Arah P3 Duo 13:29

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Roul.3205


Arah p3 duo 13:29
Ele: My Blasts R Awesome (Roul.3205): Guild: Happens hP
War: Zaracausae (The Hero Warrior Il.7681): Guild: Fat Norns Cant LoS

(edited by Roul.3205)

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Roul.3205


can someone approve this plz

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Roul.3205


ehm can someone approve this plsssss?

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Saix.4126


I really wouldn’t count on this getting approved anytime soon.

I don’t know how many people are even dungeon approvers at this point.

Frankly, no one really cares about dungeons anymore, which really doesn’t help motivate people to watch/approve them.

In the team time id almost suggest improving your duo time if thats something you truly want to do.

I briefly glanced over this run and I found a lot of room for improvement.

Ravi [DnT]

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Roul.3205


It seems kinda unnecessary to me to stop doing / approving dungeon records because of a reward nerf. I actually wish I could bring some guilds to break the old icebow records as this is possible now.

Also, it is still faster than gokus and mikus double war with 25 stacks bloodlust and 1 goat duo, 1 year old but still. I’m aware of the 3 huge mistakes in this run, 2 of them weren’t even caused by me, but it is still a good time whatsoever.

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rfdarko.4639


You have to understand that people were approving records in their own free time, out of a love of the game and the scene. Expecting them to carry on after their own interest is gone and the scene is pretty much dead, for the benefit of one or two people, isn’t really fair. If this is something you believe there is genuine demand for, I recommend finding some interested approvers and contacting wethospu to see if/how he cares to maintain the site.

guildless hobo who likes to solo – [x]

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Roul.3205


oh well yes I cant and dont want to force the approvers to do smth they dont wanna do, dont get me wrong. just making me sad that ppl automatically lose interest in something as soon as it gets its rewards nerfed.

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rfdarko.4639


I think many people where looking for an excuse to give dungeons a break, given that the content is well over three years old now. There would have been a move away from dungeons even without the reward nerf, realistically interest in dungeons had been waning before HoT even came out. I think people where hoping there would be new fractals released and with one shard per roll that fractal records could take the place of dungeon records. That obviously didn’t pan out, so now a lot of those people interested in low man content simply play the game less or not at all.

guildless hobo who likes to solo – [x]

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlackDragon.3752


Can you stop talking about reward nerf alrdy? For nearly everyone, in guilds which did dungeons before HoT, it’s more gold then before since they have recipes and the dungeon related items went up in price so much. That is not the reason why no one is approving i supose they either like other content more or can’t be asked approving solos/runs which they think are not optimal.

In the end you can see the lack of interest in records alrdy because of the fact that there is no raid leaderboard and no new fractal ruleset, which are both the “actual” content of GW2 instanced PvE.

Yui [SC] (Kirasia)

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Saix.4126


It seems kinda unnecessary to me to stop doing / approving dungeon records because of a reward nerf. I actually wish I could bring some guilds to break the old icebow records as this is possible now.

Also, it is still faster than gokus and mikus double war with 25 stacks bloodlust and 1 goat duo, 1 year old but still. I’m aware of the 3 huge mistakes in this run, 2 of them weren’t even caused by me, but it is still a good time whatsoever.

You must also understand that DPS has gone up immensely since then. It would be like saying your Ferrari beat a Honda Civic around the race track. Even though the Honda had a supercharged engine.

To respond to the second part of your statement, mistakes are still mistakes. Although I haven’t done as many records as guys like vC or other DnT members have, I have learned a huge lesson about premature posting.

When we posted a 7 minute Arah P3 out of anxiousness and excitement, we quickly heard back from respected friends that this was a terrible idea. With that, we took the two cents given to us and applied it to future circumstances.

If anything, I’m trying to pass the knowledge on to you as I frankly have no interest in this game whatsoever other than the “amazingly challenging” once a week raids.

I’m not trying to come off as salty or disrespectful, but you must clearly understand that your record, while it may be a respectable time, has TONS of room for improvement.

Just giving you a few things to think about.

To respond to another one of your statements.

“It seems kinda unnecessary to me to stop doing / approving dungeon records because of a reward nerf”

I never did tell you to stop doing them. I’m just telling you the truth you probably didn’t want to hear. It is the truth I hate to hear myself as someone who absolutely loved dungeons (Arah jokes incoming).

