Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: afflaq.3947


Can we get some kind of indication if these speed runs of doing 2 bosses then resetting and starting over is acceptable or if there’s some kind of fix to prevent this 8 minute run junk? It’s really frustrating to constantly look for a group for Arah explorable (I pug alot when people I know aren’t online) and the ONLY groups I can seem to get into end up skipping all the trash doing 2 bosses and wanting to reset.

I’m sure this post will not be popular but I don’t really care. The groups that I’ve been in for Arah explorable haven’t had THAT much of an issue doing it without ‘farming’ – I just want to be able to find more of them.

Darkwing [hug], Charr Thief | Charred [hug] – Charr Elementalist | Crystal Desert

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: StevieMJH.9105


It’s not against the rules to quit a dungeon if the rate of shards cuts off after the first couple bosses. Not like they still wont do something about it though, seeing as theyve already established their penchant for telling players what they want them to do.

Until then, just “LFG arah exp non-farm” or something.

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


I doubt its against the rules. You could do this tactic with any 2 boss’s in any dungeon. It just so happens to be the Arah dungeon thats being farmed by killing 2 bosses.

Although I do agree, its quite annoying that its hard to find a team willing to complete the Arah Dungeon.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: afflaq.3947


It’s not against the rules to quit a dungeon if the rate of shards cuts off after the first couple bosses. Not like they still wont do something about it though, seeing as theyve already established their penchant for telling players what they want them to do.

Until then, just “LFG arah exp non-farm” or something.

I’m trying – but here’s the issue that the shard farming creates:


Darkwing [hug], Charr Thief | Charred [hug] – Charr Elementalist | Crystal Desert

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


You’re asking too much from a PuG social pool when it’s made of people that would also want to progress through the game like you.

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ares.2136


Why don’t you ask Anet to reduce the ridiculous cost of items so the only way to get a set from Arah isn’t to farm for 5 hours a day doing speed runs for 2 weeks straight or without speed runs, for 12 hours a day for 6 months straight?

This is supposed to be a casual friendly game where people with jobs, families, and normal lives can have a good time but as of right now it’s looking like just as much, if not more, of a grind fest than every other MMO on the market.

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wiggletphyre.5712


Can we get some kind of indication if these speed runs of doing 2 bosses then resetting and starting over is acceptable or if there’s some kind of fix to prevent this 8 minute run junk? It’s really frustrating to constantly look for a group for Arah explorable (I pug alot when people I know aren’t online) and the ONLY groups I can seem to get into end up skipping all the trash doing 2 bosses and wanting to reset.

I’m sure this post will not be popular but I don’t really care. The groups that I’ve been in for Arah explorable haven’t had THAT much of an issue doing it without ‘farming’ – I just want to be able to find more of them.

So you basicly want them to “Fix” something to force people to do what you want to do?

Wow, this community went form “Everything is fine EXP and loots are shared!” to “Do what i want to do NOW!!!”

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vladia.2731


Why don’t you ask Anet to reduce the ridiculous cost of items so the only way to get a set from Arah isn’t to farm for 5 hours a day doing speed runs for 2 weeks straight or without speed runs, for 12 hours a day for 6 months straight?

This is supposed to be a casual friendly game where people with jobs, families, and normal lives can have a good time but as of right now it’s looking like just as much, if not more, of a grind fest than every other MMO on the market.

You understand that you’re creating an artifical grind in your own right. Correct? No one said you had to get the Dungeon set ASAP. You’re not sharing drop tokens with everyone. Yes it will take time. I don’t know how many times I have to say this but, It’s freaking supposed to. Why is that so hard to understand?

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wiggletphyre.5712


Why don’t you ask Anet to reduce the ridiculous cost of items so the only way to get a set from Arah isn’t to farm for 5 hours a day doing speed runs for 2 weeks straight or without speed runs, for 12 hours a day for 6 months straight?

This is supposed to be a casual friendly game where people with jobs, families, and normal lives can have a good time but as of right now it’s looking like just as much, if not more, of a grind fest than every other MMO on the market.

You understand that you’re creating an artifical grind in your own right. Correct? No one said you had to get the Dungeon set ASAP. You’re not sharing drop tokens with everyone. Yes it will take time. I don’t know how many times I have to say this but, It’s freaking supposed to. Why is that so hard to understand?

Because for a lot of people the game becomes more enjoyable when they have completed there character.

