Guild Leader
Maguuma – Yak’s Bend
(edited by Fallon.2347)
Hello all. This thread is for people that still need to complete Arah path 4.
This path is by far more of a challenge than any other in the game.
Most of us want Dungeon Master title, or at least most of us do.
Several people still need to complete this path in order to get it. I feel the only real way for people to come together that are dedicated is through meeting in game or a forum discussion. Now, most of you have either attempted it and could not finish due to time or lack of dps on Simin. I propose those of us that still need it make a general post here. Let’s be honest, yes the group website will help you get all the other paths done for the most part. This one in particular is not so easily obtained.
I attempted this last night with a few people I have met in game that still need it. NPC Randall bugged on the last boss. After spending over 5 hours on this path, I personally am brokenhearted.
My 80s (full exotics and both can be glass cannons): Warrior and Engineer.
- I am willing to bring who ever is in my group into Teamspeak 3 for this path.
The next time I would like to attempt this is Feburary 1st or 2nd. After the Janurary 28th patch that is coming to fix some known bugs in this particular path:
Hey folks, here’s an update on the situation that you will soon see in an upcoming content patch:
I made it so that the sparks will better follow players. They will try to get closer to the player before using their skill, and their skill recharges faster, so they will spend less time standing around after using a skill. I also made them prefer player targets so that they won’t just attack a minion/pet/npc if a player is nearby.
While her healing is a factor, I felt the main problem was the spark behavior. The changes I described above make them better follow the player, which is in line with the mechanic of the fight.
I’ll be keeping an eye on it though.
I don’t believe spark aggro behavior is all that needs to be fixed, though. Often multiple sparks appear in one circle and not all the circles that are occupied have sparks in them — this confuses groups where not everyone is aware which spots have been taken. And I don’t think this was intended.
I’m looking into this as well.
For the bug I’m talking about see:Arah path 4 broken.
So any chances of a (quick)fix for this problem coming along the spark fix in the next patch?
I did find a scripting issue where if Randall died, resurrected, or was interacted with on his way to the bloodstone he could be broken. I fixed that and a bunch of other scripting issues involving events with the explorable dragon dungeon on all paths. I’m hoping that will resolve a lot of the issues players have been having when events break and don’t start throughout the dungeon.
Original posts can be found here:
Thank you all for your time and attention! Good Luck!
(edited by Fallon.2347)
Almost 6 months into the game and we’re still having NPCs bug out and ruining the run? OMG…
Arah Path 4 was one of these paths I told myself I’d never repeat after beating it once.
Good Luck.
Attempted this path before didn’t get very far. If anyone needs an extra body, just send an in game message.
Im on US sever.
(edited by Elitejelly.7462)
You might want to state whether you play on an US or EU server. That being said, good luck. Personally I think path 1 is harder than path 4, but that might just be me.
Anyway, about Randall bugging out. The thing Robert stated about the bloodstone (Randall dying, being interacted with etc) can also happen at Giganticus Lupicus. Try to keep him alive.
I’ve not attempted this path before, but it is the only one I need for Dungeon Master. That said, I am interested. Send me a whisper/mail.
You might want to state whether you play on an US or EU server. That being said, good luck. Personally I think path 1 is harder than path 4, but that might just be me.
Anyway, about Randall bugging out. The thing Robert stated about the bloodstone (Randall dying, being interacted with etc) can also happen at Giganticus Lupicus. Try to keep him alive.
I am on US server. However I would like for this thread to benefit the community and not just myself. I know a lot of people still need this path. With the patch coming to fix some of the known issues, I figure this would give others the ability to find more for their groups.
For the path 1 comment I was lucky enough to run it with Obal and some guildies he knew that needed to finish it for DM title as well. Obal is a really great guy and does Arah path 3 twice a day for people interested in the armor and/or completion:
Randall bugs on Lupi if he dies in the room before the boss and you enter the room without ressing him. So, anyone attempting this path; best to clear the room or at least a side where the npc stays safe and/or rez him before you enter Lupi room.
(edited by Fallon.2347)
I am on a eu server but all the posts saying they will help only do us server. it sucks
That being said, good luck. Personally I think path 1 is harder than path 4, but that might just be me.
