Leader of Conflux [FLUX] – Jade Quarry.
Arah Exp; why is nobody doing it?
Leader of Conflux [FLUX] – Jade Quarry.
Not too hard to get a group on Gandara, but that’s during prime time. Haven’t really ever tried teaming for Arah outside prime time. Orr is generally pretty quiet in early hours anyway.
It’s the sheer length. I intended to do Arah enough to get the shoulders and the bifrost (680 tokens) but after finishing all the non-mursaat routes, they just take TOO KITTEN LONG to drag my friends though all the time, let alone pubs who are just going to fail and make me solo GL.
Going to do the mursaat route today if I can for the cheevo, then I’m done till Anet tunes it a LOT.
There are plenty of people doing arah EX. But the only farmable path is sylvari, the others are an awful mess.
so most people login, do sylvari, then logout. wait for the new LFG
There are plenty of people doing arah EX. But the only farmable path is sylvari, the others are an awful mess.
so most people login, do sylvari, then logout. wait for the new LFG
I’ve yet to do the Sylvari path. I’ll have to attempt that today. TY!
Leader of Conflux [FLUX] – Jade Quarry.
There’s no incentive to do it. You got 60 tokens and crappy vendor loot. You can get that from anywhere without the heartache of trying to pug it. It’s just not worth it to be honest.
Aside from the bugs i like that it takes so long and is difficult. If i see someone in an arah set i have more respect for there level of commitment/ and even skill co.pared to someone in Flame legion… heck its to the point where i respect the karma grinders with their set more then the CoF set. The state of that dugeon has been a let down:/ I really wanted the set at launch but refused to exploit/ ignore half the content in the dungeon to get it and now its almost a mark of shame to wear the set in my eyes.
The point im getting at is i like that there is easy sets to get but also hard ones.
Aside from the bugs i like that it takes so long and is difficult. If i see someone in an arah set i have more respect for there level of commitment/ and even skill co.pared to someone in Flame legion… heck its to the point where i respect the karma grinders with their set more then the CoF set. The state of that dugeon has been a let down:/ I really wanted the set at launch but refused to exploit/ ignore half the content in the dungeon to get it and now its almost a mark of shame to wear the set in my eyes.
The point im getting at is i like that there is easy sets to get but also hard ones.
When I see someone in full Arah I think: Oh they rode the first two bosses hard, first couple of weeks after retail /yawn.
When I see someone in full Arah I think: Oh they rode the first two bosses hard, first couple of weeks after retail /yawn.
Unfortunately yeah. The lazy and the bad always ruin it for the legit players.
did the warden path with a PuG last night. Well, I say PuG, me and my guild leader found 3 people who were part of their own guild. According to them they do Arah quite often.
I think you just have to look. Dont expect to find a group right away, and to tell the truth, maybe you should search for a guild that advertises a desire to do dungeons.
I always run Arah exp with people I know, pug is the main reason that makes your exp run a nightmare.
I know exp mode is a bit hard but that’s what an endgame is going to be.
I always run Arah exp with people I know, pug is the main reason that makes your exp run a nightmare.
I know exp mode is a bit hard but that’s what an endgame is going to be.
That’s not really true, though. All my PUG runs have been quite good experiences. Maybe we weren’t the most efficient team around, but at least it’s been fun playing in PUGs, and that’s what matters I think.
Hope you don’t mind me popping in here for this question, but I’ve got the Arah part of my class quest to do still… This is story mode right? About how difficult and how much time is involved with story?
Zakuani – 80 Human Elementalist – 400 Tailoring/400 Cooking
South Lake Union Trolley [RTS], Jade Quarry
Hope you don’t mind me popping in here for this question, but I’ve got the Arah part of my class quest to do still… This is story mode right? About how difficult and how much time is involved with story?
It’s not all that difficult in story-mode, but I guess it depends on your team.=p It’ll take an hour or so to complete I think.
I do it daily. Feel free to whisp me
I’m working on pants with pugs.
