Arah is easy! Do not be afraid to do them.
No offense, but considering 80% of the people here are the ones who made those videos, posting such a statement here is rather uproductive totally agree though.
All the bosses are fun to deal with except probably Gigantus Lupicus.
Lupi is the most fun boss, although we have to solo, duo and take sub-optimal groups to make it interesting at this point.
its not about the dungeon being hard but with players being spoiled with 5 minutes dungeon run.
its not about the dungeon being hard but with players being spoiled with 5 minutes dungeon run.
I see that most players are spoiled also because they don’t like to fail. I’ve seen lots of times when my group wiped on the spider in AC everyone just ragequitted. But i dont feel sorry for then, they just want to be carried by a good group and don’t want to try to overcome challenges.
The ones that follow the berserker meta and also the ones that like to be tanky or healer dont like to spend too much time on a dungeon path.
If you’re pugging groups anyway, you’re bound to either get the no wipe group or the takes awhile longer group. People shouldn’t expect good runs if they don’t set them up with their guildies/friends.
People shouldn’t expect good runs if they don’t set them up with their guildies/friends.
Knowing what to expect in a pug would be much easier if people read descriptions before joining or actually cared about filling the reqs. When that happens pugs are great.
Also, yes, Arah is easy when you care about learning it. But it’s hell when you put 3, 4, 5 people together who don’t wanna listen, or watch a guide, and run PVT builds while camping range weapons. And ofc those people don’t read this subforum.
Just say “meele lupi grub=kick” and you’ll be fine. More often than not you can see how bad people are if they don’t know how to skip so you can leave pretty soon(later for p3).
Pugging is just so random lol, did a 36 fractal earlier and noticed someone with low AR off the bat. We get to the third fractal, Aetherblade, and someone asks his AR. He didn’t know what AR meant and turns out he had 2 AR lol. We let him stay, since he was new to fractals and didn’t know to start at lower lvls. He was like “If you want me to leave I can” We could’ve easily finished the boss fractal and be done (4-manning it) and he could’ve got his chest too. Instead he leaves after about an hour or so of doing the fractal run. It’s good that the new update is bringing in new fractal players, but there’s a lot of confusion surrounding AR and the difficulty scales. A short introduction to these concepts would help fresh runners.
Queen Of Macabre – 80 Thief
Dragonbrand [Ankh]
Well, it’s not THAT hard, but it’s HARD relative to other dungeons, most of which you can feceroll without even knowing the mechanics. I personally don’t like it because of all the running through trash, that you have to do, not because it’s hard, but it’s just not my thing and it’s impossible to find the group who wouldn’t want to skip, sad though, because Lupi is one of my favorite bosses ever.
My first P2 was with a gentle girl and her minions. We killed everything (to the last deadeye and turret, yeah). It took 3 hours.
Last time I did P2 was with deSade, spoj, Adam and a friend. It took 20~25 mins I believe (some Lupi fail due to latency).
The difference in reward was like one gold weapon I found on a trash mob in the initial run. Rushing gives better loot/time spent. It also allows people to find runs easier due to less time spent in the actual path.
Finally, rushing helped me in learning mob behaviour and attacks. I can now run without even thinking through them, whatever Arah path it may be (sure warrior is OP for this, necro is less). And when we actually have to fight trash mobs, I have a better understanding of their attacks and at which range we can expect them, etc…
I found “easy” of “difficult” runs to depend highly on whether I’m in a decent group (gear, build) or with clueless randoms.
If there are new ppl in the party, it might be better to clear out some mobs, so that it’s easier to run back if dead/DC’d. However, in p4, we got wiped by trash-mobs before Grenth, but had no problem with any of the bosses (except Dwayna taking long, as our DPS was mediocre). So I guess engaging the mobs makes it more difficult / time consuming.
[DV] – megaboss community
i done every dungeon in this game including high lv fractals, TA aether and arah story, but never arah exp
i would love to do it but i don’t have exp with it and probably would get kicked -_-
[Teef] guild :>
The difference in reward was like one gold weapon I found on a trash mob in the initial run. Rushing gives better loot/time spent. It also allows people to find runs easier due to less time spent in the actual path.
I know it gives better loot, but many people, including me, just don’t like the mechanic of being forced to skip hordes of mobs all of the time Not necessarily blaming the mechanic itself, though maybe it should give a better reward for killing everything so skipping wouldn’t be the only option.
If there were better rewards I’d probably kill all the mobs.
For the time being when I finish an Arah path with friends, we re-run through it to kill all the champions we’ve left behind, for greater loot. Namely giants, spiders, etc…
No offense, but considering 80% of the people here are the ones who made those videos, posting such a statement here is rather uproductive
totally agree though.
