(edited by The Blue Ace.2850)
Arah dungeon- seers path is impossible to finish.
thanks rob, i think i’ll try it in the next days
it is not in yet. I was just updating this to let everyone know I have looked into it and done a modification. The next time there is a content patch you should see the changes.
Heya Robert
There’s been many reports of not being able to complete Arah path 4 even after beating Simin. Have you guys looked into that last boss bug as well?
Gigantus is easy… it is all player coordination and skills so… polish up your dodges and timing.. We’ve all seen the warrior solo gigantus and personally, I can take on gigantus for a good 5-10 minutes without downing (though killing him solo might by pushing my concentration to the max)
Path 4 seems doable, as people have said, it’s just stealth so use poison on that area to reduce the healing rate while others lure the sparks? Personally I haven’t done it though but there are enough people who have to show that it’s not that bad with some talent.
but it will be updated in the next few days like in one or two weeks, won’t it?
Heya Robert
There’s been many reports of not being able to complete Arah path 4 even after beating Simin. Have you guys looked into that last boss bug as well?
Yes, I’d like to hear if there has been any progress on this bug. I’m afraid to try Arah path 4 again because of this bug.
While I appreciate and thank you for working on fixing this encounter, the fixes you describe don’t encourage me enough to risk another 12 hour run.
This… The fixes described won’t make me spend another 9 hours inside this path too.
Server: Piken Square
Leader of Dark Shines [Dsh]
Our QA group was able to do this, but I have received many reports about her healing while stealthed being way too high. I’ll ask our QA to give it another pass with different characters/builds to see how they fare.
My team was bugged at the lupicus last night, the cutscene didnt active when the Randall and us reach infront of lupicus. People says this is because Randall has die before we reach at lupicus. so we cant fight lupicus and have to leave the arah.
How can your QA group don’t recognize of this bug ?
It is FRUSTRATING. A guy in my team is so so upset. He is so near to his dungeon master title!
(edited by Ronnie Hu.1694)
I think sometime the encounter bugs out, which is why some think it is possible and some think it is impossible. When we did it, the priestess would hit her stealth/heal EVERY time at about 45%, not just the first time. The time we took to get her down to that percent varied, and we tried switching in some very high DPS characters. We could never get her beyond that exact same heal point. I am not sure what we did to bug it, so not sure how the testing team can reproduce it. Maybe it was because we had switched characters in the dungeon, or because we had a linkdead return, or the ranger pet, or letting her heal to full once?
After beating our heads against it for hours and switching in almost an entire new set of characters to see if different classes helped, and hours of wasted time, I doubt I will try this path again, which is sad, as I wanted the dungeon explorer achievement.
Please, PLEASE look into the Lupicus battle not starting, and ruining the entire attempt for players. This is happening to many people, happened to me 2 out of 4 times of trying path 4. We cleared everything up to Lupicus, but we never got a cutscene that begins the boss fight and Lupicus never ‘activated’.
Charr Guardian
47k kills and counting
While I appreciate and thank you for working on fixing this encounter, the fixes you describe don’t encourage me enough to risk another 12 hour run.
This… The fixes described won’t make me spend another 9 hours inside this path too.
This, same for me.
You still need a specific party to pull it out, the regeneration is ridicolous and the time she is visible is too low.
The first time (after the first stealth) Simin remain unstealthed for ~60 seconds, after the that she stealths after only ~40 seconds.
With an high dps team with 2 ranger, 2 eles and 1 mesmer we were only able to knock it down every time to the same amount of health.
During the 9 hours of this path, before quitting, we switched the mesmer (he had to go) also with a thief and with another elementalist.
No one of the party members was a pug, we were all players from the same guild, we know each other pretty well and were coordinated with vocal chat, everyone has done every path of every dungeon multiple times except this one and we also entered the dungeon with a second exotic berserk in our inventory on purpose to switch into it at Simin.
The problem definitely wasn’t the sparks. It can easily be solved by adding some seconds to the time she remains visible after the first one (something like ~44 instead of ~40 seconds) or slightly reducing her regeneration. At least to the point it becames doable with every class on berserker armor (even if I don’t like the idea to force an entire build for the entire group because of a boss)
Please ask your team to run this path with 2 ranger, at least 2 elementalist and NO HEAVY class. Then come back to tell us how much they tried before ragequitting.
