Arah rewards and YOU

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


I know, there are a lot of posts like this one but the more we scream about it the more attention we get, right?

I’m pretty new to Arah and ran it only 3 times (2x path 3, 1x path 2) with the same PUG, we are doing very well. Did path 2 only with 1 or 2 wipes I believe 4 of us (not sure, maybe even 5) were first-timers. First time we killed Giganticus by pulling him to the WP and literally corpse-running him, at the end of the fight most of us were naked. Second time we did the same but ended up with most of our gear on after Giganticus hit the ground. Today we pulled him to the WP again but did so much better than before. I died only ~4 times (mostly because I was phase-walked 3 times in a row and/or because AoE circles are actually have a bigger area of effect than it visually appears). But that is not the point.

The point is the amount of tokens you get from running different paths is unbalanced. We do path 3 in under 1.5h and get 60 tokens for that, looks reasonable. Path 3 took us 3-3.5 hours. Yes, we were first-timers but I don’t see any way a group can complete it in 1.5-2 hours. Path 1, as I heard, is even more unrewarding, it is just harder and longer. And finally path 4 with 8 (not sure if I am correct) bosses that will take an average PUG 6+ hours to complete.
So really there is no point running anything but path 3 if you don’t have A LOT of time. And even if you have that much time, I think you won’t be satisfied with the fact that other paths take much more effort to complete while rewarding the same number of tokens.
I see two options here:
1. Reduce the difficulty of trash mobs and/or length of other paths (10/17/12 corrected)
2. Reward more tokens for completing time-consuming paths. For example, path 3 – 60 tokens, path 2 – 90 tokens, path 1 – 120 tokens, path 4 – 160 tokens. And also reduce the time it takes to beat it. The numbers, of course, do not have to be the same but it gives the idea of what I am talking about.

I am a condition necromancer and I really want the Arah light armor set and scepter+dagger with precision, toughness and condition damage (sure, you can buy Khilbron armor set but, uh, well, it’s sort of pricey). I would love to do more than 1 path of Arah a day but it is just too time consuming. I don’t want it to be an easy-mode. I want it to be challenging but possible to beat (and it is). What I definetely don’t want is to stay underground (well, technically Arah is not located underground) 24/7 to get my dungeon set somewhat soon.

(edited by ProAlex.4723)

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Path 3 can be done in under 25 minutes.
Path 1 (jotun) could probably be done in ~40 based on if there’s some good strategy to the ooze boss.
Path 2 can get pretty long yeah.
Path 4 is just ridiculous.

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Can you please post a video of a group clearing path 3 under 25 minutes? I tried searching on Youtube but most of the videos I found were Giganticus fights that are at least 25 minutes long. I would really like to find out how to complete path 3 THAT fast so I can get my armor set sooner (I’m serious). Thanks!

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Joxy.6879


This is the video of us doing path 3 under 25mins

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Ah, Joxy posted it.
Have you guys considered running jotun?
Im sure if there’s some way to consistently deal with the ooze boss it would be a fast run.

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Joxy.6879


I don’t like the gorilla boss :<

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


you can skip him ya know. Unless you guys are adverse to stuff like that. As soon as you defeat lupicus you can just run all the way to the end and kill the stargazer without needing to touch another monster.

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


That is a very interesing video, thank you. It seems that you just skipped all the monsters we fought, need to try that. Though, we need more practice with Giganticus. I’m pretty sure we have a decent success chance of killing him in his chamber (judging by our progress so far and that’s without voice communication), need also try that.
I know it would probably not happen but if you will ever need a guy to run Arah with, I’ll join you with a great pleasure (got vent and mumble, can download whatever VOIP client you are using; EST).

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

I will add a point 3 to the OP post (expecially after that video)

3: Anet, fix ASAP giganticus and adds AI not allowing anymore any speedrun nor wp corpse-runs.

Bring back the glory to this dungeon, put an end on those pug and people even opening threads like this asking a cheaper faster way to get this armor. Please.

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oh Snapalope.1378

Oh Snapalope.1378

Path 4 took me and my friends 4 hours. We are all pretty seasoned GW1 players and were all on voice chat. The word “ridiculous” is an understatement. The last time I ran something that took 4 hours was Foundry in DoA pre-PvE only skills an doing it the old school way.

(edited by Oh Snapalope.1378)

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zogyark.4597


It’s fine as it is, just Lupics resetting needs to be fixed, that can be pretty frustrating, and fix the party leader living messing up the whole dungeon for the rest of the party.

And I’m sure Simin needs some tweaking too, or make the sparks be more reliable.

Necromancer Lupicus Solo –

Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arcades Saboth.5139

Arcades Saboth.5139

How can you have the camera which that distance? Like at 12:02.
Did I miss something in the game options?
The camera troubles me a lot, with that boss is my main reason of dying.

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RoRo.8270


When you fight giganticus you can zoom the camera out further than usual but it does seem like it is zoomed out even more than when I fought him he might be using some mod that allows him to extend the distance?

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeadlyStormZ.2370


Giganticus is being lured to WP really needs to be fixed!
My group can run path3 within 30 minutes, there are people even running faster than us.
So, the boss is fine, Arah is fine, L2P.
If you want that gear, you better pay more efforts to that.

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Joxy.6879


@ Arcades Saboth, the camera should be zoomed out when you fight him. And no, we don’t use any mod.

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Did you actually read my post? No, you did not. It is NOT about Giganticus or difficulty of other fights. It is about the time it takes to complete some paths (like path 4, 2).
I guess I had to made it capsbold:
“I don’t want it to be an easy-mode. I want it to be challenging but possible to beat (and it is). "

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arcades Saboth.5139

Arcades Saboth.5139

I know the camera zoom out a bit but how that far?
That’s the perfect camera, Lupicus is hard mostly for two things
1) Endurance running out
2) The kitten camera
If I could have that camera the first problem is irrelevant, at least for me.
I die too often because I cannot see clearly what is going on around me.
How did he get a camera like that? Is there any option I miss?
I believe you but I never had that zoom while fighting the Lupicus. Do you set something in the options about camera?

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mavaho.1046


If u fight Lupicus in his room instead of pulling him to the wp ur camera auto zooms out that far

We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Joxy.6879


I don’t think my friend changed options. At 12:02 it was probably a camera angle but for the rest of the fight, my camera zoomed out for about the same.

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Thanks again, Joxy. We had some problems running from boss 1 to boss 2, but it is a matter or practice, I think. We killed Giganticus in his room, it went pretty smooth (all things considering). The rest of the path 3 was a piece of cake. Tomorrow going to try to improve our results and probably do 2 paths. I guess, path 1 is the best choice then?

(edited by ProAlex.4723)

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Joxy.6879


Path 2 is the easier one after Path 3.