99% of the people here aren’t posting, they are reading.
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD
We have an audience? :O
We have an audience? :O
guess how you get infactions heh
[Teef] guild :>
Guess how I mustered up the faith to talk to you all ingame >.>
But I am a very nice person, ask swifty.
I believe you are Dub.
I definitely recall that Arah P2 with your level 22 engi (back in the days). You drew aggro from mobs that were 500 feet away o_O
Yeah, arah loves me.
Hi. I want to tell you my story as an ele. As you can see from the look of my character below I have a combination of Arah and CoF armor. I have NERVER bought and never will buy a CoF path. Because it’s a fun dungeon, the mobs are pretty easy have a variety and are neither in too big groups nor too small. However, in Arah I bought p2 and p1 and only running p3. The reason is that Arah for ele is a complete nightmare. I’m running zerk gear with a small additions of vitality and toughness here and there and when we skip in a dungeon my ele will surely die. I find myself staring at the death screen most of the time. Because unlike others we have light armor and no stealth (mesmer) or “Life Force” that necro have. U can’t get a group that won’t skip and when ur build is focused on dmg (not GS) u find urself a burden to the group. Path 3 however I do run and most of the times open a LFG post myself.
P.S If you don’t know then ele’s main build is GS Lightning Hammer (stacking might)
You should try Zelyhn’s build and elem guide. This guy asura rocks in Arah.
Shameless French solidarity by the way :p
acctually I wanted to post this in another forum… I accidently posted it here.
P.S can u send me a link to the build and vids or how to get to them?
That build is fine for skipping btw. Use fgs for the longer sections. Use d/d or staff for mobility and take lightning flash, arcane shield and mist form for extra help when skipping. Can also take armor of earth if you need stability.
Ele has a lot easier time skipping in arah than necro, mesmer and guard. I only mention guard because the lack of perma swiftness can be painful at times.
(edited by Spoj The Second.7680)
@spoj: I see what you are saying but if I will follow what you wrote I’ll basiclly change my build (elite, utilities and weapon). Moreover In my Arah runs the eles (not only me) die first from all classes, and guardians for instance have no problem.
You arent changing your build. You are only changing your utilities and weapons for the skipping sections. Every good player does this automatically.
The ele’s fiery great sword is great for skipping trash. Put your autoattack off and just spin and dash your way across without having to worry about going backwards because of the autoattack. Maybe use the stability skill in case one of the undead does the banner skill on you, forgot what it’s called, until you get used to where they are.
What sucks is i can’t find a group to do it. My guilds stance on it is “i’d rather do fractals 1000% of the time given the choice between them” and PUGS refuse to take me because i haven’t done arah explorable before. Throw in getting kicked from a group yesterday just because I was a necro and its starting to get really frustrating. I’ve pretty much been eyeballing LFG for the last 3 days trying to find a group just to try a path. I even started my own group but as soon as i admited i hadn’t done any of the explorable runs they all left. I tried again with a “no experience required” group and no one even bothered to join. I’ve never had so much trouble finding a group for a dungeon for any mmo i’ve ever previously played and many of them didn’t even have an lfg system.
(edited by CursedShaitan.9720)
Are you on NA or EU ?
What sucks is i can’t find a group to do it. My guilds stance on it is “i’d rather do fractals 1000% of the time given the choice between them” and PUGS refuse to take me because i haven’t done arah explorable before. Throw in getting kicked from a group yesterday just because I was a necro and its starting to get really frustrating. I’ve pretty much been eyeballing LFG for the last 3 days trying to find a group just to try a path. I even started my own group but as soon as i admited i hadn’t done any of the explorable runs they all left. I tried again with a “no experience required” group and no one even bothered to join. I’ve never had so much trouble finding a group for a dungeon for any mmo i’ve ever previously played and many of them didn’t even have an lfg system.
This might be pretty harsh for you but generally, necro is a suboptimal class for dungeons in this game. There is a stigma against necros and rangers that stem from stereotypes associated with the two classes. Unfortunately, it seems to be quite difficult to be good as a dungeon necro. My humble suggestion is for you to roll a more dungeon-optimal class like warrior, guardian, or mesmer. You can still play your necro in modes like WvW and PvP.
If you decide that you will stick with necro, be sure to wear full berserker gear/traits and in your LFG posts, signal to others that you are experienced by pinging your gear or specify berserker. I’m not saying it’s right, just simply suggesting things for practicality.
Guild Master
Are you on NA or EU ?
mayne i’ve just had reallllllllly bad luck with timing…idk.
