Artificial Difficulty

Artificial Difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jacorvin.7894


Firstly, I understand some like the dungeons the way they are. I would also like to say I realize the dungeons are not meant to be easy and ran through. What I want to discuss in this post is how the difficulty in the dungeons is not a really a difficulty in the traditional sense, but a a lack of information given to the player.

We all know most monsters have their abilities posted right under their names, I am not talking about that kind of information, I am talking about what the player can see and hear.

If you look at games like WoW, Rift, and Tera you will notice a few things about boss monsters, they are large. What would be normal humans are twice as tall as players of the same race, why is that? Designers do this so you, the player, can see the motions of the monsters and interpret what to do in response. Something like this is really important for an action MMO, much like Tera and Guild Wars 2. There are a few examples of this in the game already, the final boss of both Sorrows Embrace and Crucible of Eternity. These fights allow the players to see the something is about to happen and react to it. But there are a majority of fights that this fails to happen.

In the fight before the final boss of Crucible of Eternity you have an Asura of normal Asura size (I am guessing) who has the ability to one shot you. It is a charge up ability and can easily be avoided. The only problem is you cannot see who he is aiming at with all the spell effects going on. Now, this happens to be a major problem for melee, not so much range with quick fingers, but the point remains, there is a lack of information given to the player (this case being the melee player.) Another issue with combat is the red circles you have on the ground.

The red circles are a great mechanic, in theory. They allow you to tell what effects/spells are hostile (the red ones) or friendly (most of the other ones.) The major problem with these are the tile sets. Most often than not you will fight a monster on a tile set that bleeds over into the effect making the red circle hard, if not impossible to see. I will say, this might not be a problem for everyone, but I am colorblind, so it makes it exceptionally difficult for me to detect these effects.

Okay, now the bosses are bigger, the red circles are clearly visible now the players are walking through these dungeons with ease, that is bad! Not really, the problem with the current system is: punishing a player for lack of information is of bad design, players dying because they failed to dodge a clearly visible effect is good, because that is a issue on their side which can be worked at with practice.

I do not blame the designer for players dying on bosses like the Norns in HoTW, or the Robot boss in Sorrow’s Embrace, these fights are perfectly designed (and dare I say could be tuned up a tad.) They follow the basics of a great fight:
- Clearly visible actions.
- Movement to keep the battle feeling action oriented.
- Punishing a player for making a wrong decision.

Now for a bit of a disclaimer: I realize some of you have zero problem with the current system, you are above the average MMO player and that is good. Having a community like that to give tips and tricks is what keeps a lot of games alive. But, a lot of people are struggling, and that is not good for the community. I am not saying make these games easy mode, I am saying give the player more information so that they can improve themselves.

Artificial Difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

I agree that smaller bosses and foes are so much harder to dodge.

In other dungeons, I have an easier time fighting bosses simply due to their bigger size rather than normal enemies who seem to 2KO me and I wonder “What just happened?”

Artificial Difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ghyst.8671


Maybe they could give us “emote text” like “Has just taken a deep breath!” so you now know the boss is about to breath fire, acid, etc… whatever. As far as I know, this is not in the game yet right? Could be helpful, maybe.

[Cloak] – US Anvil Rock – PvE guild obsessed with clearing EX mode dungeons and WvWvW.

Artificial Difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Apathy.6430


Maybe they could give us “emote text” like “Has just taken a deep breath!” so you now know the boss is about to breath fire, acid, etc… whatever. As far as I know, this is not in the game yet right? Could be helpful, maybe.

And maybe automatically initiate a dodge for you?

Artificial Difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ghyst.8671


Maybe they could give us “emote text” like “Has just taken a deep breath!” so you now know the boss is about to breath fire, acid, etc… whatever. As far as I know, this is not in the game yet right? Could be helpful, maybe.

And maybe automatically initiate a dodge for you?

No, but what I’m getting at is if people are finding it hard to see certain boss animations due to the size of the bosses model, why not have the boss “say something” or “make a noise emote” along with the animation.

[Cloak] – US Anvil Rock – PvE guild obsessed with clearing EX mode dungeons and WvWvW.

Artificial Difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: poot.5487


Maybe they could give us “emote text” like “Has just taken a deep breath!” so you now know the boss is about to breath fire, acid, etc… whatever. As far as I know, this is not in the game yet right? Could be helpful, maybe.

And maybe automatically initiate a dodge for you?

No actually I think the mobs should be literally invisible instead, so only truly pro players can dodge at the right time.


The design intent is clearly to provide the player with information to which she can react. Whenever the mob’s graphics/animations are the only source of that incredibly valuable information, the design intent is being frustrated by smaller models, particle effect spam, and melee-range crowding. The poster to whom you so snarkily replied was suggesting an alternate means of conveying the information that avoids these problem areas.

Instead of being a kitten, try formulating any objection you might have in a more constructive manner. Judging by the attitude you displayed in your reply, I imagine you won’t want me to give you any helpful examples, but would instead prefer to figure out how to do that on your own – possibly while hogtied, gagged, blindfolded and drugged, because otherwise it might be too easy.

Oh well, here’s an example anyway:

“Despite addressing some of the current issues, warning text would significantly reduce the intended level of challenge. It would prompt players to pay attention too explicitly and forcefully, and, since dodging is really the only thing many players and specs can do in response to an “oh, crap” moment, it would de facto tell the players exactly what to do. Meanwhile, players might become frustrated if they dodge too soon because they react too quickly to the text prompt. A windup animation gives players both a warning and a timing challenge simultaneously, whereas text would not unless it became even more explicit and intrusive."

While I don’t necessarily completely agree with that objection, it is both constructive and relevant.

Now you try!

Artificial Difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jacorvin.7894


Maybe they could give us “emote text” like “Has just taken a deep breath!” so you now know the boss is about to breath fire, acid, etc… whatever. As far as I know, this is not in the game yet right? Could be helpful, maybe.

Exactly, that is the kind of design they can add and would fall under my “see or hear” statement. If they are really set on keeping the creatures their remaining size a vocal or textual notification would actually would be a perfect choice.

Artificial Difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Proeliator.8740


I’m pretty sure you can zoom in with the camera if you’re having problems with animations.

Artificial Difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jacorvin.7894


I’m pretty sure you can zoom in with the camera if you’re having problems with animations.

This doesnt help with the situation, all zooming does is minimize your sight on the battlefield and maximize your view of your avatar.