(edited by Hot Boy.7138)
Arah dungeon- seers path is impossible to finish.
The path is hard but not impossible. I’ve made it with pug party on the first try and I liked it.
Path is impossible when the final boss event fails to trigger. I’d like confirmation on that being fixed before I try that run again for the who knows what’th time.
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.
Did it tonight easily, obviously not a bug though. Killed simin first try like always.
Typical method that people use now, get to 50%, drag 4 sparks, let her regen to 100% and unstealth, get her to 50%, bring in 1 spark, burst her down to 0%. We ran 2 guard, 2 war, 1 mesmer like usual.
Final boss event fails to trigger if you wipe or npc dies, should be easy if you pull one at a time. They aren’t connected so you can actually just range pull the illusionist and it will come solo.
For those of you who are being able to kill Simin now, could you post a video please?
For those of you who are being able to kill Simin now, could you post a video please?
Stack tears in 1 spot, take simin to where the tears are and dps her down to 50%. She will go into the invisible phase, 1 person puts 4/5 sparks to statue, wait for her to heal to 100% until she appears again. dps her down to 50% again until she phases, put the 5th spark in and use your cds to burn her down.
That’s what I generally see when I do it with a group that doesn’t have the damage to do it the other way.
For those of you who are being able to kill Simin now, could you post a video please?
Stack tears in 1 spot, take simin to where the tears are and dps her down to 50%. She will go into the invisible phase, 1 person puts 4/5 sparks to statue, wait for her to heal to 100% until she appears again. dps her down to 50% again until she phases, put the 5th spark in and use your cds to burn her down.
That’s what I generally see when I do it with a group that doesn’t have the damage to do it the other way.
Already did that and we still failed. I’d like to see a video so I can see exactly what needs to be improved.
i ve done this weekend wich no problems at all, we have hard time to place the 5 sparks, however you need to keep doing it till you kill maybe you will need some practice at sparks and repeat the heal 5 or 6 times until you are able to kill him.
our group was, 1 suport guardia, 1 suport enginier, 1 tank warrior, 1 dps mesmer, and one dps thief.
there are some videos in youtube, where they kill simin just by doing the mechanic.
i ve done this weekend wich no problems at all, we have hard time to place the 5 sparks, however you need to keep doing it till you kill maybe you will need some practice at sparks and repeat the heal 5 or 6 times until you are able to kill him.
our group was, 1 suport guardia, 1 suport enginier, 1 tank warrior, 1 dps mesmer, and one dps thief.
there are some videos in youtube, where they kill simin just by doing the mechanic.
Then kindly post a link to those videos please. I’ve already searched youtube and haven’t seen any up-to-date video doing this boss in a legit way.
Anyone beating Dwayna encounter legitimately got lucky by having the sparks go in to it’s spots without too much of a delay for her healing to be an issue. And that’s getting lucky, because the sparks rarely do as they’re supposed to.
So if you beat Dwayna, it’s not because your group is any more skilled than any other group, you just got lucky.
I hope you’re joking… right?
We went through at least 30 or 40 spark runs with my group to finally get the hang of it and take her down slowly but surely. Our dps was abysmal so our margin or error for sparks was nearly zero.
Each one of us grabbed his spark and kited it to its respective slot then you get the kitten out and let the others who have the furthest sparks do the same.
There’s no “luck”, do it well and it works EVERYTIME, never seen a spark flying over its slot.
The way you run the sparks defines your sucess.
Also, where did the topic about asking some questions to the Arah dev went? My post even disappeared.
(edited by Krag.6210)
The way you run the sparks defines your sucess.
Can you tell us this correct way to run them so?
Can you tell us this correct way to run them so?
Well, we fought Simin against a wall and the moment she turns invisible and starts spinning, we all spread out each one running toward his spark asap and kiting it back to its slot.
What’s important is that you define some order, usually, the guy with the closest spark (that would be me) places it first then run away from the statue to let the others do the same. We did this to ensure no one stole the aggro for someone else’s spark.
If someone was petrified when Simin turns invicible, he would leave a message in the chat and I had to run his spark after mine.
We were fast enough so she didn’t heal more than around 30-35% of her hp each time while our dps was around 30-40% each phase, depending on the bursts we had available.