I run Arah explorable twice a day. Usually rout 2 and 3, each route in about an hour.
First it took about 2-3 hours to find out tactics, but after we did, every other run was easyer and easyer.
Dunno where you found out that nobody is doing Arah, on my server there are plenty of players with almost full Arah set. In my guild we have about 3 groups running Arah already every day.
Arah is easy, you just need to know what to do and put some effort in learning your class and how Guild Wars 2 works.
And explorer modes arent supposed to be cleared with random/pug groups without any communication or coordiantion. Ofcourse you find find pug group that manage to run Arah without problem, but you have to communicate and know what your class can do and what encouters do.
Every explorable in Guild Wars 2 is doable and when you find out what to do, its easy as hell. Too easy in my taste .. you will find out eventually.
I already have Arah greatsword on my guardian and longbow on ranger and I started to run Arah week ago.
This is one of the faster run we had so far. Route 3. Recorded by my friend Johnyc.
- Btw dont mind the deads on the start, we were actually discussing something and it was really late night run. Usually we dont really die or really rarely
- And just for the info, some of us dont even have exotic gear.
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
Fast run u say? tht was an hour…….
For cassual players who have time to play for 1-2hour. This dungeon is just tooooo kitten time consuming. I mean, they can do it in those 1-2 hour for 1 run.
But tht all they have the time for, they cant do other thing like daily or do others dungeon. Because Arah is such a TIME CONSUMING dungeon.
Am sry, but 1 hour+ for 1 run is BRUTALLL. Anet should reduce the difficulty of Arah down. 1hour+ run is just dumb…..
Path 3 can be done under 30 minutes since most trash are skippable. Path 1 and 4 however is another story.
Am sry, but 1 hour+ for 1 run is BRUTALLL. Anet should reduce the difficulty of Arah down. 1hour+ run is just dumb…..
People are so demanding.
A hour is fast.
Like if Coe was shorter rofl.. 1 hour is the minimum expected time , every path of every dungeon is expected to be around an hour or more.
I pugged it at first took around 2 hrs for warden path now I do it in 1hr with people I added to friends to do it
In my experience its because the EM mode of the dungeon is very hard!! most casual players just can’t complete it..which is not a bad thing really..at least you don’t have a zillion players running round in a full set of arah armor like you see with the CoF dungeon set.
Complaining dungeons are too time consuming in mmorpg? In vanila wow, tbc dungeons took 3 hours each, raids take several hour too now! And in other mmorpgs you have even longer ones.. You dont have time for running them? So dont do dungeos then or make more time ..
Almost everyone i know playes atleast 5 hours a day and those who dont atleast understand Its their problem..
Arah expo, in general all expos ARENT there for casual players who plays 2 hours a day btw. Are you even lvl 80 yet ?
My gf is casual player and do you think she complain about not having arah gear? No! Cause she has brain and she knows how it goes. There are tousands players that plays 7+ hours a day and it would never be fair if someone who is casual and plays 2 hours a day would have same gear..
Mmorpg are ment to be real live fantasy world, some do have more, some less.
If you want to run arah, obtain nicest gear and its so important for you, then MAKE MORE TIME! SIMPE .. this is mmorpg. Not single player gameMan just wth? Really? What next? Want instant 80 level? Or free legendary?In second when they start nerfing dungeons, which are in fact easy anyway now I wont log back in ever again. And i am player that already spent 200 euros on gems and have 450 hours played, what playerbase anet want to keep?
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
Well, think of it this way. People have a job, family, social life, etc.
Go home from a 8-10 hours job. Do other things, and leave some time for GW2 before going to sleep and get rdy to wake up for work.
The dungoen is time consuming, asking for 1+2 hour for one run is Alots to ask off the cassual player.
I dont mean to be offensive, but unless u biuld ur life arround the ARAH dungeon run, then u will get no where. Which is a turn off.
Take legendary for example, It is TIME consuming, BUT, u can do bit by bit and not the “do it all at once, or nothing deal”.