(edited by Yareon.2835)
Ok, we got her after 2h30+ min of trying. We were 3 mesmers, ele and guardian. Didn’t work. Ele switched to thief and 1 mesmer went necro. Poisoning didn’t got result and we have bugs with sparks as I mentioned before. Later, necro switched with mesmer again and 2 of us went full berserker. Had 1 or 2 fails with 4+1 after that, but when we got her once to 25-35% of hp, we somehow managed perfect spark run and Simin respawned within 45-50%, 3 timewarps one by one, we burned her till death.
I think it will be my last run of 4th path.
Ok, we got her after 2h30+ min of trying. We were 3 mesmers, ele and guardian. Didn’t work. Ele switched to thief and 1 mesmer went necro. Poisoning didn’t got result and we have bugs with sparks as I mentioned before. Later, necro switched with mesmer again and 2 of us went full berserker. Had 1 or 2 fails with 4+1 after that, but when we got her once to 25-35% of hp, we somehow managed perfect spark run and Simin respawned within 45-50%, 3 timewarps one by one, we burned her till death.
I think it will be my last run of 4th path.
She can die after 4-1 when you have a lot of DPS. (sometimes she’ll go invuln at 1%) If you don’t, you need a perfect spark run.
Anyways poison won’t work I think, she heals a lot and she is a legendary boss so posion doesn’t matter. All that matters is DPS when she is in view and not invuln and ofcourse the spark runs.
Ty Rob for fixing the sparks.
Just managed to do this with a team of 5 glass cannons, 2 wars, 2 mes’s and a dd ele, and when i say just managed i mean it, had to of put him down no more than 1-2 seconds before inv. The origional group was a war, ele, 2 mes’s and a ranger and we really didn’t get close. I can see why lots of people are mad because this does kind of make it build specific but the problem we ran into with the people that had to leave was basically them not knowing what to do and not having enough dps.
We use the 4-1 method and the mes’s hit back to back TW’s followed by frenzy on the zerkers. I also think a key to this is that the tear tosser has to be a pro tear tosser. They have to understand the timing. Anyways i hope this doesn’t get changed because it was pretty exciting to finish it after trying all weekend with 4 different groups. Its the one time in this game i’ve been excited, and the one time where i felt like there was something i might never finish.
I was just updating this to let everyone know I have looked into it and done a modification. The next time there is a content patch you should see the changes.
Many thanks for info, will give feedback after the patch goes live
Great that we do not need to kill NPC and rangers’ pets anymore to pull the sparks.
(edited by Aksamitna.9680)
Anyways poison won’t work I think, she heals a lot and she is a legendary boss so posion doesn’t matter.
Poison doesn’t matter because she cures all of her conditions when going invisible.
Just managed to do this with a team of 5 glass cannons, 2 wars, 2 mes’s and a dd ele, and when i say just managed i mean it, had to of put him down no more than 1-2 seconds before inv. The origional group was a war, ele, 2 mes’s and a ranger and we really didn’t get close. I can see why lots of people are mad because this does kind of make it build specific but the problem we ran into with the people that had to leave was basically them not knowing what to do and not having enough dps.
We use the 4-1 method and the mes’s hit back to back TW’s followed by frenzy on the zerkers. I also think a key to this is that the tear tosser has to be a pro tear tosser. They have to understand the timing. Anyways i hope this doesn’t get changed because it was pretty exciting to finish it after trying all weekend with 4 different groups. Its the one time in this game i’ve been excited, and the one time where i felt like there was something i might never finish.
The reason why lots of people can’t do it is because they depend on method which is borderline exploit. Instead of trying to dps her for 6 hours like some pugs do, you should master sparks run, it’s the key. And incoming fix just cofirms that.
Perhaps this encounter was intended to be about mastering sparks mechanics, but as it is right now, it favors much more bringing high DPS than mastering sparks. Therefore I suggest the following fixes for this encounter:
- Get rid of the 4-1 trick;
- Make Simin lose a bit of health when the sparks are put in place. The amount of health lost would depend of how fast sparks are put in place. Example:
– Perfect sparks run -> Simin loses 10% health;
– Slow sparks run -> Simin loses 1% (or even 0%) health.
Therefore I suggest the following fixes for this encounter:
- Get rid of the 4-1 trick;
Not until she becomes sufficiently doable (by good groups) so that the 4-1 feature isn’t necessary.
- Make Simin lose a bit of health when the sparks are put in place. The amount of health lost would depend of how fast sparks are put in place. Example:
– Perfect sparks run: Simin loses 10% health;
– Slow sparks run: Simin loses 1% (or even 0%) health.