You have 2 ways to beat her:
-Your dps is crazy and you take more than 50% of her hp each time so you have enough time to run the sparks before she outheals, even heard of some groups killing her in one go.
-Your dps isn’t good enough and you have to run the sparks faster. A rule of thumb would be to remove at least 30% of her hp each time, if you can’t do this, there’s no way you can run the sparks fast enough.
(edited by Krag.6210)
Our QA group was able to do this, but I have received many reports about her healing while stealthed being way too high. I’ll ask our QA to give it another pass with different characters/builds to see how they fare.
I implore you, do not nerf her. She is completely aligned with how difficult explorable mode is supposed to be. She only takes 5-10min to kill with an organized group, which is what you should aim for when we are talking about encounters with complex mechanics. She is one of the best boss fights in the game and many people want to see her difficulty and complexity in other parts of the game as well. Nerfing her would not be a good decision, as the Dungeon Master achievement would lose perhaps its biggest individual challenge, reducing the prestige of it further.
People who can’t handle her are very much welcome to farm the other paths for the tokens. As far as achievements go, they should be reserved for those who actually have the patience and dedication to actually achieve said things.
what a sad elitist thing to say.
why shouldn’t others who bought this game be able to enjoy everything it can offer? what is your reasoning behind it? are they not paying customers? if i bought the content, i have the full right to do it.if you want elite content just ask anet to release paid dlc-like dungeons just for you…. oh wait, that actually wouldn’t be profitable. there’s no money in selling something that only less then 10% of population will do.
You can do it, the content is available to you once you hit level 80, before 80 even but I wouldn’t recommend it. ANet shouldn’t have to adjust the game around players inability to deal with content supplied to them, when it has been proven many times over that it is very doable.
what a sad elitist thing to say.
why shouldn’t others who bought this game be able to enjoy everything it can offer? what is your reasoning behind it? are they not paying customers? if i bought the content, i have the full right to do it.if you want elite content just ask anet to release paid dlc-like dungeons just for you…. oh wait, that actually wouldn’t be profitable. there’s no money in selling something that only less then 10% of population will do.
If you purchased the game, you have the ability to do the content. If it’s too hard, get better or find a better group. If nobody had been able to complete it, I could see the argument that it is too hard, but it’s clearly been beaten, exceptionally quickly by some groups.
ArenaNet has clearly stated multiple times that their philosophy on the explorable mode dungeons was to make them brutally hard, requiring a lot of coordination and maybe voice chat to pull off. This has ALWAYS been the case, at least when it comes to their design philosophy. The point of their content is not that you should be able to enjoy all of it, but rather that there are so many things to do that there is always SOMETHING for you to enjoy.
Heck, I really don’t like WvW, and it bugs me that part of the monthly achievements require me to get a bunch of WvW kills, but I don’t complain about it because there are TONS of other things for me to do, nothing of which is invalidated by WvW content. The same goes for Explorable dungeons.
Well, it’s not impossible,
Just very challenging.there’s a difference between challenging and “requiring everyone to push max dps”.
i’m a tanky guardian. that’s my thing. that’s how i choose to play and i don’t play long enough to have a dedicated glass cannon dps set.
so why am i being punished for my choices? isn’t this game supposed to be about freedom? about choosing what you want to be?
wasn’t this game about throwing off the chains of min-maxing? about getting rid of holy trinity to prevent those “need heal last spot” shouts?
well, no one’s shouting for healer, however, you can’t swing a cat in path 4 without everyone shouting “only accepting true DDs. no support please”.
how is this different? are we getting rid of healers and tanks just so that kids could play dodge style glass-cannons only?
are you serious??
You can chose to play whatever build and profession you want but bear in mind your choices do have consequences. To my knowledge no dungeon bosses in this game have enrage timers so theoretically you could do any boss regardless of how low your dps is assuming you have the skill to stay alive long enough. If you lack the skill to hang in for a really long fight there may be issues.
It doesnt matter if people can do this or not..
there should not be a boss which “REQUIRE” a certain class especially in this game where they promote no “Trinity”..
Do this without any warrior, mesmer, guardian.. post a screenshot..
otherwise this boss needs a nerf..
