I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kurzick.6375


I hate to say this but from what i see in the posts here and responses in game from all the changes made a good chunk of players are driven away. I don’t mind the dungeon difficulty but it seems some encounters are just plain bugged now. But my main complain was always the rewards for doing dungeons, such as the ridiculous amount of tokens required to get the dungeon gear, the useless drops from chests that don’t even scale for level and aren’t usable, and now they nerf the amount of silvers you get from dungeon, i mean casual players can barely keep up with repair costs and trying to get crafting up and porting to places cause the WP cost so much now its even harder to farm dungeons for some cash?

Fanboys say what you will “ohh we don’t want you here go play something else” well that might actually happen to a good chunk of players, with new games coming out soon and i hate to say this the WoW expansion in a week, boarderlands 2, Black ops 2, Halo 4, all these changes Anet is making might just push a good majority of players out and a huge decline in player base.

Then the game will truly suffer, with all these players gone the main question is, will there be enough casuals to play with? we all know the “elitist” and “fanboys” are going to be around but casuals can’t keep up with those kind of players. Specially with a system like WvWvW you need population to have fun.

Now i love this game its great but having a small population to play with will push even more people away, cause lets face it people play MMO with other players not NPC and with all the negative feed back coming from forums and in game with this broken dungeon system isn’t going to help.

I hope Anet makes the right changes not quick fixes, its bad enough to release a game promising certain things and completely turning around and doing the opposite, casual friendly game not so casual friendly after all.

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rush.8239


i agree with you @ op

i have not logged in for a few days now already looking for a new game and i was one of those saying how awesome gw2 was, even though i still think its a great game im not into the whole grind thing so im not going to waste anymore time

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mulch.2586


I’m not sure what to do now. I’d given up on WvW cuz of the queues. Now giving up on dungeons. What’s left? ERP?

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Yeah…. I’m a casual, more so then a lot of people here saying they’re casuals… And I LOVE the new changes, the people being driven away aren’t casuals, they’re bad players who want games to go down to their ability, and not increase their ability to the games level.

To be honest I’m GLAD they’re leaving they’re annoying to listen to because all they do is squeal about how things, that are working as intended mind you, are broken and need to e nerfed.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Komatik.2078


I will certainly get Halo 4, Disshonerd and grab the Dark souls DLC be playing them.
As it seems to go now i probbably wont look back at this game cuz the time investment and reward ratio has some issues, Its just not worth it for a cassual.

I dont mind failing 1000 times but i do mind failing 1000 times and be rewarded for only 15 tokens 35 silver

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I will certainly get Halo 4, Disshonerd and grab the Dark souls DLC be playing them.
As it seems to go now i probbably wont look back at this game cuz the time investment and reward ratio has some issues, Its just not worth it for a cassual.

I dont mind failing 1000 times but i do mind failing 1000 times and be rewarded for only 15 tokens 35 silver

It’s funny how you’re complaining about not being awarded enough for your failure…. Yet you’re going to play demon/dark souls where you will die significantly more and be rewarded significantly less…

Logic, who needs it right?

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vodajo.1865


Yeah…. I’m a casual, more so then a lot of people here saying they’re casuals… And I LOVE the new changes, the people being driven away aren’t casuals, they’re bad players who want games to go down to their ability, and not increase their ability to the games level.

To be honest I’m GLAD they’re leaving they’re annoying to listen to because all they do is squeal about how things, that are working as intended mind you, are broken and need to e nerfed.

Be more of a fanboy, please. It’s needed for this game to survive more then a year.

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Olrac.2813


You will probably be back when new expansions come, anyways that’s how Anet earns their $.

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: babizokahh.1870


They are driving me away for other reasons, like the fact i can’t even login to the game because it loads forever. I didn’t use to do dungeons before and now i won’t go near it. I personally think DG sets are plain awful, but i feel bad for my friends, they were so happy getting their sets.

I have no mouth and i must scream.