And the fact that people want to look cool playing the game and not play the game to look cool

Oh and btw, nobody said you had to take months to get the dungeon sets either…

(edited by Wiggletphyre.5712)

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ares.2136


Why don’t you ask Anet to reduce the ridiculous cost of items so the only way to get a set from Arah isn’t to farm for 5 hours a day doing speed runs for 2 weeks straight or without speed runs, for 12 hours a day for 6 months straight?

This is supposed to be a casual friendly game where people with jobs, families, and normal lives can have a good time but as of right now it’s looking like just as much, if not more, of a grind fest than every other MMO on the market.

You understand that you’re creating an artifical grind in your own right. Correct? No one said you had to get the Dungeon set ASAP. You’re not sharing drop tokens with everyone. Yes it will take time. I don’t know how many times I have to say this but, It’s freaking supposed to. Why is that so hard to understand?

Because for a lot of people the game becomes more enjoyable when they have completed there character.

And the fact that people want to look cool playing the game and not play the game to look cool

Basically this. I could spend my time leveling up a ranger or a thief that I’d really like to play but instead I have to spend all my time farming some boring dungeon to finish off my character’s appearance. Why? Because of some absurd developer deciding that 1350 tokens was a reasonable amount to obtain to get a set for ONE character, 4 at a time.

In my opinion, that’s not reasonable. Farming Arah over and over isn’t making the game more enjoyable or increasing its potential longevity for me. Being forced to do something that I don’t enjoy is making me bitter and definitely lowering the amount of respect I have for Anet and my potential to play another character again knowing I’ll be subjected to this same BS all over again once I get to 80.

TL2 comes out tomorrow. Thank god for that I guess.

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vladia.2731


Being forced to do something that I don’t enjoy…yeah…

Is someone in your house placing a gun to your head and saying FARM ARAH OR ELSE!!

You are forcing yourself to grind and farm for the gear. It’s your fault you want it fast.

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: afflaq.3947


Can we get some kind of indication if these speed runs of doing 2 bosses then resetting and starting over is acceptable or if there’s some kind of fix to prevent this 8 minute run junk? It’s really frustrating to constantly look for a group for Arah explorable (I pug alot when people I know aren’t online) and the ONLY groups I can seem to get into end up skipping all the trash doing 2 bosses and wanting to reset.

I’m sure this post will not be popular but I don’t really care. The groups that I’ve been in for Arah explorable haven’t had THAT much of an issue doing it without ‘farming’ – I just want to be able to find more of them.

So you basicly want them to “Fix” something to force people to do what you want to do?

Wow, this community went form “Everything is fine EXP and loots are shared!” to “Do what i want to do NOW!!!”

I’m not saying I want it fixed to force people what I want to do, but I do see how it can come across that way, I’m sorry. All I’m saying is that when you have ONE path that is literally easier than random mobs that you come across running around the cursed shore, it creates a whole group of people who ONLY care about doing that for the tokens, and no one ever sees the other portions of the dungeon. If the ‘farming’ path at least required you to get to the ‘end’ of the dungeon rather than killing 2 bosses for 8 shards then resetting, then at least people would see more of the content.

Whatever, I don’t think I can convey my point very well, and you obviously don’t see that there’s tons of content going completely unplayed because of something that was pretty cleary unintended, so we’ll go with yes I want it fixed to force people to do what I want.

Darkwing [hug], Charr Thief | Charred [hug] – Charr Elementalist | Crystal Desert

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nijjion.2069


I wish there was that many groups looking for farming on my server

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Voqar.2349


Why don’t you ask Anet to reduce the ridiculous cost of items so the only way to get a set from Arah isn’t to farm for 5 hours a day doing speed runs for 2 weeks straight or without speed runs, for 12 hours a day for 6 months straight?

This is supposed to be a casual friendly game where people with jobs, families, and normal lives can have a good time but as of right now it’s looking like just as much, if not more, of a grind fest than every other MMO on the market.

So you’re saying the ONLY way you can have a good time is by having the skins from Arah. BS. They are a luxury item that nobody NEEDs, and they’re supposed to be earned, not cheesed.

This is players leveraging cheese to try to get something faster than intended and to me, it’s a broken thing that should be fixed. There is no defense for cheese.

What’s going to happen is that it will get fixed and all the players that abused it will have sets of gear to brag about while most players will have to earn it if they want it.