A better idea is to have her lose 2% HP whenever a spark is trapped.
Therefore I suggest the following fixes for this encounter:
- Get rid of the 4-1 trick;Not until she becomes sufficiently doable (by good groups) so that the 4-1 feature isn’t necessary.
My point was that the encounter should be fixed, so that good groups can do it without having to rely on this trick.
A better idea is to have her lose 2% HP whenever a spark is trapped.
I’m fine with that idea too.
My point was that the encounter should be fixed, so that good groups can do it without having to rely on this trick.
Considering the “fixes” we’ve seen so far, it’s vastly better to leave the 4-1 feature in rather than have a totally unkillable boss.
Finaly did this path. Thought it needed 3 or was it 4 people to leave the group and come back after dwayna.
So we made it with many warriors and 1 guardian… This boss needs something else than just DPS battle. With the incoming update it will stay in DPS battle but bit easier atleast. Well… Thx for that atleast
Still reading this? You know there is something better to be done for sure. -.-’’
My point was that the encounter should be fixed, so that good groups can do it without having to rely on this trick.
Considering the “fixes” we’ve seen so far, it’s vastly better to leave the 4-1 feature in rather than have a totally unkillable boss.
“Totally unkillable boss”, you really know how to tell jokes.
Our QA group was able to do this, but I have received many reports about her healing while stealthed being way too high. I’ll ask our QA to give it another pass with different characters/builds to see how they fare.
Hello, Rob
Could you tell us which builds and/or classes we are required to switch to in order to complete this?
In our group we had our support and heftier people leave the dungeon, respec to full damage trees, and then come back and it wasn’t enough to make progress on her health. We’re not a DPS oriented group with only two of our people focused in that aspect. Are we required to re-gear to do this?
As for running the sparks even going full damage trees my warrior gets too much aggro to share the sparks aggro with people period. If I am anywhere near them at all they will switch to me.
This is an interesting boss concept but it was unfortunately a source of great frustration and despair for our group being the single only content that we’ve ever surrendered on because of fatigue and work/school the next day. Thank you for being active in this thread and taking time to read our feedback.
Well, now was our group’s first time being in arah path 4, and first time we’re killed Simin. We had 1 pug with us, but luckily he knew what to do, was calm and not raging ) Other 4 of us were in voice chat. The entire run took us about 3 hours, with ~40-50 mins spent on Simin.
Party was 3 warriors with semi-dd builds and gear (I was in knight’s with bers accessories, that “sonic boon” build, second was in soilder’s gear with bers accessories and some random build, 3-rd war was… dont know, lol). Mesmer was with GS and full carrion gear, guardian was balance build. Ofc we set up our utilities do max dps.
Simin was constantly stoning our guardian, mesmer was in charge of tears. Tactics to kite sparks was made in the process, when we discovered that we are not making much progress, lol. I mostly kited 2 or 3 sparks that spawned around exit of the cave. Just charge there with 5 skill no GS, and kite them all to places. Other ppl did other sparks. And so, with some efforts, and time warps, we succeeded to make 3 almost perfect spark runs (but not entirely perfect), and brougth Simin down. It was first kill for us all. It sure have been tough, but not impossible. Actually, with experience we could do this on reasonable time, not in 40-50 mins.
With all that being said, I dont know if we could do this with replacing 3-rd warrior with some other class. Need to experiment more.
So, I’d say, do not nerf Simin. She is so fun.
And all these “not dps-oriented” groups, you sound like you are not doing dps at all, just support each other. This is a bit too much. My advise here – concentrate on perfect spark runs, and whittle her down slowly but steady. If your spark runs are bad – you are doomed even with high dps.
(edited by AzureDream.4819)
Hello everyone.
I just wanted to say that me and my party had just a 7h arah run (5h for Dwayna herself). I also would like to mention that not me nor any of us is a newbie, we are experienced, adult players.
Anyway, have anyone experienced the bug Dwayna not falling down below 50% of HP bar? Because we just have and to be honest, we noticed that it was actually a bug after 5h trying. No matter how fast we were (DPS-wise) and how fast we deal with sparks (7-8 seconds for sparks) Dwayna wouldn’t drop below 50% of HP.