I only read the first post. Anyway, it is possible. I’ve done both pre and post wintersday patch. Before the patch it was easy, because you could lure her out outside, bring 100 tears there and just dps her nonstop while 1 person took care of sparks. How we did it after patch – we pulled her to the corner so the dpsers wouldnt agro the sparks and me (ele) and a mesmer both took care of sparks – me the upper part, mes the lower. Dwayna dead in 5minutes, of course it took us some time to figure out the way, but its more than possible, and rather easy when you know what to do, because Dwayna does basically no damage to warriors.
To sum it up:
1. Bring good dps.
2.Have voice communication within the team.
3.Have people who actually play the game and are not being carried by the team.
We didn’t damage her trough invisibility..
That you can’t kill her doesn’t mean it’s impossible. There are challenges in every game and if you can’t finish them you aren’t just good enough, try it later instead of blaming Anet for making it too hard.
Always remember one thing – your opinion is your opinion not fact.
Hats off to the dev who thought of this mechanics!
It’s the only Arah final boss that feels on par mechanic-wise with Lupi. Brilliant mechanics, really.
I love it. To be fair though, I still haven’t beaten it, but I love it.
The rest of Arah final bosses just feel like they need some more love, compared to Lupi.
I would still like to see a video of a successful encounter of this boss.
Hats off to the dev who thought of this mechanics!
It’s the only Arah final boss that feels on par mechanic-wise with Lupi. Brilliant mechanics, really.
I love it. To be fair though, I still haven’t beaten it, but I love it.
The rest of Arah final bosses just feel like they need some more love, compared to Lupi.
lupi is no doubt the best boss in this game..
dwayna on the other hand.. require specific class to success..
Hats off to the dev who thought of this mechanics!
It’s the only Arah final boss that feels on par mechanic-wise with Lupi. Brilliant mechanics, really.
I love it. To be fair though, I still haven’t beaten it, but I love it.
The rest of Arah final bosses just feel like they need some more love, compared to Lupi.lupi is no doubt the best boss in this game..
dwayna on the other hand.. require specific class to success..
I have no doubt in my mind that a group of extremely competent players could do this boss with any team composition available.
Arena Net never ever said that every team composition will be equal in terms of how good they can perform.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Hats off to the dev who thought of this mechanics!
It’s the only Arah final boss that feels on par mechanic-wise with Lupi. Brilliant mechanics, really.
I love it. To be fair though, I still haven’t beaten it, but I love it.
The rest of Arah final bosses just feel like they need some more love, compared to Lupi.lupi is no doubt the best boss in this game..
dwayna on the other hand.. require specific class to success..I have no doubt in my mind that a group of extremely competent players could do this boss with any team composition available.
I honestly believe this too.
Arena Net never ever said that every team composition will be equal in terms of how good they can perform.
However, that should be the case.
Well, it’s not impossible,
Just very challenging.there’s a difference between challenging and “requiring everyone to push max dps”.
i’m a tanky guardian. that’s my thing. that’s how i choose to play and i don’t play long enough to have a dedicated glass cannon dps set.
so why am i being punished for my choices? isn’t this game supposed to be about freedom? about choosing what you want to be?
wasn’t this game about throwing off the chains of min-maxing? about getting rid of holy trinity to prevent those “need heal last spot” shouts?
well, no one’s shouting for healer, however, you can’t swing a cat in path 4 without everyone shouting “only accepting true DDs. no support please”.
how is this different? are we getting rid of healers and tanks just so that kids could play dodge style glass-cannons only?
are you serious??
You can chose to play whatever build and profession you want but bear in mind your choices do have consequences. To my knowledge no dungeon bosses in this game have enrage timers so theoretically you could do any boss regardless of how low your dps is assuming you have the skill to stay alive long enough. If you lack the skill to hang in for a really long fight there may be issues.
By reading this, it is obvious that you’ve never done Simin. The problem isn’t in timers, it’s in that if your dps isn’t high enough (which is a stupid high requirement, 1 war (don’t know the build) a glass cannon thief, glass cannon ele, mid build ele, and mesmer time warp didn’t have enough when we were all speced to the kitten with full exotics), you litterly cannot get past her regen.