It is comical to see player reactions to fixes in the game. Oh me, oh my, I’ve been nerfed, they’ve ruined my fun…because abusing broken game to get ahead easily is FUN.

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kenral.9317


No offense use a guild!
Works better and people stick around longer.

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ares.2136


Same problem that already exists with people with a bunch of 40K karma weapons they got for 200. Is that fair for all of us? No. Anet was like oh okay you can keep them, but nobody else can get them. That’s BS.

Maybe having those skins IS the only way I can have fun, so what?

And earned? By what, running the same dungeon literally hundreds of times? Where is the fun in that?

Why is it a game design axiom to force players to play literally the same content hundreds of times for no reason just to make them ‘earn’ some look for their character?

It’s not even like you get anything out of running the dungeon hundreds of times, you get tons and tons of terrible blues and green items and once in a blue moon a terrible exotic item to salvage for a chance at an ectoplasm. WOO so much fun!!

Maybe instead of nerfing things or making things harder (they’re already too hard), Anet should figure out how to make the things that everyone is intentionally skipping (or cheesing, as you say) because they’re so unappealing to the players? That’s a novel idea right….?

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


As someone who full clears all paths of Arah explore, all I have to say to the people doing two bosses and resetting is, you are all bad at dungeons and you should feel bad. Is there something to be said for min/maxing? Sure there is, but don’t expect those of us who embrace challenges to say “Congratulations on your hard work to get that set” and console you when they nerf your grind to the ground. Also, in a month when you have nothing left to do, you will have no one to blame but yourself.

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


It’s very sad that after 5 years of development the QA test group didn’t figure that you could speed thru all trash mobs and clear the dungeons in 10-15m. That the community is exploiting it is not a problem, given the amount of time you would have to spend otherwise, who can blame them. The company not figuring this out after 5 years? Seriously, that’s shameful.
Personally I’m doing explorable on a 4 men group because we can’t stomach the ‘speedrunners’, and pretty much 9 in 10 people looking for groups just want to do speedruns.
5 years of development and the trash mobs are just trash, nothing more, nothing less. You could have a system where they drop parts of a key that open the door for the next boss, or killing them remove a portion of the boss ‘impenetrable’ shields, or you have to scort someone (i suppose one of the explorable has this), killing the mobs would ‘liberate them from some evil spell’ and they fight by your side until the boss (and create a mechanic that requires them), etc..etc.. so many options and you have Vanilla WoW trash, minus CC plus Active Dodge.

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

I see what you’re saying Gies, but challenges should be balanced with reward. I want to try the challenges, but most folks would rather farm… whether that’s for the mats for crafting exotics or the speed runs in dungeons. I understand why, it’s a quicker way to get upgrades.

Why spend the effort for really no incentive other than to be a fashionista and have some bragging rights when you can be just as powerful through farming? If the tokens offered gear with a little more to them other than looks, like set bonuses or extra stats (a 4th stat or 2nd gem slot perhaps), might be more incentive to not only do them in general, but to really do the entire dungeon. Same point applies for the legendary items imho.

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


The incentive is the cool looking gear. Everyone seems to have this mindset that if there is cool looking equipment they should be able to obtain it with little to no effort/time invested. Well if that is how it was meant to be then the gear would in a sense lose its awesomeness because everyone has it. Somewhere along the lines (I blame WoW’s later expansions and massive surge into the mainstream) MMO’s became about providing equal rewards for in-equal amount of skill/effort. I don’t know how long many of you have been playing MMO’s but seeing someone in Legendary weapon/Amazing looking gear should have the effect of “Wow that guy worked really hard to get that equipment” instead of the all to common “Man that guy farmed those really easy runs alot”. Is it an inherent flaw in the game design? I think partly the developers can be to blame. Sadly, a lot of the reason they are to blame is because they are attempting to cater to a demographic of gamer that wants it all and wants it all for nothing.

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

Cool looking gear isn’t the same as cool looking gear with awesome stats. Farming crafting mats is low risk yet can yield just as high of a reward as learning an entire dungeon? And the difference is style, which is entirely subjective anyway?

Maybe it’s just medium armor, but I kinda like the exotic berserker leather set over the styles most of these dungeons are offering…. again, subjective. Don’t get me wrong, I want to do all the challenges that all the dungeons in this game have to offer. It’s just nice if I get that effort validated with some legitimate reward other than pure ego-inflation.