Practically it looked like:
- DPSing her till 50% till sparks appear
- Dealing with sparks in 7-8 seconds, in that time Dwayna regenerates about 25% of HP
- DPSing her down again till she reaches – and here occures the problem – 50% again and sparks appear again.
The thing is no matter how much she regenerates (it could be even 10 hp) she summons sparks at her’s 50% hp anyway. She just won’t go below.
Our party was:
- Shout Guardian
- Thief
- Conditions Mesmer
- Conditions Engineer
- DPS/conditions Necromancer
Please, if any of you experienced the same issue with Doowayna – post it. Becasue I can hardly believe that such a great game as GW2 can be so brutally filled with bugs and technical issues.
To Anet dev team – F I X I T ! ! ! (or at least admit it officialy that you are not able to do it)
Hey folks, here’s an update on the situation that you will soon see in an upcoming content patch:
I made it so that the sparks will better follow players. They will try to get closer to the player before using their skill, and their skill recharges faster, so they will spend less time standing around after using a skill. I also made them prefer player targets so that they won’t just attack a minion/pet/npc if a player is nearby.
While her healing is a factor, I felt the main problem was the spark behavior. The changes I described above make them better follow the player, which is in line with the mechanic of the fight.
I’ll be keeping an eye on it though.
No no no Robert! Problem is not the sparks! We fought it yesterday for over 2.30 hs! by the T: 2:15 we were Master Spark Herders,… and its funny cause someone posted exactly how we herded the sparks:
the problem is the boss going invis, invul and healing at 50% no matter how long has it been since she last appeared… let me give you this example:
(This actually happened last night during our 2.30 hrs of constant fight against her)
Engage, she is at 100%, downed to 50% invis, heal to (lets say) 75%.
Engage, she is at 75%, downed to 50% invis, heal to 70% again… (we getting better at spakrs)
Engage, she is at 70%, downed to 50% invis, BUG OUT! Sparks explode almost instantly, she is at 52%-55% because she had no time to heal
Engage, she is at 52-55%, downed to 50% in few seconds, invis… again, in like no time.
So we tried something.. we started it all over again, let her enter the 70%-50%-70% loop but this time, when she came out of invis we let her live looong enough before downing her again to 50%… she NEVER went invis again until she hits the 50% wall…
So basically, you glitch it, bug it, align the stars, sacrifice a goat for the blood god, make a pact with satan or you will never kill her.
The event needs design review cause there is definitly something wrong/broken in it. The only groups able to do it currently are groups using the 4-1 trick because the way it is designed is currently impossible.
thanks Robert anyway for listening to your player base and work for our fun.
Anyway, have anyone experienced the bug Dwayna not falling down below 50% of HP bar? Because we just have and to be honest, we noticed that it was actually a bug after 5h trying. No matter how fast we were (DPS-wise) and how fast we deal with sparks (7-8 seconds for sparks) Dwayna wouldn’t drop below 50% of HP.
It’s not a bug, it just means that you’re not running the sparks quickly enough. You have to put the sparks in before she hits around 60% HP (maybe less), otherwise you’ll be stuck in an endless loop of having her always hiding at 50%. See more detailed description in my guide http://mygw2.wordpress.com/2012/12/31/simin-high-priestess-of-dwayna/
I don’t believe spark aggro behavior is all that needs to be fixed, though. Often multiple sparks appear in one circle and not all the circles that are occupied have sparks in them — this confuses groups where not everyone is aware which spots have been taken. And I don’t think this was intended.
I’m looking into this as well.
Anyway, have anyone experienced the bug Dwayna not falling down below 50% of HP bar? Because we just have and to be honest, we noticed that it was actually a bug after 5h trying. No matter how fast we were (DPS-wise) and how fast we deal with sparks (7-8 seconds for sparks) Dwayna wouldn’t drop below 50% of HP.
It’s not a bug, it just means that you’re not running the sparks quickly enough. You have to put the sparks in before she hits around 60% HP (maybe less), otherwise you’ll be stuck in an endless loop of having her always hiding at 50%. See more detailed description in my guide http://mygw2.wordpress.com/2012/12/31/simin-high-priestess-of-dwayna/
Holy Mother of Altruism! This is an awesome guide! I don’t know how to thank You.
Seems your party really took it serious
Well, now I know that the whole key is to get her to phase 2 and it only happens if she doesn’t get above 60% while regenerating. We were so close then today. We managed to get her to 63-65%, but it seems it takes even more then that.
7h of my life lost unproductively
Thank You again mate.