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luukator.6038


Kurzick and Rush, I agree with you 100%, I was the first among my friends to say “Guild Wars 2!!! You have to
check it out it’s gonna be awesome!”, but right now I just don’t feel like logging in anymore.
The amount of time put in dungeons right now isn’t worth the effort because of the nazi rewards

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


It amazes me how petty you people are, “oh the rewards aren’t good enough!!” my god do you not just play a game for fun?

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gryz.8376


You will probably be back when new expansions come, anyways that’s how Anet earns their $.

No, I won’t.
Doing dungeons, reading other player’s experience on this forum, seeing today’s patch, and then seeing 2 Anet employees comment “it’s fine, this is intended”, makes it very clear what this game is. And how PvE content will be at level 80. Very clear. Not fun.

I bought this game to level at 80, see the world, and then have a little fun at 80. Right now I am sure I will stop playing at 80. That means I don’t feel I got my full money’s worth. I got some value. But it’s not like I am singing about how great the game is, and how good a deal it is to buy a game from Anet.

In fact, I am pretty sure this is the last product I will ever buy from Anet. Just like I will never buy another product from Blizzard again. Maybe I am a conscious customer. But “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me”.

The Anet staff was clear. This is a PvP game. Not a PvE game. They care about us buying the game. They don’t care about us playing the game.

I got the message.

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


So hard PVE endgame content makes a game a pvp game? Wow this is news to me…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Komatik.2078


I will certainly get Halo 4, Disshonerd and grab the Dark souls DLC be playing them.
As it seems to go now i probbably wont look back at this game cuz the time investment and reward ratio has some issues, Its just not worth it for a cassual.

I dont mind failing 1000 times but i do mind failing 1000 times and be rewarded for only 15 tokens 35 silver

It’s funny how you’re complaining about not being awarded enough for your failure…. Yet you’re going to play demon/dark souls where you will die significantly more and be rewarded significantly less…

Logic, who needs it right?

I already finished it am going to buy the DLC
becuz i like the difficulty and the intellectual reward yes you can still be intellectualy rewarded for failing becuz you will learn everytime something new about that place or boss you couldent get through at first.
Dark souls is a hard game but it issent unfair when something is hard or you fail its your fault but GW2 dungeons are unffair atm there is no intelligence requerd besides dodge at the right time and apply as many dots possible to get some movement in that health bar oh i almost forgot and circle strafe -_-


Darksouls: trash mobs can hit increadbly hard or ar increadbly fast not both, both have reasonable health pools. some have much larger HP then others but there is always a strategie, a weapon, a weak spot or something this issent the case for GW2 mobs.
GW2: undead in Arah hit increadbly hard are increadbly fast and have vast amount of health.
Darksouls: trash mobs requeire strategie and planning
GW2: kiting in a circle for 3 min and you only got 1 down out of 10

Darksouls Boss: requeire strategie and planning.
GW2 Boss: circle strafing and watching the healthbar slowly move

I complain they have upped the unfair difficulty not the challenge cuz we all now
there is not much challenge about them there is a big difference in these 2 words.

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Komatik.2078


It amazes me how petty you people are, “oh the rewards aren’t good enough!!” my god do you not just play a game for fun?

And what about the intellectual reward?
Shouldent you also be somewhat be funded for the efforts you have put in
and the deaths you had. You spend 40 min inside a dungeon and come out with only 35 silver mby 50silver if your lucky and ~25 tokens all the while your friend was farming DE and earned 70silver in the same time and is able to buy his orange’s from the TP instead
so basicly you are falling behind becuz you enjoy to do dungeons where is the logic in that? The reward should be equal for both.

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: explocion.9450


it bugs me so much to see negative updates like this… i am a fan of this game but all i had for now was running CoF Exp Magg with my buddy to farm that amazing looking armor and we also made enough money to repair gear and save up for maybe getting a legendary or exotic gear for another build…. running that dun took long enough as it was now with this new update i fell like it will be a month before i can even finish my full gear build simply because my friends wont always be online to run a few exp modes…. and today i have spent 3 hours trying to find a group to run the duns with and every single team i get is filled with people that know nothing about anything they just whipe and whipe and don’t listen to any tips its just frustrating …… i do see this being a game breaker for a huge chunk of people….