Add me. I’ll be more than happy to teach/run Arah with you. Just please don’t be the “I play how I want” type.
Guild Master
Add me. I’ll be more than happy to teach/run Arah with you. Just please don’t be the “I play how I want” type.
A little busy right now but later for sure. I prefer to play whatever works best for the group. I’ve been using Nemesis Hybrid Necro build primarily but i’ve been working with his Conditionmancer build as well its a bit more survivable. really though i’m open to anything that helps the group.
The reason is that Arah for ele is a complete nightmare. I’m running zerk gear with a small additions of vitality and toughness here and there and when we skip in a dungeon my ele will surely die.
I suppose you might not like to know that I managed to solo all of path 2 today on an ele. We have lots of tools to do the skips and quite frankly it is much easier for us to do them then a necro.
Lupi solos on 9/9 professions
Wost Engi NA
The reason is that Arah for ele is a complete nightmare. I’m running zerk gear with a small additions of vitality and toughness here and there and when we skip in a dungeon my ele will surely die.
I suppose you might not like to know that I managed to solo all of path 2 today on an ele. We have lots of tools to do the skips and quite frankly it is much easier for us to do them then a necro.
I know how you did it. And there’s really nothing to brag about with soloing path 2 because you can literally AFK all of the bosses and take no damage.
Youtube Channel –
Okay, some things new people need to know about Arah.
-Don’t bring your worthless necromancer that has useless utilites, they suck. Just accept that for pve. Necromancers suck for Arah.
-Use a warrior if you have one, so many evade skills and weapon skills.
-Use a guardian, a whole bunch of aegis and block skills.
-Use a mesmer, feedback, that’s all it is.
-A thief… maybe if you know when to use smokescreen to avoid aoe, plus they have good endurance. Could be a party saver with refuge.
-An ele – lots of good “don’t kill me skills”, just squishy if you mess up.
-An engineer – only has one reflect skill in the toolbet, but that’s better than nothing.
-A ranger – has a few good self-saving skills that cause their pet to die, but at least they’ll be alive.
Okay, some things new people need to know about Arah.
-Don’t bring your worthless necromancer that has useless utilites, they suck. Just accept that for pve. Necromancers suck for Arah.
-Use a warrior if you have one, so many evade skills and weapon skills.
-Use a guardian, a whole bunch of aegis and block skills.
-Use a mesmer, feedback, that’s all it is.
-A thief… maybe if you know when to use smokescreen to avoid aoe, plus they have good endurance. Could be a party saver with refuge.
-An ele – lots of good “don’t kill me skills”, just squishy if you mess up.
-An engineer – only has one reflect skill in the toolbet, but that’s better than nothing.
-A ranger – has a few good self-saving skills that cause their pet to die, but at least they’ll be alive.Last of all, GO WATCH THE GIGANTUS LUPICUS FIGHT BEFORE JOINING A GROUP.
You might actually want to post valuable information instead of misinformed rants. It would be a lot more helpful.
Youtube Channel –
Okay, some things new people need to know about Arah.
-Don’t bring your worthless necromancer that has useless utilites, they suck. Just accept that for pve. Necromancers suck for Arah.
-Use a warrior if you have one, so many evade skills and weapon skills.
-Use a guardian, a whole bunch of aegis and block skills.
-Use a mesmer, feedback, that’s all it is.
-A thief… maybe if you know when to use smokescreen to avoid aoe, plus they have good endurance. Could be a party saver with refuge.
-An ele – lots of good “don’t kill me skills”, just squishy if you mess up.
-An engineer – only has one reflect skill in the toolbet, but that’s better than nothing.
-A ranger – has a few good self-saving skills that cause their pet to die, but at least they’ll be alive.Last of all, GO WATCH THE GIGANTUS LUPICUS FIGHT BEFORE JOINING A GROUP.
You might actually want to post valuable information instead of misinformed rants. It would be a lot more helpful.
Telling me it’s misinformed doesn’t mean anything if you don’t provide information to fix it. At least explain why you think so. Plus, this is more for people new to Arah. New players to the paths don’t melee Lupi.
(edited by Wicked Rin.1972)
The reason is that Arah for ele is a complete nightmare. I’m running zerk gear with a small additions of vitality and toughness here and there and when we skip in a dungeon my ele will surely die.
I suppose you might not like to know that I managed to solo all of path 2 today on an ele. We have lots of tools to do the skips and quite frankly it is much easier for us to do them then a necro.
I know how you did it. And there’s really nothing to brag about with soloing path 2 because you can literally AFK all of the bosses and take no damage.