Thank You again mate.
No problem! I hope you do better next time
“Totally unkillable boss”, you really know how to tell jokes.
Are you suggesting I called Simin unkillable in her current state? ‘Cause I didn’t.
After three hours and twenty two minutes, I have finally cleared this paticular path which has given me much pain in the past with a team of 1 mesmer, 1 engineer, 1 elementalist, 1 warrior, 1 ranger. It took very accurate running of sparks after phase 2 (because we lacked about 10% of Simin’s hp in dps ro do it in 2) to wait on Time Warp’s cool down, before setting down a second time warp in phase 5 or phase 6, while the dps group constantly kept her health low.
It should be noted that the group that I ran with tried and tried and tried again until we wore it down though.
Some stuff I noticed after going through the footage I recorded of the hour long fight:
1. “Worship the power of Zhaitan” appears to be the cue before her turning invisible. I think this is the single most important piece of information that I don’t see posted on the forums. Knowing this could save some time by moving the people to their positions for spark running. It will also prevent any bad time warps. I can’t get a bead for the time interval between sparks appearing and when she says this, but from the video it seems to be seven seconds.
There is an anomaly though. At the “g” of “high” in her name, she will say this phrase again but she will not turn invisible.
2. Shuguard’s diagram in the page before this was extremely extremely helpful. There is a proper way to run sparks with two people only. A few things need to be ensured while spark running. A. Who will do north 2 sparks, who will do south 3 sparks. B Backup runners. C. Which person slots sparks in first to avoid cross aggro. D. Knowledge of what phase Simin is on.
3. The cooldown for phase 2’s invisibility is 1 minute. This timing should be fairly accurate as I derived it from footage of repeatedly fighting Simin at Phase 2 and failing. Note that Simin must be in phase 2 in order for the invisibility to go into a one minute cooldown. Otherwise, she will go invisible at around 50% of health in phase 1.
4. The video “[DnT] vs. Simin, Arah Path 4” is possibly the closest to a perfect run using current technology and tactics. Note how Simin disappears for Phase 2 at 3:18. [DnT] beats Simin at 4:11, about eight to nine seconds shy of her disappearing again. It is perfectly possible to do this is two runs as long as you can beat the clock.
5. Another possibly important piece of information: Simin will ALWAYS turn invisible at the “o” of “of” in phase 1. Or to be very precise, the middle of the “O” and “f” of “of”. That is the 50% mark for phase 1.
6. Every little bit helps. The potions of undead slaying at the Arah vendor will help in the fight against her. You can mail people the potions so if the dungeon starter (who cannot exit the instance) or anyone lacks them, just buy some more at the vendor, return, and spread them around.
I hope that these cues would help people in the fight.
Sidenote, I have a theory that because the important cues in this fight are sound and hp-percentage based, people are confused by it. Most people look for visual cues like Kohler’s sword shining so may miss this out.
(edited by Kid Taylor.5479)
Anyway, have anyone experienced the bug Dwayna not falling down below 50% of HP bar? Because we just have and to be honest, we noticed that it was actually a bug after 5h trying. No matter how fast we were (DPS-wise) and how fast we deal with sparks (7-8 seconds for sparks) Dwayna wouldn’t drop below 50% of HP.
It’s not a bug, it just means that you’re not running the sparks quickly enough. You have to put the sparks in before she hits around 60% HP (maybe less), otherwise you’ll be stuck in an endless loop of having her always hiding at 50%. See more detailed description in my guide http://mygw2.wordpress.com/2012/12/31/simin-high-priestess-of-dwayna/
Its bugged, its not entering a timer, its going stealth at 50%. I don’t care if the battle worked fine for you, its not working for many other groups that tried. Please don’t be THAT guy on the forums “I did it so it must be working ok”.
First stealth occurr at 50%, for some reason; every other stealth is also happening at 50%, if you read my example you will see that sparks where not enterily the issue. Even when we managed to get perfect timing with sparks (which was very rare but still) the only result was Simin going into stealth faster.- If we stop DPS on her, she won’t stealth until she reaches 50% again.- That’s the endless loop.
We brought her down to 35%, she healed to 50-55% and then BOOM! banish again at 50% in seconds! Obviusly the mechanic is bugged there,… not entering phases/timers as she should.
