Arah, Seers path, Is Simin functioning correctly?

Arah, Seers path, Is Simin functioning correctly?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nostredeus.3105


Hey guys,

I don’t want to spend ages describing problems and such, needless to say the last boss of the seers path seems to be functioning incorrectly; after 4 hours we still couldn’t do the puzzle fast enough to beat Simin.

I am not looking for the solution, I simply want to know if Simin is bugged or if she is working as intended and we’re missing something.


PS: Giganticus Lupticus is a piece of cake, don’t nerf it.

Arah, Seers path, Is Simin functioning correctly?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


I talked to someone who beat her. They said they brute forced it, which is kind of a disappointment. No gimmick to the fight, just 5 well-geared players all focusing her down. Time warp when she was at ~55%, run to sparks, run around statue, repeat until dead. Seems she recovers health based on a timer, and if the timer is exceeded, she just disappears at 50% health. He also said it took him 2 hours, so there’s a very large chance it could’ve just bugged for them and enabled it to die.

Arah, Seers path, Is Simin functioning correctly?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vesir.1546


ya, dwayna is bugged, i’m assuming that was the path you meant

Arah, Seers path, Is Simin functioning correctly?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starlink.6248


today we opned 4 topic on dwayna and no one MOD answered us ;_;

Arah, Seers path, Is Simin functioning correctly?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Looria.8019


We just spent 3 hours clearing the path. Got to last boss and been doing it for around 1,5 hours. Didnt wipe but couldnt get her below 50%. No matter how fast we were with the orbs, she always healed back to at least 80% and we got her to 50 again, and back to 80.

So after 4,5 hours in this place, we went out without any frikkin Shards.
