Arah Story mode
If I may ask, were you in an American server, and if yes, wich server was it? I’m trying to find a server where the Arah gates arent bugged atm so we can finish up our last path >_< Appologies for the irrelevant question.
We are on the Borlis Pass server. What do you mean by it being bugged exactly?
@Noody – The gate is closed because one of the events that get it okitten bugged. I’m on SoR and this is getting ridiculous, we can only do arah when there is a new build
To add to the original post, it’s like Zojja had A.D.D the entire time and couldn’t focus on getting the cannon powered up. It’s rather annoying.
i didn’t have that problem, but if i may recommend TC, it’s better that you didn’t get to witness the disgrace of a battle that follows. keep the good memories of the rest of the dungeon (which is excellent) and stay away from it for a couple months, praying that they redesign the zhaitan battle.
i didn’t believe the people the said it was that bad. “they’re blowing it out of proportion”, i said, “just because it’s easy doesn’t mean it can’t be fun”, i said, “even the most boring of the dragon champions is somewhat entertaining”, i said.
well, i was wrong. i was so wrong.