(edited by Mesket.5728)
Anyway, have anyone experienced the bug Dwayna not falling down below 50% of HP bar? Because we just have and to be honest, we noticed that it was actually a bug after 5h trying. No matter how fast we were (DPS-wise) and how fast we deal with sparks (7-8 seconds for sparks) Dwayna wouldn’t drop below 50% of HP.
It’s not a bug, it just means that you’re not running the sparks quickly enough. You have to put the sparks in before she hits around 60% HP (maybe less), otherwise you’ll be stuck in an endless loop of having her always hiding at 50%. See more detailed description in my guide http://mygw2.wordpress.com/2012/12/31/simin-high-priestess-of-dwayna/
Its bugged, its not entering a timer, its going stealth at 50%. I don’t care if the battle worked fine for you, its not working for many other groups that tried. Please don’t be THAT guy on the forums “I did it so it must be working ok”.
First stealth occurr at 50%, for some reason; every other stealth is also happening at 50%, if you read my example you will see that sparks where not enterily the issue. Even when we managed to get perfect timing with sparks (which was very rare but still) the only result was Simin going into stealth faster.- If we stop DPS on her, she won’t stealth until she reaches 50% again.- That’s the endless loop.
We brought her down to 35%, she healed to 50-55% and then BOOM! banish again at 50% in seconds! Obviusly the mechanic is bugged there,… not entering phases/timers as she should.
Simin’s phase 1 is not timer based. At phase 1 she will always hide at 50%. This is how it has always been, as far as I know, and I don’t think it’s a bug.
To take Simin out of phase 1, you have to make a blazing fast sparks run after she hides at 50%. I don’t know exactly how fast the sparks must go in, but it’s definitely before she regenerates to 60% and possibly even before 55%. To be honest, I’ve just relied on the 4-1 trick to take her out of phase 1, and never even tried the legit way.
So you saying that Simin is always hiding at 50%, that doesn’t sound like a bug to me. That is the way phase 1 works. But if you’re saying that you’ve put the sparks before she gets to 55% and still got stuck on phase 1, then yes that sounds like a bug.
Anyway, have anyone experienced the bug Dwayna not falling down below 50% of HP bar? Because we just have and to be honest, we noticed that it was actually a bug after 5h trying. No matter how fast we were (DPS-wise) and how fast we deal with sparks (7-8 seconds for sparks) Dwayna wouldn’t drop below 50% of HP.
It’s not a bug, it just means that you’re not running the sparks quickly enough. You have to put the sparks in before she hits around 60% HP (maybe less), otherwise you’ll be stuck in an endless loop of having her always hiding at 50%. See more detailed description in my guide http://mygw2.wordpress.com/2012/12/31/simin-high-priestess-of-dwayna/
Its bugged, its not entering a timer, its going stealth at 50%. I don’t care if the battle worked fine for you, its not working for many other groups that tried. Please don’t be THAT guy on the forums “I did it so it must be working ok”.
First stealth occurr at 50%, for some reason; every other stealth is also happening at 50%, if you read my example you will see that sparks where not enterily the issue. Even when we managed to get perfect timing with sparks (which was very rare but still) the only result was Simin going into stealth faster.- If we stop DPS on her, she won’t stealth until she reaches 50% again.- That’s the endless loop.
We brought her down to 35%, she healed to 50-55% and then BOOM! banish again at 50% in seconds! Obviusly the mechanic is bugged there,… not entering phases/timers as she should.
Simin’s phase 1 is not timer based. At phase 1 she will always hide at 50%. This is how it has always been, as far as I know, and I don’t think it’s a bug.
To take Simin out of phase 1, you have to make a blazing fast sparks run after she hides at 50%. I don’t know exactly how fast the sparks must go in, but it’s definitely before she regenerates to 60% and possibly even before 55%. To be honest, I’ve just relied on the 4-1 trick to take her out of phase 1, and never even tried the legit way.
Trust me, at this point I read the fight mechanic and how it goes in every single site there is online
So you saying that Simin is always hiding at 50%, that doesn’t sound like a bug to me. That is the way phase 1 works. But if you’re saying that you’ve put the sparks before she gets to 55% and still got stuck on phase 1, then yes that sounds like a bug.
My point exactly.-
Path 4 the only path that I haven’t done yet Q_Q
Actually, here is how it works :
When Simin hits 50% the first time, a timer of exactly 1 minute starts. When this timer ends, she stealths again, no matter what. That means, if it take 30sec to pull the sparks, you’ll have a 30sec window for dps, but if it takes 10sec to pull them, you’ll have a 50sec window. That makes a huge difference.
