Arah explore + Tokens only at the end ? What did u think ?

Arah explore + Tokens only at the end ? What did u think ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JellyRabbit.2978


Me and my team, did everything perfectly good untill the 1 before lass boss of the dungeon ( the hardest one egypt ) and it took us about 2 hours to get to him, now thats fine even if it was 1 hour it doesn’t matter, the thing is we didn’t manage to kill him, after many many tries our " leader " just quitted, and everyone did too.
Because the tokens rewarded only at the end of the dungeon thats what we got :
what we payed :
2 hours

What did u think doing that ? atleast do that some tokens are rewarded from bosses and in the end u get the rest, like overall from all bosses u get half and in the endind u get half. Otherwise it’s just stupid and SOOO, SOOOO FRUSTRATING.
I’ve been playing too much lately, that’s bad but i never felt like i want to exit the game.
Now i was just too frustrated to continue today, the dungeon was fun untill the point u understand u did it all for nothing.
If i knew i was going to enter for just having fun killing bosses that would be diffrent, but I got into this with a mission for myself and it was to get tokens to buy myself a nice looking greatsword.

    ***********: u can waist 3 hours and failing at the last boss so many times till someones quit and more quit with him or u get kicked for no reason and get NOTHING.
    so what arenanet should do ? Or atleast bring back thats my idea :
    make that overall from all bosses get 50% or 40 % of the tokens from the dungeon,
    and in the ending get the rest. So people will atleast achive SOMETHING if they didnt finikitten because they didn’t manage too or got kicked for somereason or just for laughs.

Arah explore + Tokens only at the end ? What did u think ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hidon.4680


I think putting them all at the end is a mistake. However, back-loading the tokens is not. There should be incentive to complete the dungeon. The issue now is that the solution is not balanced. People are getting kicked or dropping group before the end and receiving no reward for their time spent.

If Anet wants to reward 60 tokens per dungon, I don’t see a problem with a breakdown as follows:

Boss #1 – 10 tokens
Boss #2 – 10 tokens
Final Boss – 10 tokens + 30 token dungeon completion reward

At the very least, players get something for completing the first two bosses, but it is obviously far more beneficial to finish the dungeon as over half of the tokens are rewarded for completion.

Arah explore + Tokens only at the end ? What did u think ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kevin.2176


The problem with Arah design is that not all paths are equal.

Which is understandable to some degree for dungeon designs, however when all 4 paths differ so heavily in length there is a problem. For example, Warden path is the shortest out of all the paths, with all trash being skippable it take around 30-45 mins for a full clear. However all other options takes almost double as long for the same reward.

The problem with rewarding tokens per boss is that resetting dungeons is very easy in this game, players will soon default back to finding one or two easily clearable boss and chain resetting for tokens.

Arah explore + Tokens only at the end ? What did u think ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Prophet.6954


The issue with “Boss #1 – 10 Tokens” etc, as this is how they had it, and people abused it by starting a dungeon, rushing to easy boss 1, killing him, and resetting the dungeon. They were able to farm tokens, albeit 10 at a time, with much more ease and could get say, 60 tokens an hour, when most others were spending 2-3 hours and not finishing, and walking away with 10-20.

I agree, its frustrating. But that’s in my own opinion, ok. I want it to be. I want it to take time to figure out, and to be a challenge, and not simply a time communicate and a 2 button mash.

Many other MMO’s dont gaurantee drops. Its random, and you might run a dungeon just as hard, that takes 3-4 hours to beat, and STILL get nothing, for months. Here, they in my own opinion, spoil us, by guaranteeing tokens. And on top of that, you get to choose what you want. Other places, you might farm a dungeon for a month, and get a staff you can’t use, that’s worth half of the sword you were aiming for…

tldr; We are lucky they gaurantee rewards at all, and on top of that, give us tokens and allow us to pick the reward. I think that’s huge …

Arah explore + Tokens only at the end ? What did u think ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mohawkward.7530


The direct effect of this change will be farm process avoiding the last boss ^^.

I would love to get 30 tokens without encountering Giganticus or the Legendary searing effigy xD. There is a more simple way to do this -> Nerf endway bosses…

There was plenty of solutions to prevent players from overfarming Arah. Blocking the way to the jumping puzzle, putting the tokens as a reward for the last boss, making the boss more difficult, implementing a decreasing reward curve.

What Anet did ? It putted all those solutions together when just 1 was enough and now we have broken dungeon achievement.

(edited by Mohawkward.7530)

Arah explore + Tokens only at the end ? What did u think ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: neurotix.4896


is Arah working on another servers? Aurora still nothing :X

Arah explore + Tokens only at the end ? What did u think ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JellyRabbit.2978


Another option is putting the stronger bosses at the beginning !
That way you won’t waist time and maybe fail at the last boss, am i right ?
When the tokens comes to you ONLY at the end of the dungeon, atleast make the first boss them most difficult, if you pass it then u continue to the rest of the dungeon finish and get you’re prizes, it will do nothing else than less frustrating than what it’s now.

Arah explore + Tokens only at the end ? What did u think ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aphix.9846


Did they fix the DR system with the last update ? Will I still get 45 or 30 on the 1st run ??…

Arah explore + Tokens only at the end ? What did u think ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Recently.1043


Well isn’t the DR system in a way meant to stop people abusing partial runs?

Think about it, DR kicks in if you repeat the dungeon route multiple times in a short window. What screams repeating a dungeon route multiple times in a short window? That’s right, doing a partial clear.

So DR was meant to stop speed runs and indirectly also stops partial clears. This basically makes back-loading all the tokens redundant.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….