Are there only GMs on NA?

Are there only GMs on NA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

In response to the original post: Players confuse those with the ANet dev with GMs. Anyone who works at ANet can have an account and belong to the ANet guild; representing that guild displays the tag. These are otherwise ordinary accounts with no more abilities than any of us would have.

In addition, ANet employs people to moderate player interactions and investigate situations. These GMs have special account names (beginning with “Gm”), have a special color for their chat, and have extra abilities. We don’t know what those abilities are (or at least, ANet has never confirmed any, as far as I know).

There are ANet employees in EU and NA regions and GMs in both, too. Any claims of seeing more (or less) in recent days or weeks should be attributed to small sample sizes and confirmation bias.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

(edited by Illconceived Was Na.9781)

Are there only GMs on NA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Heck SEp1 as well, how many people jump to the right at the begining?

Yeaaaaaaah. No.

But, in her case the popular place to run away gets you out of combat, which is cool, but then it also bugs her to make her stop teleporting…

You get out of combat way before you hit the bone wall.

Things like Brie when you get out of combat, it’s not like I have an option, the boss just stay there and do nothing.

You don’t get out of combat. And the mechanic require you to leave. No problem there.

Originally deleted this (twice) because it felt overly aggressive and accusative.

Spot the difference.

tldr: don’t be lazy. why even give them an excuse?

My bad, honestly I haven’t soloed her nearly as often as many of you (i’ve only done it a handful of times), I didn’t remember getting OOC till right about the bone wall (sometimes before, sometimes after) either way I always thought the entire thing bone wall trick and the out of combat was exploity, but apparently the out of combat thing isn’t. I just wanted to get to Lupi to practice solos

I’m kind of a noob compared to many here, some of the things I listed I haven’t even used but felt they were worth adding to the list of things I’d have questions about. For instance that grub thing… I just recently did Brie without just strait killing her with no break for the first time the other night, I did enjoy taking out those deadeyes without having to dodge… payback!

I’d really love to see the safespot for SE3 and HOTW fixed, because I enjoy those encounters. Though I understand why people do it in SE3, without a solid rotation of projectile defense it’d be a pain, mainly because the cart goes back underground if you kill all the dredge.

And yes, the SE1 thing may seem silly, but I always figured if things like the Flower Skip in TA counted as exploits that technically that did too /shrug.

Are there only GMs on NA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maha.7902


Heck SEp1 as well, how many people jump to the right at the begining?

Yeaaaaaaah. No.

Things like Brie when you get out of combat, it’s not like I have an option, the boss just stay there and do nothing.

You don’t get out of combat. And the mechanic require you to leave. No problem there. (Belka? Why do you expect them to take you serious when you don’t even do it yourself?)

Originally deleted this (twice) because it felt overly aggressive and accusative.

Spot the difference.

tldr: don’t be lazy. why even give them an excuse?

Yes I meant when you move out of the bubble to kill the monsters :P not out of combat. And I stopped glitching Belka a couple weeks ago, not really much harder to kill it legit once you bother trying.

Doing Belka “normally” isn’t really harder, it’s just extremely irritating. That’s why people glitch her.

Losing control of your character is the most annoying thing possible for a player, and Belka knocks you back approximately every 12 seconds. It’s not fun in the slightest.

Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

Are there only GMs on NA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


Belka is the only boss in the path you can’t solo afk without bugging her, I think.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Are there only GMs on NA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Just to add to the Belka discussion, I have never gone out of combat before getting to the bone wall before. In fact many times I’ve had to pause and wait a few seconds before running back in because it takes that long to go ooc.

Whether or not she’s teleporting around doesn’t make it harder or easier either really, just makes it take long… and considering the encounter isn’t the least bit interesting making it go by as quick as possible is ideal.