Then there are 2 possibilities :
– The minute ends, the boss is still above 50% hp => she doesn’t stealth and you have to start over.
– The minute ends, the group has done everything perfectly and managed to lower her health to, let’s say, 40% => She stealths and the 1 minute timer reset.
Understanding that is very important, as it allows to predict when she stealths, which makes you able to prepare yourself to rush the sparks and win some precious seconds !
I didn’t see it in the guide, I hope that was clear.
Hey folks, here’s an update on the situation that you will soon see in an upcoming content patch:
I made it so that the sparks will better follow players. They will try to get closer to the player before using their skill, and their skill recharges faster, so they will spend less time standing around after using a skill. I also made them prefer player targets so that they won’t just attack a minion/pet/npc if a player is nearby.
While her healing is a factor, I felt the main problem was the spark behavior. The changes I described above make them better follow the player, which is in line with the mechanic of the fight.
I’ll be keeping an eye on it though.
While I’m glad the Simin battle will be a bit easier I just have to ask. Have you managed to deduce any problem with the four mobs at the bloodyshard?
Obviously you’ll get more info if more beat simin and run into the same bug but it’s not exactly fun to run into “another bug” once you spend ~5 hours in path 4 and not being able to finish. Using quotation marks as I don’t agree simin is bugged or whatsoever.
For the bug I’m talking about see:Arah path 4 broken.
So any chances of a (quick)fix for this problem coming along the spark fix in the next patch?
“Totally unkillable boss”, you really know how to tell jokes.
Are you suggesting I called Simin unkillable in her current state? ‘Cause I didn’t.
No, but you seem to think that after getting rid of 4-1 “strategy” she becomes one.
For the bug I’m talking about see:Arah path 4 broken.
So any chances of a (quick)fix for this problem coming along the spark fix in the next patch?
I did find a scripting issue where if Randall died, resurrected, or was interacted with on his way to the bloodstone he could be broken. I fixed that and a bunch of other scripting issues involving events with the explorable dragon dungeon on all paths. I’m hoping that will resolve a lot of the issues players have been having when events break and don’t start throughout the dungeon.
I am so kittened off 4 hour run perfect run floor-less up to dwayna, 2 half hours on this BOSS! we had 3 warrior 1 guardian and me a necro and we where running the sparks in the the holders in no more than 4-5 sec. and this boss is bugged simply put bugged.
I’ve also come across the same problem others have had where we would dps the boss down to 50% hp she would stealth we would run the spark into there holders leaving her with 70% hp left so we start the dps again getting her to 50% hp and would you believe it she stealth at 50% HP WTF is this rubbish!
Ok we give in another go DPs her down to 50%, run the spark to there holding pens. A perfect run down to 60% HP great time to dps here down again get to 50% HP and bang she stealth again!
This kittening boss want go below 50% HP no mater how fast you are DPs her or placing the sparks.
Robert can you please look into this the boss, as she bug out at 50% HP she will never drop bellow this and will just stealth every time making her impossible to kill!
(edited by grayskull.2367)
After an hour and a half to two hours of time spent on that fight alone, totaling the entire run at around 5 hours, my group and I walked out on it. This fight is beyond ridiculous. Let’s get a list going:
-Spark pathing needs some major work. Almost every time we tried to run them into the tiny circles, they either swooped around them, even though we path’d them directly over it, or simply went into the circle but did not get hooked. Unoccupied spaces, we didn’t make that mistake. We coordinated every occupied circle at every point.
-The health regeneration on the boss when she goes into stealth is in no way fair, considering her regeneration begins not when she vanishes, but when she goes invulnerable. This does not make much sense.
-Someone mentioned a 50% HP bug as well. We seemed to encounter this as well fairly often. We would get her down to 50% health, then she would stealth, we’d get the sparks in before she would get over 60% health, then we’d proceed with our DPS. She would stealth again at 50% health, rinse and repeat. She would never go beneath 50%.
If these issues are addressed, the run will go much smoother, yet still prove to be a challenge to almost any group. Looking over our run, we cannot find any flaw in our group, or our set up, since we even steamrolled through Giganticus Lupicus in 10-15 minutes and did not wipe fully once during that fight. We had a great set-up with all of our coordination fleshed out at every turn. Please fix this fight so we can actually complete the dungeon.
