Ascended Rings

Ascended Rings

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

Not sure if this is in the right fourm or not, but here it goes. The ascended rings have all kinds of stat distributions which is great. I’m just wondering why they did not include at least one ring that follows the knights gear stats (power, precision, toughness) that many people have crafted already and are wearing. People in this category are forced to switch their entire gear around in order to achieve the same stats or use the rings that provide cond. dmg, precision, and toughness, but cond. dmg is useless to some classes and builds. Any thoughts?

Ascended Rings

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mephane.8496


Similar situation for people like me, wearing Cleric’s gear (Power, Toughness, Healing Power). None of the ascended items that I have seen in screenshots features anything remotely resembling such a stat distribution, the only ascended rings with healing power at all were of the +x on all stats type.

Ascended Rings

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

I’m thinking that the rings that give all stats might be the most worthwhile rings out there simply because they offer the best balance. If you fall into one of our situations you cannot get your desired stat distribution without changing all of your gear’s stats which may be a huge waste with the impending ascended armor to come. I don’t get why ascended armor couldn’t be just an infusion upgrade slot that you needed to add to each piece of gear through mystic forge crafting using the ascension gift and other materials. This would give progression without ruining everyone’s gear, crafting, and still allow for the customization we have with gems, crests, runes, etc. Each time you ascend a piece of gear it would be stronger than the exotic version only by the agony mechanic and a little +5 to one stat.