For the path 1 comment
Path 4 has the most boring bosses in arah. Length is similiar and only simin is hard for new players, good teams should kill her in 10-15 minutes max (that’s including preparations of tears). Overall, path 4 is faceroll until you encounter simin which is still easy with people that use whatever they have between their ears.
That being said, good luck. Personally I think path 1 is harder than path 4, but that might just be me.
For the path 1 comment
Path 4 has the most boring bosses in arah. Length is similiar and only simin is hard for new players, good teams should kill her in 10-15 minutes max (that’s including preparations of tears). Overall, path 4 is faceroll until you encounter simin which is still easy with people that use whatever they have between their ears.
DPS race boss is cake for guild groups or people that play together often, with any game. I am sure to some people that read this, you had zero issue with it and do not understand why this thread is here. Frankly, my guild has a weak pulse lol. I’m sure plenty of others are in the same boat. Those people that did not get this done and want to have a place to discuss it. People that have completed either 1. do not ever want to run it again. OR 2. They want to charge you for it.
I’ll find some people that want to pug it up the good old fashion way. If I get anywhere near 15g in repairs bills, I will still appreciate the fact that I did it.
Also need this for DM.
Already been to Simin several times but the teams give up eventually.
I have a full-zerk war, mes, ele and prot guard.
Completed this will my guild. We used 3 zerk Wars and 2 TW mes.
If you need just Simin, I can help with my war.
(edited by mage.3570)
I’m on the US server. Add me or send me a mail in game and I can help you out. I’m a Ascended warrior (and a dungeon master..if that means anything) and I have different armor sets so i can be tank, dps, support whatever.
It’s all about coordinating and not changing aggro on the sparks for the Simin fight. Of course high DPS is equally important.
(edited by Stigma.7869)
In need of this path for dungeon master as well. US server. I use my guardian for Arah.
I usually use my guardian for Arah and can bring or swap out to a dps mesmer as needed.
I just finished the path for my DM title about a week ago. Lineup (as seen in picture) Guardian (w/ 1400 healing power, 5% crit – me) ele, thief x2, mesmer.
People are going to tell you, min max, 3 mesmer 2 warrior or 5 warrior group. Don’t listen to these idiots.
Yeah, the fight’s about DPS. But it’s as much about DPS as it is learning HOW to tackle the encounter.
1) LEARN HOW TO KITE SPARKS. This fight is all about kiting sparks into the right places as FAST as humanly possible. It was my first time and I took care of kiting all North3 sparks and our mesmer south2 and did so in very good time.
2) Tear thrower pre-shooting. Don’t let your dps drop by having people frozen. Have the lowest (estimated) DPS’er in the group on tear duty constantly throwing tears so they instantly hit petrified targets. This was my duty and worked perfectly into the kiting.
We did not have a “speed dps” group for Simin. She stealthed/healed FOUR TIMES during the encounter; each time we would quickly escort sparks to their places and continue the DPS. Learn the mechanics and get it done. It’s not too hard.
Edit: Might as well add, only me and the elementalist in this group were friends. The others we just picked up through gw2lfg.
DPS race boss is cake for guild groups or people that play together often, with any game. I am sure to some people that read this, you had zero issue with it and do not understand why this thread is here. Frankly, my guild has a weak pulse lol. I’m sure plenty of others are in the same boat. Those people that did not get this done and want to have a place to discuss it. People that have completed either 1. do not ever want to run it again. OR 2. They want to charge you for it.
I’ve done it a lot of times, in pugs, mostly carrying baddies. It’s hardly dps race.
I am also highly interested in this path of this dungeon and would be interested in joining. On NA server and can bring a ranger, ele, or guardian.
Have it finished but if u need help let me know, EU server.
Hope it helps.
Upon completing the DM tittle have to say that the hardest boss encounter is geting a group for COF P3
- Stack tears and I do not mean just a few. Grab as many as you can and place them in the same area. The area you have designated to pull her to.
- Use the 4 and 1 trick – After the first time she goes invisible place 4 sparks then let her get full health take her back down and then place 1 spark as fast as you can this will take her into phase 2.