They “fixed” Simin so that you can no longer damage her before she goes invis and for a short while after she goes invis. The sparks are fine. Our group could do them in 15s or less, but even though we got the sparks done quickly and efficiently, it just wasn’t possible to get Simin any lower than 50% before she’d just reinvis and start all over again. We literly dpsed the crap out of her for a solid hour and made 0% progress. That just isn’t fair.
A 15 second spark pull is too long.
If you have people leave before sparks spawn you can get the pull done in 8 to 9 seconds.
She regens VERY quickly, so the spark pull is everything.
Hats off to the dev who thought of this mechanics!
It’s the only Arah final boss that feels on par mechanic-wise with Lupi. Brilliant mechanics, really.
I love it. To be fair though, I still haven’t beaten it, but I love it.
The rest of Arah final bosses just feel like they need some more love, compared to Lupi.
Lupi is very easy, not alpha easy but still easy. I’ve 3 maned him on more than 1 occasion with my guild. This boss is even easier to fight… problem is though the problem isn’t in fighting her, it’s killing her. She IS impossible to kill unless you have a very high dps team. It pretty much can not be done if you have a support and a tank. Even if the 3 other characters are 100% glass cannon, if those 2 are designed around helping the team stay alive over dealing single target damage, then you can’t kill Simin. You can fight her without any trouble for hours but you won’t be able to kill her.
(edited by randomfightfan.4091)
A 15 second spark pull is too long.
If you have people leave before sparks spawn you can get the pull done in 8 to 9 seconds.
She regens VERY quickly, so the spark pull is everything.
was 15s or less but I agree, the 2 guys pulling the sparks just didn’t want to leave any earlier, mostly because 1 would always have gaze on them and need to wait for cd to end to be unpetrified by a tear.
The more DPS you have, the less accurate your spark pull has to be.
That being said, you need tons of DPS anyways.
It would not hurt to soften that encounter a little, it is not like a dungeon master title is anything special. The way it is right now just prevents PUGs to run that path.
Hats off to the dev who thought of this mechanics!
It’s the only Arah final boss that feels on par mechanic-wise with Lupi. Brilliant mechanics, really.
I love it. To be fair though, I still haven’t beaten it, but I love it.
The rest of Arah final bosses just feel like they need some more love, compared to Lupi.L
LLupi is very easy, not alpha easy but still easy. I’ve 3 maned him on more than 1 occasion with my guild. This boss is even easier to fight… problem is though the problem isn’t in fighting her, it’s killing her. She IS impossible to kill unless you have a very high dps team. It pretty much can not be done if you have a support and a tank. Even if the 3 other characters are 100% glass cannon, if those 2 are designed around helping the team stay alive over dealing single target damage, then you can’t kill Simin. You can fight her without any trouble for hours but you won’t be able to kill her.
3-manned it? Pfft. Look at the vids people soloing it.
It’s not the matter of how hard that boss is easy to beat it’s the mechanics I was talking about. Read before commenting. Lupi is, mechanics-wise, unlike any other boss in this game. The rest is just stand there, pew pew till it dies and occasionally, very occasionally, throw in some dodge just so you don’t fall to 50% of HP. Or you can just kite the damn thing till it drops.
And Simin comes close to that compared to other Arah bosses – it actually requires some team work. Again, read what I typed before commenting, please.
i’m only 76 atm but plan on getting arah gear, and i think its GOOD that something is rock solid to do,
at the moment i can look around LA and hardly see anyone with arah gear,
i’m willing to put months of pain and sweat in to reap the rewards of a challenging but rare armor set,
imagine if they did what everyone wants and make the instance easy?
it’d be like looking around at all the clones in Winged set!
no no no, take the pain, reap the rewards of your effort!
i’d be so annoyed if i’ve levelled all the way to 80 with a vision of this set as my ultimate goal and then suddenly they make arah a walk-in-the-park and everyone has it.
no! keep it as a reward for those who stick with it, a true reward!
