Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


When it evades you can use feedback and the champs wont spawn

edit: i was wrong, feedback doesn’t work. though you can use distortion from 3 clones and jump inside it to absorb the gunks, and champs will not appear!

(edited by Sublimatio.6981)

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tom Yzf.5872

Tom Yzf.5872

Hmm, seems fishy. Are you sure your team didn’t stealth and the 2 oozes disappeared behind a wall? That seems more likely.

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Nah Tom Yzf, Sublimatio and I have discussed it in PM a few times now. I’m going to also test it with swirling winds as well… if it does, then this will be amazing lol. It’s always a pain when in groups and you’re the only one with stealth consumables, so people drag the vile oozes all over the place and make it nearly impossible to avoid engaging in combat :P

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tom Yzf.5872

Tom Yzf.5872

Wow, if true this does indeed help when pugging. How did you time the reflect? Does it have to be before Ooze gets evades, or can you reflect it during the evade as it transitions into the split?

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Trice.4598


This would be totally be game changing info. I usually solo the part after the ooze while my team stealth and start skipping. and sometime it just get out of hands and I fail.

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: frifox.5283


You know, this gave me an idea…

(edited by frifox.5283)

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tom Yzf.5872

Tom Yzf.5872

haha wow, what a neat trick

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: franco.2645


You could also interrupt the split with guardian’s binding blade. Bind when the ooze is still vulnerable, and then pull when it starts evading. I learned this from a Charr guardian I haven’t tested it in a while though.

The reflect, however, is definitely much easier. I’d never have thought about trying it. Thanks all for sharing the information! I wonder if this means a simple wall of reflection would work as well.

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Shouldn’t block work then too?

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


All I can think is “What the hell kind of design do they use for their AI?” Seriously, why does the ooze require a target to split? xD And to top it all off, the split action is somehow considered a reflectable projectile? Wow. Just wow. lololol

Not complaining, though. This is a great find :-)

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


I tried this second time and it didn’t work.
What I know for sure, when I used distortion from 3 clones, and one of the gunks flied accidentally at me, I had the text ‘invulnerable", gunk disappeared, and only 1 champion was spawned. That’s why I tried feedback. When I used feedback for the first time I also used mass invi, so idk maybe it was just because of the stealth. I think using untraited wardens could destroy the gunks for sure but it would be very hard to time it properly….

I suppose the 2 gunks are unblockable projectiles. Sorry for the misinformation

(edited by Sublimatio.6981)

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Yeah stealth or untraited wardens work. Portal also works if you time it right.

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rainmaker.7594


A friend and I tried this last night, using just feedback on the split, and it didn’t work. The boss probably did have defiance up because I was blasting might throughout the fight; I’m not sure if that changes whether or not the split is reflectable. Both spawns did appear on the same exact spot though, but that might be because we had it in the corner. We might try some other stuff later (untraited wardens, block on top of it, etc). I’ll post if we figure anything out.

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

What does work for sure is stealthing. However depending on where the ooze splits they might not go in a desirable location so that you’re assured no one will run past and aggro them.

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Axelwarrior.9084


I… I never thought the Ooze was a female.

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


Next time I’m going to use distortion from 3 clones and go INSIDE the ooze.

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aleth.9630


Next time I’m going to use distortion from 3 clones and go INSIDE the ooze.

Try jumping inside the Ooze’s body when it shoots them – the projectiles’ origin point might be too high without jumping to bodyblock. Works with Subject 6, at least.

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


I did some testing.
Distortion from 3 clones + jumping inside elite ooze = NO SPLIT
Distortion from 3 clones + jumping inside ancient ooze = NO SPLIT
Distortion from 3 clones + jumping inside ancient ooze smashed into wall = luck dependant. 1 champ may appear.

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


Discovery: elementalist #5 on earth focus (obsidian flesh) grants probably the same invulnerability – I just absorbed AC Spider Queen poison field projectile (it didn’t drop the aoe, Invulnerable popped out and that’s it). I assume it will work on ooze too.

(edited by Sublimatio.6981)

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You might wanna edit it to say “earth focus” instead. I had to re-read that a few times, kept thinking you meant churning earth lol

Arah p1 Ooze - you can absorb her split

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


ooops sorry I meant focus xDD