Ascalonian Catacombs - Explore 2nd Option Bugged
just did paths 2 and 3.
I encountered this bug also running this dungeon today. Have run this path many many times before, first time I have seen this bug, only post patch.
First run on path 2 this happened, second attempt was fine so its not 100% broken. Only thing I can think of in our first run that was unusual was losing a player halfway through. Other than that nothing else I saw seemed to cause it. Detha would still follow a character and respond when spoken to, but no matter where you took her she wouldn’t trigger the ghost spawn and defence event.
Just finished path 2 no problem, was everything normal until then?
It’s happened to me as well once on Path 2. Never happened again afterwards though.
This happened to my group tonight as well. I didn’t do anything different from the last time I was in there, but this time Detha just wouldn’t recognize that we’d brought her to the appropriate location to begin building her trap. I submitted an in-game bug report with a screenshot.
Happened to my group TWICE tonight. Note that I have done path 2 over 10 times before this and have never had it bug.
We got to last room, didn’t activate.
Did the dungeon again, again didn’t activate. What a waste of like 40 min.
I’ve had it happen once as well, we tried to get them to talk by purposefully wiping a few times in various spots in the dungeon and nothing worked so we left.
Happened to me right now, is there any way to let detha continue or we have to start again the path 2 every time the run is bugged ?
Ive had this happen a couple times on and off since launch. Whats really crappy is when you leave this path to start another and DR from the first path you chose nerfs your rewards on the 2nd…