Arah actually is a walk in the park, you just have to run path 3 over and over
i’m only 76 atm but plan on getting arah gear, and i think its GOOD that something is rock solid to do,
at the moment i can look around LA and hardly see anyone with arah gear,
i’m willing to put months of pain and sweat in to reap the rewards of a challenging but rare armor set,
imagine if they did what everyone wants and make the instance easy?
it’d be like looking around at all the clones in Winged set!
no no no, take the pain, reap the rewards of your effort!i’d be so annoyed if i’ve levelled all the way to 80 with a vision of this set as my ultimate goal and then suddenly they make arah a walk-in-the-park and everyone has it.
no! keep it as a reward for those who stick with it, a true reward!
I have 6 80’s, 2 of them in full arah, dungeon master icon, and I think p4 is near impossible to finish. Also you don’t really know what you’re talking about because NO ONE farms p4 for the tokens, everyone farms 1,2, and 3 for them so slightly nerfing 1 boss in the 4.5h exp run, that is arah p4, won’t change anything about people wearing arah gear. Sure there are a select few people who farm arah p4 but those are the people who have already got their gear, have a great team, and just want to run the hardest path of the hardest dungeon so they can say they did it.
Hello everyone, please remember to keep this discussion on topic and in a friendly, respectful tone.
Hats off to the dev who thought of this mechanics!
It’s the only Arah final boss that feels on par mechanic-wise with Lupi. Brilliant mechanics, really.
I love it. To be fair though, I still haven’t beaten it, but I love it.
The rest of Arah final bosses just feel like they need some more love, compared to Lupi.lupi is no doubt the best boss in this game..
dwayna on the other hand.. require specific class to success..I have no doubt in my mind that a group of extremely competent players could do this boss with any team composition available.
Arena Net never ever said that every team composition will be equal in terms of how good they can perform.
Show that competent team of yours, do this boss without mesmer and warrior..
Show it with a video..
What can I say.. Lupicus and Simin are in fact the only 2 bosses in this game that are a real challenge. It reminds me of GW1, Underworld, Gate of Anguish, to name 2 elite area’s that were incredibly fun, yet incredibly difficult to finish without a very specifically thought-through party setup. On top of that, if your party wiped, or failed at certain events, you get sent back to town and get to start over again. This is what I defined as fun and challenging end-game content. This is what me and many friends have been doing for years, and not because it was profitable (Exept for DoA) but because it was fun!
I’d deffinitly like to see Elite Area’s return in GW2, where you simply can’t expect to finish the area and grab your loots on your first time in there.
Anyways, my point is, Lupicus and Simin are good healthy challenges. They stress you out at first, and the exitement is great when you finally manage to kill them after an hour (Or sometimes even longer) of trial and error.
in simin fight, first of all, you dont need to hit him while stealth just run the balls.
second, you do not need to kill him in two rows, just keep repeating till he is dead.
(seems that non stealth time is some kind of random timer, because we didnt find any clue when he is going to stealth, just that some times take longer than others)
you can buff yourself wich meals and potions.
we usually have a 5-10 min fight against this boss, so we pull, and we keep doing the mechanic till is done.
Also i know that arah p4, is not farmed, why? why i ve to spend 3 hours, in a dungeon to get the same rewards as i can get for doing path 1, 2 or 3 in half of the time. so doing path 1 and 2 in the same time as path 4, is better for farming, we dont have enought spare time to do the 4 paths (1-4) even on sunday, so why do it if not for fun?
time – efford vs reward is not balanced in some dungeons, arath path 4, CoF path3, for example are not done by almost anyone coz the are harder or longer than other path.
we do them for fun, but never had a thought for faming them, if we want to farm some piece of armor, we head to the easy ones because we want the piece soon.
maybe increase reward in the hardest or longer path will help doing them more often.
(edited by Anei.5290)
I have 6 80’s, 2 of them in full arah, dungeon master icon, and I think p4 is near impossible to finish. Also you don’t really know what you’re talking about because NO ONE farms p4 for the tokens, everyone farms 1,2, and 3 for them so slightly nerfing 1 boss in the 4.5h exp run, that is arah p4, won’t change anything about people wearing arah gear. Sure there are a select few people who farm arah p4 but those are the people who have already got their gear, have a great team, and just want to run the hardest path of the hardest dungeon so they can say they did it.
I have 3 80s in full arah, some weapons, dungeon master icon, and I think p4 is near possible to finish. Path 4 should take you about 70-90 minutes without skipping. Noone farms p1 because its actually longer than p4 with a competent team and until last patch you could have not get tokens for it. Stop making a teams of 5 proffesions in pvt gear.