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gryz.8376


So hard PVE endgame content makes a game a pvp game? Wow this is news to me…

No, of course not.

MMO games incorporate different types of games inside one big game.
There is the “leveling game”. In GW2 that part of the game is pretty good. I love the world, I love the size of the world, I like the graphics, the artwork, etc.
Then there are two more large parts of the game. The PvE-game at level 80, and the PvP-game at level 80.

The PvE-game at level 80 isn’t very good. The dungeons are tedious and unrewarding. The Public Events are mostly zerg. So imho (and that of many others on this forum), the “architecture” of the PvE-game isn’t very good. I don’t know why, the only thing I can think of is that the majority of the design effort of the game-architecture-team has gone in PvP.

I hope PvP is fun, at least.
I was assuming PvP is fun. That’s why I called it a PvP-game.

If PvP at level 80 isn’t fun either, then this game has little future. The only fun part left will be the leveling. And you can do that only so many times.

And btw, the problem is not the fact that endgame dungeons are hard. One problem is that StoryMode dungeons (that you run while leveling, and learning the game and your profession) are way over the top. And that dungeons at lvl80 aren’t rewarding enough. And the biggest gripe seems to be that the mechanisms of the fights aren’t fun at all (one-shotting, waypoint-rushing, tedious trash, prof-combination-requirements, spec-requirements, no signaling of incoming abilities, mobs focus-firing a player, etc, etc). That’s the problem according to many who pay money to play this game. But according to ANet-employees, everything is fine and dandy.

(edited by Gryz.8376)

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: StealthKK.7086


They are driving me away for other reasons, like the fact i can’t even login to the game because it loads forever. I didn’t use to do dungeons before and now i won’t go near it. I personally think DG sets are plain awful, but i feel bad for my friends, they were so happy getting their sets.

You need to get a better computer. My maps load in like <5 seconds.

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mattress.3629


I’ll be playing Borderlands this Friday, I’ll give it a week, I don’t even see the point of doing dungeons anymore, I’ll come on for WvW nights, that’s it, I can’t even farm in Orr anymore it’s becoming a joke. And yeah with Halo 4 coming out and Black Op’s 2 also Dishonoured, AC3, Fifa 13 I have plenty of other games to go and play.

Mattress – Asuran Elementalist
Whiteside Ridge

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Runar.1342


It amazes me how petty you people are, “oh the rewards aren’t good enough!!” my god do you not just play a game for fun?

Did you stop to think that the rewards are the fun?

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: darkehawke.1269


It amazes me how petty you people are, “oh the rewards aren’t good enough!!” my god do you not just play a game for fun?

Did you stop to think that the rewards are the fun?

he doesnt seem to realise that change rendered the dungeons completely devoid of fun.
so zero reward and zero fun for dungeons

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Takiwaki.5948


No matter how fun any game is, there needs to be a reward for the time and effort put in. In PVE this is usually equipment based or something to let you know that you are progressing. In an mmo doing a very challenging event or dungeon just for fun is going to fail.

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

Doing a dungeon once is fun. Doing it 100+ times for more than an hour per run while losing a hefty amount of gold for crappy rewards is fun for whom? Why even do dungeons at all now? At least before 2 or 3 dungeons were worth doing. Now, nothing.

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: darkehawke.1269


No matter how fun any game is, there needs to be a reward for the time and effort put in. In PVE this is usually equipment based or something to let you know that you are progressing. In an mmo doing a very challenging event or dungeon just for fun is going to fail.

change challenging for tedious and you’re bang on there

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I will certainly get Halo 4, Disshonerd and grab the Dark souls DLC be playing them.
As it seems to go now i probbably wont look back at this game cuz the time investment and reward ratio has some issues, Its just not worth it for a cassual.

