Arah Path 2 Map Exploit

Arah Path 2 Map Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sinsko.9342


Typically I do dungeons with Guildies/Friends etc… we’ve all been gaming together for quite some time, and it’s great going through a few paths each time we get going.

The downside to this, is that we don’t learn the fast “just run through everything” methods like most people do in the pug groups… but that’s ok… we have our own system… and we have SO MUCH FUN.

One day we were short a guildie, so brought in a pug and did path 2… the showed us some spots that were pretty cool, but then proceeded to climb up.. over the map etc… I didn’t feel comfortable doing it cause of where we were in the dungeon, and really… this caused us to skip like… three groups of mobs? Big deal. One of the people in the group struggled getting to the area anyway so we went the old fashion way, and I’m glad we did.

However, on any run that I pug in to… time and time again… everyone complains that we don’t use the map exploit and it leads to big fights and usually the pug rage quits… (which is funny cause by that point we’re almost at the boss).

I don’t know… -shrug- I’m not going to risk a ban over something that’s an obvious exploit… but I’m shocked with the rage most people have when we run with mostly a guild group… and all they say are things like “Everyone does this… whos gotten banned by doing it?” and I just say “Not me.”

I don’t know, maybe this is the norm… but I just needed to vent out frustration with this, I guess. Thanks for hearing the rant.

Saints – Ranger / Vincent Nightmare – Thief

Arah Path 2 Map Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chryzo.8906


Though, i am sad to say i tend to use it in PUGs, it is so much faster than explaining to everyone that they need stability / blindness / interrupts… And they go like, yeah yeah whatever… and then you wipe on the first pack of techies + deadeyes. Those packs are simple

I do aggree, either fix the exploit or make it a normal path like the one to escape from the mines

Now, a quick question for the developpers What I do sometimes is run to the boat, get on it. Let the grubs aggro the technicians, and then go on my merry way to continue the path. Is that consider an exploit of game mechanics, or just good thinking on our part ?

But then, same should be said for CM Path 1 ^^ fix that kitten mount


Arah Path 2 Map Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hello everyone.

Sinsko, we appreciate that you took time to give us your feedback. However threads created for the sake of complaining are not allowed as they do not invite to constructive discussion. Furthermore, if you have concerns regarding exploits, the best way is to send an e-mail to, where the issue will be looked into by our team.

We close the thread now. Thanks for your understanding.