Don’t assume anything, I didn’t skip any of the bosses or use any safe spots to afk them. I still won’t say that this was an incredibly impressive achievement but the point still stands that eles can easily hold their own in Arah.
Lupi solos on 9/9 professions
Wost Engi NA
Okay, some things new people need to know about Arah.
-Don’t bring your worthless necromancer that has useless utilites, they suck. Just accept that for pve. Necromancers suck for Arah.
-Use a warrior if you have one, so many evade skills and weapon skills.
-Use a guardian, a whole bunch of aegis and block skills.
-Use a mesmer, feedback, that’s all it is.
-A thief… maybe if you know when to use smokescreen to avoid aoe, plus they have good endurance. Could be a party saver with refuge.
-An ele – lots of good “don’t kill me skills”, just squishy if you mess up.
-An engineer – only has one reflect skill in the toolbet, but that’s better than nothing.
-A ranger – has a few good self-saving skills that cause their pet to die, but at least they’ll be alive.Last of all, GO WATCH THE GIGANTUS LUPICUS FIGHT BEFORE JOINING A GROUP.
You might actually want to post valuable information instead of misinformed rants. It would be a lot more helpful.
Telling me it’s misinformed doesn’t mean anything if you don’t provide information to fix it. At least explain why you think so. Plus, this is more for people new to Arah. New players to the paths don’t melee Lupi.
All classes do approximately the same damage when they are given high-damaging melee weapons, Berserker’s armor / Scholar Runes, and traits that augment damage. Necromancer with Dagger and Berserker’s armor etc does high damage.
To comment on the rest of your misinformation:
Warrior – Here you go promoting Warrior as a god like most people that don’t understand the game do. Stop this, please.
Guardian – Same as Warriors. Perhaps you’ve never seen a bad Warrior or Guardian and you think that just because someone plays the class or that you see a good Guardian that the class is OP? Think of all of the PVT Staff Guardians or PVT Rifle Warriors.
Mesmer – I can’t tell you how many PVT Mesmers I’ve seen. I have a video I would love to link you to of an Arah path 4 pug I did, but I talk badly about several people in it and if they saw it, their feelings would get hurt and they would cry about it to me.
Thief – Thief does the highest single-target damage in the game, but at the cost of dying to pretty much any single hit. I’m surprised you’ve never seen this happen. Sure they have stealth, but how many idiots just run out of SR right away?
Elementalist – LH Ele played by someone that is bad will be a detriment. Anything besides Bersker’s gear on an Ele makes them useless in PVE.
Engineer – I guess the Vuln stacking and Stealth / Blast Finishers / high damage don’t matter.
Ranger – You don’t understand anything at all about Rangers. I don’t even feel like enlightening you.
The reason is that Arah for ele is a complete nightmare. I’m running zerk gear with a small additions of vitality and toughness here and there and when we skip in a dungeon my ele will surely die.
I suppose you might not like to know that I managed to solo all of path 2 today on an ele. We have lots of tools to do the skips and quite frankly it is much easier for us to do them then a necro.
I know how you did it. And there’s really nothing to brag about with soloing path 2 because you can literally AFK all of the bosses and take no damage.
Don’t assume anything, I didn’t skip any of the bosses or use any safe spots to afk them. I still won’t say that this was an incredibly impressive achievement but the point still stands that eles can easily hold their own in Arah.
Do you mind if I see your solo video?
Youtube Channel –
Thief – Thief does the highest single-target damage in the game,
Err, no. :/
Thief – Thief does the highest single-target damage in the game,
Err, no. :/
I forgot. It is Mossman.
Youtube Channel –
I never said anything the damage professions do. Main thing about pug groups are about staying alive in my opinion. Some have better utility skills than others. Why use professions with less resources compared to others like warriors, guardians, and mesmer?
Most people don’t like necromancers, engineers, or rangers because they don’t have much to offer. It’s not always about the damage they do.
(edited by Wicked Rin.1972)
I never said anything the damage professions do. Main thing about pug groups are about staying alive in my opinion. Some have better utility skills than others. Why use professions with less resources compared to others like warriors, guardians, and mesmer?
Most people don’t like necromancers, engineers, or rangers because they don’t have much to offer. It’s not always about the damage they do.
You really need to broaden your understanding of the classes, then.
Youtube Channel –
I never said anything the damage professions do. Main thing about pug groups are about staying alive in my opinion. Some have better utility skills than others. Why use professions with less resources compared to others like warriors, guardians, and mesmer?
Most people don’t like necromancers, engineers, or rangers because they don’t have much to offer. It’s not always about the damage they do.
You really need to broaden your understanding of the classes, then.
You don’t even make sense. Keep believing every class is equal.