himself, and now he’s the one being kitten.


An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Holy crap I thought u were atleast somewhat intelligent. Pack runes on warr is not bad. Sure it’s not good but it’s not bad. Pack runes on ele are bad. See the difference?

and before you say pack runes are bad on PS

PS arnt your main dmg dealers. They buff the dps of the squad.

lol starting with the personal insults now are we? I guess you’re just as bad in raids as you are in PvP on your useless staff thief lmao.

Pack is completely trash tier on warrior, if you were any good at raids you would know this. Pack is completely trash on ANY CLASS in raids because there is no damage modifier, the #4 proc is only up half the time even if you manage to proc it every time (which involves getting hit; which by extension is bad play) and the #6 stat adds precision which if you’re on a warrior with the signet, spotter, banners and fury would already have 100% aka the precision is useless.

Scholar gives you ferocity for more damage AND 10% damage modifier. All damage is multiplicative so it’s not just 10% base damage, it’s 10% on everything.

I’m kinda glad you got kicked and had such a struggle climbing to legendary in PvP because you severely overestimate the usefulness of Pack runes and from my experience of farming pips off you in PvP you severely over estimate your own skill level.

Yep. I can see I really got to you since you had to look over my posting history. Lawl. Thanks for noticing me tho.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Lol I just thought this would be a funny story. Guess not. Seems some of you got b*tthurt for no apparent reason. Sigh

No no, this absolutely is a funny story. Hilarious. Just not in the way you thought it would.

Well I’ll be kitten ed. If atleast 1 person leaves this thread laughing, I’ll go to bed knowing I succeeded

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amineo.8951


I’m with and against TC, the raid leader is asking too much for the Trio, which is litterally an open world level difficulty encounter that you can faceroll with any team composition, Siege the Keep is another one but needs more execution.

But TC however, was showing off and being kinda rude, so in the end I’m happy that an arrogant player got kicked by an elitist, it just shows how terrible the raid community can be.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gunsnroll.2657


I loled at the veteran raider who brings suboptimal runes and is proud of his 80 LI.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dhorghar.5249


He doesn’t have 80 Li judging by the inconsistencies and lies on his posts. He claims that just to make his point stronger but he got caught and now he tries to hide it by lying even more.
At this point he’s just making a fool of himself.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sykper.6583


Can’t tell if troll. I feel like he’s trolling and everyone is eating up the bait pretty well.

Given that this post was made in the middle of the controversy over raiding this past week…going with troll.

Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sillytune.1580


So I look through the Raid LFG and I see a trio lfm. I greet myself and say I can bring my ps as stated in the lfm. So everything is fine and I’m just chilling thinking well get this in a try or 2 and it’ll be fun. But the squad leader whispers me to ping my gear. Now I’m thinking, “hmm I haven’t had anyone tell me to ping my gear since the first week of VG.” So I ping it and the squad leader is now worked up about my PS running pack runes. He proceeds to tell me that he will only let me in if I switch to scholar runes. And at this point I am shocked and amused at the same time. I tell him that we are doing trio the easiest encounter in the entire raid. I then tell him that PS has the one of the lowest dps anyway. (And this is where I completely lose it and bust out laughing. As a veteran raider who has raided since the first week of raids, I know what I’m doing.) So now this squad leader, who probably has MAYBE 3-4 kills (prob all trio) under his belt and maybe started raiding a month ago begins to give me advice, yes, me a veteran raider, advice that made no sense. He acted as if he was a wise raider, he said “scholar runes are better because of higher dps, it’s useful in all bosses you will encounter.” Now I’m laughing my kitten off and I tell the guy I’ve completed the entire raid and killed every boss. I then proceed to ping my 80+ LI, envoy armor and all the other trophies I’ve earned. And then he kicks me and blocks me. Ahhh gotta love GW2 raid community.

  • a veteran raider *
    Runes of the Pack
    Plays a PS warr

I’d have kicked you, and i’d have blocked you very much the same.
You do not provide the utility required as a PS by running those runes, swap to Strength or swap to Scholar.
Your attitude is cancerous, stay bad. Bai

PS: Please never keep your endurance full as PS warr, thank you

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DrEckers.2039


If you are going to troll with your rune choice, at least be clever about it. I highly recomend Runes of the Thief for this. Here is the logic you can use to get in any pug raid using these runes:
1) You are always behind the boss, so it is much easier to upkeep thief’s +10% damage modifier than Scholar’s.
2) The extra precision allows me to swap some of my assassin trinkets to Zerker, which offsets the loss of power.
3) There are enough Condition applied on crit traits for the extra condi damage to not be worthless. Granted its not as good as the extra ferocity on Scholar, but Thief runes are much cheaper.

An incredible experience in raid today

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Well, the raid leader is right that scholar runes are better. If I were him, I would be worried, but not because of the runes themselves causing problems (it is a small difference).. I wouldn’t trust anyone who is just lazy with their gear like that. Sure, you’ve probably done the content a lot, but there are plenty of very mediocre players who get everything cleared just because they had groups good enough to make it through, despite them.

If you really don’t care about getting your gear perfect, which is the easiest part of raids, I don’t see how you’d expect others to have confidence in your actual performance.