Arah Story Mode: Fix the Cannons or drop the Adds

Arah Story Mode: Fix the Cannons or drop the Adds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nycthemeron.7690


The cannons, a mission critical component of the airship battle, is so freaking buggy it’s not even funny. On top of that, you have an insane number of adds and HUGE freaking AoE attacks that litterally overlap each other down the length of the deck. If you are going to have buggy, get stuck in them, wont auto target anything cannons, then do not pour salt into that wound by constant adds and AoE spam.

It is not challenging. It is not fun. It is a chore to try and complete just so I can finish the stinking personal story.

Arah Story Mode: Fix the Cannons or drop the Adds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Yes, just give us a button where we can instant win the dungeon instead.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Arah Story Mode: Fix the Cannons or drop the Adds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nycthemeron.7690


Oh please. I am complaining about key systems that are obviously broken and difficulties that are set as if these same systems were functioning properly.

Troll elsewhere.

Arah Story Mode: Fix the Cannons or drop the Adds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

I have no knowledge of what you speak of. I have run this several times in the last couple to days to help guildies out and none of us have experienced any difficulties.

Arah Story Mode: Fix the Cannons or drop the Adds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HARMANATOR.2368


I agree with original poster, I remember when I did my story mode, finished it first go, but dealing with the kitten canon controls and adds and aoes at the same time was pretty annoying, not difficult, annoying.

Arah Story Mode: Fix the Cannons or drop the Adds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vasham.2408


The cannons, a mission critical component of the airship battle, is so freaking buggy it’s not even funny. On top of that, you have an insane number of adds and HUGE freaking AoE attacks that litterally overlap each other down the length of the deck. If you are going to have buggy, get stuck in them, wont auto target anything cannons, then do not pour salt into that wound by constant adds and AoE spam.

It is not challenging. It is not fun. It is a chore to try and complete just so I can finish the stinking personal story.

I liked the Zhaitan fight and even I can admit it’s easy. If you’re having trouble with the final phase that’s not the fight being hard, that’s you being terrible.

Oh please. I am complaining about key systems that are obviously broken and difficulties that are set as if these same systems were functioning properly.

Troll elsewhere.

A rebuttal to your point isn’t a troll. I think you need to educate yourself on what the term means.

Edit: Just in case you’re actually serious here’s a very simple phase 3 strategy…

1) Everyone stop shooting the cannons
2) Everyone kill adds
3) Get back on the cannons.

It should take you at most three waves of adds to finish the last phase. It’s not exactly rocket science.

(edited by Vasham.2408)