Are There Gonna Be Anymore Raids?
They started doing testing some months ago. We’ll probably see it at the beginning of next year.
Probably one wing to close legendary collection. Everything else in uncertain.
25 charracters
Confirmed by leg armor collection i guess.
There’s already a new portal in the raid waiting lobby.
But it propably won’t come until quite some time..
No prob, for now the current raid wing is still keeping me busy. I’m still at sabetha
over 20 kills on both gorseval and VGuardian, but none on sabetha, she’s a hard skritt to crack
There’s already a new portal in the raid waiting lobby.
But it propably won’t come until quite some time..
No prob, for now the current raid wing is still keeping me busy. I’m still at sabetha
over 20 kills on both gorseval and VGuardian, but none on sabetha, she’s a hard skritt to crack
I actually always found this fight hypnotizing: long, moving in circle, the colours… I think I killed her twice only (every time someone died so no title for me ) and we moved on to next wing. Try to mix trials on Sloth in between those on Sabetha, it is relaxing to change a bit.
As for OP, yes there will be new raids. It was confirmed. The question is when. It would make sense to release it when the legendary armours will be finished (somewhere early next year) but I still hope for a 2016 release for one wing (we are one month away from Wintersday)… time will say.
There’s already a new portal in the raid waiting lobby.
But it propably won’t come until quite some time..
No prob, for now the current raid wing is still keeping me busy. I’m still at sabetha
over 20 kills on both gorseval and VGuardian, but none on sabetha, she’s a hard skritt to crackI actually always found this fight hypnotizing: long, moving in circle, the colours… I think I killed her twice only (every time someone died
so no title for me ) and we moved on to next wing. Try to mix trials on Sloth in between those on Sabetha, it is relaxing to change a bit.
As for OP, yes there will be new raids. It was confirmed. The question is when. It would make sense to release it when the legendary armours will be finished (somewhere early next year) but I still hope for a 2016 release for one wing (we are one month away from Wintersday)… time will say.
I’m a story junky, so I kinda wanted to do everything in order, but I’ve been stuck on Sabetha for so long, i might as well move on for now..
There’s already a new portal in the raid waiting lobby.
But it propably won’t come until quite some time..
No prob, for now the current raid wing is still keeping me busy. I’m still at sabetha
over 20 kills on both gorseval and VGuardian, but none on sabetha, she’s a hard skritt to crack
Same here….so close to Eternal title, ah well. Sab just does me head in as well, just need to do her more I reckon.
If there are Problem at Sab, can you tell where the Problems are? Also are you EU or NA?
If there are Problem at Sab, can you tell where the Problems are? Also are you EU or NA?
Lol….the problem is me not getting out of her flamewall fast enough and fun things like that (I’m 55 and my reflexes are not like most of you, I tend to use the mouse to much still) and I am on NA server.
NA ok…. I’m on EU..
And yes Reflexes can be a bit wonky if you are older, but keep trying.
Also Using Mouse too much? Are you Skill-Klicking?
NA ok…. I’m on EU..
And yes Reflexes can be a bit wonky if you are older, but keep trying.
Also Using Mouse too much? Are you Skill-Klicking?
trying not to, have a lot of the skills bound to other keys like ~ and such but still tend to move with mouse instead of keyboard. But I be right……just practice!
((Gives Jox whiskey))
to steady your nerves!