L3-manned it? Pfft. Look at the vids people soloing it.
It’s not the matter of how hard that boss is easy to beat it’s the mechanics I was talking about. Read before commenting. Lupi is, mechanics-wise, unlike any other boss in this game. The rest is just stand there, pew pew till it dies and occasionally, very occasionally, throw in some dodge just so you don’t fall to 50% of HP. Or you can just kite the kitten thing till it drops.
And Simin comes close to that compared to other Arah bosses – it actually requires some team work. Again, read what I typed before commenting, please.
if you want a boss that’s mechanic wise close to lupi then look at alpha. It is certainly closer to a lupi clone than Simin is. What are the similarities between Simin and Lupi? they have aoe damage and Simin occasionally blinks… that’s it. If your whole argument is about mechanics.
Also whenever I’ve done lupi I’ve just pew pew’d it till it died and occasionally dodged some of his attacks. Usually all I do is walk out of his aoes and juke his like nuke from afar as I’m kiting him from ranged… all the things that you say are apparently lacking from the lupi fight. I don’t do a thing different vs him that I don’t do vs alpha except turn off hide in shadows cause that occasionally resets him.
Also how is requiring teamwork for Simin any different that other group requiring teamwork? Pretty sure if you didn’t require teamwork then people would just solo dungeons all the time. Sure you need to be more coordinated for Simin, but not by much. Everyone just spam dps and drink ur pots, the guys on sparks do their thing and the guys staying out of the way stay out of the way.
Also the mechanics with Simin Require, 100%, for you to have 5 players in the right place at the right time with the right gear and the right specs. How is a boss that has been proven to been solo’d and 2 manned and 3 manned comparable to Simin?
Probably the most comparable dungeon “boss” to Simin would have to be ac p3, the burrows. You simply can’t do that path if you have 5 condition necros. You need a team who can actually deal damage to the burrows and the coordination to all converge at the right place at the right time and to make sure no mobs overwhelm you.
Now please refrain from making any negative comments about others when your arguments aren’t productive towards the topic at hand.
Hats off to the dev who thought of this mechanics!
It’s the only Arah final boss that feels on par mechanic-wise with Lupi. Brilliant mechanics, really.
I love it. To be fair though, I still haven’t beaten it, but I love it.
The rest of Arah final bosses just feel like they need some more love, compared to Lupi.lupi is no doubt the best boss in this game..
dwayna on the other hand.. require specific class to success..I have no doubt in my mind that a group of extremely competent players could do this boss with any team composition available.
Arena Net never ever said that every team composition will be equal in terms of how good they can perform.
Show that competent team of yours, do this boss without mesmer and warrior..
Show it with a video..
No thanks, not interested.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
L3-manned it? Pfft. Look at the vids people soloing it.
It’s not the matter of how hard that boss is easy to beat it’s the mechanics I was talking about. Read before commenting. Lupi is, mechanics-wise, unlike any other boss in this game. The rest is just stand there, pew pew till it dies and occasionally, very occasionally, throw in some dodge just so you don’t fall to 50% of HP. Or you can just kite the kitten thing till it drops.
And Simin comes close to that compared to other Arah bosses – it actually requires some team work. Again, read what I typed before commenting, please.if you want a boss that’s mechanic wise close to lupi then look at alpha. It is certainly closer to a lupi clone than Simin is. What are the similarities between Simin and Lupi? they have aoe damage and Simin occasionally blinks… that’s it. If your whole argument is about mechanics.
Also whenever I’ve done lupi I’ve just pew pew’d it till it died and occasionally dodged some of his attacks. Usually all I do is walk out of his aoes and juke his like nuke from afar as I’m kiting him from ranged… all the things that you say are apparently lacking from the lupi fight. I don’t do a thing different vs him that I don’t do vs alpha except turn off hide in shadows cause that occasionally resets him.
Also how is requiring teamwork for Simin any different that other group requiring teamwork? Pretty sure if you didn’t require teamwork then people would just solo dungeons all the time. Sure you need to be more coordinated for Simin, but not by much. Everyone just spam dps and drink ur pots, the guys on sparks do their thing and the guys staying out of the way stay out of the way.