I am so kittened off 4 hour run perfect run floor-less up to dwayna, 2 half hours on this BOSS! we had 3 warrior 1 guardian and me a necro and we where running the sparks in the the holders in no more than 4-5 sec. and this boss is bugged simply put bugged.
I’ve also come across the same problem others have had where we would dps the boss down to 50% hp she would stealth we would run the spark into there holders leaving her with 70% hp left so we start the dps again getting her to 50% hp and would you believe it she stealth at 50% HP WTF is this rubbish!
Ok we give in another go DPs her down to 50%, run the spark to there holding pens. A perfect run down to 60% HP great time to dps here down again get to 50% HP and bang she stealth again!
This kittening boss want go below 50% HP no mater how fast you are DPs her or placing the sparks.Robert can you please look into this the boss, as she bug out at 50% HP she will never drop bellow this and will just stealth every time making her impossible to kill!
I normally never complain and take the stance of L2P when it comes to difficulty. However I truly believe there is more to this encounter that is at issue then just the sparks. Yes the sparks can be monumentally frustrating in kiting but it can be done. My two greatest issues with this fight is that we steam rolled Giganticus lupicus in about 10- 15 minutes. Yet when we face Dwayna she always stealths at 50 percent health after the first stealth. We are capable of taking her down well below 50% health when combat initially starts. Yet for some reasons it feels as though our DPS has been nerfed greatly after she comes out of stealth the first time.
I just came out of a 2-3 hour constant fight with Dwayna trying to get her down. We swapped out traits and builds at least 3 times in those 2-3 hours. Still no success. It’s more of the same. Get her down to 50% she stealths, we kite sparks. She comes out at 70% health. Almost every bloody time. I have yet to find a group that has successfully killed this boss and I am tired of feeling discouraged from answer peoples requests for Arah Seer path who innocently do not know this boss is one of the most difficult things on the planet to run.
Actually, here is how it works :
When Simin hits 50% the first time, a timer of exactly 1 minute starts. When this timer ends, she stealths again, no matter what. That means, if it take 30sec to pull the sparks, you’ll have a 30sec window for dps, but if it takes 10sec to pull them, you’ll have a 50sec window. That makes a huge difference.
Then there are 2 possibilities :
– The minute ends, the boss is still above 50% hp => she doesn’t stealth and you have to start over.
– The minute ends, the group has done everything perfectly and managed to lower her health to, let’s say, 40% => She stealths and the 1 minute timer reset.Understanding that is very important, as it allows to predict when she stealths, which makes you able to prepare yourself to rush the sparks and win some precious seconds !
I didn’t see it in the guide, I hope that was clear
I’ve been doing measurements of some videos, and what you’re saying makes a whole lot of sense! Simin does seem to hide every minute (approximately), starting from the point when she gets around 50%. That can be clearly seen in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqVrPlwWWzA
1:35 -> Simin hits 50% HP, and hides for the first time
2:39 -> Simin hides
3:39 -> Simin hides
4:40 -> Simin hides
I’ve noticed also that when the timer expires, if Simin is still hidden, she will unhide. This can be seen at 3:01 of this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6_MTW_ia2o
Thus, contrary to popular belief, Simin doesn’t unhide at full health. She unhides after this 1 minute timer has expired.
(edited by pdfrod.1948)
Then, is 4-1 method an exploit or is a correct way?
Exploradores – [Ex]
Baruch Bay [Es]
Unless it gets “fixed”, I’m pretty sure we can consider the 4-1 tactic legit.
i thought the same
Exploradores – [Ex]
Baruch Bay [Es]
So my group and me finally managed to do Dwayna after a long long run. However, when we went further to the last boss event, nothing happend after we cleared the altar.
We tried everything, we cleared all the room, even the shark underwater, we completed the bonus event also just to be sure. But the event couldn’t trigger.
Please fix bugs like this. It’s really annoying to be stuck at the final boss after such a good run.
Also the dungeon should be made more attractive for players at all. Finding non p3-groups for Arah is one of the hardest tasks in this dungeon…
Also the dungeon should be made more attractive for players at all. Finding non p3-groups for Arah is one of the hardest tasks in this dungeon…
Honestly I have no idea why people don’t do path2 which is only marginally slower than path3, especially after adding some “encounter” and buffing bosses in path3.
+1 to this…. we just spent around 3 hours trying to defeat dwayna, had the spark run down to a science, like others have said, she seems to hide at 50% health no matter what, also the sparks just kinda break aggro for no reason.