I dont mind failing 1000 times but i do mind failing 1000 times and be rewarded for only 15 tokens 35 silver

It’s funny how you’re complaining about not being awarded enough for your failure…. Yet you’re going to play demon/dark souls where you will die significantly more and be rewarded significantly less…

Logic, who needs it right?

I already finished it am going to buy the DLC
becuz i like the difficulty and the intellectual reward yes you can still be intellectualy rewarded for failing becuz you will learn everytime something new about that place or boss you couldent get through at first.
Dark souls is a hard game but it issent unfair when something is hard or you fail its your fault but GW2 dungeons are unffair atm there is no intelligence requerd besides dodge at the right time and apply as many dots possible to get some movement in that health bar oh i almost forgot and circle strafe -_-


Darksouls: trash mobs can hit increadbly hard or ar increadbly fast not both, both have reasonable health pools. some have much larger HP then others but there is always a strategie, a weapon, a weak spot or something this issent the case for GW2 mobs.
GW2: undead in Arah hit increadbly hard are increadbly fast and have vast amount of health.
Darksouls: trash mobs requeire strategie and planning
GW2: kiting in a circle for 3 min and you only got 1 down out of 10

Darksouls Boss: requeire strategie and planning.
GW2 Boss: circle strafing and watching the healthbar slowly move

I complain they have upped the unfair difficulty not the challenge cuz we all now
there is not much challenge about them there is a big difference in these 2 words.

Well your first problem is kiting every mob in circles the whole time, this may just be me but my entire group is primarily melee, 3 of us have ranged secondary sets, but they’re not used unless we absolutely need the utility for the most part, or in my case if i want to support the group a little bit, or mark a target with hunters call…

However, me being a huge hack and slash gamer fan (like demon/dark souls) i would prefer that things die faster because i dislike having to smack things over and over again until it finally dies, i know one of my groupies has started calling any humanoid boss a “Super <insert race here>” due to how much more of a beating they can take.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


It amazes me how petty you people are, “oh the rewards aren’t good enough!!” my god do you not just play a game for fun?

And what about the intellectual reward?
Shouldent you also be somewhat be funded for the efforts you have put in
and the deaths you had. You spend 40 min inside a dungeon and come out with only 35 silver mby 50silver if your lucky and ~25 tokens all the while your friend was farming DE and earned 70silver in the same time and is able to buy his orange’s from the TP instead
so basicly you are falling behind becuz you enjoy to do dungeons where is the logic in that? The reward should be equal for both.

Well dungeon gear is meant to be cosmetic rewards, IE that’s showing off that you were a total hardkitten and got that gear instead of buying the craftable gear everyone and their grandma will have. Personally, i don’t use money very often, only thing it gets used for are waypoints and repairs…

As for the intellectual reward you learn how to do the content, like in D Souls, not to mention you’ll learn lore on the area that your friends who are grinding events will not learn about unless you either A) share it with them or they find out for themselves by completing the place.

Not to mention the content is just fun, i prefer the feeling of downing the really tough boss that made me his kitten for weeks then getting some stupid sparkly sword that triples my stats.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mrpopo.4593


AMAZING post op agree 100%

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: darkehawke.1269


It amazes me how petty you people are, “oh the rewards aren’t good enough!!” my god do you not just play a game for fun?

And what about the intellectual reward?
Shouldent you also be somewhat be funded for the efforts you have put in
and the deaths you had. You spend 40 min inside a dungeon and come out with only 35 silver mby 50silver if your lucky and ~25 tokens all the while your friend was farming DE and earned 70silver in the same time and is able to buy his orange’s from the TP instead
so basicly you are falling behind becuz you enjoy to do dungeons where is the logic in that? The reward should be equal for both.

Well dungeon gear is meant to be cosmetic rewards, IE that’s showing off that you were a total hardkitten and got that gear instead of buying the craftable gear everyone and their grandma will have. Personally, i don’t use money very often, only thing it gets used for are waypoints and repairs…

As for the intellectual reward you learn how to do the content, like in D Souls, not to mention you’ll learn lore on the area that your friends who are grinding events will not learn about unless you either A) share it with them or they find out for themselves by completing the place.