- Only have two spark runners one for top two sparks and one for bottom 3 both runners will need to have some sort of swiftness utility to make sure you have max duration. Make sure both runners are running the same direction either clockwise or counterclockwise. Everyone else STAY OUT OF THE WAY! The sparks aggro by proximity.
- Spark runners need dump all their attacks on her then get into position to run the sparks again. I believe once you hit phase 2 she will go invisible every 45 to 60 sec.
- My rule of thumb is everyone in your party should have around 2900 attack. Yes it can be done with less but I try not to make it harder than it already is. The Higher your DPS of your group will help you to have to not make as many spark runs. When you have lower DPS it will cause your spark runners to have a very small margin for error.
Hope it helps.
Along with his recommendations, which are well said.
Also use consumables, food (Steak something gives +power + Precision) & the +10% against undead which is a common drop from the dungeon or you can buy from the BLTC.
If you need help, you can mail or pm me in game. I have done this a few times now for friends, all you need is a bit of organization. I recommend having 3 hours of free time before attempting this. Also Teamspeak/Ventrilo will greatly help as well.
Evening all! This afternoon I sent everyone that replied here an in-game mail that has NOT completed this path. I greatly appreciate people that have commented with being able to help and good tips! At this point, I would like to get a general idea of players that are willing to go on Feb 1st or 2nd and what time would be suitable for them. Thank you all you so much for offering your aid! Hopefully sometime this weekend I will have a better idea of players that need the path and can agree on a time. At that point I will see if anyone is willing to help based (if needed/short) on the agreed time the group decides on.
I didn’t get one i still need this path
I didn’t get one
i still need this path
Hey! You are on an EU server. I sent one to everyone that said they were from NA or did not specify. There is one other guy in the thread that posted here from EU. Hopefully more players on EU servers will post here.
What I did; told several people in my friends list about the thread, for them to let others know about it. Perhaps you can try letting others on the EU servers know. That might help you find more players that need this path as well.
Good luck! I hope you find more EU players that need this path.
If you guys from EU server stuck on Dwayna priest PM me in game, i can join your party to kill her and leave after it. Ofc if im not in some dungeon myself. Feel free to PM me on Pospani.
I had to do path 4 twice only because Randall bugged out on the last boss. Thankfully my nice Dungeon Master title is done. If anyone on the US server needs help, add me and I’ll come. I am always doing random things and like little bits of fun.
Dungeon Master here willing to help in EU server.
Tried yesterday p4 (joined after lupicus) and got stuck at Simin.
To me the boss isn’t “hard” (as in prone to wipe the whole group) but annoying.
We made it there with a pug (at the end 2 ele, 1war, 1 rang, 1 necro) and to me it felt that the boss healed too fast and we had a huge lack of dps. The best we did after dropping it to 50% was finishing the sparks at 85% hp or so.
Never noticed if we got to see phase 2, but we wouldn’t be able to handle it anyway.
(EU server, completely free after Thursday if anyone want’s a necro around.)
Tried yesterday p4 (joined after lupicus) and got stuck at Simin.
To me the boss isn’t “hard” (as in prone to wipe the whole group) but annoying.
We made it there with a pug (at the end 2 ele, 1war, 1 rang, 1 necro) and to me it felt that the boss healed too fast and we had a huge lack of dps. The best we did after dropping it to 50% was finishing the sparks at 85% hp or so.
Never noticed if we got to see phase 2, but we wouldn’t be able to handle it anyway.(EU server, completely free after Thursday if anyone want’s a necro around.)
Two people should already be running off to fetch Sparks before Simin even disappears.
I’m a ranger. I would really like to do path 4. I’ve spent over 15 hours in that path to no avail. A lot of times people don’t like to play with a ranger either so that’s another hurdle. There’s a bias that “it must be the ranger’s fault” when a group is failing that makes it really hard for me to have any respect for that path. It’s bugged and unfair and broken.
I’m a ranger. I would really like to do path 4. I’ve spent over 15 hours in that path to no avail. A lot of times people don’t like to play with a ranger either so that’s another hurdle. There’s a bias that “it must be the ranger’s fault” when a group is failing that makes it really hard for me to have any respect for that path. It’s bugged and unfair and broken.