And yes, i am lv 80. Bought GW2 since launch day. Others dungeon armour skin r resonanable to get, why cant arah be like tht? It just Skin customize any way…Not legendary epic stuff.
It just Skin customize any way…Not legendary epic stuff.
Indeed, so what’s the problem? It’s not like you -need- the Arah set anyway. It won’t give you any advantages.
Some people have more stuffs going on in their real lifes, therefore less time to play and might not be able to do every single thing a game has to offer. While other people have less stuffs going on in their life, therefore are able to put more time into a game they like. There’s nothing unfair about. You miss out on one thing, but realise you have other things in place of that.
Add me on Jade Quarry, i’d actually like to do this dungeon as much as possible.
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
I remember everquest plane raids that took 6 days to complete. I’m quite fine with 1-2 hour dungeons.
Because Giganticus Lupicus. Because 20 minutes to kill midboss.
I’d gladly go to Arah almost any time, but most groups simply assume everyone that hasn’t been there already is a drooling idiot with no concept of how to do dungeons. Thanks to that insulting mindset, I’ve been rejected from four groups this week.
There would be a lot more people running this place if more players would grow a pair, take a PuG inside, and teach them. Makes a hell of a lot more sense to me than demanding full exotic geared players that have already cleared all the paths.
Nethalia Frostmane [Ranger], Lyzanxia Unsu [Engineer]
Torg Darkmaw [Thief], Zekka The Architect [Elementalist]
I just can’t do Giganticus. He’s too hard for me. My guild gave up on this dungeon, after no amount of practice seemed to matter. We got the process, the tactic, everything. But if that’s not difficult enough, he randomly bloody RESETS during the fight. Nobody was outside the room, and we were all alive attacking him….after 20 minutes got him down to 5% health and he RESET.
Unbelievable pile of badly coded rubbish, this dungeon is.
I just can’t do Giganticus. He’s too hard for me. My guild gave up on this dungeon, after no amount of practice seemed to matter. We got the process, the tactic, everything. But if that’s not difficult enough, he randomly bloody RESETS during the fight. Nobody was outside the room, and we were all alive attacking him….after 20 minutes got him down to 5% health and he RESET.
Unbelievable pile of badly coded rubbish, this dungeon is.
Add me, my small guild does Arah daily, we can help you
Complaining dungeons are too time consuming in mmorpg? In vanila wow, tbc dungeons took 3 hours each, raids take several hour too now! And in other mmorpgs you have even longer ones.. You dont have time for running them? So dont do dungeos then or make more time ..
Almost everyone i know playes atleast 5 hours a day and those who dont atleast understand Its their problem..
Arah expo, in general all expos ARENT there for casual players who plays 2 hours a day btw. Are you even lvl 80 yet ?My gf is casual player and do you think she complain about not having arah gear? No! Cause she has brain and she knows how it goes. There are tousands players that plays 7+ hours a day and it would never be fair if someone who is casual and plays 2 hours a day would have same gear..
Mmorpg are ment to be real live fantasy world, some do have more, some less.
If you want to run arah, obtain nicest gear and its so important for you, then MAKE MORE TIME! SIMPE .. this is mmorpg. Not single player gameMan just wth? Really? What next? Want instant 80 level? Or free legendary?In second when they start nerfing dungeons, which are in fact easy anyway now I wont log back in ever again. And i am player that already spent 200 euros on gems and have 450 hours played, what playerbase anet want to keep?
So are you saying just because your GF is a casual player she has no right to the gear from arah? Anyone who plays the game as the right to any gear in the game. Granted it may take your GF or any other casual players longer to get it, but they do have the right to it.
I’ve been trying to do arah exploreable.
Unfortunately getting a group is near impossible and any formed groups only take people with experience. I’ve been kicked from squads several times for not having experience in arah. It’s like job hunting all over again.
Even though I have full exotics (P/V/T) with ascended gear, a character built for dungeons, a fractal level over 20, it doesn’t matter.