Not to mention the content is just fun, i prefer the feeling of downing the really tough boss that made me his kitten for weeks then getting some stupid sparkly sword that triples my stats.

I get the opposite feeling from Dungeon bosses. All i see is a tediously slow draining health bar coupled with random 1 shot kills and other nonsense.
There is no strategy involved in dungeons and with no strategy there comes no fulfilment

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sojou.2067


It amazes me how petty you people are, “oh the rewards aren’t good enough!!” my god do you not just play a game for fun?

Playing for fun without any reward at the end is plain stupid. This is a MMO, it’s about going forwards, not backwards. You’re dealing with other players and a player driven economy. When the rewards at the end of doing something are a net loss because the content is no longer properly tuned – then it’s no longer worth the time spent to play the game.

Knee jerk buffs to portions of content that did not need to be harder while ignoring the parts that are overly simple is how you drive players away from your game.

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wayfinder.8452


This thread is ridiculous, why do you go to such extremes because of only one aspect of the game being changed ? I don’t get it… So much whining, so much hate.

Chill guys…

They did a huge mistake here, 1 mistake and you forget everything that was given to you. Having the attention span of a kid doesn’t make your criticism look constructive at all.

The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army
more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the Ranger.
Become who you were born to be. I give hope to men. I keep none for myself.

(edited by Wayfinder.8452)

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: darkehawke.1269


This thread is ridiculous, why do you go to such extremes because of only one aspect of the game being changed ? I don’t get it… So much whining, so much hate.

Chill guys…

They did a huge mistake here, 1 mistake and you forget everything that was given to you. Having the attention span of a kid doesn’t make your criticism look constructive at all.

its also the manner as i said before.
today its one thing tomorrow it may yet be another.
no consultation or even a polite heads up.
A reason is given that is completely contradictory to the point of being insulting to players intelligence.
Just makes me lose faith that they can take the game forward instead of backwards.

Also they have not said this was a mistake, if it was the case then fair enough. mistakes happen, but this is not the case… yet

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wayfinder.8452


This thread is ridiculous, why do you go to such extremes because of only one aspect of the game being changed ? I don’t get it… So much whining, so much hate.

Chill guys…

They did a huge mistake here, 1 mistake and you forget everything that was given to you. Having the attention span of a kid doesn’t make your criticism look constructive at all.

its also the manner as i said before.
today its one thing tomorrow it may yet be another.
no consultation or even a polite heads up.
A reason is given that is completely contradictory to the point of being insulting to players intelligence.
Just makes me lose faith that they can take the game forward instead of backwards.

Also they have not said this was a mistake, if it was the case then fair enough. mistakes happen, but this is not the case… yet

I’m sorry if you really believe that. I’ll pretend this thread among othes doesn’t exist for the time being. Thanks for the wake up call and sorry If I offended anyone.

Have fun.

The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army
more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the Ranger.
Become who you were born to be. I give hope to men. I keep none for myself.

I see posts from a few people who say they won't play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: darkehawke.1269


This thread is ridiculous, why do you go to such extremes because of only one aspect of the game being changed ? I don’t get it… So much whining, so much hate.

Chill guys…

They did a huge mistake here, 1 mistake and you forget everything that was given to you. Having the attention span of a kid doesn’t make your criticism look constructive at all.

its also the manner as i said before.
today its one thing tomorrow it may yet be another.
no consultation or even a polite heads up.
A reason is given that is completely contradictory to the point of being insulting to players intelligence.
Just makes me lose faith that they can take the game forward instead of backwards.

Also they have not said this was a mistake, if it was the case then fair enough. mistakes happen, but this is not the case… yet

I’m sorry if you really believe that. I’ll pretend this thread among othes doesn’t exist for the time being. Thanks for the wake up call and sorry If I offended anyone.

Have fun.

you didnt offend me. you stated your opinion and i stated mine. doesnt mean one of us is right and the other is wrong.
if you’re still having fun with dungeons then good on you man, i honestly hope you continue to have fun