Hello! I sent you an in-game mail asking some more detailed info about time/server/classes.
So far I have had several players contact me about this path. I appreciate everyone that has posted here. I wish everyone luck on working towards your Dungeon Master titles! If anyone has a question or comment feel free to message me in game or post here!
From an NA server, I primarily play a ranger however in this case, for path 4, mainly my warrior.
I’ve fallen short a couple of times with guildies that were happy enough to try and re-run it with me, but when you’re one of the only people left with a melee DPS class in the guild, it makes it all a bit trickier.
So, here I am also, putting my hand up for help and people to finally complete path 4 with.
Good luck to everyone going after Simin.
My biggest tip for you..
Kite in sparks fast people. Get individuals with mobility skills (swiftness, gap closers, blinks, teleports, etc) to handle sparks. As a Guardian with 1400 HealingPower, I did tears and North 3 sparks. Soon as the spark would spawn next to me, I popped swiftness, GS leap to the second spark, weaponswitch and blink to the 3rd with 1h sword skill. This would effectively aggro them all and I was already almost at the plug-in zone.
Practice practice practice… DPS does matter but plugging in sparks quickly makes all the difference.
It was a struggle, but we did it!
Thanks all to those who came with.
It was a struggle, but we did it!
Thanks all to those who came with.
Thank you to everyone that came and stuck with it!
Thank you OBAL for coming and helping with Simin!
It took our group roughly 5 hours.
congrats! unfortunately my group was unable to finish the dungeon after 6 hours.
congrats! unfortunately my group was unable to finish the dungeon after 6 hours.
Hey! Yeah I talked with you in-game. Sorry you guys were unable to finish it :/
If you need help on Simin, I have a glass warrior and I can help run sparks.
Just spent around 4 hours on Simin alone. Original group consisted of Mesmer, Engi, Necro, Ele and Guardian.
After reading quite a few posts saying this is not as much a dps check as it is a coordination check I have to strongly disagree. The same group plays together often and has little difficulty doing all the other content in the game. We work well as a team, with the builds we enjoy playing.
I have two major problems with this encounter. The sparks do not go where they should, even when you are standing where you would think you should be for them to chase you. And the fact that they put a dps check encounter into the game while giving some classes massive incentive to play utility roles is just wrong.
I find it troublesome that our group can get through the entire first half of the dungeon with smart play and find it challenging yet fun, and then get to thig encounter and simply be unable to progress past it. Regardless of how fast the sparks were run. Regardless of a 1/4 placement or all 5 placement we were never able to get her down below 20% life.
It is my opinion that this is one of the poorest encounter designs I have seen to date in an MMO. You design a game that brags about the lack of a need for the classic trinity, yet throw in an encounter that requires one of them to pass it. This would be similar to throwing in an encounter that required 3 of your 5 players be specced for healing, and while there are encounters that require condition removal, ranged, interrupts, reflects, etc. those are all trait/weapon/skill choices and not Gear choices. Simin IS a Gear Choice as well as spec choice encounter IMO.
In all, very disappointed in this encounter design. I simply do not see why the same group of people I have cleared 80% of the games dungeons with cannot get past one boss after 4+ hours of attempts.
I have a Guardian for doing most of the dungeon and a very high damage Engineer for doing Simin. I’m on an NA server. Send me a message if you’re interested.
(edited by GoZero.9708)
I’ve been trying for weeks to find a group for Arah explorable (only have path 1 finished).
Would be more than happy to find people interested, EU server here.
Just spent around 4 hours on Simin alone.
See i just don’t have the time for this. it took us 4 hours just to get to simin. so i dont think ill be running arah for a long time.
Adding my name to this list as well. If I’m not hosting the instance, I’d be running the path with my D/D ele and then switching to my thief during Simin for DPS. Send me a /w, mail, or forum PM.
I’ve been trying for weeks to find a group for Arah explorable (only have path 1 finished).
Would be more than happy to find people interested, EU server here.