Ravi [DnT]

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Everyone didn’t quit just because rewards were nerfed. It was what the killing of rewards implied: that dungeons are officially abandoned content. Before that, people were just barely holding on, hoping that maybe Anet would do something with dungeons, but once the rewards nerf was announced, it was clear there was no more reason to stick around.

And it’s pretty obvious that fractals are now bumped down to the position that dungeons previously held… pretty soon, they’re going to be abandoned also.

So really, there’s no point in going for records (unless for your own enjoymen), because everyone who cared has already quit.

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dro.1047


Also, it is still faster than gokus and mikus double war with 25 stacks bloodlust and 1 goat duo,

That was a CASUAL run and the DPS was so kittening low compared
to now. Btw, the only duo “record” P3 that I did was with Luca, and we did 12min.

(edited by Dro.1047)

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


The audience for these kind of record runs also became non-existent. Before the expansion half of the Page 1 of the fractal/dungeon forums was threads about record runs and attempts. Plenty of people were commentating on them. More casual guilds looked forward to these record runs and would try to emulate the same strategies seen in the videos to improve their own times. Now whether they were improving their times for the mere sake of challenge or to get gold faster? That would be hard to quantify, but I don’t think I’d be wrong in assuming that faster gold was more often the selling factor.

As others have mentioned the expansion has also completely overhauled all the classes (some more than others) so virtually every record run on file can be beaten with fair amount of margin. There’s 8 dungeons, 3-4 paths a piece, and various completion categories (solo, duo, 5 man, etc). If I were to put myself in the shoes of the approvers I can easily see how they would get burnt out if day after day since the release of the expansion they could have been bombarded by submissions. On top of that, most of them were probably not even “polished” submissions but rather they were runs that beat the previous records simply because the player took advantage of the overhauled classes.

Unfortunately, the rewards nerf was the ultimate nail in the coffin. For casual players, there’s no point in doing dungeons unless you need the currency. So, less and less casual players are interested in looking up speedruns to see how the pros do it. Personally speaking since I recently needed to grind AC tears, I could care less who I had on my team; I’m just glad I had people that showed up at all tbh.

On the other side of that, the same players doing speedruns were also getting monetary compensation for their attempts. Take that away, and what do you have left? Speedclearing for the sake of challenge? We already have something new for that called raids.

So to the OP, if you want to continue doing speedruns on Dungeons, that’s great! But sadly, the community has moved on to bigger and shinier things.

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amicable Pugs.4503

Amicable Pugs.4503

Speedclearing for the sake of challenge? We already have something new for that called raids.

There’s barely any challenge in raids or room for interesting strats, everything that could be done has already been done.
In dungeons you could always find something new to do, ways to be faster.
Now with HoT I still do dungeon tours sometimes and there’s few nice new strats to do and most of us wanna make them into records but knowing that no one will care or just make fun of us for doing it only pushes us away.
It’s sad but it’s the truth, dungeons are dead.

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Approved. Seems like quite a bit over 13:29 so I added it as 13:30.

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


there are 100million arah solo/duo vids out (and a faster one even) there just like this except ur a year or so late ^^

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Id say the main reason for no motivation is because people are only focused on raids now. And maybe fractals will make a comeback when we get some new ones.

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: perry.9645


Id say the main reason for no motivation is because people are only focused on raids now. And maybe fractals will make a comeback when we get some new ones.

soon™ people will be doing the raids once a week and dungeon records might see a comeback tbh, personaly im kinda bored by raids and theorycrafting new dungeon records might be something to keep me busy.

When you look at other Games that get speedrun (Zelda comes to mind) they are the same for decades already and People still find new strategies with way less possibilities than we have in GW2.

What I also could see coming is Wingclear records one go no relog no defeat even tho strategies might be way more linear than dungeons (Portals<3) this could also be a competitive format where 2 guilds can directly compete against each other.

But yeah until this will happen its gonna take a while for people to get bored enough like it was with dungeons :P

Arah P3 Duo 13:29

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ishmael Aturcanos.1092

Ishmael Aturcanos.1092

I was sent here to order pizza.

Am I in the right place?

pls assist. so confused. dead gaem

I can’t say I’m a god.. others confirmed it tho..
ikr weird as kittens