Also the mechanics with Simin Require, 100%, for you to have 5 players in the right place at the right time with the right gear and the right specs. How is a boss that has been proven to been solo’d and 2 manned and 3 manned comparable to Simin?
Probably the most comparable dungeon “boss” to Simin would have to be ac p3, the burrows. You simply can’t do that path if you have 5 condition necros. You need a team who can actually deal damage to the burrows and the coordination to all converge at the right place at the right time and to make sure no mobs overwhelm you.
Now please refrain from making any negative comments about others when your arguments aren’t productive towards the topic at hand.
First of all I never said they are similar mechanics I said they are on par. There is a difference there. With Lupi you have to first make sure he doesn’t get the grubs, dodge his shadow stepping, roll out of the cage, watch for aoe’s, avoid individual attacks, rez downed players and so on. That’s no where near other bosses where all you do is literally stand in one place. Don’t even have to move. That’s a lot different.
Simin requires everyone to know what they will be doing and be coordinated. With other bosses everyone just assumes what others should be doing and fill the gap if someone isn’t fulfilling what they are supposed to. Simin is impossible with random PUGs without some great coordination.
Now please refrain from making any negative comments about others when your arguments aren’t productive towards the topic at hand.
This goes both ways. All I said was that I like Simin, you were the one to call out.
Did it yesterday. I hope anet doesn’t nerf this boss, it is actually the only boss in the game that gives you a sense of accomplishment once you kill it for the first time. All other bosses in the game are easy.
Once you get the hang of how the sparks behave it is actually pretty easy to put them in their slots. Only hard part is the petrifying and de-petrifying.
Some tips:
-Bringing high dps helps alot, a minimum of 2900 attack and 40% crit damage (with 40-50% crit chance).
-Remember to remove useless skills from your bar before the fight and putting others that help, and changing traits as well.
-The petrifying gaze is dodgeable once it reaches 0-1 seconds, do 2 dodges in a row.
-Equip stability in your skills to use it in key situations like when going to take sparks and in the last part to finish her off.
-Send only 2 men to get the sparks, 1 that gets the 2 bottom and the other that gets the 3 above, the one that gets the 3 above must wait for the other to have delivered the 2 and after he gets out of the way he delivers the 3 remaining. The rest of the party must stay away from the center and sparks
-Last but not least: don’t be cheap, buy food buffs.
There are a few other couple of tricks but I won’t write them, find them out yourself.
(edited by Reager.2496)
Probably the most comparable dungeon “boss” to Simin would have to be ac p3, the burrows. You simply can’t do that path if you have 5 condition necros. You need a team who can actually deal damage to the burrows and the coordination to all converge at the right place at the right time and to make sure no mobs overwhelm you.
I can’t figure out if you’re trolling or not but I’ll respond seriously. Generally the only “Must have” is an ele with ice bow and even then, its not terribly hard to do out. Most of it is just knowing where they pop up killing it as fast as you can and managing ads.
I guess if you’re comparing AC p3 to Arah, I should go do arah. I personally don’t care much for the gear nor the dungeon achievement and the time it takes to do it is a big turn off…
Sir Spanx Too Much (80 Warrior), Lanevo X (80 Necromancer), Miss Meryzia (40 Mesmer)
(edited by hungryhippos.4980)
Tried for about 2 hours a week ago with myself (power necro), 2 mesmers, an engineer (pre-grenade nerf) and a guardian. We took a break half way through to eat dps food and potions of undead slaying and still couldn’t manage the DPS to take her down before she stealthed the second time. We were all in full exotic gear, and on teamspeak coordinating.
The fight needs severe rebalancing to account for the fact that not all classes are greatsword warriors
What I keep seeing, maybe it’s a bug, is that she goes invisible at exactly the same point on her health bar every time, whether we dps fast or slow. And that point is right around 50% health.
Which means, even with a good spark run, she’s healed notably over 50%. Granted she may have only 60-65% of her bar, but she’ll still go invisible right at the 50% mark again.
Is this normal behavior, or did we find a glitch in the encounter? I timed the cycles between her invisibile phases, and it could be anywhere from 45 sec to over 3 minutes, but she’d still enter the phase at exactly 50%, just like the first time she is encountered.