I can join you for path 4 eu server far SP
I am currently running a 1h/shield build on my warrior with shouts to remove conditions/heal a little. I have full exotic Power/Tough/Vit gear on with the superior rune of the soldiers slotted. Jormags Breath and Corrupted Bulwark with Longbow in the swap slot. All my accessories are rare mine two being exotic with crests of the soldier in them.
I can take a lot of damage but at the same time I don’t dish it out very well. My warrior is 10/0/20/30/10 build. Just wondering if based off what I have posted here what my chances in Arah are. Paths 1-4 are all that’s needed for Dungeon Master. I keep hearing of people getting kicked for not outputting enough dps and I don’t do near the damage I used to do in my old gear with a greatsword.
Hmm. I am still highly interested in this path of this dungeon and can bring a ranger, ele, or guardian (NA servers).
I am currently running a 1h/shield build on my warrior with shouts to remove conditions/heal a little. I have full exotic Power/Tough/Vit gear on with the superior rune of the soldiers slotted. Jormags Breath and Corrupted Bulwark with Longbow in the swap slot. All my accessories are rare mine two being exotic with crests of the soldier in them.
I can take a lot of damage but at the same time I don’t dish it out very well. My warrior is 10/0/20/30/10 build. Just wondering if based off what I have posted here what my chances in Arah are. Paths 1-4 are all that’s needed for Dungeon Master. I keep hearing of people getting kicked for not outputting enough dps and I don’t do near the damage I used to do in my old gear with a greatsword.
You’ll do fine in paths 1-3.
I am currently running a 1h/shield build on my warrior with shouts to remove conditions/heal a little. I have full exotic Power/Tough/Vit gear on with the superior rune of the soldiers slotted. Jormags Breath and Corrupted Bulwark with Longbow in the swap slot. All my accessories are rare mine two being exotic with crests of the soldier in them.
I can take a lot of damage but at the same time I don’t dish it out very well. My warrior is 10/0/20/30/10 build. Just wondering if based off what I have posted here what my chances in Arah are. Paths 1-4 are all that’s needed for Dungeon Master. I keep hearing of people getting kicked for not outputting enough dps and I don’t do near the damage I used to do in my old gear with a greatsword.
You’ll do fine in paths 1-3.
You think I need to get a set of Power/Precision/Toughness gear? Or Power/Precision/Crit gear and try a new build for path 4? Going to try them out just don’t want to hinder the group if DPS is needed above support roles.
@DaddyBojangles: As you are running a warrior, for the simin fight in particular, the most beneficial thing for you to do is to maximize damage output ( warrior being one of the few classes i don’t have an 80 for, so i can’t say if you should focus personally, or if you can increase group output ).
(The rest is more general advice:)
Also, if you are “skilled” at maneuvering in the game, and end up as one of the designated spark fetchers, speed increases are a really helpful thing to consider in a build.
Insights from my run of this dungeon:
I was running a guardian initially when our group did it, and we got really close multiple times, and my personal policy was to buff the groups damage output, and when simin stealths, I would use my leaps/swiftness to get the sparks in as fast as possible.
I eventually switched to the mesmer (for timewarp) pictured in the far left of above post, and I had to switch up my approach to the dungeon. Initially I was continuing to run the sparks, however, i soon realized I wasn’t fit for the role (mesmer’s don’t really have too many options aside from blink and curtain for speed), so I switched out with someone else in the party. I found mesmer’s to be really good in the role for tear thrower because they can continue to contribute damage output using mantra of pain while always being ready to throw a tear.
Also a small disclaimer: While 4 warriors and a mesmer may or may not be considered the optimal setup for this dungeon, we did this dungeon with a Warrior, a Ranger, an Engineer, an elementalist/warrior(for simin), Guardian/Mesmer(for simin). With the original setup we definitely got very close numerous times, with simin beginning to freak stealth around 10%-30%. So there is definitely flexible room for party composition.
I am actively trying to get a group together for Arah path 4 on NA server. If anyone is interested in making the attempt, or helping those trying to complete it, please let me know!
Hey if you guys need a bit more dps at Simin, I can offer my thief if I’m online and not busy.
And yes I’ve already completed this path…my team comp was warrior, 2 thieves, engie, and mesmer. I kinda want to see just how much easier this fight is post patch haha…
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