Nowadays I only run with ppl that I know. Don’t really want to repeat every time on how to beat lupicus.
i run arah daily with a lupicus one shot. i love this dungeon. gw2lfg.com was a huge win for me because i started getting lots of legit, speed clear arah runs
now i just need boots and my mesmer will have the full set.
I was beginning to lose hope that I’d get to do this dungeon but maybe I’ll have to give it a try.
If you are worried about getting kicked then it’s better read some guides or watch videos. Them simply claim that you know that path.
If you are looking for a group to run it, just /w me ingame. I’ve got a group and we usually miss 1-2 players, and we need to schedule to farm it more often
There’s a reason why everyone asks for experienced people. Watch on youtube full run or just lupicus and pretend you are experienced. Most of those people that ask for experienced folks aren’t really good. Start with path 3, later path 2 and finally path 1 (no one runs p4 for tokens).
Or ask nicely, telling the truth (though it won’t work often). Yesterday I took one new guy (well, gal) and two claiming-to-be-experienced guys. One had done few runs already (partially arah set) but was the worst of all people in party.
I just went on a run, said I didn’t have experience and there weren’t any issues. Group explained what I needed to know. The run went smoothly, only a couple deaths (probably less than your average AC/CoF run) and was completed reasonably quickly.
I found it pretty fun, challenging but not frustrating. I especially enjoyed the fight with lupicus, it was pretty fun and it’s nice to fight a boss that I don’t feel like I can alt/tab out of in the middle of the fight and come back a minute later and still be up.
(edited by Wasabi Kitty.8247)
2 words: Giganticus Lupicus
Problem is whit this instance is that its unbalanced
Path 3 is farm possible while other path is just a nightmare i mean why is path 3 a number 5 in difficulty and easy to farm and Path 1 a 8 (beacuse there are NO waypoints) and people stop trying just because it takes u 10 min to walk to lupus. And path 4 that is a total nightmware and an easy 12 on the 10 scale not because the boss is difficult but the orbs have their own life. Its not that u just could put out boulders and get them and put on place… no… orbs that aggro everything and are ranged and that lose aggro to anything close to it. I mean why not have the degree on the same level? Why is Path 3 easyer then path 1-2-4? why are they not the same? and not fixed? they have been this since start of the game.
P3 has loads of Waypoints, P1 Zero waypoints… P4 fairly easy to get to last boss… Last boss impossible to pug (and some guild spent 5-6 hours to get her) most people has just gone for the nuke tactic and killed her off. But that is not the point of the encounter. Everyone talks about it should be like that in end game encounter…. why isnt path 3 like that then? I mean… Do something about theese broken paths before people looses intrest in even trying in doing them. Atm ARAH is just broken, sorry to say.
Add me, my small guild does Arah daily, we can help you
If you are looking for a group to run it, just /w me ingame. I’ve got a group and we usually miss 1-2 players, and we need to schedule to farm it more often
Would any of you happen to be on a European server? Or anybody else willing to take first timers(note: I did successfully get through the wolf guy…it just happened to be on path 4….)… I pwomise to follow like a puppy and do tricks for tokens…
Add me, my small guild does Arah daily, we can help you
If you are looking for a group to run it, just /w me ingame. I’ve got a group and we usually miss 1-2 players, and we need to schedule to farm it more often
Would any of you happen to be on a European server? Or anybody else willing to take first timers(note: I did successfully get through the wolf guy…it just happened to be on path 4….)… I pwomise to follow like a puppy and do tricks for tokens…
Hi Magimay, Yes we are european server.. I tried adding your name but no luck
My ingame name is Katsuya Jou
Add me and I am always happy to take in-experienced players, we have a core group so 1-2 new players per run will not effect our outcomes.
We also do p4 quite a bit so if anyone needs, just add me
2 words: Giganticus Lupicus
Lupicus has been fairly easy for me, I don’t get the big deal.