This goes both ways. All I said was that I like Simin, you were the one to call out.
Agreed and I appologize if I have offended you. I guess I misread and so I misunderstood what you were trying to say. I still feel that her mechanics are currently broken but that is just my opinion.
Probably the most comparable dungeon “boss” to Simin would have to be ac p3, the burrows. You simply can’t do that path if you have 5 condition necros. You need a team who can actually deal damage to the burrows and the coordination to all converge at the right place at the right time and to make sure no mobs overwhelm you.
I can’t figure out if you’re trolling or not but I’ll respond seriously. Generally the only “Must have” is an ele with ice bow and even then, its not terribly hard to do out. Most of it is just knowing where they pop up killing it as fast as you can and managing ads.
I guess if you’re comparing AC p3 to Arah, I should go do arah. I personally don’t care much for the gear nor the dungeon achievement and the time it takes to do it is a big turn off…
Just saying mechanic wise they are similar because, like Simin, you need to know where to go (sparks and burrows); have to have either high dps wars or an ele (can’t be ANY team setup); team must be coordinated and know their roles; and is pretty kitten hard to do without 5 players. They are no where near the same difficulty, but still have similar behaviours.
What I keep seeing, maybe it’s a bug, is that she goes invisible at exactly the same point on her health bar every time, whether we dps fast or slow. And that point is right around 50% health.
Which means, even with a good spark run, she’s healed notably over 50%. Granted she may have only 60-65% of her bar, but she’ll still go invisible right at the 50% mark again.
Is this normal behavior, or did we find a glitch in the encounter? I timed the cycles between her invisibile phases, and it could be anywhere from 45 sec to over 3 minutes, but she’d still enter the phase at exactly 50%, just like the first time she is encountered.
Same here. We tried to do it the “normal way”, by bringer her down to 50%, run the sparks while she regened, and dps her again. But no matter how little she regened, everytime we brought her down to 50%, she went invulnerable and started regening. It seemed that we were stuck in a 50% endless loop. Is this a bug?
The only way we managed to bring her health below 50% was using the 4-1 sparks method, but that seems like a workaround rather the normal way of doing it.
(edited by pdfrod.1948)
Agreed and I appologize if I have offended you. I guess I misread and so I misunderstood what you were trying to say.
No problem. It happens when we aren’t having face-to-face discussion. All good.
I would also like to apologize if I offended you in my responses.
Not five minutes ago my team was unable to finish seers because Lupicus did not turn hostile. Then we left and Arah was contested, making it even better.
Please keep in mine:
The 4-1 Spark thing shouldn’t be taken as a typical way to defeat her as it sounds more like an exploit of the script then intended design.
What I keep seeing, maybe it’s a bug, is that she goes invisible at exactly the same point on her health bar every time, whether we dps fast or slow. And that point is right around 50% health.
Which means, even with a good spark run, she’s healed notably over 50%. Granted she may have only 60-65% of her bar, but she’ll still go invisible right at the 50% mark again.
Is this normal behavior, or did we find a glitch in the encounter? I timed the cycles between her invisibile phases, and it could be anywhere from 45 sec to over 3 minutes, but she’d still enter the phase at exactly 50%, just like the first time she is encountered.
Same here. We tried to do it the “normal way”, by bringer her down to 50%, run the sparks while she regened, and dps her again. But no matter how little she regened, everytime we brought her down to 50%, she went invulnerable and started regening. It seemed that we were stuck in a 50% endless loop. Is this a bug?
The only way we managed to bring her health below 50% was using the 4-1 sparks method, but that seems like a workaround rather the normal way of doing it.
Same thing here. I had my second attempt to beat Dwayna yesterday and no matter how hard we try, she always regen when her HP is at 50%, there is no period of time when she regens it’s just always at 50%. It also doesn’t help if your party is bunch of baby ragers who instead of listening to the strategy, are keep saying things like “OMG this is impossible” all the time and discouraging the party. And I had my lesson yesterday to never let anyone other than me open the dungeon, because guy who entered Arah just left party at Dwayna fight and all the progress vanished just like that, thanks to that stupid party system. I’m sad because Arah path 4 is all I need for my Dungeon Master Title.